All photos are offline after time machine restore

After restoring my whole system from TM, Aperture 3 doesn't want to find my referenced files.
It indicates that my volume (Machintosh HD) is off line. I can reconnect individual images one by one through "locate reference files" option, but it is far from ideal. I don't want to locate 13000+ files one by one.
Is there any way to reset the path to the new (same but re formatted and restored) volume?

Ok, I figured out myself. For some reason it didn't work first but I restarted Aperture and now I can connect almost all the photos by selecting only one and locating it on the disk. However, for some reason it doesn't want to connect most of the movies even though I select them one by one.
Any suggestions?

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    So I just had the same problem. I had restored my whole disk drive from a backup after Apple replaced the hard drive.
    All images that were referenced on the internal drive were listed as offline even after a Aperture DB rebuild and a disk drive identically named to the original.
    Procedure: first test this on a few files, then you can do the whole library.
    Select any project with multiple pictures that are referenced and have a red tag indicating offline. Do a select all on the images in that project, even if some do not have offline indicated. After the selection use File -> Locate Referenced Files.
    Uncheck the box that says "Show Only Referenced Files" Select one of the files that you know has a status of offline. Next, in the bottom window, navigate to that exact file and select it. Click the Reconnect All button, it may take a few minutes, but when it is done the number of offline files will have decreased and the new number of online files will be reflected.
    The Reconnect All feature is smart enough to figure out the folder hierarchy for your whole library. I subsequently used the HUD to select all 14,300 "offline" images in the library, I then selected one and told it to Reconnect All as above. Took about 15 minutes but at least there was a progress bar.
    Good Luck

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    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!

    The TM backup was from the aluminum 13" macbook from just before the refresh at the WWDC 09. I originally tried to use the migration assistant but it would freeze everytime I tried, right after it asked for my username and password. I then used the install disk to boot and then chose restore from time machine backup in the menu.
    You mentioned that I need to do an 'archive and install'. What do you mean by archive? It's mostly the system settings that I am concerned about, everything else is backed up.

