After effects - Durée boucle loopOut

Bonjour à tous,
J'utilise after effects depuis très peu et je n'arrive pas à trouver de solution à mon problème malgré pas mal de recherches.
J'ai une composition où un personnage (compo 1) est animé (ses jambes bougent) en continue grace à une boucle, composition que j'integre dans une autre composition (compo finale), où je fais faire un mouvement de translation à mon personnage (pour qu'il marche, fort original).
Je voudrais faire faire ce mouvement précis à mon perso : Départ (donc marche, la boucle fonctionne) / Pause (arret de la trajectoire, arret de la boucle, perso immobile) / Redépart (re marche, re boucle).
Mon problème est que pour la pause, je voudrais faire stoper la boucle et que je n'ai aucune idée de comment faire. Je voudrais savoir si il est possible dans ma "compo 1" d'écrire un expression faisant tourner la boucle pendant par exemple 5 secondes, l'arreter, et la refaire fonctionner.
J'espère avoir été clair, et vous remercie d'avance.

Je ne sais pas comment vous boucles sont imbriquées (précomps ?) mais peut-être qu'un remappage temporel résoudrait vos problèmes ?

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    Hola me gustaría saber que memoria ram utiliza como máximo el after effects. Me quiero comprar un mac nuevo y no se si comprarrmelo con 16 gb o con 32gb de ram.

    "El cielo es el límite"
    Quien gestiona la memoria disponibe a las aplicaciones es el Sistema Oparativo, el OSX de Apple es uno de 64 bits (desde Lion, con acceso a más de 64GB (teóricamente mucho más).
    La decisión la debes tomar desde el punto de vista práctico, si crees que en algun momento, tu trabajo sacará partido práctico de tener más memoria, de forma que te ahorre tiempo (y dinero).
    Si al trabajar con After Effects durante la mayoria de tiempo y ocasiones requiere menos de 16GB, el tener 32GB no va a hacer que vaya más rápido, pero si hay tareas o trabajos que podrían beneficiarse, usar más de 16GB, o tienes varias aplicaccione abiertas que consuman esa memoria..., eso si podría justificarse si ofrece una rentabilidad económica.
    Tu debes ser el juez e intentar saber cuanta memoria crees que puedes necesitar, puedes monitorizar tu trabajo, el de otros, ...
    De qué modelo o tipo de maquina Apple estás pensando, lo digo por el precio de la memoria y la posibilidad de poderla instalar, o no, más tarde, o de fabricantes de memoria, no preinstalada por Apple, siempre bastante más cara.

  • After Effect errors with GeForce GTX 860M !!

    Hello everybody,
    I have tried the trial version of After Effect on my brand new laptop MSI GE70-2PE048FR with Nvidia GeForce GTX 860M CUDA v6 - Mobile QuadCore Intel Core i7-4700HQ, 3300 MHz (33 x 100) and Im getting errors while trying to render a test composition using the GPU... First the GPU was not recognized so I modified a file in After Effect diretory and then it get recognized. Even before that, I tried to force the use of the GPU (with checking the special checkbox to force it in the GPU INFO PANEL of After Effect CC) and it was getting the sames errors anyways !
    I have been using and testing MSI factory NVidia drivers v332.35 that are not even available on NVidia web site and I have been teting with NVidia BETA drivers v337.50. Got same results.
    My configuration :
    Thanks for any advice.
    I would like to know if after effect is planning to support this GPU ? When ? Or anyone have any clue resoving these errors ?
    Type de système
    PC ACPI avec processeur x64  (Mobile)
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    Microsoft Windows 8.1
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    Date / Heure
    2014-04-11 / 19:30
    Carte mère
    Type de processeur
    Mobile QuadCore Intel Core i7-4700HQ, 3300 MHz (33 x 100)
    Nom de la carte mère
    MSI MS-1759
    Chipset de la carte mère
    Intel Lynx Point HM87, Intel Haswell
    Mémoire système
    DIMM3: Kingston MSI16D3LS1KBG/8G
    Type de Bios
    AMI (02/21/2014)
    Carte vidéo
    Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600  (2080 Mo)
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    Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600  (2080 Mo)
    Carte vidéo
    Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600  (2080 Mo)
    Accélérateur 3D
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    Chi Mei N173HGE-L11  [17.3" LCD]
    Carte audio
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    Contrôleur IDE
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    Realtek PCIE CardReader
    Contrôleur de stockage
    Contrôleur des espaces de stockage Microsoft
    Disque dur
    HGST HTS721010A9E630  (1000 Go, 7200 RPM, SATA-III)
    Disque dur
    SanDisk SD6SF1M128G  (119 Go)
    Lecteur optique
    État des disques durs SMART
    C: (NTFS)
    SSD 128Go
    D: (NTFS)
    914.0 Go (803.7 Go libre)
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    989 Mo (601 Mo libre)
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    Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
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    Microsoft XPS Document Writer
    Contrôleur USB2
    Intel Lynx Point PCH - USB 2.0 EHCI Host Controller 1 [C-2]
    Contrôleur USB2
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    Contrôleur USB3
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    Périphérique USB
    Carte Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) 4.0 + HS
    Périphérique USB
    Generic USB Hub
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    HD-6000 - Microsoft LifeCam.
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    Périphérique d’entrée USB
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    Périphérique d’entrée USB
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    Adaptateur secteur Microsoft
    Batterie à méthode de contrôle compatible ACPI Microsoft
    Distributeur du Bios
    American Megatrends Inc.
    Version du Bios
    Fabricant du système
    Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.
    Nom du système
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    Version du système
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    Fabricant de la carte mère
    Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.
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    Fabricant du châssis
    Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.
    Version du châssis
    N° de série du châssis
    Identifiant du châssis
    Type du châssis

