After Effects version that sketches?

I know this is the Apple site and not Adobe, but I'm sure a lot of Final Cut and  FCE videomakers use After Effects. What version does sketching, as seen in this YouTube video:
Thanks for any help.
Terry D

Hi Thomas Hi Tim
Thank you both
I have an older Power Mac G5 Single Processor 1.8 (Non-Intel). I'm still using After Effects 7, and Photo Shop 7. I'm familiar with both programs, and I'm reasonably satisfied with them. At this point, after researching all the ramifications, I don't think I'm going to upgrade to Leopard just yet. My feeling is, (or so it seems), only big difference between Leopard and Tiger, is Time Machine. Other than that, Tiger is working well for me, and I'm still able to upgrade from Final Cut Studio 1 to 2, (without having to go to Leopard).
Thanx for helping me make a decision.
Web Site;

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    Hi Thomas Hi Tim
    Thank you both
    I have an older Power Mac G5 Single Processor 1.8 (Non-Intel). I'm still using After Effects 7, and Photo Shop 7. I'm familiar with both programs, and I'm reasonably satisfied with them. At this point, after researching all the ramifications, I don't think I'm going to upgrade to Leopard just yet. My feeling is, (or so it seems), only big difference between Leopard and Tiger, is Time Machine. Other than that, Tiger is working well for me, and I'm still able to upgrade from Final Cut Studio 1 to 2, (without having to go to Leopard).
    Thanx for helping me make a decision.
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    I see in your sig that it says that you're still using Mac OS X v10.5.1. Really? Because that would be a problem. After Effects CS6 requires v10.6.8 or higher of Mac OS X.

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    -Mac 10.9.3 workaround
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    Hello Ashish:
    Thank you for your input.
    That link is for After Effects version 12.0.1.  I'm looking to update to version 12.1.
    Since I'm running I tried your link; however, I receive the following message from Adobe Applicatoin Manager:
    This patch is not applicable for you.  Please check for updated from the Help menu in your prodcut to see a list of latest updates available.
    I've also tried the following update:
    Adobe After Effects CC (12.1) update
    This downloads the following file:
    However, when I run this installer, I get the same message:
    This patch is not applicable for you.  Please check for updated from the Help menu in your prodcut to see a list of latest updates available.
    I'm not sure how to proceed to get to the current versions of After Effects, Premiere Pro, Prelude and Speed Grade.
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    Hi ,
    I am afraid you would not be able to use After Effects CC 2014 and CC, as there were not testes on version 10.6.8.
    I have two suggestions to make for you.
    Upgrade your machine to latest hardware and software as per system requirements and try to make the most of it.
    Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
    Mac OS X v10.8 or v10.9
    4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
    5 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive fi le system or on removable flash storage devices)
    Additional disk space for disk cache (10 GB recommended)
    1440 x 900 display
    OpenGL 2.0–capable system
    QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features
    Optional: Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated ray-traced 3D renderer
    Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.*
       2.  You can try to use After Effects version  CS 6 on your machine.
    Download link : Download CS6 products
    Atul Saini

  • Adobe After Effect CC version crashed after import file.

    Adobe After Effect CC version crashed after I import png file. I've tried to reinstall the program again and it still doesn't work.

