AIR 3.0 mx:HTML embedded fonts in external swf - silent craziness

The recent upgrade to AIR 3.0 has hosed our application.  We rely heavily on an mx:HTML control to render the UI of our application using javascript and HTML templates.  Everything has been working great in production for months, until Adobe released AIR 3.0 last week.  We use embedded fonts in our application that our defined in an external .swf (loaded at runtime).  The HTML control loads a .css file that references the name of our embedded font "ArialEmbedded" and it all worked great.  But now, with 3.0 it does not respect anything in the external .swf.  We get the default Times New Roman font in all of our content, and the app crashes with reliability (in debug mode and release mode) without any exceptions being thrown.
Using the Windows Debugger, I have been able to track it down to this call consistently - Webkit!cairo_pattern_get_type with an Access Violation erros - c0000005 . 
After some Googling, it seems webkit uses Cairo for the graphics rendering portion of the library, and in this case it is trying to render a specific color.
1) I've tried forcing the moduleLoader on the HTML control to use the moduleLoader of the parent Spark component - to no avail.
2) Did something change with style management and loading external .swf files?
3) Any other help?  At this point, I have no idea where to begin.  When it crashes, usually during the rendering of items in a grid the AIR process will grab about 2GB of RAM all at once and then stop working with the windows process stopped working dialog.
Thanks for any help,

Could you please open a new bug report on this over at Please include sample media, code, project or app to help us reproduce the issue. Finally, once the bug has been added, would you mind posting back with the URL so that others affected can add their votes and comments?
Adobe Flash Runtime team

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    2)Movie with created & checked in linkadge "Export for
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    3)movie with text fields which need embeded fonts to work in
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    for runtime sharing" - content.swf
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    can you give your erroe source code,and then i will give you the success code.
    in the function
    private function onLoadComplete(e:Event):void {}
    ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition("com.scottgmorgan.ExternalMovie") ;
    use like this:
    var EMClass:Class=loader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition("com.scottgmorgan.ExternalMovie") ;
    then you can new a instance :
    var emInstance:Object=new EMClass();
    emInstance.alert("hello word");
    and we also can use other method. so email me  [email protected]

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    Thanks in advance,

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    var fileTxt:String;
    var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var cssLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
    myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("text/tgc.txt"));
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  • Using embeded fonts in loaded swf.

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    [PHP]var embeddedFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
    embeddedFonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
    produces the following:
    [PHP][object CenturyBook],[object MyriadProRegular],[object MyriadProItalic][/PHP]
    which are the three fonts that are embedded in the loading swf, So I assume the LOADED swf has access to these fonts.
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    [PHP]var FontClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("MyriadProRegular") as Class;
    trace("FontClassInstance -> " + FontClass.toString());
    var linkedFont: Font = new FontClass();
    trace("Font name: " + linkedFont.fontName);
    var textFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat(linkedFont.fontName, 14);
    //... The next lines set up the text box and apply the format.  I am sure this is done correctly.
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    [PHP]FontClassInstance -> [class MyriadProRegular]
    Font name: Myriad Pro[/PHP]
    which is exactly what I would expect.  Yet, my text box is still blank.  I have embedText = true on the text box, and have applied a string to the "text" property, so it's nothing silly liek that.
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    You may also want to look at the various embedded font format issues. Many of the Flex 4 components use a newer embedded font fortmat, which is not the same as the one generally used in Flash. So even if ther Flash font gets registered properly, it still may not work with some of the spark components.
    You should be able to create a swf using Flex that contains fonts embedded in either format, which can then be used in the way you describe, though, since Flex 4 suports both font formats.
    Hopefully, someone else will jump in here if I got some of this wrong.