  • Safari crashes and gives error after time machine restore

    Hi Apple,
    My Safari crashes and gives error after time machine restore. See error (log) below:
    Safari [1868]
    7.0.1 (9537.73.11)
    Build Info: 
    Code Type:  
    X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [174]
    Safari [1868]
    User ID:    
    2014-03-24 22:31:09.115 -0400
    OS Version: 
    Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  71F3CB6C-F8A0-C67D-EE17-D79E8AACA56F
    Crashed Thread:  15
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000105aa5400
    External Modification Warnings:
    Thread creation by external task.
    VM Regions Near 0x105aa5400:
    000000010c5a3000-000000010c5a4000 [
    4K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: in dlopen()
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Calend arFoundation
    Process Model:
    Multiple Web Processes
    Enabled Extensions:
    com.conduit.safari-QAMAD5CQ5Z (20 - 1.0) Conduit Search for Safari
    Thread 0:: Dispatch queue:
    0   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e800b7e open + 10
    1   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e5566 dyld::loadPhase5(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 689
    2   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e5291 dyld::loadPhase4(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 158
    3   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e5179 dyld::loadPhase3(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 1433
    4   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e49c6 dyld::loadPhase1(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 135
    5   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e0426 dyld::loadPhase0(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 190
    6   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e01bb dyld::load(char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&) + 179
    7   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e4337 dyld::libraryLocator(char const*, bool, char const*, ImageLoader::RPathChain const*) + 52
    8   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7eacb4 ImageLoader::recursiveLoadLibraries(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&) + 368
    9   dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7eb01e ImageLoader::recursiveLoadLibraries(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&) + 1242
    10  dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7ea9d4 ImageLoader::link(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, bool, bool, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&) + 80
    11  dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e1764 dyld::link(ImageLoader*, bool, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&) + 166
    12  dyld                     
    0x00007fff6e7e876d dlopen + 440
    13  libdyld.dylib            
    0x00000001130757ef dlopen + 59
    0x000000010c821558 AOSAccountsFramework() + 39
    0x000000010c82025d getMMAOSAccountStatusLoginNotification() + 27
    0x000000010c6a4fa9 ___ZL29aosAccountsFrameworkAvailablev_block_invoke + 11
    0x000000010c6a2f11 aosAccountsFrameworkAvailable() + 33
    0x000000010c6a2e09 -[CloudTabStore init] + 65
    0x000000010c6a2db8 +[CloudTabStore sharedCloudTabStore] + 58
    0x000000010c8464c0 -[ToolbarController _canShowToolbarItemForCloudTabs] + 29
    0x000000010c846c03 -[ToolbarController toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers:] + 154
    0x0000000110afad21 -[NSToolbar _defaultItemIdentifiers] + 80
    0x0000000110afab14 -[NSToolbar _setConfigurationFromDictionary:notifyFamilyAndUpdateDefaults:upgradedConfigura tion:] + 291
    0x0000000110afa95c -[NSToolbar _setConfigurationUsingName:domain:] + 324
    0x0000000110afa804 -[NSToolbar setConfigurationUsingName:] + 201
    0x0000000110afa641 -[NSToolbar _loadFromUDIfNecessary] + 121
    0x0000000110afa385 -[NSWindow setToolbar:] + 535
    0x000000010c8450cb -[ToolbarController initWithBrowserWindowController:] + 587
    0x000000010c671608 -[BrowserWindowControllerMac windowDidLoad] + 739
    0x0000000110c8c35c -[NSWindowController _windowDidLoad] + 450
    0x000000010c8a3f8d -[WindowController _windowDidLoad] + 43
    0x0000000110c73076 -[NSWindowController window] + 110
    0x000000010c671d3a -[BrowserWindowControllerMac showWindow:] + 50
    0x0000000110d404c5 -[NSDocument showWindows] + 100
    0x000000010c6400ab -[BrowserDocument showWindows] + 39
    0x0000000110d3f028 -[NSDocumentController openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay:error:] + 458
    0x0000000110d3ee1f -[NSDocumentController newDocument:] + 36
    0x000000010c7d3793 -[WindowReopener reopenWithArrayOfWindowControllerNames:] + 120
    0x000000010c7d3954 -[WindowReopener init] + 117
    0x000000010c7d3a63 +[WindowReopener reopenWindows] + 43
    0x000000010c5b5597 -[AppController _openUntitledFileWhileLaunching:] + 157
    0x000000010c5b2441 -[AppController applicationOpenUntitledFile:] + 22
    0x0000000110c6de90 -[NSApplication _doOpenUntitled] + 447