    1.What exact version of After Effects? Include the minor version number---e.g., After Effects CC (12.2.1) or After Effects CS6 (11.0.4). Do not just say "After Effects with the latest updates" or "After Effects CC"; give the specific version number.
    -Adobe After Effects CC 13.2
    2.Have you installed the recent updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    -Yes, I did.
    3.What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac".
    -Mac OS X Yosemite.
    4.If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    -There is no message when it getting error. It just show the spinning rain bow wheel to make me have to wait forever but nothing happened, so I need to force quit the program.
    5.What were you doing when the problem occurred? What is the exact sequence of steps that you are taking?
    -1.Open the program
    -2.Set the composition setting
    -3.import some file to library.
    -example .png file[normal picture file 37kb]
    -4.drag the file to timeline.
    -5.The program stop working immediately.
    6.Has this ever worked before? If this worked before by doesn't work now, what has changed on your computer in the intervening time?
    -Yes,It was working very well before, then it crashed. I didn’t change or update any thing in my computer.
    7.Tell us about your computer hardware. Include CPU type and number of processor cores, amount of RAM installed, GPU, number and sizes of connected monitors, number of disk drives, and how any external drives are connected.
    -Date/Time:       2014-12-22 10:41:48 -0800 
    OS Version:      10.10.1 (Build 14B25)
    Architecture:    x86_64
    Report Version:  21
    Command:         After Effects
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2014/Adobe After Effects CC Effects
    Version:         13.2 (13.2)
    Parent:          launchd [1]
    PID:             9395
    Event:           hang
    Duration:        2.00s (process was unresponsive for 17 seconds before sampling)
    Steps:           21 (100ms sampling interval)
    Hardware model:  iMac13,2
    Active cpus:     4
    Fan speed:       1204 rpm
    Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically
    Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting
    8.What versions of drivers for your graphics hardware do you have installed (including CUDA driver and driver for display adapter)?
    9.Do you have any third-party I/O hardware (e.g., AJA, Matrox, Blackmagic, MOTU)?
    -No, I don’t have.
    10.What kind(s) of source footage? When telling about your source footage, tell us about the codecs, not just the container types. For example, "H.264 in a .mov container", not just "QuickTime”.
    -H.264 in a .mov container
    11.Do you have QuickTime installed. (You should.) If so, what version? The answer should be specific, such as "QuickTime 7.6.2”.
    -Yes, I do have quicktime version 10.4
    12.What other software are you running?
    -I do have PS,DW,ILL,An,Media Encoder and AE. When I’m using the AE software I don’t have other software running with it.
    13.Do you have any third-party effects or codecs installed?
    -No, I don’t have.
    14.Are you using OpenGL features in After Effects?
    -No, I don’t us it.
    15.Does the problem only happen with your final output, RAM preview, or both?
    -I cannot even use the program.
    16.Are you using Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously multiprocessing?
    -No, I don’t us it.
    17.Are you using the ray-traced 3D renderer?
    -No, I don’t us it.
    18.If the problem is with output, give your exact output settings (both render setting and output module settings). Screenshots help.

  • My current version is Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.3. It's problem is I can't update 13.02 version

    I have a problem with After Effect version update because when I saved my After Effect project file at my Mac laptop, After Effect Verison was 11.0.3. So When I went to Mac desktop in edit suite room in University and tried open my project on the Mac desktop. The message pop out and said this project must be converted from version 11.0.3 (Macintosh 64). The original file will be unchanged.  So Mac desktop have After Effect's version is 13.02 and I can't update my Mac laptop because I can' find After Effect 13.0.2 update file anywhere in the internet.  so Can you help me to solve this problem, please because I will hand in my university assignment next month.

    Until your project is finished, you can ONLY work on it using your laptop.  Don't try to work on it using a different machine.
    Unless you RENT CS6 -- that is, you didn't purchase it, but pay a monthly fee to use it -- you won't have acess to 13.0.2.
    This isn't a simple update -- this is installing a new VERSION of the software, and beginning with version 12, the software is rented.
    So get your project done on your own machine, then worry about whether or not you should incur a monthly expense to have the latest version of AE.  Don't change horses in mid-stream!
    Now, there IS a way to work on both your laptop and that other machine, but it is downright messy!  It also involves having access to AE Creative Cloud (aka Version 12) on that machine -- so until you can confirm that fact, I'm not even going to describe the messy process.
    I stick to my original advice -- keep the project on the laptop unless you enjoy missing deadlines.  Or due dates.

  • After Effects doesn't recognize OpenGL version

    I got the newest Nivida driver installed [331.82] with opengl4.3 driver.
    After Effects shows that I have OpenGL 2.1.2. [See below screenshot...]
    Why is that? Does anyone have similar problem?
    My configuration: Windows 7, AfterEffects CC, 16GB RAM, GeForceGTX 570,

    Really no one knows?
    I searched whole After Effects Manual for "OpenGL" and there is no word about it . On the other hand, I can see in tutorial formance/?go=12437 that there is OpenGL version 3.0 presented inside of AE info screen.

Maybe you are looking for