    Guys, I have exectly the same problem. Please Mr Adoby let us know what is the solution to this problem!!!!

  • Strange error message in after effects

    Hello,  I am experincing an error message that I have not seen befor, not only that but I can not find anything on it when I search google.
    The error reads.
    "after effects error:internal verification failure, sorry! (Node recieved more checkout request than expected"
    I am running cs5 on a wwindows 7 computer. 64bit
    anyone have any thoughs.
    The only thing I have done defferent is I purchased Red Gients Denioser.
    I get the error message durring the render at the location where I have applied the denoiser.

    I struggle a lot with RG's MB.Denoiser too, but I have found few workarounds for this bug:
    1. At first try change "Frame Sample" to other frame (usually first frame of trimmed layer = layer's IN point) - this helps in 90% cases.
    2. Secondly avoid using Denoiser in pre-comps - in many cases this crash rendering. Especially when Continious Rasterizer/Collapse Transformation is used. So try to use Denoiser in topmost comp.
    3. Thirdly - try to use earlier mentioned adjustment layer instead of applying Denoiser directly to layer.
    Good luck!
    And one more TIP: make some tests and try to set "Frame Sample" to frame before layer's IN point (if possible), because first processed frame have much less noise removal than following frames.
    Because I lastly used Denoiser on prerendered edits, so I haven't chance to test this, but I notice that first frame of layer have a lot more niose than subsequent.

  • After Effects Autoscroll - Vertical Animation Preset Issue

    Hi After Effects Community,
    I am hoping someone can assist me with an issue I have been unable to work out when applying the Autoscroll Vertical Animation preset in After Effects CC. I have already spent ages working way through the forums and googling topic but not quite found the answer, so here goes:
    Trying to create scrolling credits for a film I am are editing. Normally, I use the titler in Premiere Pro CC for this and then use the scroll setting. This works to a point but it is very limited in terms of editing/formatting and I have been trying to create a template in After Effects where by you can simply go in and edit the text in the layers and drop the new credit roll into any project.
    Taking advice from a source online (Trish Meyer I think), I created a new comp (1920 x 1080 @ 25fps and 2 mins long) and then created a precomp inside this and created all my text. I adjusted the size of this comp so that all the text layers fit onto it. This made it very long (dimensions of precomp are 1920 x 16000. Other settings matched the main composition). I then went back to my main comp and applied the Autoscroll Vertical Animation preset behaviour effect. I thought this was it as the effect did create a scroll but I found that it didn't start the roll from the beginning of my text, rather half way down, and also only scrolled so far before it stopped scrolling.
    Does anyone have any advice or recommendations as to what I need to do here to create the desired effect? Ideally I need it to roll through the credit text and then slowly stop on last line of credits before fading to black. I notice that the Motion Tile section of the preset effect has numbers that are red (numbers relate to Tile Centre) and assume this links to the expression attached to this effect.
    Do I need to animate the centre of the tile? I saw something online about there being a maximum number of frames the After Effects can render or something like this which is why the animation stops. I must admit I can't believe that this is such a hard thing to learn how to do as I would have thought it is a basic that most film makers would need to do at some point yet it is not well covered online in the form of tutorials etc.
    Anyway, I would be so grateful if anyone is able to help. If it is easier I am willing to upload my AE project file so that people can take a closer look to see in more detail what I have tried to explain here.
    Many thanks,

