Algorithm resources

I was hoping that someone would be able to point me in the direction of finding some information on how to implement popularly used algorithms (especially, graph drawing algorithms) in Java,
Thanks for any help in advance

You should take a look at ! They implemented a framework for graph visualization called yFiles and also have a demo for animated graph algorithms on their site.

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  • Query regarding algorithm resource estimation at system generator (VIVADO IDE- 2014.3.1)

    Hi Guyz,
    I am able to estimate the resource required for a design only after the synthesis is done in the Vivado.
    The question is: 
    Is it possible to estimate the resource in system generator (Vivado IDE 2014.3.1) itself ?
    Couldn't find the RESOURCE ESTIMATOR block in  the system generator [xilinx blockset/tools] as in its precursor, i.e. System generator (ISE).
    When i went through the documents, came to know that resource estimator block has not yet been introduced in System generator - Vivado IDE [Please correct me, if i am wrong]
    Is there any way [other than checking utilization report after synthesis], which will allow me to estimate the resource as soon as the algorithm is ready - as a system generator model ?
    THANKS in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Satish,
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    My doubt:
    Can I find the resource estimation for the algorithm model using ISE and then approximate the resource at Vivado ?  [Not sure if this makes sense, just wanted to know if this approach works]
    Please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Terribly help needed pls.......

    I have problem in implementing this banker's algorithm
    Resource- Request algorithm
    1.If Request <= Need[i][j] go to step2.
    else raise ERROR condition process exceeded its maximum claim.
    2.If Request[i]<= Available, go to step 3.
    else Pi must wait since resources are not available.
    3. Available := Available - Request[i];
    Allocation += Request[i];
    Need[i] -= Request[i];
    If the resulting resource-allocation state is safe, the transaction is completed and process Pi is allocated resources. However if the new state is unsafe, then Pi must wait for Request[i] and the old resource-allocation state is restored.
    Safety Algorithm:
    1. Initalize Work := Availabe and Finish[i]:=false for i=1,2,....p
    2.Find an i such that both a.) Finish[i] ==false b) Need[i] <= Work
    If such i exists, go to step 4.
    3. Work := Work + Allocation[i]
    Finish[i] := true
    go to step2
    4 if Finish[i] == true for all i, then the system is in a safe state
    My code is as follows --->
    inal int r = 3, p = 5;
             int[][] need = new int[p][r];
             int[][] work = new int[1][r];
             boolean[] finish = new boolean[p];
             System.out.println( "Allocation");
             System.out.println( "----------\n ");
             int[][] allocation = {{0, 1, 0}, {3, 0, 2}, {3, 0, 2},{2, 1, 1},{0, 0, 2}};
             System.out.println( "Max");
             System.out.println( "----\n ");
              int[][] max = {{7, 5, 3},{3, 2, 2},{9, 0, 2},{2, 2, 2},{4, 3, 3}};
             System.out.println( "Available");
         System.out.println( "---------\n ");
         int[][] available = {{2, 3, 0}};
    // initializing Work = Availabe
        System.arraycopy(available, 0, work, 0, available.length);
        System.out.println( "Need");
        System.out.println( "----\n ");
           for(int i = 0; i < allocation.length; i++){
              for(int j = 0; j < allocation.length; j++){
    need[i][j] = max[i][j] - allocation[i][j];
    System.out.println( "Request");
    System.out.println( "-------\n ");
    int[][] request = {{3, 3, 0}};
    System.out.println( "Finish");
    System.out.println( "-------\n ");
    for(int i =0; i<p; i++){
         finish[i] = false;
    // Resource Request Algorithm starts here
    for(int i=0; i < request.length;i++){
         for(int j=0; j <request[i].length; j++){
    if(request[0][j] > need[3][j]){
    System.out.println(" Process has exceeded its maximum claim. ");
    }//end if
    else if(request[0][j] > available[0][j])
    System.out.println("P"+i+" process must wait since the resources are not available.");
    available[0][j] = available[0][j] - request[0][j];
    allocation[i][j] = available[0][j] + request[0][j];
    need[i][j] = need[i][j] - request[0][j];
    }//end else
    // Safety Algorithm starts here
    for(int m=0; m <= i; m++){
    for(int n=0; n <= m; n++){
    if(!(finish[i] == false && need[3][j] <= work[0][j])){
         finish[i] = true;
         System.out.println("The system is in safe state when process P3 request "
                   + request[0][j] +" from resource "+ need[3][j]);
    }//end if
         work[0][j] = work[0][j] + allocation[i][j];
    finish[i] = true;
    continue step2;
    }// end else
    } // end j for loop
    }// end i for loop

