Airplay drop out

Since upgrading to the ios8 platform, I have noticed that items that I play from my ipad through Lovefilm on my appletv stop communicating after about twenty minutes and I have to restart, can anyone help?

I have done four things with my B&W Zepplin Air.
1) It came in March 2013 with and old firmware after upgrading the firmware to v.2.00.24 it runs almost smoothly but also with Airplay dropouts now and then.
2) Changing my wireless router to a free channel (without traffic from other wireless routers, using inSSIDer)
3) Seeting my router to 20Mhz bandwith in the 2,4Ghz band (were the Zeppelin works).
4) Further i set my routers SSID to be visible.
Now the problem seems to be gone. 

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    speedyturtle wrote:
    Seems I'm not the only one experiencing this most frustrating problem.
    People do generally come here for help, so yes, there are others here having issues.
    AirPlay issues are network issues, troubleshoot the network.  Power cycling the ATV and router are good places to start.

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    I think you're correct that Airplay doesn't buffer ahead, if it does it's a tiny amount, whereas the whole song can buffer when you pull/play direct on AppleTV.
    If you think about it too because you're applying effects in iTunes, crossfades etc these have to be processed not just played and I think itunes does this in real time rather than processing ahead of time in case you say adjust eq settings/volume etc.  Also, the Airport/Airplay devices playing 'live' effectively allows multiroom playback with a degree of synchronisation.
    The cutting out is to me a sign that data is not getting across the network as robustly now for some reason - I used to have terrible problems with cutting out streaming to an older Airport Express over wi-fi due to interefrence locally from microwaves, cordless landline phones etc.  Of course something may have changed given all the software updates but you'd expect the stuttering in iTunes if it was a processing bug.  If many others see the same could still be software related,but unless that's the case I'd say it's almost certainly the network.  ANyrthing changed? New competing networks from neighbours?

  • HT204291 Streaming ok via AirPlay to Apple TV for about 10 mins then airplay drops out

    Any help would be appreciated

    Fix the Wi-Fi issue.. either move the ATV and router closer to one another, remove other devices causing interference, or connect the ATV via an Ethernet cable.

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    I'm experiencing the same problem. I recently got the latest gen Apple TV. I couldn't believe the instability of the Remote app's connection to the Apple TV.
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    Add me to the list of infuriated fanboys. This is exactly the same problem that AirTunes had and I've made dozens of attempts over the past five years to resolve this issue.
    I was was so excited when I discovered that I could use AirPlay, and send the music directly from my iPhone. Having already had such a good experience with watching movies, I thought the days of anger and frustration over what should be a simple fix were over... But alas, we are forced to continue to suffer with this problem.
    What I cannot understand, is how a 90 minute movie with 5 channel surround sound can play almost flawlessly, but I can't listen to a song with out having it drop out with random interruptions.
    My MacBook Pro, iPhone, Airport Extreme, and AppleTV are all within a eight foot radius of each other, and all within direct line of sight. Absolutely should not be a problem.
    Really Steve, you need to get this fixed.

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    I'm having a similar problem.
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    Macbook Pro Mid 2012 // i7 2.9ghz // 8GB

  • AirTunes audio keeps dropping out.

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    Has anyone ran into this problem and no of a solution?

    *Here's what worked for me.*
    (sorry this is a double post here and in another topic).
    In a nutshell : I *did a factory reset of my Airport Express base station* (saved and restored the Express's profiles) *and everything went back to normal.*
    I had a perfectly working setup for about a year and a half (Airport Extreme-monoband as a router with a 5 Ghz only 802.11n network, plus a 802.11n Airport Express in bridge mode, connected to the Extreme via an Ethernet cable, and creating a 2.4Ghz 802.11n/g/b network).
    The Extreme/5Ghz network is the fastest. My Macs, iPad and AppleTv are wirelessly (except for the Mac mini which is wired to it) connected to this Extreme/5Ghz network.
    My iPhone 4 and iPod (latest) cannot connect to the 5Ghz network and connect to the Airport Express/2.4Ghz slower network.
    Everything worked very well, including Airplay in all directions, including video from iTunes, iPad, iPhone or iPod touch to my Apple TV, and audio to my sterero system plugged to the Airport Express.
    Until 1 week ago : Everything from the iPod touch or iPhone started to fail : video to Apple TV rarely worked, and audio through Airport Express had a lot of drops out.
    Internet access speed from the iPod and iPhone was very slow, as confirmed by internet speed testing apps.
    Everything going through the Extreme/5Ghz network continued to work flawlessly, including video to Apple TV and audio to Airport Express.
    If I connected the Macs or iPad through the Express/2.4Ghz network, problems appeared there too.
    Connecting them to the Extreme/5Ghz network had the problems disappeared.
    After reading some posts in another discussion, I factory reset the Airport Express using the Aiport Utility (actually first export profiles; then factory reset, then reimport profiles).
    Everything is smooth as silk now.
    It it starts failing again, I will just factory reset the Airport Express.
    Let's just hope that Apple a firmware fix in a not too distant future ...
    Hope this helps,