    0x0000000110b90f41 __58-[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:]_block_invoke + 254
    0x0000000110b90c63 __78-[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _autoreopenDocumentsWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 + 140
    0x0000000110b9084d -[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _autoreopenDocumentsWithCompletionHandler:] + 746
    0x00000001109fb9fb -[NSApplication _reopenWindowsAsNecessaryIncludingRestorableState:registeringAsReady:completion Handler:] + 323
    0x00000001109fb789 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 557
    0x00000001109fb1eb -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 242
    0x000000010ef4beaa -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 294
    0x000000010ef4bd1d _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 106
    0x0000000113a2ee1f aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 381
    0x0000000113a2ec32 dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 31
    0x0000000113a2eb36 aeProcessAppleEvent + 315
    0x00000001125c95f1 AEProcessAppleEvent + 56
    0x00000001109f70f6 _DPSNextEvent + 1026
    0x00000001109f68db -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 122
    0x000000010c604ec0 -[BrowserApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 161
    0x00000001109ea9cc -[NSApplication run] + 553
    0x00000001109d5803 NSApplicationMain + 940
    0x000000010c7d6f3d SafariMain + 267
    62  libdyld.dylib            
    0x00000001130765fd start + 1
    Thread 1:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113320f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 2:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113207662 kevent64 + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x000000011304143d _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 239
    2   libdispatch.dylib        
    0x0000000113041152 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113320f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 4:: WebCore: IconDatabase
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113321c3b _pthread_cond_wait + 727
    0x000000011665ac0b WebCore::IconDatabase::syncThreadMainLoop() + 507
    0x000000011665779f WebCore::IconDatabase::iconDatabaseSyncThread() + 303
    0x000000010d0870af ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f899 _pthread_body + 138
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f72a _pthread_start + 137
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113320f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113320f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 7::
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113202a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113201d18 mach_msg + 64
    0x000000010e1813b7 CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 195
    0x000000010e1812ed thread_fun + 25
    4   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f899 _pthread_body + 138
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f72a _pthread_start + 137
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 8::
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113202a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113201d18 mach_msg + 64
    0x000000010fb22315 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181
    0x000000010fb21939 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161
    0x000000010fb21275 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    0x000000010ef91907 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 348
    0x000000010ef9170b __NSThread__main__ + 1318
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f899 _pthread_body + 138
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f72a _pthread_start + 137
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113320f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206e6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113320f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 11:: JavaScriptCore::BlockFree
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113321c3b _pthread_cond_wait + 727
    0x000000010d092266 ***::ThreadCondition::timedWait(***::Mutex&, double) + 118
    0x000000010d091d85 JSC::BlockAllocator::blockFreeingThreadMain() + 117
    0x000000010d0870af ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f899 _pthread_body + 138
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f72a _pthread_start + 137
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 12:: JavaScriptCore::Marking
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113321c3b _pthread_cond_wait + 727
    0x000000010d092887 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 119
    0x000000010d092718 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88
    0x000000010d0870af ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f899 _pthread_body + 138
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f72a _pthread_start + 137
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 13:: JavaScriptCore::Marking