    i'm getting wrong output.
    when request exceed maximum its not in safe state.
    But my code is printing its in safe stateHow about using a debugger or System.out.printlns to verify the internal values that led to this output?

  • Distributed Resource Scheduling algorithms

    I'm researching in applying computational intelligence algorithms( fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms) in DRS (Distibuted Resource Scheduling)
    I used to develop those algorithms and apply them on other optimization problems using matlab and integrate some other libraries with it.
    Is there any tools or simulation programs to help me test them with the DRS?

    That is a very vague and poorly phrased question. Please try again. Be more specific about what you're trying to accomplish and what parts in particular are giving you trouble, and try to be more clear in what you say.
    Given that you say you want to do something in Java "using class methods," I can only suggest you start from the very beginning:
    Sun's basic Java tutorial
    Sun's New To Java Center. Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses. A couple dozen code examples that supplement The Java Developers Almanac.
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's Effective Java
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's Head First Java.
    James Gosling's The Java Programming Language. Gosling is
    the creator of Java. It doesn't get much more authoratative than this.

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    Your question has nothing to do with the obsolete Excel add-on called Measure. Does it have anything to do with any NI hardware or software? If so, post to a different and more appropriate board.

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    How to go about having inverse matrix in java?

    For matrix calculations, check out for Jama.

  • Square root algorithm?

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    but the main thing is, I was making a class to store/deal with a complex/mixed number (a + b*i), and I was trying to make a square-root method for that. But I fiddled around with the variables in the equation, and I can't quite get any further.
    This is what I got (algebraically: this isn't actual code):
    ( the variables a, b, c, d are all real numbers )
    ( the constant i is the imaginary unit, sqrt(-1) )
    sqrt(a + b*i) == c + d*i
    a + b*i == (c + di)^2
    a + b*i == c*c - d*d + 2*c*d*i
    a == c*c - d*d
    b == 2*c*d
    c == sqrt( a + d*d )
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    d == b / (2*c)
    right now the only thing i can conclude from that, is that if you know (a or b) and (c or d) you can determine the other variables. but I can't figure out how to define c or d purely in terms of a and b, as the method would need to. so I'm stuck.

    Okay, two things...I've always kinda wondered what the
    algorithm for the square-root function is...where
    would I find that?
    Math.sqrt()It's an extremely important skill to learn to read the API and become familiar with the tools you will use to program Java. Java has an extensive set of documentation that you can even download for your convenience. These "javadocs" are indexed and categorized so you can quickly look up any class or method. Take the time to consult this resource whenever you have a question - you'll find they typically contain very detailed descriptions and possibly some code examples.

