Ajax checing for duplicte records

i am trying to have a form in ajx that will also insert a new
contact... i havit working with the insert part but i want to have
it check for duplicate records before inserting the contact... here
is the form ... and i also have a cfc for the functions
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cfset this.dsn="myserver">
<!--- Populates the grower list Select --->
<cffunction name="getCompany" access="remote"
<cfset var rsData="">
<cfset var myReturn=ArrayNew(2)>
<cfset var i=0>
<cfquery name="rsData" datasource="myserver">
SELECT cid ,Company
FROM Contacts
order by Company asc
<cfloop query="rsData">
<cfset myReturn[rsData.currentrow] [1]=rsdata.cid>
<cfset myReturn[rsData.currentrow] [2]=rsdata.Company>
<cfreturn myReturn>
<!--- Populates list related to grower --->
<cffunction name="getcontacts" access="remote"
<cfargument name="cid" type="string" required="no">
<cfset var rsData="">
<cfset var myReturn=Arraynew(2)>
<cfset var i=0>
<cfquery name="rsdata" datasource="myserver">
SELECT cid, Company, FullName, Lname, Fname, Address1,
Address2, City, State, zip, country, Phone, ext, cell, Fax,
tollfree, Web, Email, Title, ExecutiveTitle
FROM Contacts
WHERE Contacts.Company = '#arguments.cid#'
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset returnStruct.success = false />
<cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message />
<cfloop query="rsdata">
<cfif rsdata.recordcount gt 0>
<cfset myReturn[rsData.currentrow] [1]=rsdata.cid>
<cfset myReturn[rsData.currentrow] [2]=rsdata.FullName>
<!--- <cfelse>
<cfset rsdata.cid = 999999>
<cfset rsdata.FullName = 'none'>
<cfset myReturn[rsData.currentrow] [1]=rsdata.cid>
<cfset myReturn[rsData.currentrow] [2]=rsdata.FullName>
<cfreturn myReturn>
<!--- Gets contact info for 2page
<cffunction name="getcontactsinfo2" access="remote"
<cfargument name="growerName" type="string"
<cfset var data="">
<cfset var c = "">
<cfset var s = structNew()>
<cfquery name="data" datasource="myserver">
SELECT cid, Company, FullName, Lname, Fname, Address1,
Address2, City, State, zip, country, Phone, ext, cell, Fax,
tollfree, Web, Email, Title, ExecutiveTitle
FROM Contacts
WHERE Company= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varcar"
<cfloop list="#data.columnlist#" index="c">
<cfset s[c] = data[c][1]>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset returnStruct.success = false />
<cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message />
<cfreturn s>
<cffunction name="getcontactsinfo" access="remote"
<cfargument name="cid" type="numeric" required="true">
<cfset var data="">
<cfset var c = "">
<cfset var s = structNew()>
<cfquery name="data" datasource="myserver">
SELECT cid, Company, FullName, Lname, Fname, Address1,
Address2, City, State, zip, country, Phone, ext, cell, Fax,
tollfree, Web, Email, Title, ExecutiveTitle
FROM Contacts
WHERE contacts.cid= <cfqueryparam
cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.cid#">
<!--- --->
<cfloop list="#data.columnlist#" index="c">
<cfset s[c] = data[c][1]>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset returnStruct.success = false />
<cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message />
<cfreturn s>
<!--- Updates the database of grower contacts --->
<cffunction name="markTaskComplete" output="false"
returntype="struct" access="remote" hint="i mark a task
<cfargument name="cid2" type="numeric" required="true"
<cfargument name="company2" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="address2" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="city2" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="state2" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="zip2" type="string" required="true"
<cfset var qMarkTaskComplete = "" />
<cfset var returnStruct = structNew() />
<cfset returnStruct.success = true />
<cfset returnStruct.taskID = arguments.cid2 />
<cfquery name="qMarkTaskComplete"
Company = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.company2#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" /> ,
Address1 = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.address2#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" /> ,
City = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.city2#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" />,
State = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.state2#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" />,
zip = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.zip2#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" />
cid = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.cid2#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_int" />
<cfcatch type="Database">
<cfset returnStruct.success = false />
<cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message />
<cfdump var="#returnStruct#"/>
<cfreturn returnStruct />
<cffunction name="lookupGrower" access="remote"
<cfargument name="search" type="any" required="false"
<!--- Define variables --->
<cfset var data="">
<cfset var result=ArrayNew(1)>
<!--- Do search --->
<cfquery name="data" datasource="myserver">
SELECT cid, Company, FullName, Lname, Fname, Address1,
Address2, City, State, zip, country, Phone, ext, cell, Fax,
tollfree, Web, Email, Title, ExecutiveTitle
FROM Contacts
WHERE (Company LIKE '#ARGUMENTS.search#%')
<!--- Build result array --->
<cfloop query="data">
<cfset ArrayAppend(result, Company)>
<!--- And return it --->
<cfreturn result>
<cffunction name="markTaskComplete2" output="false"
returntype="struct" access="remote" hint="i mark a task
<cfargument name="company3" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="address3" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="city3" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="state3" type="string" required="true"
<cfargument name="zip3" type="string" required="true"
<cfset var qMarkTaskComplete = "" />
<cfset var returnStruct = structNew() />
<cfset returnStruct.success = true />
<cfset returnStruct.taskID = arguments.cid />
<cfquery name="qMarkTaskComplete"
INSERT INTO KYIntranet.dbo.Contacts
(<cfqueryparam value="#arguments.company3#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" /> , <cfqueryparam
value="#arguments.address3#" cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" />
,<cfqueryparam value="#arguments.city3#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" />,<cfqueryparam
value="#arguments.state3#" cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar"
/>,<cfqueryparam value="#arguments.zip3#"
cfsqltype="cf_sq_varcar" />)
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset returnStruct.success = false />
<cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message />
<cfreturn returnStruct />

