All my songs disapeared from ipod while updating, HELP??

i was updating my ipod and had it connected to the computer when i accidentaly pulled the cable away from the computer and now all the songs i had previously in my ipod disaperaed and i dont know how to get them back?? (when this happened the ipod was saying that dont take it loose/undone it from the computer) would someone be so kind and help me with this problem?? i would really appreciate it a lot. thanks.
fujitsu siemens computer, quite a new modell i think..   Windows XP  

thanks for youre help. my ipod is okay now

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    Dell   Windows XP Pro  
    Dell   Windows XP Pro  

    First of all, try another port on your computer. Some ports are not connected direct to the motherboard and do not recognize the iPod as well as those that are. Reset the iPod each time you connect it to another port.
    Still no joy, see these.
    Your Windows PC doesn't recognize iPod.
    iPod appears in Windows Explorer but does not appear in iTunes.
    iPod does not appear in iTunes.
    Fast user switching in Windows XP is not supported.
    Strange iPod behavior.
    When restoring the iPod, put it into disk mode first.
    Putting iPod into disk mode.

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    But that's like, so many okay I'll do it again, Thanks

  • HT1689 i have over 5000 songs on my computer. Which is from songs bought from iTunes and from cd. i had all the songs on my iPod. went to download new songs and only 1500 songs are download . please help

    i have over 5000 songs on my computer. Which is from songs bought from iTunes and from cd. i had all the songs on my iPod. went to download new songs and only 1500 songs are download . please help

    Since all of your music came from your computer in the first place, then it should still be there and should be included in your backup copy of your computer.
    " it told me when i pluged hers in 2 ipods could not use the same account"
    This is not true.  You have misunderstood.
    You can sync as many ipods/iphones/ipads as you like to one one library.

  • HELP! After installing iTunes 7, all the songs on my iPod disappeared!

    I dont know if othe people are having this problem too but it really *****!
    I downloaded iTunes 7 a while back because i had no choice, i wouldnt be able to buy songs/music videos from it if i didnt.
    It installed a new iTunes
    then a new iPod upgrade.
    A day later, i pluged in the iPod.
    It asked me if i wanted to upgrade it with gapless playback because i thought it would save space or something.
    so i put yes, and let it do it over night since it took so long..
    then the next thing i knew when i woke up, is that all the songs on my iPod were GONE!
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    I know it was the gapless playback thing... is there any way to undo it??
    Please... someone help me... i cant just back up all my songs... because i reformatted my computer a while ago too.. so i have no backed up songs... and a lot are from other friends too!
    iPod Video 40GB   Windows XP  

    IF all songs on the ipod are also on the PC
    Just restore the ipod
    If Not on the PC
    You will have to TRY and rep[air the ipods database with yamipod. This way is not full proof, but its the only option you have since you have not backed up

  • My old computer crashed and i just purchased a new laptop. How do i get my library on my new computer without erasing all the songs on my ipod?


    damfam9 wrote:
    My old computer crashed and i just purchased a new laptop. How do i get my library on my new computer without erasing all the songs on my ipod?
    If ALL your music is on the iPod and it's ALL iTunes purchased content, you log into iTunes with your account on th enew machine and reverse sycn the music back.
    If the music is from cd's and other sources (not iTunes files) then ask over at iLounge what third party solution currently works. (can't recommond it here)
    I have some HUGE instructions here how to get your music off the old comptuer too:
    Recovery options:
    A: If Windows isn't booting:
    You need to boot the computer from a "recovery disk or USB" that has a operating system on it and a graphical user interface to transfer files from your boot drive to a external drive.
    I suggest using the Easy USB Installer to install Ubuntu 10.10 onto a 2-4 GB USB key.
    burn a ISO of Ubuntu 10.10 or PartedMagic to a cd-r with ImgBurn or Win 7 right click and burn
    You can use Disk Utility in OS X to select the ISO and burn to cd/dvd as well.
    Once you have it installed, consult this page for your BIOS boot key to hold to get into the BIOS.
    Plug the USB into the back (if possible) of the computer, connect the external drive and enter the BIOS, set the USB (or CD) as first boot and SAVE.
    Boot off the USB/CD and "Try Ubuntu/Run from disk" DON'T INSTALL. (Parted Magic loads into RAM and ejects CD)
    Once in, go under the menu Places > Computer and transfer your files to the external drive just like you would in Windows, drag and drop.
    (If using Parted Magic double click on the Mount Drive left icon twice, use the two GUI windows to transfer files to external drive, unmount drives, log out/quit in the lower left corner menu option)
    B: If the computer hardware isn't working, but the drive might still work:
    You'll have to remove the power cord and manually extract the hard drive. This might result in some damage.
    There is a powered IDE/SATA to USB adapter for sale online for $20 that you can take that internal hard drive and use it like a external drive to access your files from another Windows machine.
    C: If your iTunes content is deleted...
    It might be recoverable if it hasn't been overwritten yet by fresh data. Undelete software works by reading the 1's and 0's of the files themselves, not what the OS says.
    You need to use undelete software pre-installed before the iTunes content was deleted, or while on a bootable cd/USB and a external drive to transfer the recovered files.
    You can also install undelete type software on a new machine and USE STEP B above to "undelete" the files and recover them directly to the new computer.
    You can't install undelete software or recover files to the same drive your attempting to recover from or it overwrites the deleted data.
    D: If the hard drive doesn't work and...
    The data isn't worth spending $2000-$3000 in a ATTEMPT at platter dissection recovery, then your finished
    If the data on the drive was encrypted, data recovery efforts may be futile, unless it's a encypted file and you transfer it successfuly and have the password to de-crypt it.
    E: If you have a "iDevice" with any content
    It can be synced back into iTunes, check at iLounge what third party software works reliably now and for your version.
    (Once you log into your iTunes account, you can sync ONLY iTunes purchased content back from a iDevice)
    Third party software can recover just about all the items on a iDevice, regardless of it's origin. (can't recommend such software here)
    F: If any of the above is too hard, or the data is of "critical importance"
    Then seek professional computer or forensic level recovery services.
    Get help from someone who has done this sort of thing repeatly and can almost guaranty 100% results.
    There is Linux software that can "rip" all data off a iOS device if that level of attention is needed, seek a professional service.
    Hope this helps in your data recovery efforts.
    Please, backup your data, it's the only thing us IT professionals can't recover.

