AIA 11g - Service Constructor

Hi All,
There are two ways to create the ABCSs using the Service Constructor. By logging into the AIA LCW, and by giving the input through a file. Can someone please provide details of the file that can be provided as input to the Service Constructor?

Use this sample input file for a simple Request Fire and Forget use case.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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    Hi All,
    I am trying to create the Provider ABCS impl using the Service Constructor. I have defined the Solution Service Component in the AIA Project Lifecycle Workbench as BAERP Create Purchase Order List Ebiz Provider ABCS. The CreatePurchaseOrderList method of the PurchaseOrderEBS will invoke this ABCS with a list of Purchase Orders.
    To create the Service Contructor, these are the steps that I follow,
    1. Create New Project -> Business Tier -> AIA -> AIA Service Component Project
    2. Service Description: Select the Solution Service Component from the AIA Project Lifecycle Workbench
    3. Service Details: Product Code: Ebiz, Application Name: Ebiz, Application Id: EBIZ_01, Application Short Name: Ebiz, Service Operation: Create, Service Type: Provider ABCS ( Only relevant attributes are given)
    4. Service Object: WSDL: Select PurchaseOrderEBSV1.wsdl from EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary, Operations: CreatePurchaseOrderList
    5. Target Service Details: I am selecting the wsdl of a deployed composite, which inserts a list of Purchase Orders into a database, Operations: Process
    6. I click Finish - The ABCS as well as the BPEL process that gets created is CreatePurchaseOrderEbizProvABCSImpl, where as I was expecting it to be created as CreatePurchaseOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl.
    Did I miss something here, or should I be referring to the ABCS as CreatePurchaseOrderEbizProvABCSImpl?

    Check the Object Name field in Step 4 of Service Constructor. Ensure it is PurchaseOrderList, If it was jus PurchaseOrder you edit and append List to it.
    After Finish, your Prov ABCS will be named as CreatePurchaseOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl.

  • Generating Midway Receive Activity with Service Constructor in AIA 11g

    Hi all,
    We are trying to generate a midway receive activity in ABCS (to handle callback) using service constructor. However when I am using the callback option and selecting a target service it is generating an invoke activity only.However this thing worked with Artifact Generator in AIA 2.5 FP.
    Has anybody achieved this scenario of generating midway receive activity using service constructor?
    Thnks & Rgds,

    Yes. You give it the abstract WSDL and operation for the callback.
    The service constructor merely provides a starting point and not a complete composite. You have to do a lot of ‘finishing’ off yourself.
    I should point out that we are now through our testing phase of our integration. Although midway receives in our ABCS’ do work they greatly increase the maintenance load on the system, the admins and support staff. If I were to re-work this I would have designed the ABCS’ to be transient and I would highly recommend you look at re-working the solution so that wherever possible every single BPEL you create is truly transient and short lived. (Have a look here
    Where we had a requirement for a mid-way receive to send the response back to the correct place I would have instead used two one way integrations and program the target system to hold and re-transmit any data required by the return path.

  • AIA Service Constructor hanging

    I am attempting to use the AIA Service Contructor extension for JDeveloper 11g but any attempt at going through the wizard does not finish. Anyone else seen something similar?

    Which version of SOA you are using?
    Can you please update the Service Constructor on your Jdev with the latest.


    While the creation of requester ABCS using service constructor we need to give the xsd location and all input fields,
    But in the creation of provider ABCS we have an extra field for selecting WSDL file, if we select the wsdl it'll automatically fills in the details for incoming EBM
    Just wondered why creation of requester ABCS doesn't need the wsdl, what is the conflict that doest allow the Requester ABCS to define its incoming ABM directly using wsdl.

    It's because a requestor will be exposed to be called for one or more applications and you need to define an interface for them.
    Provider will invoke a service from some application and will use the existant interface.

  • AIA 3.1 service constructor generates wrong AIAServiceConfigurationP file

    When I use the service constructor to generate a ABCS with CAVS it generates a wrong AIAServiceConfigurationProperties.xml file.
    the AIAServiceConfiguration element is not included / generatad ,
    this has as result that the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file does not contain this entry so the xsl for the ebm header crashes

    Check the Object Name field in Step 4 of Service Constructor. Ensure it is PurchaseOrderList, If it was jus PurchaseOrder you edit and append List to it.
    After Finish, your Prov ABCS will be named as CreatePurchaseOrderListEbizProvABCSImpl.