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113321c3b _pthread_cond_wait + 727
    0x000000010d092887 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 119
    0x000000010d092718 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88
    0x000000010d0870af ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f899 _pthread_body + 138
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f72a _pthread_start + 137
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 14:: JavaScriptCore::Marking
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib   
    0x0000000113206716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113321c3b _pthread_cond_wait + 727
    0x000000010d092887 JSC::GCThread::waitForNextPhase() + 119
    0x000000010d092718 JSC::GCThread::gcThreadMain() + 88
    0x000000010d0870af ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f899 _pthread_body + 138
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x000000011331f72a _pthread_start + 137
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib  
    0x0000000113323fc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 15 Crashed:
    0   ???                      
    0x000000010f6ec598 0 + 4553885080
    Thread 15 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x0000000000000054  rcx: 0x000000010f639000  rdx: 0x0000000000000054
      rdi: 0x0000000000000000  rsi: 0x000000010eb53000  rbp: 0x000000010f63aff0  rsp: 0x000000010f63af70
       r8: 0x0000000000000000   r9: 0x0000000000000000  r10: 0x0000000000000000  r11: 0x0000000000000000
      r12: 0x0000000105aa5400  r13: 0x0000000000000000  r14: 0x0000000000000000  r15: 0x000000010eb53000
      rip: 0x000000010f6ec598  rfl: 0x0000000000010202  cr2: 0x0000000105aa5400
    Logical CPU:
    Error Code: 
    Trap Number:
    Binary Images:
    0x10c5a3000 -   
    0x10c5a3ffd (7.0.1 - 9537.73.11) <26B9451D-36DC-3EC9-AF48-B32519F9BFF6> /Applications/
    0x10c5a8000 -   
    0x10caaeff3 (9537 - 9537.73.11) <D3F772B3-4AD9-32F1-A0CB-CF307FF1B283> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Safari.framework/Versions/A/Safari
    0x10ce98000 -   
    0x10ce99ff7  libSystem.B.dylib (1197.1.1) <BFC0DC97-46C6-3BE0-9983-54A98734897A> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x10cea3000 -   
    0x10cec1ff7 (113 - 113) <FEB37642-C973-3CD2-B279-142492266A16> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Accounts
    0x10cee3000 -   
    0x10cee4fff  libquit.dylib (161) <12162287-B8C8-36D0-B000-ADC28731FC66> /usr/lib/libquit.dylib
    0x10ceed000 -   
    0x10cf0aff7 (9.0 - 900.47) <C897AFE6-DD73-387D-816A-67252A564207> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Apple80211
    0x10cf1d000 -   
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    0x10cf20000 -   
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    0x10cf29000 -   
    0x10cf87ff7 (1486.17 - 1486.24) <9FBB29F0-E000-3190-A96C-9EAA5CCCA2A0> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreLocation.framework/Versions/A/CoreLocation
    0x10cfc6000 -   
    0x10cfd0ff7 (10.9 - 538) <B487466B-3AA1-3854-A808-A61F049FA794> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CrashReporterSupport.framework/Versions/A/Cra shReporterSupport
    0x10cfdf000 -   
    0x10d049ff7 (2.0.1 - 907.1.13) <C1E95F5C-B79B-31BE-9F2A-1B25163C1F16> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x10d07e000 -   
    0x10d3f4ffa (9537 - 9537.73.10) <4A4AE781-6F76-3412-B0E5-67E0BAEE22A2> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
    0x10d4ef000 -   
    0x10d6a7ff3  libicucore.A.dylib (511.27) <003B6C21-CBD1-3486-9A1D-030ADF5FA061> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x10d751000 -   
    0x10d83bfff  libsqlite3.dylib (158) <00269BF9-43BE-39E0-9C85-24585B9923C8> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
    0x10d855000 -   
    0x10d886ff7  libtidy.A.dylib (15.12) <BF757E3C-733A-3B6B-809A-A3949D46466E> /usr/lib/libtidy.A.dylib
    0x10d898000 -   
    0x10d8a5ff7  libxar.1.dylib (202) <5572AA71-E98D-3FE1-9402-BB4A84E0E71E> /usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib
    0x10d8ae000 -   
    0x10d8bcfff (9.0.83 - 9.0.83) <AF467644-7B1D-327A-AC47-CECFCAF61990> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
    0x10d8c5000 -   
    0x10d906fff (1.47 - 47) <784ED7B8-FAE4-36CE-8C76-B7D300316C9F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Perf ormanceAnalysis
    0x10e15a000 -   
    0x10e2f6ff7 (1.8 - 332.0) <994D1E0A-64B6-398C-B9A2-C362F02DE943> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
    0x10e3d0000 -   
    0x10e628ff1 (7.0 - 55471) <233831C5-C457-3AD5-AFE7-E3E2DE6929C9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    0x10e772000 -   
    0x10e7e5ffb (6.0 - 55122) <119D1C53-B292-3378-AEE1-A3B1FB02F43F> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Versions/A/SecurityFoun dation
    0x10e82a000 -   
    0x10e858ff7 (9.0 - 55047) <0346D8A9-2CAA-38F3-A741-5FBA5E9F1E7C> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityInterface.framework/Versions/A/SecurityInter face
    0x10e886000 -   