  • Using an Embedded Font in another .swf

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    Longer Description:
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    I have 3 .swf files. The first is called Fonts.swf. This was created in Flash CS5. It contains an embedded font( Franklin Gothic Demi ) with characters a-z, A-Z, numerals, and punctuation, etc. Regular, not bold. The font is exported for actionscript and the class is FranklinGothicDemi.
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    Font.registerFont( FranklinGothicDemi ).
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    private static var EmbeddedFonts:Class;
    var embedFont:EmbeddedFonts = new EmbeddedFonts();
    embedFont.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, function( e:Event ){ traceEmbeddedFonts(); } );
    When traceEmbeddedFonts is called, it verifies that Franklin Gothic Demi is in fact registered.
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    As it turns out, UserInterface.swf is 'embedding' Franklin Gothic Demi, with a character set of a big fat 0 characters. This is taking precedence over the Franklin Gothic Demi font embedded from Fonts.swf. I can side-step this problem by setting mMainTextField to use some other Font while publishing and then using actionscript to change it back to Franklin Gothic Demi when the project is running, but that's not a solution that is friendly to the artists.
    In essence, the question is simple: Why is Flash Embedding and Registering fonts with character sets of size 0, despite the fact that nowhere in UserInterface.swf is there a request to embed fonts, and how do I prevent it from doing so?
    If anyone who sees this has already encountered and solved this problem and shares the solution with me, you will be my favorite person .

    You know, I think its just a bug inside Flash Builder Burrito. When I run my app through the emulator it doesn't display correctly but when I run it on my phone it works as it should.

  • Spark DataGrid Embedded Font Quandary

    01.  In everything that follows, I am talking about the latest [21328] version of the SDK, not that I believe that my problems have anything to do with that release, just so anyone interested and willing to help will know the version.
    02.  My application happens to be rooted in AIR's WindowedApplication, but again, I do not think that has any impact on my problems; I believe the same results would obtain for a Flex Application.
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    04.  I have, for most of the project, embedded the necessary fonts like this:
        [Embed (source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-Caption.otf", fontName="ArnoPro_BI_4",
            unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac")]
        private const ArnoPro_BI_4:Class;
    As I said, that all works just as advertized.  But, that method of embedding carries the somewhat painful burden of slower compilations, so for the last 24 hours I have unseccessfully been trying to replace that with:
    [Embed (source = "../resources/assets/ArnoPro_BI_4.swf", symbol="ArnoPro_BI_4")]
    private const ArnoPro_BI_4:Class;
    where the swf file was produced via fontswf, using this incantation:
    fontswf -4 -u U+0021-U+00ff,U+20ac-U+20ac -b -i -a ArnoPro_BI_4 -o ArnoPro_BI_4.swf C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-Caption.otf
    06.  By all that is holy, the two different means of embedding the font ought to yield the same result, but they do not.  I have debugging code inserted to print out the list of fonts upon initiation of the application, and they are identical.  Both means of embedding do succeed in getting the embedded fonts into the .swf, but the attempt to use the fonts fails using the second approach.
    There is, of course, no change being made to the code in the item renderer which merely uses setStyle() to effect the row-by-row result.  The result in the second case is that the only style of the embedded font that renders is 'regular'.
    07.  I have used the 'keep-generated' facility to look at the code being generated by the mxmlc compiler and can see that different code is emitted, but it does not help me find a fix to the problem.  Both forms of the meta-tag do something; both methods of embedding seem to correctly register themselves with the FontManager, but only the method of embedding which actually performs the transcoding during compilation seems to result in a set of registered fronts which can be found and correctly used to render output based on the runtime setting of the font style.