  • Design question: Scheduling a Variable-timeslot Resource

    I originally posted this in general java programming, because this seemed like a more high-level design descussion. But now I see some class design questions. Please excuse me if this thread does not belong here (this is my first time using the forum, save answering a couple questions).
    I am having trouble determining a data structure and applicable algorithm (actually, even more general than the data structure -- the general design to use) for holding a modifiable (but more heavily read/queried than updated), variable-timeslot schedule for a given resource. Here's the situation:
    Let's, for explanation purposes, say we're scheduling a school. The school has many resources. A resource is anything that can be reserved for a given event: classroom, gym, basketball, teacher, janitor, etc.
    Ok, so maybe the school deal isn't the best example. Let's assume, for the sake of explanation, that classes can be any amount of time in length: 50 minutes, 127 minutes, 4 hours, 3 seconds, etc.
    Now, the school has a base operation schedule, e.g. they're open from 8am to 5pm MTWRF and 10am to 2pm on saturday and sunday. Events in the school can only occur during these times, obviously.
    Then, each resource has its own base operation schedule, e.g. the gym is open from noon to 5pm MTWRF and noon to 2pm on sat. and sun. The default base operation schedule for any resource is the school which "owns" the resource.
    But then there are exceptions to the base operation schedule. The school (and therefore all its resources) are closed on holidays. The gym is closed on the third friday of every month for maintenance, or something like that. There are also exceptions to the available schedule due to reservations. I've implemented reservations as exceptions with a different status code to simplify things a little bit: because the basic idea is that an exception is either an addition to or removal from the scheduleable times of that resource. Each exception (reservation, closed for maintenance, etc) can be an (effectively) unrestricted amount of time.
    Ok, enough set up. Somehow I need to be able to "flatten" all this information into a schedule that I can display to the user, query against, and update.
    The issue is complicated more by recurring events, but I think I have that handled already and can make a recurring event be transparent from the application point of view. I just need to figure out how to represent this.
    This is my current idea, and I don't like it at all:
    A TimeSlot object, holding a beginning date and ending date. A data structure that holds list of TimeSlot objects in order by date. I'd probably also hold an index of some sort that maps some constant span of time to a general area in the data structure where times around there can be found, so I avoid O(n) time searching for a given time to find whether or not it is open.
    I don't like this idea, because it requires me to call getBeginningDate() and getEndDate() for every single time slot I search.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    If I am correct, your requirement is to display a schedule, showing the occupancy of a resource (open/closed/used/free and other kind of information) on a time line.
    I do not say that your design is incorrect. What I state below is strictly my views and should be treated that way.
    I would not go by time-slot, instead, I would go by resource, for instance the gym, the class rooms (identified accordingly), the swimming pool etc. are all resources. Therefore (for the requirements you have specified), I would create a class, lets say "Resource" to represent all the resources. I would recommend two attributes at this stage ("name" & "identifier").
    The primary attribute of interest in this case would be a date (starting at 00:00hrs and ending at 24:00hrs.), a span of 24hrs broken to the smallest unit of a minute (seconds really are not very practical here).
    I would next encapsulate the availability factor, which represents the concept of availability in a class, for instance "AvailabilityStatus". The recommended attributes would be "date" and "status".
    You have mentioned different status, for instance, available, booked, closed, under-maintainance etc. Each of these is a category. Let us say, numbered from 0 to n (where n<128).
    The "date" attribute could be a java.util.Date object, representing a date. The "status", is byte array of 1440 elements (one element for each minute of the day). Each element of the byte array is populated by the number designation of the status (i.e, 0,1,2...n etc.), where the numbers represent the status of the minute.
    The "Resource" class would carry an attribute of "resourceStatus", an ordered vector of "ResourceStatus" objects.
    The object (all the objects) could be populated manually at any time, or the entire process could be automated (that is a separate area).
    The problem of representation is over. You could add any number of resources as well as any number of status categories.
    This is a simple solution, I do not address the issues of querying this information and rendering the actual schedule, which I believe is straight forward enough.
    It is recognized that there are scope for optimizations/design rationalization here, however, this is a simple and effective enough solution.
    [email protected]

  • Server resources availability while executing a query

    lets say we have a query that requires XX MB to be executed.
    the needed memory is available, and while the query is getting memory, another threads jump on the database, and the memory needed to execute the query is not available.
    under those circunstances, can the query change the memory requirements to execute the query (i.e. page out to temp objects), or the query will NEED the XX MB to be executed?
    can the execution plan change the resources requirements based on database recourses availability ?
    Thank you,

    The Execution Plan is determined before the query begins executing.
    The query cannot stop and restart with a new execution plan.
    However, if the same query is executed more than once, even inside a loop
    in a PLSQL block, it may get re-parsed and may acquire a different Execution
    PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is a "guide" for Oracle to dtermine the available
    memory for an SQL (it looks at PGA memory currently used by other concurrently
    executing SQLs). However, considering the dynamics of multiple processes
    co-existing on a server, this is not and cannot be a hard limit so the actual
    PGA in use at any time can fluctuate.
    (consider, for example that other, Non-Oracle, processess might start up and
    take memory and Oracle isn't aware of those processes "stealing" available
    memory. Or consider a bug in sort / hash algorithms which cause an Oracle
    process to take (or request from the OS) much more memory than it "should",
    resulting in ORA-4030s !)
    However, as a general rule, Oracle uses PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET
    and also provides an advisory view that you can query. (Oracle periodically
    collects statistics about PGA usage and SGA usage and updates the
    respective advisory views).

  • Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service

    [I did intend to start this post with a screenshot of the above error when I initiate the transfer from Windows Explorer, but apparently 'Body text cannot contain images or links until we are able to verify your account.' so I will just have to do some typing,
    viz the error dialog says:
     'An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.
    Error 0x800705AA: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.'
    I get this error pretty much 100% of the time from one particular PC when trying to copy a folder of 10 2GB files to a server with both mirror and parity storage spaces.
    I recently purchased a Thecus W5000 running Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Essentials. Absent any guidance either way I decided to set up a storage pool across the three 3TB WD Red drives that I have installed in it and to allocate 1.5TB of that space to a
    mirror storage space and the remainder to a parity storage space. Having read some faily dire things about storage spaces, but wanting the resilience provided by those two types of storage space, I decided to run some benchmarking tests before finalising anything.
    To that end I only went as far through the Essentials setup as creating a handful of user accounts before setting up the storage spaces and sharing both of them, with all authenticated users permitted full control. My benchmarking consists of a Take Command
    batch file timing three large directory copies - one with 10 2GB files, one with 10240 10K files and another with a multi-level directory with a variety of files of differing sizes. The first two are completely artificial and the latter is a real world example
    but all are roughly 20GB total size.
    To test various aspects of this I copied the three structures to and then from a partition created on the internal disk (the W5000 has a 500GB SSHD) and to the two storage space partitions. I also created a version of the batch file for use internally which
    did something similar between the internal disk and the two storage space partitions, and another as a control that tested the same process between the two Windows PCs. The internal test ran to successful completion, as did the PC to PC copy and the external
    one from my Windows 8.1 64-bit system (i5 3570K, 16GB RAM, 1TB HD) but when I ran it from my Windows 7 Pro 64-bit gaming rig (i7 2600K, 8GB RAM, 1TB HD) I got a number of failures with this error from Take Command:
    TCC: (Sys) C:\Program Files\bat\thecus_test_pass.btm [31] Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
    (where line 31 of that batch file is a copy command from local D: to the parity space on the Thecus).
    The error occurs only when copying large files (the 2GB ones already mentioned but some of those in the real world structure that are about 750MB in size) from the Win7 system to the Thecus and only when doing so to the storage space volumes - ie. copying to
    the internal disk works fine, copying from all volumes works fine, copying internally within the Thecus works fine, copying between the Win8 and Win7 machines works fine and initiating the copy as a pull from the server between the same two disks also works
    fine. One aspect of this that surprised me somewhat was just how quickly the copy fails when initiated from Windows Explorer - checking out the details section of the copy dialog I see roughly ten seconds of setting up and then within five seconds after the
    first file transfer is shown as starting the error dialog pops up (as per the image no longer at the top of this post).
    There are no entries in the event log on either machine related to this error and I've had the System Information window of the Sysinternals Process Explorer up and running on both machines whilst testing this, and it shows nothing surprising on either side.
    I've also run with an xperf base active and I can't see anything pertinent in the output from either system.
    Frankly, I am at a loss and have no idea what other troubleshooting steps I should try. The vast majority of the existing advice for this error message seems to relate to Windows 2003 and memory pools - which both the fact that this works from one PC but not
    the other and the SysInfo/xperf output seems to suggest is not the issue. The other thing I've seen mentioned is IRPStackSize, but again if that was the problem I would expect the failure to occur where ever I initiated the large file transfer from.

