Airport cards

Can anyone tell me can I use the Belkin Wifi 802.11g PCMCA Card for wireless access for my powerbook G4 15" as the original airport cards are no longer available?

You want a third party WLAN Cardbus cards based on the same Broadcomm chipset that Apple used in the Airport Extreme which will work in a Mac running OS X 10.2.6 or later and Airport 3.1 or later.
Companies using the Broadcomm chipset include: Linksys, Buffalo Technology, Belkin.
However not all Belkin cards are based on the Broadcomm chipset, the newer cards don't for example.

Similar Messages

  • Airport Card no longer recognized by PowerBook

    I always take my PowerBook G4 to class with me for the purpose of taking notes during class. I was connected to the internet there, over the wireless network (on campus) with no problem.
    When I got back home, my PowerBook wasn't seeing the wireless network (at home, seperate from the wireless network on campus), but I knew it was working because my iMac is connected to it just fine, along with two other computers in my house. I tried restarting a couple of times, and actually typing the name of the network into the Airport drop-down menu. This all did nothing, as did repairing the disk permissions.
    I find it very unlikely that the card is not seated correctly, because first of all, when I brought the PowerBook back from campus (when it was working properly) it was tranported in my TUMI bag, which has a dedicated padded holder for PowerBooks, and then immediately took it out and sat it on my desk next to my iMac only to find the PowerBook no longer seeing the wireless signal.
    And at this point, I could still turn Airport on and off, and I restarted the computer a couple of times to see if it would pick up the signal, all the while Airport was still recognized by the system (I could still turn it off and on from the drop-down menu, but no wireless networks were present).
    So, I popped in my OS X DVD to boot from it to use the Repair Disk feature. It came up with an error that said something to the tune of "incorrect number of threads." It repaired the disk without any probems, or so I thought (and so it thought).
    Now, the computer wouldl not function because it runs into a kernal panic, forcing me to hard shut-down the computer. It happened everytime, sometimes during startup, sometimes not until I got into OS X, but always soon after the OS starts.
    I then booted the computer as a "Safe boot" and this seemed to stop the kernal panics, and I shut down the computer and started it again with no panics. There was no longer any recognition of the Airport card, either. Not even through the Airport Setup Assistant. It keeps telling me there is no card installed.
    I have tried two seperate cards, as I thought maybe the one went bad, but nothing came of this. I tried zapping the PRAM, booting into Open Firmware to reset to defaults, all leading to nothing. I even went so far as to completely erase the drive and do a clean install of OS X, which now drops my system down to 10.4. NOTHING.
    Please, anyone willing to help that would be great, even if you would like to contact me through iChat and we can discuss this over iSight to get to the root of the problem. Screen name is CoreyAtMiamiU.
    Sorry about the long post and thanks for taking the time to read it.

    This is a user to user discussion area. So it is unpredictable as to when someone with a suggestion will respond to your post. An hour in the middle of a work day isn't a long time.
    Since the card is recognized, there isn't anything wrong with that side of the card. If the card isn't receiving a signal, either the RF side of the card has failed, the antenna wire isn't connected properly, or the antenna in the PowerBook has failed.

  • What is needed to network 2 computers using Airport card

    I know I need an airport card in my eMac, but is there any other cards that have to be in the computer? I want to network my eMac with an iMac using a DSL line. The eMac will be downstairs and the iMac will be upstairs. I'm waiting for delivery from Apple of the iMac. It has everything built in that is needed to network but my eMac doesn't. To make my eMac wireless is all I have to buy is an Airport Card and a Wireless Gateway for the iMac which is the computer connected to the DSL modem and Wireless USB adapter with connects to the eMac? What type of Airport Card do I need to buy for my eMac (model #'s etc.) It is the card that inserts above the super drive in the front of the computer. Is there any software that is needed to install Airport?