    Thank for the reply
    I hoped that my posting indicated how the fonts in the the .swf file were constructed.  The "-4", argument to the command-line tool, fontswf, as far as I can tell, is the precise analog to the "embedAsCFF" argument in the [Embed] syntax.  That is what makes it so perplexing.  Given all the external documentation that is available for each tool/methodology, I would have thought that the resultant bytecodes, classes, flags, whatever, would have been identical.  The only difference would be the timing of when the transcoding took place.
    Since it is clearly more efficient to only transcode whatever set of fonts an application needs once, not once per build/test turn-around, I would really like to make the fontswf workflow work.  For those of us outside the beneficial environment of your licensed tools, the kindly-provided alternative to the facilities built into Flash Professional and/or Flash Builder give us the greatest degree of productivity.
    Whoever has access to the source code for Font [I can only see the uninteresting FontAsset in the SDK] can probably determine what difference might result from mxmlc working with this intermediate output, when inline transcoding is 'tagged':
    import mx.core.FontAsset;
    [Embed(fontName="ArnoPro_IT_4", _resolvedSource="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", fontStyle="italic", _line="1189", _pathsep="true", embedAsCFF="true", fontWeight="normal", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac", source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", _column="2", exportSymbol="AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4", _file="G:/FP/AIRZoom/src/", mimeType="application/x-font")]
    public class AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4 extends mx.core.FontAsset
        public function AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4()
    versus this, when swf extraction is 'tagged':
    import mx.core.FontAsset;
    [Embed(fontName="ArnoPro_IT_4", _resolvedSource="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", fontStyle="italic", _line="1191", _pathsep="true", embedAsCFF="true", fontWeight="normal", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac", source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", _column="2", exportSymbol="AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4", _file="G:/FP/AIRZoom/src/", mimeType="application/x-font")]
    public class AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4 extends mx.core.FontAsset
        public function AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4()
    The only difference is that value for '_line' which probably only indicates that one of the two processes has a comment or empty line somewhere.

  • Using embedded fonts

    I've embedded font into an SWF in the following manner:
    package resources.fonts
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class _Arial extends Sprite
    public static var _Arial:Class;
    Now when I try to load it in my AIR app, I get "IFlexAsset
    could not be found" error when the file gets loaded. Any

    @Flex, thanks. I have tried, and succeeded in making swf containers for fonts in various ways including using the fontswf app but they never seem to be used after I have loaded them in the main application. I have asked a couple of questions here: There doesn't seem to be any error message, the font just 'silently' isn't used. Do you think that it just isn't possible? The documentation I've been able to dig up all seems to indicate that it should be; including the sentence I quote above.

  • How to have rotated axis labels in charts without embedding fonts?

    Hi all,
         I am trying to have slant/rotated axis labels in flex charts to avoid clutter in cases of large number of sample points. It was fairly easy to do this using 'labelRotation' method in AxisRenderer but this involved embedding fonts [ causes my swf to increase in size by atleast a 100KB which in my case is very high ]. My question is.. Can this be done without embedding the fonts? Maybe with the use of labelRenderer? Any alternatives that would solve the purpose without increase in swf size are also most appreciated as I ve been struggling with this for quiet a while.
    Thanks a ton,

    Please check LabVIEW\Examples\picture\demos.llb\polar plot
    But it has no zooming and cursors.
    Maybe you can modify that example and use XY plot instead of picture control. I mean for each function plot on the picture, you generate another function to replace it and generate XY data pairs.

  • Embedded fonts not showing?

    I've embedded fonts in my swf for users. On my computer, which contains the font, it works locally and online as it shoud. However, on user's computers without the font it defaults to the device font, why? Isn't the font supposed to be embedded in the file? Thanks...

    Using this global custom style
    package com.rg.Misc{
    // import classes
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer;
    import fl.controls.ComboBox;
    import fl.managers.StyleManager;
    import fl.controls.TextInput;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    // initialize class
    public class ComboCustomStyle extends Sprite{
      // formats
      private var upFormat:TextFormat;
      private var overFormat:TextFormat;
      // main constructor
      public function ComboCustomStyle() {
       upFormat = new TextFormat();
       upFormat.font = new DoctorSoos().fontName;
       upFormat.color = 0x666666;
       upFormat.size = 16;
       upFormat.letterSpacing = .5;
       overFormat = new TextFormat();
       overFormat.font = new DoctorSoos().fontName;
       overFormat.color = 0x666666;
       overFormat.size = 16;
       overFormat.letterSpacing = .5;
       StyleManager.setComponentStyle(CellRenderer,"textFormat",StyleManager.getStyle("overForma t"));

  • AS3: How to access and control embedded sounds in an external swf?