From my understanding your table that gets inserted is
KYIntranet.dbo.Contacts . And i guess company field in that table
needs to be checked for duplicates. So you can put the company
field as primary key for that table. Inserting the same company
name can result in a Primary key exception meaning that a duplicate
has been entered. By this way you can check for duplicates.
<cfquery>Insert SQL code</cfquery>
<--Code to handle primary key exception-->

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    1 2 TYPE2 5/3/2009
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    3 1 TYPE1 4/10/2009 3/30/2005
    4 1 TYPE1 4/1/2009
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    cclemmons wrote:
    I want to express the resultset like this:
    1 1 TYPE1 4/1/2009 4/3/2007 3/30/2005
    1 2 TYPE2 5/3/2009
    2 1 TYPE1 4/1/2009
    3 1 TYPE1 4/10/2009 3/30/2005
    4 1 TYPE1 4/1/2009
    5 1 TYPE1 4/1/2009
    5 2 TYPE2 5/1/2009
    What technique is best to use to do this? I know I could create another table and populate the rows/columns by reading data from this query, but is there a better way?Absolutely! You seem to have an instictive feeling that creating a separate table just for a query is inefficient. You instinct is 100% correct. Maybe in Oracle 7 there was a reason to do that, but today you can query results of other queries as if they were tables, so temporary tables like you describe are very rarely necessary, let alone convenient.
    What you want to do is pivot the date columns. Here's one way
    WITH     original_query     AS
         SELECT  obj_id
         ,     obj_typ_id
         ,     obj_typ_des
         ,     dt          -- date is not a good column name
         FROM     ...          -- the rest of your original query goes here
    ,     got_rnum     AS
         SELECT     oq.*
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  obj_id
                                   ,                    obj_typ_id
                             ,             obj_typ_des
                             ORDER BY        dt     DESC
                           )         AS rnum
         FROM    original_query        oq
    SELECT       obj_id
    ,       obj_typ_id
    ,       obj_typ_des
    ,       MAX (CASE WHEN rnum = 1 THEN dt END)     AS dt1
    ,       MAX (CASE WHEN rnum = 2 THEN dt END)     AS dt2
    ,       MAX (CASE WHEN rnum = 3 THEN dt END)     AS dt3
    ,       MAX (CASE WHEN rnum = 4 THEN dt END)     AS dt4
    ,       MAX (CASE WHEN rnum = 5 THEN dt END)     AS dt5
    FROM       got_rnum
    GROUP BY  obj_id
    ,       obj_typ_id
    ,       obj_typ_des
    ;As you can see, this adds two layers of queries on top of your original query. One of those layers is probably not needed; depending on what you're doing in your original main query, you can probably compute rnum there, and omit the got_rnum sub-query.
    Also, depending on the relationship of obj_id, obj_typ_id and obj_typ_des, some of what I posted above may not be needed but including it won't really hurt.
    If you want to know more about this technique, search for "pivot" or "rows to columns". A <tt>SELECT ... PIVOT ...</tt> keyword was introduced in Oracle 11, but most of what you'll find when you search for "pivot" doesn't assume you have Oracle 11 (nor does the query above require Oracle 11).
    This assumes you know an upper limit (5 in the example above) of dts that can appear in any line of output.
    See [this thread|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=3527823&#3527823] for a discussion of some alternatives.