  • Computer died, will i loose all my songs on my ipod

    hi, my computer died, and i had to reinstall windows, i just wanted to kno when i hook my ipod up to i-tunes, since i lost all my songs on my hard drive will i loose al my songs on my ipod,or will i have to manually drag and drop all new songs onto my ipod, and is there a way to take songs from my ipod and put them back on my computer. Thnx taylor
    Dell   Windows XP  

    DO NOT attach & sync your full iPod to an empty iTunes!!!
    These links will give you several methods of recovering whatever songs remain on your iPod; some free, some third-party software, some more comprehensive for restoring Playlists, Ratings, Play Counts, etc. Read them and their associated links before deciding on a strategy that works for you. There are many various third-party software programs that will offer a more robust process, or an easier GUI. Do a Google search for them if the links below leave you wanting…
    Don King Resurrected: Deleted files from hard drive (free user steps – music recovery only)
    MacMuse: Computer Crashed (free user steps – music recovery only)
    Copying music from iPod to computer (a primer on various methods and software)
    Copying Songs from Your iPod to a Mac or PC (resource for 3rd party software)
    iPodRip Software
    PodUtil Software
    YamiPod Software (Free: Mac & Windows)
    PodPlus Software (Windows)
    TuneJack Software (Windows)
    Senuti (Mac OS X v10.3 or higher Recovery Utility)
    XPlay (Windows software For Music Recovery &/or Cross-Platform Functionality)
    XPlay Photo Browser (For recovering Photos)
    Extremely Simple & Free Method: (just to recover the song files – may not work on a Mac)
    1 - Open iTunes
    2 - Edit=>Preferences=>’Advanced/General’ tab
    2a --- Select ‘Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library’: checked
    2b --- Select ‘Keep iTunes Music folder organized’: checked
    2c --- Click OK to store changes
    3 - Attach your iPod to the PC and hold down the ‘Shift+Ctrl’ keys until the iPod is fully recognized (this will defeat the auto-sync process)
    4 - If you get a dialog box to link the Library, decline this option
    5 - Within iTunes: Edit=>Preferences=>’iPod’ tab: switch iPod to manual transfer – click ‘OK’
    6 – Eject iPod
    7 – Close iTunes, then reopen iTunes and attach the iPod (it’s in manual sync now)
    8 – File=>Add Folder
    9 - Browse to and open ‘My Computer’ (click on the ‘+’) and select the iPod
    10 - Click OK
    -- The music files should start to transfer back into iTunes with its correct information
    –-- This will take some time depending on your PC’s speed and the amount of songs on the iPod
    No Playlists, or Ratings, Last Played, & Play Count attributes will be transferred from the iPod to iTunes using this method.
    If you have problems with seeing the iPod within 'My Computer', try again switching your update method to 'manual', detach the iPod, then reconnect the iPod to the PC.
    After recovering your Library, strongly consider developing a thorough and frequent backup strategy for just this type of situation (and many other potential disasters).
    You need at least two full sets of your music, not including what is on the iPod:
    -- One full set on the PC within iTunes (on internal HD or ExHD)
    -- One full set on an separate external backup medium (CD/DVD/ExHD/other)
    -- One (full or partial) set on the iPod
    Music files on just the iPod and only one other medium is not considered having any backup.
    If you cannot store your complete music files on the computer’s internal HD, then create and maintain at least two external sets (any multiple combinations of ExHDs, DVDs, CDs).
    Backup both the music files and the Library database file (iTunes Library.itl). What are the iTunes Library files?
    Here is a post on developing a thorough backup strategy:

  • My ipod is linked to the family computer. i just took a bunch of cd's to work and downloaded them onto my itunes account but when i went to plug in my ipod to my work computer it says all the songs on my ipod would be lost.

    how do i free myself from my family computer, keep my music and then hook upto my work computer to download all the songs into my ipod that I downloaded from my cd's?