    Ff it works from the win 8 box, it must be in the win 7 box?
    I'm going to answer this one first because much of the rest of this is not going to be pertinent to the problem at hand. I've been over and over this aspect whilst trying to think this issue through and you are right, except that it only happens when copying
    files to the Thecus and only then when the target is a ReFS partition on a mirror or parity storage space. So the best I can come up with is that it is most likely an issue on the Win7 box that is triggered by something that is happening on the server side,
    but even that is a bit of a stretch. This is why the lack of information from the error message bugs me so much - in order to debug a problem like this you need to know what resource has been exhausted and in which part of the software stack.
    Now that may not be easy to do in a generic way, and since programmers are inherently lazy it is tempting just to return a simple error value and be done with it. However, I've been in the position of doing just that in a commercial product and ended up
    having to go back and improve the error information when that particular message/code was tripped and I was expected to debug the problem! Obviously there is a significant difference between a Microsoft consumer product and a mainframe product that costs many
    times as much and comes with a built in maintenance fee, but the underlying requirement is the same - somebody needs to be able to solve the problem using the information returned. In this case that simply isn't possible.
    You spend your time testing file copies, where I devote most of my time to backup and restore
    I don't really want to be testing file copies - the initial intention was to benchmark the different storage space and file system combinations that I was intending to use but the error whilst doing so has spiralled into a cycle of testing and tweaking that
    really isn't achieving anything. My primary reason for having a NAS at all has always been backup. My current strategy for the two boxes participating in this testing involves having a local drive/partition to hold backups, running a daily incremental file
    copy to that partition which is then immediately copied to a NAS and backing that up with a regular (needs to be at least once per month to be totally secure) full image copy of the local disks that is also copied to the NAS afterwards (hence my fascination
    with copying large files).
    There is a weakness in that strategy because I've never been very good at performing that full image backup regularly enough, so one of the reasons for buying the W5000 was the possibility of making those backups automatic and driven from the server end.
    However, that takes the local backup drives out of the equation and leaves me with the need to backup the NAS, which I don't do with my existing unit because there are (nearly) always copies held elsewhere.
    The other reasons for going with the Thecus were a desire to backup the other machines in the household - I've always dreaded a hard drive failure on my wife's laptop but getting her to perform any kind of housekeeping is nigh on impossible and also to provide
    a file server capability protected by a single set of userids (the existing NAS data is open to all household members). So my goal is backup and restore too ;)
    I meant a different nic on the beast (win 7)
    I should have realised that but obviously wasn't thinking straight. I don't have a spare gigabit NIC to hand (although perhaps even a megabit one might provide an interesting data point) although there is such a card in one of my other (less used) PCs that
    I could cannibalise for testing purposes. Another project for the coming weekend methinks.
    put some limits on it to keep the lawyers happy. 2gb ram, OS loaded on a drive, limit the # of Hard Drives
    That statement got me thinking, because I've never been able to find a definition anywhere of what the restrictions are with WSS 2012 R2 Essential - if I bring up the software license terms on the box itself they are for 2012 Standard!?- and wonder whether
    they'd stop me doing things like adding RAM or changing the processor.
    Even my buddies at wegotserved do not seem to have done any hands on reviews and they get "everything."
    The cynic in me wonders whether that is because Thecus know that they've just shovelled this onto a handful of existing boxes that barely meet the spec. and which simply aren't up to snuff as anything other than a box full of disks.  The Thecus boxes
    look like good value because they include the server OS (the unit cost me roughly 50% more than I could buy Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials for) but if you can't realise that value then they are just an expensive NAS. 
    if perhaps the algorithms in the Seagate SSHD do not know ReFS?
    I haven't put a ReFS partition on the SSHD, only on the three 3TB WD Reds.
    I will ask my contacts at MS to take a look at this thread, but they stay so busy with I don't know if they will spend many cycles on it
    Perhaps you could ask them if the next version of the OS could do a better job of identifying which resources have been exhausted, by what part of the stack and where in the maze of connectivity that makes up a modern computing environment?? {gd&r}
    Cheers, Steve

  • Need help with tree edit distance and restricted top-down mapping algorithm

    *This topic was posted a while ago in "java programming" section but was suggested to try here
    Hi everyone,
    A couple of days ago I posted a topic on analyzing structure similarity between two web pages. After some researching, I know I need to work out some tree matching algorithms: tree edit distance algorithm(TED) and a improved version: restricted top-down mapping algorithm(RTDM). TED is about calculating the minimum operation cost(insert, delete, replace) to map one tree into another. RTDM further restricts the 3 operations to only the leaf nodes so as to improve time complexity.
    This is the general idea but I'm having difficulties to find resources to let me understand and implement the algorithms. I'm using ACM portal (Association for Computing Machinery) to access the technical papers but I find that they do not provide enough info, google gives mostly the same technical papers and some websites which illustrate the general idea of these algorithms.
    Hoping that you can give me some guidance on these 2 algorithms. Not looking for codes but I need more details on them. Thanks in advance.