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    Generated number, ksnumber, date
    1, gg111 11/05/05
    2, oo235 12/06/05
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    <cfquery name="gelov datasource="kl90">
    <cfswitch expression="#Form.orderBy#">
    <cfks value="KSNUMBER">
    <cfks value="CREATIONDATE">
    <!---html report--->
    <cfswitch expression="#Form.outputFormat#">
    <cfks value="HTML">
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "
    <html xmlns="
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Ctwye Kss Report</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
    <td align="center">
    <h3>Ctwye Kss
    <td align="center">
    </h2>report returned #getCtwyeKss.RecordCount#
    <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="160">Ks Number</td>
    <td>Creation Date</td>
    <!--- <td class="dataField">Address</td>
    <td class="dataField">Type</td>
    <td class="dataField">Description</td>--->
    <cfloop query="getCtwyeKss">
    <tr bgcolor="<cfif currentrow mod
    <cfks value="CSV">
    <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="attachment;
    <cfcontent type="application/msexcel">"Ks
    Number","Creation Date"
    <tr #IIF(getCtwyeKss.CurrentRow MOD
    <!---<tr bgcolor="<cfif currentrow mod
    2>##808080<cfelse>##ffffff</cfif>"> --->

    <cfks> is not a Coldfusion tag. Use <cfcase>
    The following code will print the row numbers
    <cfquery name="gelov" datasource="kl90">
    select ksnumber, date
    from yourTable
    <cfoutput query="gelov">
    #currentrow#, #ksnumber#, #date#<br>

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    Thanks in Advance
    Rich T.
                $cofa_folder = '\\cpsfs001\Data_pvs\TestCofA'
                $bulk_folder = '\\cpsfs001\PVS\Subsidiary\Nolwood\McWood\POD'
                $filter = '*.tif'
                $cofa = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $cofa_folder, $filter -Property @{ IncludeSubdirectories = $false; EnableRaisingEvents= $true; NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite' }
                $bulk = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $bulk_folder, $filter -Property @{ IncludeSubdirectories = $false; EnableRaisingEvents= $true; NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite' }
                Register-ObjectEvent $cofa Created -SourceIdentifier COFA/PACKAGE -Action {
           $name = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Name
           $changeType = $Event.SourceEventArgs.ChangeType
           $timeStamp = $Event.TimeGenerated
         if ($test -eq $true) {
                $pos = $name.IndexOf(".")
           $pos = $left.IndexOf("L")
           $lot = $left.Substring($pos + 1)
                Write-Host "in_item_key $item in_lot_key $lot imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"  -fore green
                Out-File -FilePath c:\OutputLogs\CofA.csv -Append -InputObject "in_item_key $item in_lot_key $lot imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"
                start-sleep -s 5
                $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=PVSNTDB33; Initial Catalog=adagecopy_daily; Integrated Security=TRUE")
                $insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO in_cofa_pvs (in_item_key, in_lot_key, imgfileName, in_cofa_crtdt) VALUES ('$item','$lot','$name','$timestamp')"
                $cmd = $conn.CreateCommand()
                $cmd.CommandText = $insert_stmt
              elseif ($test -eq $false) {
                $pos = $name.IndexOf(".")
           $pos = $left.IndexOf("O")
           $order = $left.Substring($pos + 1)
                Write-Host "so_hdr_key $order so_ship_key $shipid imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"  -fore green
                Out-File -FilePath c:\OutputLogs\PackageShipper.csv -Append -InputObject "so_hdr_key $order so_ship_key $shipid imgfilename $name in_cofa_crtdt $timestamp"
    Rich Thompson