    I am also doing some configuration changes (we have one Imac and two eMac's)
    but one eMac does not have a airport card and is hardwired (ethernet) to the high speed cable modem then a apple airport. One Imac and the Emac with a airport card work fine, it is a bit tricky finding the correct airport card (or airport extreme card if you have a ATI graphics card (use about the mac/system profiler then click on more to see if you have a graphics card (which affects which airport card you need, there are alot of resellers on the net so you should find what you want.
    If in doubt there is a free program mactracker which provides data on every mac made (available off off (free site just register) it will guide
    you on the type of card needed. I was quite amazed at the amount of different spec eMac's made in their relativealy short history. does sell eMac cards (for two models) but also antenna type
    or flash drive appearing USB based wireless connectors that may help.
    I found the mactracker program helpful (alot) as alot of web sites provide some vague info and I would hate to se you get stuck with a non returnable card.
    The actual card install does not look hard (its done through the cd rom drive door.
    I am not sure why we did not get a airport card for ours when we bought it.
    Wish I did as it would have saved some $ (maybe) and surf time making sure I find the right one.
    We did have a antenna wireless antenna for a "green" Imac (long gone) and it ran on OS9 but it was finicky when we had the airport base station upstairs
    and the Imac and antenna in the basement (about 50-75 feet)
    Best of luck
    Hope this helps, I am not a expert, the serial number on the cd drawer will
    nail down the model you have and what you need.
    We have been working adding a laser printer and airport express and the two macs with cards work fine but the Emac with no card can not be set up yet. The laser printer will sure save on ink!

  • Airport card works in 10.1, HW test passes, but not detected at all in 10.4

    Ok, Hi. I'll first admit this is my first post so go easy on me!
    I just bought a used iBook G3 and it was working fine for a while until about a month ago when all kinds of weird things stared happening. Some of which those problems I solved from reading previous topics from these forums - but anyways, I'll skip all my other problems and get right to my current one.
    First off here is the complete specs:
    12.1" iBook G3 "dual USB series"
    500MHz PPC processor
    128+256MB ram = 384MB RAM
    15GB hard drive (NOW 160GB HARD DRIVE!)
    No Airport Card (NOW ONE HAS BEEN ADDED!)
    Multiple OS's - OS9 and 10.1 were included (have original disks)
    I also have a set of 10.4 Tiger CD-ROM disks
    Anyways, here is basically what is happening. I bought an Airport card off eBay for my iBook. I installed it about a week ago. I booted into 10.4 Tiger and it did not detect the card. Tried to do the manual setup with the wizard and it said there was no card attached. I went into the system profiler and is said No info available under the airport section. I then booted to my "apple hardware test disk" and ran the full/extended test. It passed everything (including the Airport card) so I know that is not the problem. I then booted into OS X 10.1 and lone behold the card is detected and is working without any fooling around with! Instant wireless internet! So I know that the card is working, but I want to use it in Tiger as 10.1 is almost worthless. So I boot into Tiger again knowing that the card is working, and Tiger still does not recognize it! I even booted into OS 9 and it detected the card (although it was having some connection problems, but at least I know that it IS detecting it.)
    Here is what I tried (so you can cross these suggestions off your list! lol)
    I've deleted the Airport "ktext" files, etc. (can't remember the actual names of the files, but I've cleared all of those caches and still no luck.)
    I've zapped PRAM
    I rest NVRAM
    I rest the PMU.
    I did a Arcive and install of 10.4
    ...All of which did not help. Again, the card worked in 10.1, but 10.4 is completely blind and can't find it!
    Now we are caught up to today. I was having many other odd problems and it all lead to my hard drive probably being bad. So toady I finally bit the bullet and bought a new hard drive from Best Buy. It took me forever to install it, but I did it, and it works! Now I have 160GB (make that only 128GB detected) of space. I partitioned it 4 ways as well:
    "Tiger" - 80GB
    "Other OS" - 30GB
    "Extra Space 1" - 10GB
    "Extra Space 2" - 8GB
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- 128GB Total
    So now that I have a new hard drive (that I was told would fix all of my problems because my old one was "bad" I thought I would have it working today, but no. So I put in the brand new drive, partitioned it, booted off my Tiger disk, installed it on the 80GB partition. The install went fine. So I now have 10.4 on the new drive. Seems to be a lot faster then my old drive! I did the combo updater (which I downloaded on my iMac and transfered to a flash drive and loaded on to my iBook) Ran the updater, and now it is running 10.4.11! But then I realized, the Airport card is STILL not detected in Tiger!!! - I thought the new hard drive would solve all my problems as I was staring from scratch, but no, there is still a problem!
    I ran the Apple hardware test disk again, full test, and it said my Airport card is still fine. I didn't reinstall 10.1 yet (nor did I want to, I was hoping Tiger would work for what I wanted) but it seems now that I might have to go back and install 10.1 again. I don't know what it will prove - other then it will work again, but I don't want to use 10.1 so I'm not going to bother doing all that again.
    Anyways, after looking into this further, I brought up the system boot log (of tiger) and found these lines interesting, and hopefully useful to you guys:
    localhost kernel[0]: AirPortFirmware: start Sta f/w download
    localhost kernel[0]: AirPortDriver: F/W download failed
    localhost kernel[0]: AirPortFirmware: start Sta f/w download
    localhost DirectoryService[64]: Lunched version 1.8 (v346)
    localhost kernel[0]: AirPortDriver: F/W download failed
    it then lists the eithernet address and then ramblers on about other nonsense. If anyone needs the other "stuff" i'll try and save the whole log file and attach it here if anyone needs it.
    So could anyone please help? It seems as if i've done everything, and still can not get an answer on why it is doing this, and how to fix it!
    Please Help!
    Thanks you so much, and sorry for the long yet detailed message!!!