    One way to create the correct timing is to create 2 keyframes for position that are 1 frame apart. set the y value for the second key frame to be the number of pixels per frame movement that you need (say 2 pixels). then add this expression: loopOut('continue') the movement will not happen until time hits the first keyframe, so timing can be adjusted in a more familiar way, then the code just continues that movement.
    You might add this animation and expression to a null, then parent the credits to the null to make it easy to adjust the credit position separate from the animation. Also, you can split the layer at the point you want it to stop moving and undo the parent for it.

  • Looping effects in After Effects?

    Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to loop an effect in after effects. Let me explain more. I'm creating a scene with changing colors, the best look for me was using
    the Hue/Saturation effect. I would just key frame it and change the color every 5 frames, this gives me a quick color change. The thing is, its tedious to key frame it
    every 5 frames for the entire clip. It would be better if I could some how loop it through the entire clip. I basically want to animate it for about 30 frames and than
    take that animation and loop it for the rest of the clip.
    I hope I explained this well enough, if you want more information let me know, thanks for any help!

    Create two key frames say at 01:00 and 02:00. Now copy the two key frames and paste at 02:01. Now you will have four  key frames with one loop.
    In Effects Control  panel, Alt click on Channle range(if you are animating Master Hue), Click on the small arrow button to open Expression Language. Go to Property and choose
    loopOut(type="cycle", numKeyframes=0): .
    This will create a loop animation of your two key frames.

  • After Effects 5.5 installation problem

    I'm trying to install the trial for CS5.5 Master Collection, and some products install correctly (like Photoshop), but After Effects gives me an error.
    My OS is Windows Vista Home Premium, 64 bits.
    This is the error log that the installation gives me:
    Exit Code: 6
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 11 error(s), 13 warning(s)
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {A189C479-C7CD-4E08-8CCF-D999B68C0C71} Camera Profiles Installer_6.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3} Photoshop Camera Raw has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FD58D99B-9927-4226-8E00-959A4F76BD89} Photoshop Camera Raw_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {A189C479-C7CD-4E08-8CCF-D999B68C0C71} Camera Profiles Installer_6.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3} Photoshop Camera Raw has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FD58D99B-9927-4226-8E00-959A4F76BD89} Photoshop Camera Raw_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    ----------- Payload: {4569AD91-47F4-4D9E-8FC9-717EC32D7AE1} Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64 -----------
    ERROR: Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {844EFBA7-1C24-93B2-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}. HRESULT: 0x80073715.
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Error irrecuperable durante la instalación.
    MSI Error message: Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {844EFBA7-1C24-93B2-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}. HRESULT: 0x80073715.
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {D57FC112-312E-4D70-860F-2DB8FB6858F0} CS5.5 Master Collection -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86_x64: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Support: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Required Common Fonts Installation x64: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Third Party Content Wrapper: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5_AdobeAfterEffects10.5en_USLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86_x64: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    Does someone know what's wrong?
    Thank you.

    WedleTom I would recommend running the Adobe Support Advisor - to review your installation log.  It will automatically review the entire log and attempt to locate a solution for you.
    Alternately if you wish to view review the log file manually the steps listed in Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5 - 
    Please feel free to respond to this thread if you have any questions regarding either method of diagnosing your difficulties.

  • After Effect update problem

    Hi, I have problems updating the last version of After Effect via Creative Cloud.
    It starts the download but after a while it stops.
    I found this window with an error message.
    In italian it says:
    Errori durante l'installazione.(U44M1P7)
    In english should be.
    Errors during installation.(U44M1P7)
    Any ideas?