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    0x10e924000 -   
    0x10ea5affa (9537 - 9537.73.11) <5F583526-8D71-30AD-B97C-56EC51E94E85> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
    0x10eb4f000 -   
    0x10eb4ffff (1.1.1 - 1) <664A1157-0D98-3680-8C3B-091980DA7BC4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BookmarkDAV.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/S afariDAVNotifier.framework/Versions/A/SafariDAVNotifier
    0x10eb55000 -   
    0x10ed45ff5 (9537 - 9537.73.11) <FE8D26BB-F8B7-37D6-94A0-D82161541F30> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/Versions/A/WebKit2
    0x10ef2a000 -   
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    0x10f468000 -   
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    0x10f63d000 -   
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    0x112f5b000 -   
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    0x112f9f000 -   
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    0x112fcb000 -   
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    0x11303e000 -   
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    0x1130a2000 -   
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    0x1130b4000 -   
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    0x1130d3000 -   
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    0x1130da000 -   
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    0x11318f000 -   
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    0x1131b2000 -   
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    0x1131f1000 -   
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    0x113272000 -   
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    0x1132e8000 -   
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    0x11331e000 -   
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    0x113332000 -   
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    0x113359000 -   
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    0x11336b000 -   
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    0x1133ac000 -   
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    0x1133c7000 -   
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    0x1133d5000 -   
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    0x113bef000 -   
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    0x113c60000 -   
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    0x113c7d000 -   
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    0x113ce0000 -   
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    0x113d17000 -   
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    0x1140e6000 -   
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    0x114102000 -   
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    0x114c94fff  libFontParser.dylib (111.1) <835A8253-6AB9-3AAB-9CBF-171440DEC486> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
    0x114d0e000 -   
    0x114d55fff  libFontRegistry.dylib (127) <A77A0480-AA5D-3CC8-8B68-69985CD546DC> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontRegistry.dylib
    0x114d7e000 -   
    0x114da2ff7  libJPEG.dylib (1038) <86F349A8-882D-3326-A0B0-63257F68B1A7> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib
    0x114db0000 -   
    0x114e09fff  libTIFF.dylib (1038) <5CBFE0C2-9DD8-340B-BA63-A94CE2E476F2> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    0x114e1c000 -   
    0x114e37ff7  libPng.dylib (1038) <EF781AF8-C2E6-3179-B8A1-A584783070F1> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
    0x114e41000 -   
    0x114e45ff7  libGIF.dylib (1038) <C29B4323-1B9E-36B9-96C2-7CEDBAA124F0> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
    0x114e4c000 -   
    0x114f3afff  libJP2.dylib (1038) <6C8179F5-8063-3ED6-A7C2-D5603DECDF28> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJP2.dylib
    0x114f67000 -   
    0x114f69fff  libRadiance.dylib (1038) <55F99274-5074-3C73-BAC5-AF234E71CF38> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.d ylib
    0x114f73000 -   
    0x114fbaff7  libcups.2.dylib (372) <348EED62-6C20-35D6-8EFB-E80943965100> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
    0x114fd0000 -   
    0x114fe9ff7 (3.0 - 1) <F108AFEB-198A-3BAF-BCA5-9DFCE55EFF92> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos
    0x115009000 -   
    0x115025fff  libresolv.9.dylib (54) <11C2C826-F1C6-39C6-B4E8-6E0C41D4FA95> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x115031000 -   
    0x115122ff9  libiconv.2.dylib (41) <BB44B115-AC32-3877-A0ED-AEC6232A4563> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
    0x115138000 -   
    0x11519cff9 (4.0 - 2.0) <E7D20A4D-4674-37E1-A949-635FFF7C439A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Versions/A/Heimdal
    0x1151c9000 -   
    0x1151cafff (2.0 - 25) <334A82F4-4AE4-3719-A511-86D0B0723E2B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/Tru stEvaluationAgent
    0x1151d1000 -   
    0x1151d5ff7  libheimdal-asn1.dylib (323.12) <063A01C2-E547-39D9-BB42-4CC8E64ADE70> /usr/lib/l