    I rarely use sounds in AS3/Flash. I am using Flash Pro CS6, but I can't seem to figure out how to access, control (play, stop, etc) sounds embedded in an external SWF loaded into the main SWF.
    It's easy to control them when embedded on the main swf. However, on an externally loaded SWR, I get all kinds of errors. For this app, I really need to embed them in the external SWF.
    I read several solutions, but none seem to work.
    I embed the sound an mp3 file called soundSegment1.mp3 using Flash CS6 import tool and then open the actionscript properties panel on flash to select the class name: SoundSegment1. Then I edit the class code and create a file called and it's saved right next to my document class in the same directory. The code of the SoundSegment1 class looks like this:
    package  {
        public class SoundSegment1 extends Sound
            public function SoundSegment1 ()
                // no code in here
            public function playSound()
                var soundSegment1:Sound = new SoundSegment1();
                var channel:SoundChannel =;
    Then, in my, I have done several attempts to play this sound such as:
    var fileLocation:URLRequest = new URLRequest(SWFToLoad); loader.load(fileLocation); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressListener); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeListener); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initListener); 
    function initListener(e:Event):void // I also placed this code on the completeListener and it didn't work {      loader.content.soundSegment1.playSound(); // doesn't work.  }
    I get:
    Line XXX 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method playSound through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.
    or, I also read that I should be able to do something like this anywhere in the file:
    var theClass:Class = Class(loader.content.getDefinitionByName("SoundSegment1")); var theSound:theClass = new theClass();  //doesn't work either.
    I also tried on the completeListener:
    var TheClass:Class ="SoundSegment1") as Class; var theSound:TheClass = new TheClass();  //doesn't work either.
    I get:
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable SoundSegment1 is not defined. at flash.system::ApplicationDomain/getDefinition()
    I am stuck and I really need to get this to work. I would be genuinely grateful for your help.
    Thank you in advance for any help provided. I really need to get it to work, because I can't simply embed them in the main SWF or load them individually externally one by one.
    Thanks again!

    I think your code may be over my head though. I think you are using an anonymous function which is not something I am familiar with (but I want to learn about if it's useful).
    I also don't know where the classS came from. I see that it's a parameter sent along with the event, but I don't really see where that came from.
    Someone at: swf&p=2658098#post2658098
    Is showing what seems to be an easier solution, but my problem there is I can't access the source file of the "child" swf....  ayayay.....
    I am going to tinker with your solution and see if it gets me anywhere. Thanks so much for your help again.

  • External Swf on Android Air and IOS Air

    Can android AIR and IOS AIR app download and play external SWF with code inside?
    I have created android AIR app(SDK version 4.0) which load external swf with simple movie clip on the scene.
    var loader:Loader=new Loader();
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
    loader.load(new URLRequest("2.swf"));
    function onLoaded(e:Event):void
    I have installed this android AIR app on device but i do not see external swf on the scene.
    Thanks in advance

    So for ios as3 code must be like this one.?
    var _urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("2.swf");
    var _loader:Loader = new Loader();
    var _lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
    _loader.load(_urlRequest, _lc);
    One more question: How exactly  i can add the external swf to the included files?
    Can you give link with information or some sample? Also, does it work on Android Air?
    If you have sample for ios Air or for Andoid Air i will be very appreciative.
    Sorry for my english.

  • Embedding fonts in Air

    I know that the release notes say specifically "Currently, using an external font in a style sheet, via the @font-face declaration is not supported", but I am totally confused as to what this actually means. Is there any way to build an HTML Air application that uses custom fonts without using @font-face?  What really surprises me is that adl has no problem with embedding fonts via @font-face; but the compiled application simply can't. I have gotten Cufon to work in my application, but it really slows things down and I'm hoping that there is some other way to do this.