  • AE and Computer- Audio dropping out and stuttering issues

    Hi all,
    I recently bought an Airport Express 2 weeks ago. I hooked the unit up in my bedroom via ethernet(roaming) method.  I use Airplay and turn on Computer and Airport Express to play both in my living room and my bedroom at the same time. Problem is I'm noticing my iTunes in my living room exhibits some stuttering during songs or the audio will start to drop out intermittently and sometimes shuts off completely but the Airport Express is still playing in my bedroom without issue. I've tried turing off the wireless but it doesn't do anything. When I turn off AE in Airplay and just play using the Computer it works fine. I'm not sure what can be causing the interference but it seems its between my computer and AE when they are both turned on.  I would appreciate any suggestions forum members have to help me resolve this issue. I have the 2nd generation AE.  Thanks a lot.

    Hi Macthemini,
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. It sounds like you are experiencing issues with AirPlay between iTunes on a Mac mini and your AirPort Express. The following resource outlines troubleshooting issues for AirPlay performance:
    iTunes: Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring - Apple Support
    Troubleshooting performance issues
    Wi-Fi Connection
    If you are experiencing intermittent playback or significant network lag with AirPlay, it could be due to a weak Wi-Fi connection, interference, or the distance between the Wi-Fi router and your AirPlay-enabled device.
    Ensure that other devices aren't trying to stream to the same Apple TV at the same time.
    Ensure that your Wi-Fi router is set up with the recommended settings for the best performance.
    Certain external devices, such as microwave ovens and baby monitors, may interfere with a Wi-Fi network. Try moving or disabling these devices.
    If your wireless and wired networks are the same, try connecting your Apple TV to the router via Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi.
    Use the Wi-Fi network troubleshooting guide to resolve interference and other issues.
    - Matt M.

  • Apple TV and Drop Outs, Connection Issues

    I use AppleTV to mirror my ipad 2. it's great. Love it Then I'll try it again and it may work but often the icon disappears. I then clear the password then re-enter it and that will bring it back or if that doesn't work I may have to shut down my ipad 2 at least once.
    This happens almost every second or third time I try to use it.
    I currently have an iphone 4s, ipad2, ipod touch and as someone has said before, this is the first time I've been deeply disappointed in an Apple product. I expect glitches every now and then but this continual drop out and connection issues I have is beyond the joke.
    Does anyone have any solutions. Yes I have done all the updates, yes I am on the same network, yes airplay is turned on, yes home sharing is enabled.
    As you can see I am peeved!

    I too am having the same problem. I have a MB Pro running OS X 10.9.4 cannot see AirPlay option. Any solutions out there? Tried AirParrot but it is spotty at best.

  • AirTunes audio keep dropping out from my AE streaming...

    I am using 3AE's for streaming audio from iTunes wirelessly. Been working fine but started dropping audio out intermittently. When it happens, the airtunes control shows no names for thoes AE's dropped out... but I see placeholders. Sometimes never come back and have to restart my iTunes... It's super annoying this happening to me. Is there anyting I can do to address this issue? Anyone?

    *Here's what worked for me.*
    (sorry this is a double post here and in another topic).
    In a nutshell : I *did a factory reset of my Airport Express base station* (saved and restored the Express's profiles) *and everything went back to normal.*
    I had a perfectly working setup for about a year and a half (Airport Extreme-monoband as a router with a 5 Ghz only 802.11n network, plus a 802.11n Airport Express in bridge mode, connected to the Extreme via an Ethernet cable, and creating a 2.4Ghz 802.11n/g/b network).
    The Extreme/5Ghz network is the fastest. My Macs, iPad and AppleTv are wirelessly (except for the Mac mini which is wired to it) connected to this Extreme/5Ghz network.
    My iPhone 4 and iPod (latest) cannot connect to the 5Ghz network and connect to the Airport Express/2.4Ghz slower network.
    Everything worked very well, including Airplay in all directions, including video from iTunes, iPad, iPhone or iPod touch to my Apple TV, and audio to my sterero system plugged to the Airport Express.
    Until 1 week ago : Everything from the iPod touch or iPhone started to fail : video to Apple TV rarely worked, and audio through Airport Express had a lot of drops out.
    Internet access speed from the iPod and iPhone was very slow, as confirmed by internet speed testing apps.
    Everything going through the Extreme/5Ghz network continued to work flawlessly, including video to Apple TV and audio to Airport Express.
    If I connected the Macs or iPad through the Express/2.4Ghz network, problems appeared there too.
    Connecting them to the Extreme/5Ghz network had the problems disappeared.
    After reading some posts in another discussion, I factory reset the Airport Express using the Aiport Utility (actually first export profiles; then factory reset, then reimport profiles).
    Everything is smooth as silk now.
    It it starts failing again, I will just factory reset the Airport Express.
    Let's just hope that Apple a firmware fix in a not too distant future ...
    Hope this helps,