    simonun wrote:
    Hi guys,
    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    hope somebody can help me with this issue with TM.
    I decided to restore my entire system from a backup I got in an external hard drive ( formatted mac Os Journaled). I didnt exclude any folder from the backup.
    Basically using the mac osx installation disk
    Which one? If you used a Leopard Install disc, that's the problem. You need to use a +Snow Leopard+ disc to restore a +Snow Leopard+ backup. (Unfortunately, Apple doesn't exactly make that clear -- you are far from the first!)
    If your system is not too large, and didn't take more than an hour or so to restore, just do it over.
    If it's a lot larger, though, you can just install Snow Leopard. Your Mac should boot up normally, but don't use any apps yet. First, download and install the 10.6.5 "combo" update. Info and download available at: Be sure to do a +Repair Permissions+ via Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utilities folder) afterwards.

  • ALL Photos missing after Time Machine restore  (help)

    So, I accidently formated the wrong drive while in Windows, (big oops) which gave me the opportunity to take Time Machine for a test drive.
    I put the DVD in, and was able to restore from the TIme Machine drive. Very impressed! Everything came back just as I had left it except - whats this? The default Leopard wallpaper instead of a picture of my son? Huh strange, I thought. Until I noticed I had no photos in iPhoto.
    There seems to be reminents of photos in the iphoto database - the size is 1.3gb instead of the 7gb it used to be. But 0 photos in iPhoto 08.
    I went into iPhoto and choose File/Browse Backups. I selected Nov 8th, which was the last day of my backup and showed all 7000+ photos, and clicked "Restore All". This brought up something odd - a 2nd iPhoto icon in the dock, which showed a progress bar for the restore. Once the restore was completed, I still had a 2nd iPhoto icon the the bar, which was iPhoto running - but no photos in iphoto! I exited the 2nd iphoto, which disappeared, and launched my normal Iphoto icon. Still no photos! (That just seems odd that it would launch iPhoto with a 2nd icon)
    So, I moved my iphoto database, and launch iPhoto in order to create a fresh database - thinking maybe that was the issue. I then did File/Restore again, and went through the whole processes again, including the odd 2nd icon. Still, no photos! And another 1.3gb iphoto database!
    Is it normal for a Time Machine restore to not include your photos? Surely you are not supposed to restore them separately from within Iphoto?
    What do I do now? At this point, everything went very well - except no photos! Which is awful and not at all expected! 7000+ family photos! At least, if I ask iPhoto/Time Machine to restore 'all photos' you would think it would restore 'all photos' - not show a progress bar, and then show me no photos!
    p.s. I just tooked at the iPhoto Library. The 1.3gb is in /Data/ which contains folders 2000-2007, my Events, and thumbnails of all the photos - but no actual photos (the 'Originals' folder is missing).
    I then went back in time, and found the 8gb iPhoto Library database. I supposed I could copy it over manually via Time Machine, and not iPhoto's Restore/TM - but - i'm so far off track of how this should have went I don't know what to think!
    p.s.s. So I did just that - copied the 8gb iPhoto Library manually from TM, and pasted it in place. I help down option, and launch iPhoto, selecting the 8gb library - and BOOM... no photos!
    Something is #$%# up here.
    Message was edited by: metzen79

    This is what it says in the help file:
    Reverting to a previous Mac OS X version
    If you’ve used Time Machine to back up your computer, you can easily revert to a previous version of Mac OS X if you’re experiencing trouble after installing an update.
    IMPORTANT: Reverting to the previous version of Mac OS X will erase any additions or changes you’ve made to the files on your computer after installing the new version of Mac OS X. To save new or revised files, copy them onto a different disk or back them up using Time Machine before you follow these instructions. Use Time Machine only if you’re reverting to a previous version of Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), since Time Machine is not available with Mac OS X 10.4 or earlier.
    To revert to a previous version of Mac OS X:
    Insert the disc you used to install the new version of Mac OS X, and double-click the Install Mac OS X icon.
    In the Installer, choose Utilities > Restore System From Backup.
    In the Restore Your System dialog, click Continue.
    Select your Time Machine backup volume.
    Select the Time Machine backup you want to restore. To restore your computer to the state it was in before you installed a new version of Mac OS X, choose the most recent backup.
    Follow the onscreen instructions.
    If you backed up any individual files as described under the Important message above, you can restore them now. If you backed them up using Time Machine, recover them using the Time Machine application. (You’ll find the Time Machine application in the Dock or in the Applications folder.)
    Hope this helps

  • Lost "Last Import" after Time Machine restore

    I recently had a hard drive fail on me but was up to date on Time Machine backups. So after a rebuild of 10.6.2, I restored my system from Time Machine. But now, I noticed that the last batch of pictures I imported before the hard drive went, are gone. They are still listed in iPhoto under Last Imported. And their Events Descriptions are showing up but all pictures are just empty grey squares, leading me to believe the links were lost. So I opened up the contents of the iPhoto Library and sure enough those file folders were gone also.
    Any ideas what could have happened? Maybe ways to get them back?
    I'm assuming the pictures are gone at this point - about 215 including my son's 3rd Birthday. Fortunately though, I have lo-rez versions on my iPhone.