    For scientific research I prefer Scirus:
    Just two pages I found on a quick search:
    The latter might not be exactly what you asked for, but you might be interested in the listed publications. I have not taken a closer look.

  • Main Memory Cleaning Policy (Algorithm)

    Respected Sir/Madam,
    I am studying the memory management concepts of Microsoft Windows Operating System.
    I need to know about the Main Memory Cleaning Policies or algorithms of latest Operating systems of Microsoft (Windows 7 and 8) in details.
    What is the threshold level required for the page replacement after remaining the minimum page frames available in main memory ?
    What is the Architecture of the Virtual memory management system of these operating systems?  
    It is Urgent.
    Please send me the answers of these questions.
    I shall be very thankful to you for this.

    Hi ,
     Thanks for the response. Basically I first opened parent panel which is of type Window. It included menu , toolbar etc. For menu/toolbar events it opens child windows which gets displayed in main window in the form of tabs. This is my use case.
    I tried the suggested profiler Redgate Ants profiler. Its very good and informative! I ran the profiler
    got the following output. Though I closed the child window it seems objects are still there in memory . No where I left out string , byte array objects in my code.
    Not sure why Runtimemethodinfo , hastable bucket are there in memory. I even tried the workaround mentioned at here.
    I thought panel resources might have not been freed up and in my code I am clearing them as well. Still did not see much improvement. Any additional things do I need to check? Please let me know.

  • Resource pool selection enhancement in UCCX 7.0

    Good day. The issue is with our current CSQ setup and available resource pool selection criteria. Just for your record here is how its currently configured.
    We have five languages based CSQ’s operating in our call centre and following is how they are currently configured.
    I. English
    Contains all agents in the call centre
    Resource pool selection mode – Resource Group
    Resource Selection Criteria – Circular
    II. Italian / French / German / Spanish
    Resource pool selection mode – Resource Skills
    Resource Selection Criteria – Most Skilled
    Minimum Competence Level - 5 for respective CSQ
    Agents skill ratings are set currently in following manner
    Italian Agents – Italian (10), German (5), French (5), Spanish (5)
    French Agents – French (10), German (5), Italian (5), Spanish (5)
    German Agents – German (10), French (5), Italian (5), Spanish (5)
    Spanish Agents – Spanish (10), French (5), Italian (5), German (5)
    Now , all non- English CSQ are setup based on “Resource Skills” and “ Most Skilled” algorithm being set as resource selection criteria. Which currently defaults to “ Longest Available” if two or more agents have equal competency level. Things are nice and smooth until calls routed to Longest Available agent and they go for shorter smoke or toilet breaks. Calls then get routed to the next longest available agent who in our case have already answered the previous call coming to same CSQ. So what’s happening here is, agents who doesn’t go for these shorter breaks get punished with more calls.
    We don’t have this problem on English CSQ as we have different resource pool selection set in there. Which is Set as Resource group with “Circular” as resource selection criteria. This works fine because there’s no fall-back to “ Longest Available”. We have tried every other selection criteria but none works for us unfortunately. Raising this with you hoping you can advise different technique or guide us to the right path to re-design our non-English CSQs. Can you tell if we can create additional resource selection criteria other than the default ones? Can we add something like followings
    •1. Lowest total talk time
    •2. Least Handled contacts
    •3. Circular ( like you can select when agents are in recourse group )
    Also , is there a way to change the default selection criteria “ Longest Available” to something else. E.g. Shortest Average Handle Time or anything else.
    Any help would be highly appriciated.