    Hey, just wanted to post an update to let everyone know what I ended up doing.
    Bottom line with the airport card I had is that is was "bad" - well only kind of. I got an email from a guy from a local PC repair shop. He told me he had just gotten one of those cards in and had it for sale for only $25. So I was chatting with this guy and he said it would be alright if I brought my iBook right in his shop, swap the cards and try it before I buy it. So I did so. Very nice guy and we swapped out the cards no problem. Right away it recognized his card and worked! I then downloaded the Airport update and ran it. (remember before, when I tried to update my card, after it restarted it was no longer recognized.) So we did the update with HIS card in and after it restarted, it STILL worked! It also added WPA support as well! We then booted into to Tiger (remember the old card wasn't recognized at all in tiger) and it ALSO worked in Tiger! I also had WPA support right away! So I bought the card and was all happy that it was all working again! I then figured out what the problem was with the old one.
    My original card was one of the "original" originals. Then, Apple "changed" the original cards and replaced ones with "128bit" support. (this is all before the extreme cards) I then found out that the newer original cards (the one the guy just sold me) are worth MORE because these are the cards that are compatible with the newer update (128bit WEP, and WPA) The cards looked exactly the same, but the newer card has "128 Bit" printed on the bottom of the card.
    SO, it ended up, I was "asking too much" out of the card I had - as the card I had did not support what I was trying for it to do. Where as the newer card I bought IS compatible with the update, and worked like a piece of cake. So all in all, the first card I had isn't "dead" it just wasn't working with what I wanted it to. So I'm going to end up selling it. Hopefully craigslist, but I will get more for it on eBay. so that is what I'm going to do. I'll just make sure to tell people this "story" so they don't try and do the same thing I did. But for someone with an even older laptop, an older OS, or an older router, this card will work just fine for them.
    So thats basically it! Looks like I got everything working!
    Message was edited by: sdschramm

  • Airport card and memory

    hi im looking into puttin an airport card in to my mac g4 the lamp desktop and was wondering if i need extra memory and what osx it would run on
    hope someone ca

    Hello Aldric, welcome to discussions.
    It's quite suspicious that your Airport card and one of your memory modules have suddenly "disappeared" at the same time.
    This could certainly indicate a hardware issue, but I won't speculate as to what caused it. Sure, a power surge could do this... have you had one recently?
    I would try taking the memory module, and the airport card out of your system, and then re-install them.
    If your situation does not improve, then you should probably take your machine to an authorized Apple service center.

  • Airport card 1.2.1 does not work with Ibook G3 with OSx.4.2

    I just purchased a brand new airport express base station. It seems to be up and running on my G4Imac just fine as a server.
    For the client,
    I have an ibook G3 and now have OSX.3.4 on it.
    I installed my ancient Airport card- 1.2.1 into the Ibook.
    I installed the new software from the new Airport base station.
    I tried to install the old software from the Airport 1.2.1 card but dont have Classic- so would not install.
    Now, the Ibook does not allow me to choose Airport in the Network Preferences section- does not seem to recognize there is a card installed. So, no way to connect to the base station.
    My questions:
    1.can OS X..3.4 recognize the old Airport 1.2.1?
    2. Does the software from the new base station support the old card when used in the client?
    3. Do I need different software for the card in the iBook other then the base station software? ie, is there card software that needs to be installed, and if so what is it in system X?
    Im trying to figure out if I have a hardward problem- ie the card or slot is not working- or s software problem.
    Can anyone help?