  • AIA User Extension Functions (AIA 11g)

    Hey together,
    I add the aia.jar in JDeveloper over Tools-->Preferences-->SOA and restart JDev (AIA Installation Guide 11g - Page 37) . After restart I get the following error in Messages-Log of JDev:
    Error: Invalid XSL User Extension Function Config file file:\C:\Oracle\Middleware111120\jdeveloper\lib\aia.jar!\META-INF\ext-soa-xpath-functions-config.xml
    Element not completed: 'function' line 11 column 14
    Have anybody a solution or can I ignore the error?
    Kind regards

    Hello Gerhard,
    I'm pretty sure, that is no a pre-GA version. We test it on different machines and use aia.jar from AIA11g Server and we use AIA Service Constructor Update from Oracle Update Server. Here are an extract from XML-File:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soa-xpath-functions xmlns=""
    <function name="aia:getSystemProperty">
    <return type="string"/>
    <param name="propertyName" type="string"/>
    <param name="needAnException" type="boolean"/>
    <function name="aia:getServiceProperty">
    <return type="string"/>
    <param name="serviceName" type="string"/>
    <param name="propertyName" type="string"/>
    <param name="needAnException" type="boolean"/>

  • How to provide GUID in Annotation (AIA 11g)

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    Thanks in advance.

    I'd suggest you not to manually put any GUID in the composite.xml. When you declare a solution service component for ABCS via the PLW, the GUID is created and flowed to the Service Constructor for the ABCS' implementation. The intent of the GUID is to associate the ABCS implementation artifacts (produced by developers) with the functional-artifacts (produced by functional experts in PLW). It is not a MUST for other purpose.
    In AIA 11gR1, we only provide such a support to ABCS. Canonical artifacts (e.g., EBF, EBS, and etc.) are a roadmap items at this point. Thanks!

  • AIA Demo for AIA 11g

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    I am trying to use GettingStarted_E17359-01.pdf available as a part Article ID 1087345.1, but that is of not of much help. I need to know if it works fine and how to test a SOA setup with OSB and AIA in it.

    You can find all details on the installation of the AIA Demo in the Install Guide (V20870-01). Essentially you only run a single script for deploying the entire demo including DB schema, middleware configuration, J2EE apps, and SOA composites. Read the install guide carefully, in particular make sure to assign enough heap space (2GB) to your managed server ahead of demo deployment.
    Note that the AIA Demo 11gR1 does not leverage OSB at this point. But you can certainly use the demo as a starting point and add OSB services to the flow. E.g. a natural use case for OSB would be to virtualize application endpoints. So you could build a wrapper service for demo application services like the StoreFront service (which is an ADF based web service) and refer to this new wrapper in the AIA code. This is just one example, I am sure you can find many other places where OSB would fit into the picture.
    Another note: you should go for SOA if you intend to use OSB as this release provides the direct binding between SOA and OSB. In the case of running AIA 11g on SOA, don't miss to apply patch 9717829.

  • AIA 11g installation

    Could you explain me the use of oracle service registry in AIA 11g ?
    Is it mandatory ? If not, how OSR is replaced in AIA11g ?
    Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    OSR is no more in use in AIA 11g.
    AIA Foundation pack comes up with two new features for registering the services & AIA components.
    1. Project Lifecycle Workbench(PLW)
    2. Oracle Enterprise Repository.(OER)
    AIA leverages harvesting the services in the above mentioned utilities. Harvesting the services in PLW & OER are done through ant scripts which comes along with Foundation pack.
    I hope this answers your question.

  • AIA 11g Erros with AIAB2BErrorHandlerInterface (1.0)

    We have installed AIA 11g. After the installation, some of the composites on EM are showing as not available or errored out .. e.g. On em, when we click on AIAB2BErrorHandlerInterface (1.0), it says "The composite AIAB2BErrorHandlerInterface (1.0) is not available. This could happen because either the composite has been undeployed or soa-infra has not yet loaded this composite. Unable to register service." .. We tried to redploy, but its erroring out again .. We have the same issue with other installed AIA componsites, i.e., AIAB2BInterface, ReloadProcess, AIASyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess ... the installation log has the following ..
    [deployComposite] setting user/password..., user=weblogic
    [deployComposite] Processing sar=/wdev/apwdev/AIA/Infrastructure/B2B/src/AIAB2BInterfaceApp/AIAB2BInterface/deploy/sca_AIAB2BInterface_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] Adding sar file - /wdev/apwdev/AIA/Infrastructure/B2B/src/AIAB2BInterfaceApp/AIAB2BInterface/deploy/sca_AIAB2BInterface_rev1.0.jar
    [deployComposite] Creating HTTP connection to, port:8010
    [deployComposite] Received HTTP response from the server, response code=200
    [deployComposite] ---->Deploying composite success.
    [echo] AIAServiceConfigurationProperties.xml does not exist in /wdev/apwdev/AIA/Infrastructure/B2B/src/AIAB2BInterfaceApp/AIAB2BInterface
    [echo] oracle.home = /oracle/wdev/apwdev/FMW/Oracle_SOA1/bin/..
    Is the culprint "AIAServiceConfigurationProperties.xml"?