    Since SQL Server 2000 has been out of support, I recommend you to upgrade the SQL Server 2000 to a higher version, such as SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008.
    According to your description, you can try the following methods to check duplicate record in SQL Server.
    1. You can use
    RAISERROR to check the duplicate record, if exists then RAISERROR unless insert accordingly, code block is given below:
    WHERE t.Column1 = @ Column1
    AND t.Column2 = @ Column2)
    RAISERROR(‘Duplicate records’,18,1)
    INSERT INTO TableName (Column1, Column2, Column3)
    SELECT @ Column1, @ Column2, @ Column3
    2. Also you can create UNIQUE INDEX or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on the column of a table, when you try to INSERT a value that conflicts with the INDEX/CONSTRAINT, an exception will be thrown. 
    Add the unique index:
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Unique_Index_name ON TableName(ColumnName)
    Add the unique constraint:
    ALTER TABLE TableName
    ADD CONSTRAINT Unique_Contraint_Name
    UNIQUE (ColumnName)
    Lydia Zhang

  • Posting date issue for COGI records.

    Hi all,
      I have one issue regarding the posting date for the records which are being cleared from COGI.
    _In case of MF47 (Postprocessing for REM) following is the behaviour,_
    In this if GR has happened on say 1st and due to stock un-availability components are gone to Post processing, Now when stock of component inwarded on say 20th then GI posting happens on 20th in post processing record clearance
    _Now in case of COGI (Automatic goods movement : Error handling) behaviour is different,_
    In this scenario if GR has happened on say 1st and due to stock un-availability components are gone to Post processing (COGI), Now when stock of component inwarded on say 20th then GI posting happens on 1st in post processing record clearance
    I want same should be happened in case of COGI also, is there any note/ correction/option available??
    Thanks in advance

    There are backlogs from the backflush in repetitive manufacturing. You can display these using Transaction MF47 and/or Transaction COGI. So schedule a job for program RMSERI11 on daily basis or hourly basis  so it will clear the postprocessing errors.
    But for some of the errors, it needs manual intervention like updating storage location, posting dates due to posting period block etc.
    Hope clear to you.

  • Material Description is not displaying for few records in Report

    Dear Experts,
    Report Material Description is not displaying for few records in Bex Report but for records it is coming and even the heading of the material Description is also not coming for this report.
    Cud u plz suggest a good solution for it.
    Sai Phani.

    Hi Phani,
    For the text of the material in records, check if there is text maintained for that material in the master data. also try by changing the text to medium text and long text.
    regarding header, you will have same heading for key and text, you may use Materail ID / Description as the heading if you want.

  • How to genarate Primary Key for each record in XI  Mapping

    I need to genarate primary key for each record in the paylod in mapping..
    Eg: if i have a 10 reacords i need to have a primary key for each record..starting with the
    Record      Primary key
    First            001
    Secound      002
    Tenth         010
    If i need to write any user defined funtion... can any one provide the code for it.

    Hi Bavesh,
    I will explain with the example:
    <Record 1>
    <Primary key>
    </Record 1>
    <Record 2>
    <Primary Key>
    </Record 2>
    like above i will be getting n number of recored and in each record i need  to genarate primary key in XI.and the key sould be in sequence...
    like for the first record 1 secound 2 like that primary key should add to the privous Primary key.
    and this is for each payload.