    MacOS 10.3.x has all the software to use an Airport card already installed. All I would recommend you do is install the Airport 4.1 update provided at:
    The software that ships on the CD that came with the Airport Express is only used to configure an Airport Express. It doesn't provide any software updates for the MacOS itself, nor for the Airport card installed in that Mac.
    First thing I suggest you do - run the System Profiler utility on your Mac. See if it identifies that an Airport card is installed. If it does not then recheck the installation of the card - ie pull out the card, then plug it in again and make sure it is fully seated into its socket. Remember to also attach the antenna cable to the card. If the System Profiler still fails to "see" the installed Airport card, then the card itself is likely defective.
    [Side note: Airport 1.2.1 was the version of the Airport software required to provide software support for the card in ancient MacOS versions. Airport 1.2.1 is not actually installed on the Airport card itself, so if you install an original Airport card into another Mac it makes no difference what Airport version was installed on the Mac the card was pulled from.]

  • HELP! Safari will not work with "standard user" via airport card in my mini

    Hello, I am successfully connecting with safari via an airport card in my mini mac. I am the administrator of the osX. However no other "user" can connect to the internet via safari. What am I doing wrong? When a standard user clicks on the "internet connect icon" the 2wire224 is an aption but no internet page will connect. Help!!!!!!! ISP has gone as far as they can in helping me.

    Hello, I have tried to solve via internet connect - no help. All of a sudden, since I made the post, the 2wire24 selection is now requiring a keychain password to get on. And sometimes my wep password. I know all these but don't want to have to use them and or give them out to my standard users. Any other suggestions or help?

  • Airport card does not work with Airport Extreme when security is turned on

    I have an iMac running OSX 10.4.11 with an Airport card installed (firmware version 9.52).
    I recently replaced my Netgear wireless router with an Apple Extreme Base station and now I am not able to connect my iMac to the wireless network when WEP security is turned on - I get an error from the Airport Setup Assistant when I attempt to connect to the wireless network.
    It works fine if the wireless security on the Extreme Base station is turned off.
    Please help and thanks in advance.

    First, I highly recommend that you switch to either WPA or WPA2 as WEP is no longer considered secure. If you must use WEP, I suggest that you try the following:
    o Re-create the Network Name (SSID) on your AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS)
    o Try using 128-bit WEP, with a 26-Hex character key for the encryption type.

  • 2006 mac pro 2.66 in need of an airport card!

    Hi Does anyone know which airport card or cards, as well as bluetooth, will work in an 2006 mac pro? I have read that MA688Z/B is the proper card. I have tracked down a MA688Z/A: hz/Apple-AirPort-Extreme-p5636018.html
    Found this on Amazon: =sr13?ie=UTF8&qid=1300723614&sr=8-3
    Can anyone verify which airport card to use for a 2006 mac pro model?

    Hi cmotta12,
    You might find this thread (Purchasing/Installing Airport Extreme card for Mac Pro 1,1 (2006) of interest:
    One important thing to note is that the official Apple Airport Card Wireless Upgrade Kits come complete with the two micro screws which are needed to install the card.
    These screws are not readily available, so ensure that they are included when you buy your Upgrade Kit.

  • New Airport card, no service...Help

    I just bought an airport card for my iMac G4, I have wireless internet and two other macs, they work perfectly with their airport cards. I put my airport card in and nothing, keeps saying there was an error connecting to airport network, ive called my internet provider, apple, and the router supplier. None helped whatsoever, I even lost 50 dollars to apple for no help HA. It must be my computer because ive used a working airport card from my macbook and it still did not give me signal, if anyone could throw me some advice, or something im doing wrong or not doing, or some software that i need, I would be very grateful. Thank You.
    - The knight of ewigkeit

    hey there Knight & welcome to discussions,
    i had this issue w/ a friend's Mac & the problem was pilot error-- the card wasn't snapped in tight to the cable. as soon as i did that the Mac immediately found my network & asked to join. i am assuming you have the correct card-an Airport Extreme made for this computer, it should be wireless b/g compatible, not the original Airport Card. see this: step by step instruction w/ pix. how i installed Airport Extreme card in a 20" iMac G4.
    good luck.