    Experienced this myself today with the latest iPhoto on a Time Machine restore after a failed hard drive.
    I would guess the cause is that iPhoto writes the 'last import' into a cache file, and not to the Originals folder on the hard drive until the next import. Since Time-Machine excludes many cache files from its backup to save time and space from meaningless change (caches should always be able to be rebuilt), the photos were never copied to the backup drive.
    However, this is merely a guess, and is the only reason I could fathom as to why Time Machine did not back up photos that have been on the disk for over a month. Quick testing with local files wrote directly to the disk, which makes me think it may be only from a camera or some other device, but I am not sure exactly.
    If someone happens to find a way to get back the photos, let us know. Exploring the iPhoto library in Time Machine yielded me nothing, neither did rebuilding the cache database or looking for orphaned photos.

  • OpenDirectory: Unable To Load Replica List, after Time Machine Restore

    I followed the following instructions provided on another thread (Open Directory: "Unable to load replica list"):
    Many Open Directory problems can be resolved by taking the following steps.
    1. The OD master must have a manually-assigned IP address on the local network, not a dynamic address.
    2. The primary DNS server used by the master must be (that is, itself) unless you're using another server for internal DNS. The only DNS server set on the clients should be the internal one, which they should get from DHCP if applicable.
    3. Verify that the master's hostname matches its domain name by running the shell command
    sudo changeip -checkhostname
    4. Follow these instructions to rebuild the Kerberos configuration on the master.
    5. If you use authenticated binding, check the validity of the master's certificate. The common name must match the hostname and domain name. Deselecting and then reselecting the certificate in has been reported to have an effect in some cases.
    6. Unbind and then rebind the clients in the Users & Groups preference pane. Use the fully-qualified domain name of the master.
    7. Reboot the master and the clients.
    8. Don't log in to the server with a network user's account.
    9. Export all OD users, delete them, turn off OD, turn it back on, and import. Ensure that the UID's are in the 1001+ range.
    And got the following results:
    Resulted in the following console output: The names match. There is nothing to change.
    The touch command resulted in "No such file or directory." I circumvented this by manually creating the migration directory, then running the command again. The killall command failed saying "No matching processes were found." Opening the server app after that shows no change.
    My trusted certificate was apparently not restored from the backup, as it was no longer listed. I switched to the self-signed one until a CSR can be made.
    I'm not clear on what this actually means. There is no unbind or rebind functionality in the server app. Not to mention that my users or groups are no longer listed.
    Nothing changed after rebooting the server.
    Have always logged into server using the local server admin account.
    Where is this done? I don't see any place to do this in the Server App.
    At this point I'm suspecting that there are some serious Time Machine recovery bugs with server, as I have tried with multiple different restore points all ending in the exact same result.
    Any recommendations on where to go from here? I would love to do a fresh install, but need to archive the data from the server first. Unfortunately, I don't see how I can export each users' data without being able to log in as them.

    There seem to be some issues with PostgreSQL not running. Marketcircle Daylite and Billings Pro also won't start, and are showing errors to that effect.

  • Reactivate software needed after Time Machine Restore?

    So I'm getting ready to upgrade the HD in my MBP and I am going to try the time machine restore feature (hopefully) to reload the new HD to exact status of old HD. From what I've read this is pretty easy to do. What I can't find in my searches is if all the apps on my HD will need to be reactivate after this procedure.
    Once I restore the new HD does all the software need to be reactivated? I have a ton of apps that I have no idea where the serial #'s are and would be screwed if I had to reactivate them. Or does the restore to the new HD work seemlessly so that it's as if I didn't even swap HDs.