    Very true...  rendering TFs to bitmaps is faster than rendering TFs directly, even with cacheAsBitmap enabled on the text fields. 
    However, cacheAsBitmap helps prevent memory overruns in some cases, as there are hooks in Flash to garbage collect cached bitmaps early, when they are no longer needed (I believe: even setting visible to false on a TF with CAB will cause the bitmap to be garbage collected -- someone might correct me on that).
    This more "active" garbage collection can make the difference sometimes, in GPU mode especially, if you are scolling lots of text fields.  In one of my apps, scrolling many bitmaps (rendered TFs) would eventually cause a crash (memory overrun), while scrolling the TFs with CAB enabled was fine.  I also had code to set visible to false on objects whose bounds were no longer within the visible stage area.
    Note:  in the code above, unless "snapshot" or a container thereof is scaled, there is no need to use cacheAsBitmap on a Bitmap (you'd be using twice as much memory for nothing).

  • Embedding Font in FB 4.7 AIR 3.9

    Is there a different way to embed fonts with Air 3.9 or FB 4.7? I've recently upgrading and I am experience tempremental results with embedding fonts.
    With FB 4.6 and Air 3.7 the following works fine -
    [Embed(source="/assets/fonts/SEGOEUIL.TTF", fontName="Segoe UI Light", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype")]
                        public static var EverydayFont:Class;
                                            var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                                            var mainFont:Font = new EverydayFont();
                                            textFormat.font = mainFont.fontName;
                                  var textfield:TextField = new TextField();
                                  textfield.mouseEnabled = false;
                                  textfield.selectable = false;
      textfield.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
                                  textfield.multiline = false;
                                  textfield.border = true;
                                  textfield.embedFonts = embedFont;
                                  textfield.width = width;
      textfield.antiAliasType = antiAliasStyle;
                                  textfield.htmlText = label;
    However now with the latest versions the text box is just blank..??

    Ok, I'm gonna give you the code that worked for me when I was working on a project back than, cause I also had a simillar, if not the same (can't remember), problem.
    So here it goes:
    [Embed(source="SuchFont.ttf", fontName="SuchFont", mimeType="application/x-font", embedAsCFF="true")]
    public static var SuchFont:Class;
    var font:Font = new SuchFont;
    var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(font.fontName, 20, 0xFFFFFF, true, null, null, null, null, TextAlign.LEFT);
    awesomeText = new TextField;
    awesomeText.defaultTextFormat = format;
    awesomeText.embedFonts = true;
    awesomeText.width = 158;
    awesomeText.height = 56;
    awesomeText.x = 106;
    awesomeText.y = 420;
    I think the trick is using embedAsCFF="true", but the issue here could be that you're using htmlText, have you tried with text?

  • Embedded Fonts and HTML Text

    I am attempting to use a non-standard font in an HTML dynamic textbox using the <font> tag.  I have embedded this font using the textbox properties box and the fonts appear in the library.  According to previous posts to this form, that should do it.  But, my fonts are not appearing correctly.  Any advice?

    I have given up messing with stylesheets, trying display:
    block, inline, different ways of formatting the XML, messing with
    XML.ignoreWhiteSpace, and XML.prettyPrinting etc.
    I went down the route of encodeURI, using a RegExp to strip
    out all tabs, linefeeds and carriage returns. This now gives
    consistent results for all situations, even embedded and none
    embedded fonts.
    _text:String = TEXT FROM XML, HTML TEXT etc
    var st:String = encodeURI(_text);
    var pattern:RegExp = /(%09)+|(%0A)+|(%0D)+/g;
    st = st.replace(pattern, "");
    st = decodeURI(st);
    YOUTEXTFIELD.htmlText = st;
    The <p> tags still behave as a <br/> tag, but you
    can add an extra <br/> to simulate a paragraph.
    Here is the example again with the updates,
    Hope this helps someone

  • Apply html tag to embedded fonts

    i have a textfield, i embedded fonts and assigned htmlText, i.e.
    txt.embedFonts = true;
    txt.htmlText      = '<b>my text </b>';
    but it doesnt aplly html tags because of embedFonts... i tried to make style using css but didnt work....
    is there any way to accomplish this?

    I dont know it its possible in this way. I would load a text file with the html and another with the style as described here  :

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