  • Switching airport cards to solve 10.5.2 network issue

    Ever since 10.5.2, i can no longer get online on various routers. my friend who has also updated can get on these same networks that i can't.
    i have a macbook w/ the following airport card: AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x87)
    Firmware Version: 1.2.2
    Wireless Channel: 6
    he has a macbook pro w/ the following airport card: Airport Extreme (0x168C,0x86)
    Firmware 1.3.2
    Wireless Ch. 6
    i am wondering if it would be possible to change my airport card to the one my friend has - or will it not be compatible with my macbook. does anyone know?
    i am hoping this will solve my problem after 10.5.2
    today apple care basically responded to the issue with "blah blah blah 3rd party blah blah blah compatibility blah blah blah" and pretty much said they weren't working on a fix for this as it was not an issue with 10.5.2.
    they said i could go back to 10.5.1 (which i already have) - problem is, besides their screw up with the networking - they also did a lot of other fixes that i would like to have since i spent the money on leopard and should be able to do the upgrades w/out losing things like network capability.
    i hoping swapping the airport card will fix it.

    yes, switching back to 10.5.1 did solve my problem. not really a solution though is it... not if you would like to have the benefit of all the other fixes that came with 10.5.2.
    as far as someone having a solution - i've been following these threads for awhile now and most "solutions" involve making changes to the router. this is not a solution since not all routers that people use w/ a laptop are accessible. i would think that most of us use routers in a variety of locations other than our homes ranging from work to coffee shops to hotels etc.
    i don't think coffee shops and hotels are going to allow you to go in and play with their networking system.
    as far as i see the only fix is for able to change whatever they did - but seeing as they won't even admit to creating the problem, i am not holding my breath for a solution from them.
    i am more and more disappointed with apple. sure, they are coming out with some amazing technology, but as they do their customer service is slipping away as well as the quality of their craftsmanship and attention to detail. i for one wish that apple would slow down a bit on the "toys & gadgets" and get back to paying more attention to their basic items - ie computers. i mean, really, did we really need "the thinnest notebook ever"? i'm not sure i really understand the point, especially when they haven't solved all the glitches with their products that are already out there.

  • Can I use Airport Extreme instead of an internal Airport Card?

    +Sorry I realise there are various queries all over the web relating to this same issue, however I can't seem to find a consensus anywhere, or a setup that specifically relates to my situation...+
    I currently have a G5 iMac (OS X 10.5.6), which connects wirelessly to my 2Wire "2701HGV-W Gateway" ADSL2+ modem/router. I also have a Lexmark wi-fi printer wirelessly connected to the network. This setup has worked flawlessly for nearly a year now. Occasionally a friend comes over and connects his XP laptop to the same network, again without any problems.
    I use WPA2 security and my wireless network is set to 802.11b/g (said friend's XP laptop runs on 'b' only; my iMac and printer run on 'g').
    Yesterday I inherited an old eMac (1GHz, 80GB, 512MB RAM, superdrive, 56kb modem, no airport card). In lieu of buying a really long ethernet cable or going to the hassle of finding and installing a suitable airport card (I'm not a technical guy!), I wondered if I could simply buy an Airport Express, and connect that to my eMac via a short ethernet cable, this enabling the eMac to get online? The setup I'm imaging goes something like this:
    *eMac > ethernet cable > Airport Express > (((wireless connection))) > 2Wire modem/router > internet.*
    Is this a feasible solution? Would it enable me to connect to the wi-fi printer and also share files with my iMac?
    Also, if it would work, could I simultaneously connect my Time Machine HD (or another external HD) to the USB port on the Airport Express to share it with both my iMac and eMac?

    Not unless you're already using an AirPort base station as the router. The AeroPad mini meets your requirements.

  • How to connect my G4 to wifi using airport card

    I have power mac G4 0SX 10.3.9   just put airport card in,,, it can find my wifi network, but when I put in the password to activate the connection,,, I get  "error joining the airport  network..... ......