    See the following help documents:
    U44M1P7 - Updates :
    U44M1P7, U44M2P7 - Creative Cloud Help / Can't apply Extension Manager update 6.0.2 | Mac OS :

  • After Effects want open Mac Book Air 2013

    Hello, After Effects want open in my Mac Book Air 2013, 1,7 Ghz Intel Core i7 - OS X 10.9.2. Anyone can help me please ?

    i've tried to install the trial after effects from original adobe creative cloud, i've also installed the updates up to 12.2 and the program still won't open. I've got OS 10.9.2, 1,7 ghz intel core i7 / 8 gb ram.
    Could you tell me how to proceed in order to install the program properly?
    I would like to emphasize that the program is not starting at all, and I herewith give you the error details:
    After Effects - Avvertenza: Impossibile creare il file /Users/sebi10/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/12.2/Aree di lavoro.xml.
    The message reads: Warning: it's impossible to create the file /Users/sebi10 (my name)/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/12.2/Working areas.xml.
    It also sais:
    After Effects - Impossibile continuare: errore imprevisto durante l'avvio dell'applicazione
    After Effects - Impossible to continue: sudden error during starting of application
    Thank you for your attention.

  • How to loop a composition within a composition in ( not a movie ) After Effects ?

    Dear all,
    I'm on a mac trying to learn after effects.
    I'm trying to make a very simple stopmotion of 30 sec. Writing with a squiggly line 
    I want to learn this because when I do bigger projects I can easily loop things like walking sequences or blinking eyes within a long movie.
    Maybe because I'm used to animating in flash maybe i'm thinking wrong, looping like a movie-clip.
    I've made a jpg sequence by hand of 4 images, because i can control how long each image will last. In my case I choose 1 image = 3 frames. I did this because I don't want it to be hyper active fast. The jpg sequence now lasts about 12 frames, I named it day3. Because it's so short to fill a 30 sec movie I want to loop it for a duration of 30 sec.
    I tried placing my composition day3 within a new composition named nervous with a duration of 30sec. By pressing enable time mapping hoping this would work but it does not.
    I also tried finding the Expression Language menu, because someone said it would help but it's nowhere to be found. I found it odd that my time line in the main composition nervous displayed frames instead of seconds.
    Can someone help me with this?
    Thank you so much

    As Szalam said, pre-compose, time remap, and the use a loopOut() expression.
    Here's the steps in detail.
    First make sure you comp is exactly the right length to make a perfect loop. This means the last frame of the comp must perfectly line up with the first frame of the comp. You can test the loop by doing a RAM preview with the Loop option enabled in the Preview Panel. When your loop is perfect it's time to pre-compose. Make sure you move all attributes to the new comp.
    Now you must change the duration of your original comp to allow time for the loop to run. Now enable time remapping. You'll see two keyframes, one at the start and one at the end. If you move to the end keyframe by pressing the K key you'll see that there is no image. Use the page up key to move back one frame and manually set a new keyframe. Delete the last keyframe now. Pressing the J and K key should now show you the first and last visible frame. Now extent the out point of the pre-comp by going to the last frame of the composition, select the pre-comp layer and then press Alt/Option + ] to set a new out point. Now hold down the Alt/Option key and click on the stopwatch for Time Remapping and type in loopOut() and your'e done. You can also use loopOut("cycle"), cycle is the default, or type in loopOut("pingpong") which will make the comp play frontwards then backwards, then frontwards. There are also some other properties you can include in the brackets but let's not get into that now.
    There you go. EZ as pie once you know what you are doing.

  • After Effects Warning: Unspecified drawing error

    This error pops up durring rendering(which keeps failing at around 6-11 seconds) and when trying to make a new composition. Can anyone help me fix this?

    Have you installed the After Effects CS4 (9.0.3) update? That update fixes a lot of problems.
    What operating system?

  • Que características tiene que tener mi computadora para instalar after effects?

    Ayuden que  caracteristicas debe tener mi computadora para cuando este PROCESANDO un video no se demore demasiado. After Effects CC. Ayudenme. GRACIAS