    See Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • I am trying to sync my itunes with my ipod, but when I get to step 3 of syncing, it stops. Also, I deleted all the songs on my ipod, and when I go to my music in my ipod the songs are all still there and in a grey color and I'm not able to select them.

    I am trying to sync my itunes with my ipod, but when I get to step 3 of syncing, it stops. Also, I deleted all the songs on my ipod, and when I go to my music in my ipod the songs are all still there and in a grey color and I'm not able to select them. How do I completely clear my ipod music, and how can I solve the syncing problem?

    Sync works the same way it always has, connect the device, select the content desired to sync and sync.
    All the media should be in iTunes already, iDevices are not and have never been backup devices.
    If this is a new computer, move the content from the old computer to the new computer.

  • I can not see all the songs om  my ipod, why

    Boy do I need halp.
    1. I used "computer" windows 7 to delete all the songs on my ipod. BUT they didn't really delete because when I look my ipod in itunes the songs are there.
    2. I had a hard time transfering songs to my ipod so I again used "Computer" and I draged songs from the folder they were in to the ipod. BUT when I look at my ipod in itunes the songs are not listed, BUT there is a large amount of gb listed as other.
    How do I start over?  That is, how do I take EVERYTHING off my ipod; the songs I can and can NOT see.  Remember after i deleted the songs using "computer" the songs are no longer listed but when I check the "disk properties" it shows there is spaced used about the size of the deleted files.

    To start over from scratch, restore the iPod Shuffle to factory settings in iTunes, using the instructions in this Apple support document.
    Restoring iPod shuffle to factory settings
    Then make sure that all the music you wish to sync to your Shuffle has been imported and stored in your iTunes library.  Then use this article to walk you through the process of configuring music to sync to your Shuffle via iTunes.
    Syncing music to iPod shuffle

  • Help, lost all the songs on my iPod when checked the box titled "Replace all items when Autofilling" in my Autofill Settings window.

    Help, I lost all the songs on my iPod when I deleted a few songs from my iTunes Library, checked the box titled "Replace all items when Autofilling" in my Autofill Settings window, and then tried to Autofill. Note that I do not purchase songs from iTunes, but rather I rip songs off my own cd's and then transfer the mp3 files to iTunes.  And after I transfer mp3 files from my pc to iTunes and then Autofill, I generally delete those files from my pc.
    I can still see the songs in my iTunes Library, but not on my iPod.  Is there a way that I can salvage them and get them back on my iPod?
    Thanks in advance.

    Well you will have to wait to connect you ipod to the orignal computer and it will put all your songs back on to it.

  • MY hard drive crashed and I had to replace it. Now when I try to sync my iPod with iTunes it says that I have to replace the old library (that is lost forever) with the new library to sync. I do not want to lose all the songs on my iPod! What can I do?

    MY hard drive crashed and I had to replace it. Now when I try to sync my iPod with iTunes it says that I have to replace the old library (that is lost forever) with the new library to sync. I do not want to lose all the songs on my iPod! What can I do?

    Copy all the content on your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes. Then go ahead and sync the iPod with your new library.
    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering the different methods and software available to assist you with the task of copying content from your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes.

  • I bought a new laptop and can access my itunes library but when i try to add purchased playlist songs to my ipod message appears asking if I'm ok with erasing all other songs on the ipod. Help needed.

    I bought a new laptop and can access my itunes library but when i try to add purchased playlist songs to my ipod message appears asking if I'm ok with erasing all other songs on the ipod. How do I add purchased playlist to ipod without erasing existing ipod playlists?

    cujoftw wrote:
    wow ... I get a headache just trying to read what you just said. I went and read how to migrate my library and found that you can only migrate purchased media.
    No, you can easily migrate your entire library from one working compter to another.
    If you fail to backup or migrate your library and find yourself with nothing but a new empty computer and a device full of content iTunes is designed to only recover the iTunes purchased content, however third party tools can help recover everything if needed.

  • I just installed itunes on new computer and songs disappeared from Ipod

    I just reinstalled itunes on a computer that had a bug and was cleaned up and cleared out.  When I reinstalled itunes and it sync'd all my songs disappeared from my ipod. how do I get them back

    That is correct.
    You should use your backup copy of your computer to put everything abck on the coputer, then you would sync them to your ipod.
    If for some reason you have failed to maintain a backup copy of your computer, njot good, then you can redownload some itunes purchases in some countries:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • How do I erase all the songs on a Ipod shuffle 1st. generation

    How do I erase all the songs on an IPod shuffle 1st. generation

    Hey Kjohnston5,
    The easiest way to erase all songs from your iPod shuffle would be to restore it to factory settings. Use the steps in this article to to so -
    Restoring iPod shuffle to factory settings - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Be well,
    Brett L 

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