  • How to set Display Only for some records in CAT2 Worklist

    I have a requirement to modify an attributes for some records in the Worklist of CAT2.
    We have an external system where we book our time. Weekly we import data from that external system into CATSDB using BAPI for every single employee.
    We would like when the user wants to modify his time sheet to be able to add/modify all records except those which were imported from the external system. Which means that those records should be in Display only mode / grayed out / before release.
    Is there any user exit or BADI that could help to modify that attribute and that will be triggered before displaying the Worklist ?
    Please advise !

    I've solved the problem.
    First I've added customer field in CI_CATSDB structure and when I am importing the data I am populating that field with 'X', which means that this is record from the external application.
    I've created enhancement implementation in Function group->CATS, screen->2003 MODULE->D2000_MODIFY_LOOP, subroutine->modify_d2000_loop where I am checking the field mentioned above if it is 'X' I am modifying the screnn-output = off.
    It works, thak you for your help.

  • SSRS 2008 R2 - Separate report for Each record?

    How do I create new pdf reports for each records from a table? The pdf files should be named as customerid.pdf and needs to be delivered in email or share path? 
    Each record has enough content for 5 page of pdf report.
    How do we achieve this?

    You can create a data driven subscription to loop through records in the table and create pdf based on number of customerid.
    Have a look at this for DD subscriptions :
    Kind Regards, Vikram Kansal Please mark solved if I've answered your question, vote for it as helpful to help other user's find a solution quicker

  • Reading long text for more records at a time

    Hi all,
    We have a requirement for which that data like textid textname textobject  and language  must  be taken in to an internal table and for each record in the internal table i  have to read the long text inorder to compare the long text for the given search text.
    If i use Read_text inside the loop and endloop it works but it may not be appropriate in performance point of view.
    Is there any function module which can read long texts for more records at a time.
    The long text data in STXL will be in raw data format right? is there any way to convert raw data to normal so that by hitting the STXL i can read the long text data for more than one record at a time.
    Thanks in advance

    HI Sanju,
    Below is a code snippet which describes reading a long text frm the screen and appending it into the internal table.This code is actually to read the text from the screen and inserting a record into STXl and STXH.
    From your query what i understood is that you are storing the long text from the screen into a internal table and so you not want to use the read_text FM due to performance issue.
    Since tdline(tline table) is 132 char long format i use this small logic to read the screen data and append it to my internal table.
    *Data Declarations
      DATA: lv_strlen TYPE i,
            lv_create TYPE boolean,
            lv_desc TYPE string.
      DATA: ls_text TYPE tline,
            ls_basic_text TYPE stxh.
      DATA: lt_text TYPE ztty_tline_tab.
       lc_tdid TYPE  thead-tdid VALUE 'Z001',
       lc_tdobject TYPE thead-tdobject VALUE 'Z_ALERTS'.
    *Appending the text to the internal table.
      lv_strlen = STRLEN( iv_alert_text-alert_text ).
      lv_desc = iv_alert_text-alert_text.
      IF lv_strlen < 132.
        ls_text-tdformat = '*'.
        ls_text-tdline = lv_desc.
        APPEND ls_text TO lt_text.
    *logic to wrap text
          ls_text-tdformat = '*'.
          IF STRLEN( lv_desc ) < 132.
            ls_text-tdformat = '*'.
            ls_text-tdline = lv_desc.
            APPEND ls_text TO lt_text.
          IF lv_desc+132(1) <> ' '.
            CONCATENATE lv_desc(131) '-' INTO ls_text-tdline.
            lv_desc = lv_desc+131.
            ls_text-tdformat = '*'.
            ls_text-tdline = lv_desc(132).
            lv_desc = lv_desc+132.
          APPEND ls_text TO lt_text.
    Please award graciously if found helpful.Please do ask me if i have not answered you properly.
    Thank you.
    Message was edited by:
            P M Harish