    Veo que el documento citado en mensaje anterior es muy completo sobre este tema.
    Estas son los requisitos técnicos generales para ejecutar AF CC:
    Por ejemplo para Windows:
    Procesador Intel® Core™2 Duo o AMD Phenom® II; se requiere compatibilidad de 64 bits.
    4 GB de RAM (se recomiendan 8 GB).
    5 GB de espacio disponible en el disco duro; se requiere espacio libre adicional durante la instalación (no se puede instalar en dispositivos de almacenamiento flash extraíbles).
    Espacio libre adicional para la memoria caché de disco (se recomiendan 10 GB).
    Resolución de 1280 x 900.
    Sistema compatible con OpenGL 2.0.
    Opcional: una tarjeta gráfica (de las que se incluyen en la lista siguiente) con al menos 1 GB de VRAM para la aceleración por GPU de la renderización 3D basada en trazado de rayos
    Para que el sistema sea rápido, la respuesta clramente es $$$.
    Un procesador de última generación de i7, o un Xeon, incluso placas para dos procesadores Xeon E5, seguramente 16GB o 32GB de RAM mejoran y mucho, y por supuesto discos rápidos (de 7200-10.000 rpm, o configuraciones RAID, o discos sólidos SSD, aunque estos son bastante caros). también una tarjeta de video muy potente.
    No se si en el foro en ingles de After Effects habra respuestas a este tema.
    Para resumir: La edición de video y el procesamiento con efectos de esas imágenes requieren equipos muy potentes y costosos, dada la complejidad de los cálculos que se efectuan y el gran tamaño de los archivos.
    En tema práctico, de un usuario "medio" cuando los trabajos no sean de nivel pelicula de Hollywood, un orednador potente y posiblemente un portátil tope de gama puedan ser suficientes.
    Si tiens preguntas o consultas sobre el tema más detalladas, no dudes en plantearlas. Gracias.

  • Efectos en After Effects

    No consigo ajustar la duración de los efectos. Cada vez que pongo uno ocupa todo el vídeo y sólo quiero que dure un momento.

    hola, kiero aprender a manejar el after effects kisisrea empezar por los textos, bueno ya aprendí a darle movimientos pero kisiera aprender otros efectos mas avanzados, por favor si alguien puede ayudarme le agrazco mucho. atte Ariel

  • Carte graphique non reconnu par after effect

    Bonjour, j'aimerais connaitre la procédure afin de faire reconnaitre ma carte graphique AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 Mo par After Effect.

    National Instruments Corporate n'a malheureusement pas les ressources nécessaires pour répondre aux questions posées en français. Cependant, ces questions seront redirigées vers le bureau français, National Instruments France.
    S'il vous plait contacter National Instruments France á Support Technique

  • Incident after effect après mise à jour novembre 2013

    <7128><GPUmanager><2>Sniffer result code:3
    Impossible de revenir à une version précédent d'afet effet. Donc, je suis bloqué
    Albert Barbieux

    Merci pour vos réponses.
    Que puis je dire pour vous aider.
    D'abord, dans les deux cas CS6 et CC, c'"st bien au démarrage que le problème survient. Je vois le splash screen, puis le message, puis le splash screen disparait.
    Ma configuration. Windows 7 SP1
    Adobe premiere pro cc et cs6 (temporairement le cs6) derniere version
    adobe after effect cs6 et cc derniere version (12.2)
    Une multitide d'autres produits installé (je ne vais pas les citer tous)
    Actuellement le pilote de ma GEforce 9800 GT est 331.65. Je ne parviens pas à installer la version suivante pour le moment.
    que puis'je encore vous fournir (5 disques durs externes, 3 disques durs internes)
    J'ai aussi vegas pro 12 installé sur ma machine?
    Vous faut-il autre chose.
    Vous me demandez la version d'un pilote, duquel s'agit il. Je vous ai donné le graphique et je ne connais pas d'autre
    Type de processeur
    QuadCore Intel Core i7 920, 2800 MHz (21 x 133)
    Nom de la carte mère
    Asus P6T  (2 PCI, 1 PCI-E x1, 3 PCI-E x16, 6 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394)
    Chipset de la carte mère
    Intel Tylersburg X58, Intel Nehalem
    Albert Barbieux
    j'espère que je procède bien pour le forum
    Je signale quand même que je n'avais pas de problèmes avant la mise à jour d'after effect cc.
    Ce codec qui pose problème, je ne pourrais pas l'enlever. Si oui, comment faire ?
    Était-ce utile?  Oui    Pas   
    Mark as:
    |                       Translate           
            7 publiés depuis
    10 mai 2012  
    11. AlbertBarbieux, 
      16 déc. 2013 08:44    in reply to AlbertBarbieux 
    Salut, je ne sais pas si, maintenant que je suis passé au forum d'adobe, vous recevez encore mes messages.
    Albert Barbieux
    Derniere question, comme cela fontionnait avant la mise à jour, n'y aurait-il pas moyen de revenir à cette version d'after effect. Pour les pilotes de ma carte graphique, j'ai pu le faire, mais jusqu'à présent cela ne change rien.
    Je dois dire aussi que je ne sais plus modifier mes anciens projets qui utilisent after effet, puisqu'il se plante à l'ouverture.
    Bien à vous

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