AIR html development

Hi all ,
I am developing air application using html+javascript.
I have main html page in which their is  link btn which open second html page.
can you please let me know how to achive this code functionality.
really looking for the you reply

hi ,
I am developing AIr application using  dreamwaever. we have crated
native window .
For the home page  their are different links which will open the
different html files in same window hiding the home page. how should i
hide and show different html files in main native window.

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    [email protected]

    Originally posted by:
    But can you please explain me when do I exactly use Flex Or
    HTML+JS Or Flash.
    This question gets asked about once a week. You
    can find my latest answer
    and a little searching will dig up more opinions.
    Can AIR applications(developed using HTML+Js) invoke a web
    service running on a different server
    An AIR application isn't hosted on a server, so all web
    servers are "foreign" to your AIR application. An AIR app does get
    downloaded from a server, most of the time, but it doesn't maintain
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    connectivity of USB drive
    AIR does not allow low-level system access, and has very
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    I can display it on the same HTML page where user entered his
    That question isn't on-topic here. Ask on a forum dealing
    with JSP servlets.

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    The yield and generator functionality is only available in
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    null and removelisteners for everything when your done with them Timur,
    Thats what I do and it works. But its still a pain stuff still mangers to get throught the net and takes me an age to track it down.
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            <br />
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    In Visual Basic, you can set Network Credentials like this (assuming that you first declare Public CallWebService001 As New <WebReference>):
            ' Create a new instance of CredentialCache.
            Dim mycredentialCache As Net.CredentialCache = New Net.CredentialCache()
            ' Create a new instance of NetworkCredential using the client
            ' credentials.
            Dim credentials As Net.NetworkCredential = New Net.NetworkCredential(<username>, <password>)
            ' Add the NetworkCredential to the CredentialCache.
            mycredentialCache.Add(New Uri(CallWebService001.Url), "Basic", credentials)
            ' Add the CredentialCache to the proxy class credentials.
            CallWebService001.Credentials = mycredentialCache

  • Adobe AIR HTML component ignores Google Maps GPolyline opacity

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    as it should. In AIR, the polylines are opaque; the GPolyline
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    Has anyone else encountered this issue or have some
    The web site:
    The AIR code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" height="800" width="800">
    <mx:HTML id="html"

    You might also want to check out the useCache property to see if this helps.  See these links: tml

  • Adobe air html/js - application act like a browser.

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    Is it possible ?
    I tried opening in iframe it works , but I cannot add my own  JavaScript to the page (is there any way in air to remove cross domain  strictness?).
    Note: Please don't suggest that I fetch the html content of the page  and add it to the app body.  My app should really act as browser. (Adobe  air is webkit based so I think it can be achieved)

    Thank you for reporting this. The internal bug number for the issue is #2740755. The issue is currently under review and will be investigated by one of AIR team members.

  • AS3 Workers in Air HTML Environment?

    Hi there,
    I've begun to look into the practicality of running AS3 workers in my JavaScript based desktop AIR project.  While I have not successfully nailed down a working implementation, it would seem that this is possible. 
    However, am I right to assume that I would not be able to leverage the WebKit HTML environment from within a worker?
    Lastly, is anyone actually using AS3 workers within a AIR HTML environment?  It seems to be an entirely unspoken feature within this context.  It it not documented because this is just not possible?

    I've been doing some work trying to get an AS3 worker running from the webkit enviroment and am having a really strange problem.  As soon as I start the worker, the worker starts chewing through all available CPU.  No messages are being passed, it has just been started.
    Here is an example of the worker:
    package DDX
         import flash.system.MessageChannel;
         import flash.system.Worker;
         public class Worker
              private var mainToBack:MessageChannel;
              private var backToMain:MessageChannel;
              public function Worker()
                   var current:flash.system.Worker = flash.system.Worker.current;
                   mainToBack = current.getSharedProperty("mainToBack");
                   backToMain = current.getSharedProperty("backToMain");
                   mainToBack.addEventListener(Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, onMainToBack);
              private function onMainToBack(event:Event):void
                   if (mainToBack.messageAvailable) {
                        var msg:* = mainToBack.receive();
                        if (msg == "SOLVE") {
    And here is how I set it up in JavaScript:
    var workerLoader = new air.URLLoader(),
    workerLoader.dataFormat = air.URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
    workerLoader.addEventListener(air.Event.COMPLETE, function(event) {
        workerBytes =;
        bgWorker = air.WorkerDomain.current.createWorker(workerBytes);
        mainToBack = air.Worker.current.createMessageChannel(bgWorker);
        backToMain  = bgWorker.createMessageChannel(air.Worker.current);
        backToMain.addEventListener(air.Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, function() {
            if (backToMain.messageAvailable) {
                var msg = backToMain.receive();
                console.log('RECEIVED ' + msg);
        }, false, 0, true);
        bgWorker.setSharedProperty("backToMain", backToMain);
        bgWorker.setSharedProperty("mainToBack", mainToBack);
        // listen for worker state changes to know when the worker is running
        bgWorker.addEventListener(air.Event.WORKER_STATE, function(e) {console.trace(e)});
    workerLoader.load(new air.URLRequest("assets/flash/DDXWorker2.swf"));
    As soon as I start the worker, CPU starts being eaten up entierly:
    No messages being sent via the channel, just the worker started.
    Any ideas?

  • Is there a way to download inside AIR HTML?

    Is there any way to download files from the webpage running inside AIR HTML component? i.e. mail attachment etc.?

    I'm already overriding loaded HTML page's links etc. but yes its true to determine which link is for download or to open just a web page.
    StageWebView!! I was in impression for a long time, this made for mobile! After you saying so, at I can see this also for all desktop operating systems too! Great!
    Though our existing ol' HTML component is already coded/modified heavily through the application, I don't know how far we can replace them with new StageWebView.. but you simply given me an option. Thanks!
    I'll see a simple demo how enable it is downloading files in an AIR application, shortly.

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