    we edit the setDomainEnv and setSOADomainEnv and change USER_MEM_ARGS to the following entry:
    USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms512m -Xmx2048m -Xss256k -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:GCHeapFreeLimit=20 -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=5"
    We run AIA 11g on a small Linux system with 5,6 GB RAM and one with 12 GB RAM. We have no problems with composites or out of memory exception.
    Best regards from Karlsruhe

  • Create Requester ABCS without Reference using Service Constructor

    we using Service Constructor to create Requester ABCS. We disable the checkbox for CAVS and References, but the WSDL of EBS is as reference in Project and binding didn't bind to oramds. Another point is, that we disable ErrorHandling, but in composite and bpel is an external reference to AIAAsyncErrorHandling.
    Here are some screenshots:
    [Default Target Service Options|]
    [Disable Checkboxes|]
    [Reopen after editing|]
    [Disable Error Handling|]
    Is it a bug in service constructor or did we misunderstanding the checkboxes?

    Bug 9431667 is logged for issue where error handling was unchecked, but it is still being defined.

  • ABCS using Service Constructor

    How important it is to following the general AIA custom extension standards to extend a custom developed ABCS process using the service constructor?
    My understanding is Oracle follows the AIA custom extension standards to keep the out of the box PIP code upgrade/patch free.. When we are developing our own ABCS processes using the service constructor, there is an option to add the extensions to the custom ABCS processes, does this add any value?, my personal feeling is that this is going to increase the complexity of the custom code..
    Please share your experiences...

    We have come to the same conclusion. We will not need to add extension points to ABCS as we would simply redevelop and deploy a new version.
    I also don’t think extension points are required for long running EBF’s as we can deploy multiple versions. The only problem that could occur is if we wanted already running processes to change their behaviour, but as we do not have any long running process as yet we haven’t considered this.
    Not implementing extension points effects how we use the PIPAuditor. All our ABCS’s fail the extension point tests. I think I will need to look into removing these tests from out PIPAuditor.

  • No BSR in AIA 11g?  only OER or OSR?

    Can you please help me understand what will be used as SOA repository in AIA 11g? If you don't have license for OER or OSR, you cannot have SOA repository in AIA 11g?
    Please help.

    AIA heavily leverages SOA to achieve application integration. As such, we introduce large volume of SOA assets, including various types of services (of different architectural significance, such as EBS, EBF, ABCS, and etc.), objects, and etc. The visibility to these assets are achieved via SOA Repository. Here I'd like to make a specific differentiation between 'integration' and 'visibility'. These are two different value propositions / problem spaces achieved via two distinct oracle product lines.
    Out of box, AIA have pre-built integration with Oracle's SOA Repository (OER). It includes
    (1) solution pack: bundle of all pre-built AIA services and objects .For the 11gR1 AIA release (FP-only release), it contains the entire Enterprise Object Library definition
    (2) AIA extended harvester: allow users to harvest their custom-built, AIA-compliant SOA composites and etc.
    (3) Documented best-practices: while users may execute AIA harvester any time one chooses to, there are a number of key lifecycle milestones for which the harvesting shall be run and be conducive to the overall SOA development lifecycle. The AIA Dev. Guide outlines that. Further, AIA development topology and its uses of OER, and etc.
    While AIA provides contents and pre-built integration, the SOA visibility and ensuing benefits are among the main value propositions OER offers. To revamp these benefits, users are to license OER.
    On a different note, content publishing to OSR is achieved via OER in the 11g release.

  • Shell script for running obiee 11g services in linux

    We have a requirement to create a shell script inorder to run OBIEE 11G services in Linux OS. It would be very helpful and greatly appreciated if any pointer(s)/documentation on this is provided.

    we had run the scripts using nohup "nohup ./ &" and reopened putty to run other nodemanager and opmnctl scripts, now everything has started and working fine.
    Thanks all..

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