  • Why dose wi-Fi keep dropping out

    My Wi-Fi connection keeps dropping about when I use my iPhone 4s it keeps going onto 3G why is this

    Thanks for your reply. Both my AEX and my router are set to the same channel (6). (From what I understand, they need to be set to the same channel for it to run through WiFi, right?) When I run a scan, nothing else in the area is set to that channel, so I don't think there should be any interference.
    I went through the rest of the settings, and they all seem to be correct. I'm not sure how to check if it is set as a client only, but it is set for airplay and I didn't set it up to extend the network. I verified that it is set to "join a wireless network," not "extend a wireless network."
    The signal I am getting from my router is at 100%, so I thought I'd give it another try after verifying everything. It still drops out. I timed the drop-outs this time, and it is actually happening literally every minute, almost to the second.
    I think I might be heading back to the store for a refund later today unless I get some other suggestions on what will fix this issue. If the drop-outs happened every 20 minutes, even every 10 minutes, I could put up with it, but every minute is unacceptable.

  • Why does the sound keep dropping out?

    Can someone explain to me in very simple terms how to fix my Airport Express so that it doesn't keep dropping the sound when I'm playing iTunes. About every minute to a minute and a half, the sound drops out for a second or two. It is very annoying. I have checked the communities, but none of the recommended fixes are making any sense to me. One suggested that it was the internet speed, so I actually upgraded my internet yesterday to a faster speed, but I am still running into this issue.
    I am using a PC. I am playing iTunes wirelessly. The distance between my router, my computer, and the Airport Express shouldn't be an issue; they are relatively close together. I have had no other issues with my wireless. My Blu-ray player is able to access the internet wirelessly and stream movies with no problem, so I don't understand why I am having such an issue with streaming music.
    I love the concept of the Airport Express, but I am ready to take it back to the store for a refund.

    Thanks for your reply. Both my AEX and my router are set to the same channel (6). (From what I understand, they need to be set to the same channel for it to run through WiFi, right?) When I run a scan, nothing else in the area is set to that channel, so I don't think there should be any interference.
    I went through the rest of the settings, and they all seem to be correct. I'm not sure how to check if it is set as a client only, but it is set for airplay and I didn't set it up to extend the network. I verified that it is set to "join a wireless network," not "extend a wireless network."
    The signal I am getting from my router is at 100%, so I thought I'd give it another try after verifying everything. It still drops out. I timed the drop-outs this time, and it is actually happening literally every minute, almost to the second.
    I think I might be heading back to the store for a refund later today unless I get some other suggestions on what will fix this issue. If the drop-outs happened every 20 minutes, even every 10 minutes, I could put up with it, but every minute is unacceptable.

  • Audio dropped out apple tv

    Here is my setup:
    Main music library on windows vista running latest iTunes.
    Apple tv connected wirelessly to network.  Connected to a vizio tv via HDMI.  And audio connected to  fiber optic to stereo.
    Also have an original iPad running the remote app to control the music.
    I try to use AirPlay to stream music to stereo.
    Everything is connected to a d link dual band wireless router.
    During every song the audio will drop out for 2 seconds.  Dropout is random.  Sometimes 40 seconds into a song.  Sometimes at the end of a song.
    I have turned off all of the QOS settings on the router.
    And I have tried putting iPad and apple TV on all the different combinations on the 2 bands.
    Still seeing the dropout.
    I have read different posts and nobody seems to have a good solution.
    Ant ideas?

    I use appleTV for 90% of my audio listening. I output via the digital on the ATV into my naim hifi and have to say that at the price point it beats without doubt hifi well over ten times the price.
    However the analogue audio out is mediocre to say the least. The issues you are having with too much bass in fact is a lack of definition caused by a number of factors.
    1. 'Downloaded from other than iTunes' I will assume means you to-rent-ed them. Invariably these are at very low bit rates converted by muppets and therefore will sound dire.
    2. Rubbish hifi or worse out of the TV. For the best playback use a dedicated hifi, your TV speakers are not up to the task of TV sound playback let alone music.

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    This happens to my laptop and tablet.
    Resetting the phone did not fix it.
    Any ideas what to try would be appreciated.

    I have now solved this question, if anyone is interested.  Go to settings in appletv and turn off conference settings, the connection with airplay will then stay live and not drop out.

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