    If your Router is using WPA2 the original Airport cards cannot do that, some even need a firmware update to do WPA/TKIP, but not AES, all can do WEP, but that's quite insecure these days.

  • How to connect my old imac G4 (no airport card) to lynksys router

    I am going to buy a new imac. I want to put my old G4 15" with no airport card installed into my daughter's room. I have a linksys wireless router WRT54G connected to my dsl modem. The linksys wireless router is linked to my imac via an ethernet cable. My laptop has an airport card that I can use the internet through. Can I put an airport express in her room and connect that way?

    Oh, sorry, I was thinking you wanted to connect the AX wirelessly to the Linksys.
    Yes, you can connect the AX to the Linksys with an Ethernet cable and then use the AX in "bridge" mode to allow wireless client to connect to it for Internet access.
    To set up the AirPort Express Base Station (AX) as a bridge, using the AirPort Admin Utility, connect your computer directly (using an Ethernet cable) to the Ethernet port of the AX, and then, make these settings:
    Network tab
    - Distribute IP addresses (unchecked)
    - Apply the new setting.
    - Wait at least 5 minutes.

  • Cannot connect to the internet through my Airport Card, while in Windows 7

    Alright, so I wasn't sure how best to give a topic heading for this, but i think thats the jist of it. Basically I have Windows 7 on  hard drive and am able to boot up my Macbook Pro (Early January 2011). Everything seems to run the right way, however I am unable to figure out what is causing the Windows 7 to either not recognize or not connect to my wireless network in my house. It is passworded and everything, however nothing I tried would work and allow access to the internet to my Windows 7.
    I've read over some things online, and tried to figure out if there was some driver or something that I was missing that needed to be there, however I couldn't seem to find any answer to the problem. When I go to configure the network connecting and such, I get a message saying that apparently the hardware or something is missing, however I am unsure how or where I can go to get the info or not.
    I'm guessing that using Bootcamp to install Windows 7 is probably the actual way I'm meant to do this, however I'm trying not to have to partition the computer, though I fear I may have to. Basically what I've done is booted up my computer from the Windows 7 install disc, and used it, like you would a Mac OS disc, to reformat my internal hard drive into working with Windows 7. This is probably an unorthodox method, but my dad had looked up that I couldn't install Windows 7 onto my external disk, and that this would be the alternative to have a more 'native' Windows running, rather than having to use Bootcamp.
    My questions to you guys out there, are:
    Should I reformat/reinstall Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, and simply use bootcamp and its utilities and such to run Windows 7 through my computer? OR is there something I'm missing that I needed to download to allow Windows 7 to recognize my Airport Card, or whatever is needed to access the Internet.

    Try clearing your cache and cookies.
    # Open the Tools menu, then select Clear Recent History... .
    # In the '''Time Range to clear:''' drop-down, select '''Everything'''.
    # Click the arrow next to '''Details''' to display the list of items that can be cleared.
    # Select both '''Cookies''' and '''Cache'''.
    # Click Clear Now .
    Or you can try creating a test profile to see if it happens on that profile as well. See [[Managing Profiles]]

  • Airport card for my g4 adp tower... I can't get it to work.

    I'm not very good with computers (when it comes to technical support). And I recently purchased an original airport card for my computer. I also burned the downloads onto a disc so that I would have the software. My computer has an operating system of 10.3.5. I downloaded the driver, turned off my computer, insterted the card and it pops up with an error that says it can't find the airport base station. What is this and do I need to buy something else for my computer? My internet connection is Comcast wireless. Any suggestions, thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read through a computer illiterates post...

    It sounds like you are trying to run either the Airport Setup Assistant or the Airport Admin Utility - and since this software is only of use to Airport Base Station owners (which you are not) this software is of no use to you.
    If your Airport card has been properly installed, you will see a fan-shaped icon near the right side of the MacOS menu bar - that is the Airport menu. Click on it, and a list of all in-range wireless networks will appear. The name of the wireless router supplied by Comcast should appear there - click on that name to connect to it. With some luck you will now get an internet connection.
    If there are no wireless networks displayed when you click on the Airport menu, recheck the installation of your Airport card - you probably forgot to attach the internal Airport antenna cable to its connector on the Airport card.

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