    If you're using skills-based routing it's going to work the way you've described it above: the most skilled agent who has been in the READY state the longest will be offered the next call. If you want to use Circular or Most Handled Contacts (Least Handled Contacts is not an option sadly) you must use a Resource Group on the CSQ instead of a Skill. The problem with that is that you can only assign an agent to one Resource Group.
    Sorry but this is sort of an either/or decision. You can't mix the behaviors.
    Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

  • How to test if new resource accountId is unique

    We have a requirement for a firstname.lastname accountId in googleapps, which is different from the waveset accountId (a number).
    How can I test if a googleapps accountId is already in use for another IDM user. The accountID's of the resource accounts are present in the WSUser object, is there a (fast) method to search for one?
    Or alternatively, does the googleapps connector support a search and how should I call it?
    Edited by: 808698 on Aug 26, 2011 12:17 AM

    In our environment we have pesonal email accounts that are managed by IDM along with our generic email accounts.
    We also keep the google accounts names within our AD records. This allowed me to create a 'Unique-email' function in IDM that does an LDAP look-up to see if the generated email is currently in AD.
    If the entry exists then the algorithm changes the proposed email until the email is unique.
    Our algorithm also enables us to strip away any characters that we don't want in our email addresses such as spaces and accent characters.
    Hope this info helps,

  • Hyper-V NIC Team Load Balancing Algorithm: TranportPorts vs Hyper-VPorts

    I'm going to need to configure a NIC team for the LAN traffic for a Hyper-V 2012 R2 environment. What is the recommended load balancing algorithm? 
    Some background:
    - The NIC team will deal with LAN traffic (NOT iSCSI storage traffic)
    - I'll set up a converged network. So there'll be a virtual switch on top of this team, which will have vNICs configured for each cluster, live migration and management
    - I'll implement QOS at the virtual switch level (using option -DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight) and at the vNIC level (using option -MinimumBandwidthWeight)
    - The CSV is set up on an Equallogics cluster. I know that this team is for the LAN so it has nothing to do with the SAN, but this reference will become clear in the next paragraph. 
    Here's where it gets a little confusing. I've checked some of the Equallogics documentation to ensure this environment complies with their requirements as far as storage networking is concerned. However, as part of their presentation the Dell publication
    TR1098-4, recommends creating the LAN NIC team with the TrasportPorts Load Balancing Algorithm. However, in some of the Microsoft resources (i.e., the recommended load balancing algorithm is HyperVPorts.
    Just to add to the confusion, in this Microsoft TechEd presentation,, the recommendation (at around minute 8:06) is to use dynamic ports algorithm mode. So obviously there are many ways to do this, but which one is
    correct? I spoke with Equallogics support and the rep said that their documentation recommends TransportPorts LB algorithm because that's what they've tested and works. I'm wondering what the response from a Hyper-V expert would be to this question. Anyway,
    any input on this last point would be appreciated.

    >>See Windows Server 2012 R2 NIC Teaming (LBFO) Deployment and Management  for more
    Thanks for this reference. It seems that I have an older version of this document where there's absolutely
    no mention of the dynamic LBA. Hence my confusion when in the Microsoft TechEd presentation the
    recommendation was to use Dynamic. I almost implemented this environment with switch dependent and Address Hash Distribution because, based on the older version of the document, this combination offered: 
    a) Native teaming for maximum performance and switch diversity is not required; or
    b) Teaming under the Hyper-V switch when an individual VM needs to be able to transmit at rates in excess of what one team member can deliver
    The new version of the document recommends Dynamic over the other two LBA. The analogy that the document
    makes of TCP flows with human speech was really helpful for me to understand what this algorithm is doing. For those who will never read the document, I'm referring to this: 
    "The outbound loads in this mode are dynamically balanced based on the concept of
    flowlets.  Just as human speech has natural breaks at the ends of words and sentences, TCP flows (TCP communication streams) also have naturally
    occurring breaks.  The portion of a TCP flow between two such breaks is referred to as a flowlet.  When the dynamic mode algorithm detects that a flowlet boundary has been encountered, i.e., a break of sufficient length has occurred in the TCP flow,
    the algorithm will opportunistically rebalance the flow to another team member if apropriate.  The algorithm may also periodically rebalance flows that do not contain any flowlets if circumstances require it.    As a result the affinity
    between TCP flow and team member can change at any time as the dynamic balancing algorithm works to balance the workload of the team members. "
    Anyway, this post made my week. You sir are deserving of a beer!

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