  • Table cntrol field to be display/Change only For each record

    Hi all,
    How to set a particular Field in table control either as display only or
    change only for <b>each row</b> based on certain condition.I need to set this property for each record in table control not for the entire coloumn?.I know the procedure for setting up an entire coloumn in table control either as diplay or change only using <b>Loop at screen</b> statement.
    If Material is batch managed:
    itab-batch field has to be <b>Display only</b> mode.
    if material is not batch managed:
    itab-batch field has to be <b>change mode</b>.
    <b>O/p of Table Control :</b>
    Material     Batch
    1000         Display only
    2000        Change only
    8000        Change only
    3500        Display only
    3600        Display only

    Hi Ravi,
              Thanks for your reply.I have put the code as u said. It is modifying the whole coloumn insted of  modifying Current row of the coloumn.
    I have tried to modify the screen property using  Table control attributes (TC-COLS).The following commented code is that logic.Even that also doing the same thing.Can yoy please tell me how to do it.
    MODULE tc_get_lines OUTPUT.
        IF screen-name = 'X_ZPINV-CHARG'.
          IF fg_batch = ' '.
            screen-input = 0.
            screen-input = 1.
    LOOP AT tc-cols INTO tc_wa
      WHERE screen-name = 'X_ZPINV-CHARG'.
       IF x_zpinv-matnr IS NOT INITIAL.
             input  = x_zpinv-matnr
             output = v_matnr.
         SELECT SINGLE * FROM marc WHERE matnr = v_matnr
         AND werks = w_plant.
         IF marc-xchar IS INITIAL.
           tc_wa-screen-input = 0.
           tc_wa-screen-input = 1.
         MODIFY tc-cols FROM tc_wa INDEX sy-tabix."    transporting screen-input
    ENDMODULE.                    "TC_GET_LINES OUTPUT

  • Bapi_po_create is not creating Purchase Orders for multiple records in file

    Hi All.
    iam trying to create contracts and Purchase Orders  In me21n,me31k .
    here iam using bdc for contract creation against services and using bapi_po_create for PO Creations.
    in this process i could create contracts and POs for the first record in the file but for second record bapi_po_create couldnt create POs and the return table in bapi says
    1.document contains no items.
    2.no services or limits have been maintained.
    wil be waiitng for  r great answer.

    Hi Seeta Ram,
    Did you pass the table PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES to BAPI_PO_CREATE with the coresponding Item numbers for each item in the table PO_ITEMS?

  • Can I connect a line in for audio recording on my iPhone?

    I would like to use Garage Band for iOS to generate digital recordings of my LP collection. Is it possible to do this through a line into the iPhone directly from my stereo/turntable? Is a separate app required to convert the input/output jack on the phone for "line" recording?

    Google something like "copy vinyl to iphone".

Maybe you are looking for

  • Problem with ratings-based smart playlists in iOS5.

    I use ratings-based smart playlists to organize my music.  For example, a typical smart playlist will include all songs from a given genre rated 3 stars or better.  Playlists work perfectly on PC/iTunes and iPad (and used to work perfectly on iPhone/

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    I want to get the iPhone 4 but I can only get it for the early upgrade price. Nobody on our Family Plan is upgrade eligible either, everybody is only early upgrade eligible. I really do not want to pay $399 to get an iPhone. My older sister (not on t

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    I was wondering if I need to do anything in particular to clean up/speed up my IMac computer.  I originally purchased it in early 2010 and have not had any problems per se but at times it does appear to run slow and I am having to wait for the spinni

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    I installed my ipod software. Great! Easy to use. Then my computer crashed for other reasons. I got a new computer, installed again, and when I try to update my iPod, iTunes tells me they can't update my songs because the playlists I am updating (I d

  • Envelope Printing Incorrectly to HP laserjet

    When installing to one of the Mavericks upgrades last year, my old HP laser jet 3700n would no longer print envelopes correctly from either WordMac or from PrintShop3. I blamed the old age of the printer (More than 10 years) and no recent driver made