    The only 'problem' I've ever had after a restore was with the MS Office for Mac suite 2011. It required me to either re-enter my activation code or sign-on to my Office 365 account (I did the latter).
    Never had a problem with Adobe products, though. I can't guarantee that you won't, of course, but I've personally never had a problem with Adobe products.

  • Apple Modem will not answer after Time Machine Restore

    After restoring from a Time Machine backup the Apple External Modem no longer answers incoming [fax] calls. I verified all modem/fax settings - they are good and the same as before the restore. The Modem Status in the Menu Bar doesn't indicate "ringing..." when the line is ringing and the Fax no longer answers.
    Opening the Console I see these errors repeating endlessly-
    9/15/08 10:09:10 AM[1271] Already loaded
    9/15/08 10:09:10 AM [0x0-0x15015][155] No matching processes were found
    9/15/08 10:09:27 AM[1274] /usr/bin/fax: line 537: cd: /var/spool/fax: No such file or directory
    I believe the fax app is supposed to create this dir, but I created the dir in /var/log/ as follows:
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 68 Sep 15 10:33 fax
    Makes no difference, rebooted, still makes no difference, ran disk utility to see if it would change permissions, no it didn't - still getting the errors, so there's something else that's also missing after a restore, or the error message is erroneous since the dir now exists.
    It appears a Time Machine Restore - doesn't restore all that's needed for the fax subsystem to work. I thought the restore was supposed to completely restore the volume to previous operating state?
    Any help on this would be great, I now have no incoming FAX - one of the main jobs of this Mini - thx - KR

    By the way, it's running OS X 10.5.4

  • Gray Screen After Time Machine Restore

    I have an iMac running Snow Leopard (most recent update) I recently tried norton antivirus for the mac but found that it slowed down my mac too much so i uninstalled it with the uninstaller. The error i got was a circle with a line thru it at startup. After following steps on disk repair and permission repair i still couldnt get rid of this so I did a restore from time machine. I used the original disk (not the snow leopard upgrade disk) to reach the time machine restore. After trying 2 different backups I'm now getting the gray screen that asks me to restart my imac. I've unplugged everything else. The internal hard drive and ram are all factory.
    Any suggestions for a frustrated iMac user ???

    HI Corey,
    There are no Mac viruses in the wild. Unfortunately, you selected the worst A/V software possible. Here's a list of Mac users who installed Norton.
    After trying 2 different backups I'm now getting the gray screen that asks me to restart my imac.
    That's a kernel panic.
    Thing to do now is a complete erase and install from your SL disc.
    or here...

  • IWork free with new purchase but not available after time machine restore

    Tried to find the best place to put this and this is the best I can surmise.
    iWork is now supposedly free with the purchase of a new Mac. I received a new MacBook Pro 2 days ago. The problem is, I wanted to keep all my old settings/apps/features/files without spending 2 weeks resetting everything back up, so I used time machine to restore my machine to the state of my old MacBook Air. Unfortunately, it does not look like any iWork apps remained in the Applications folder (makes sense), but now I go to the App store and Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are all listed as $19.99.
    I only assume that my time machine restore was the issue (I don't know if the apps were ever in the Applications folder at all), but since time machine is a feature Apple supports I would assume they support some way to make this work as well. How do I go about getting iWork without paying $60?

    There are several reasons why the updates don't show as free for those who already have iWork '09 installed.
    1. You must have iWork '09 apps installed & they must be updated to the x.3 version. You can also download the standalone updater from this page.
    2. If you are not using English as the primary language for your Mac, change to English & run Software Update. You can then switch back to your preferred language.
    3. Go to Mac App Store (MAS) > Click on Store > Check for Unfinished Downloads. You will need to individually click into each application > Click update > enter in your Apple ID & password and then it will start updating.
    4. Open App Store on your Mac & look at the buttons under Keynote, Pages & Numbers. If it does not say “Update” click Account under Quick Links, enter your password & click “View Account.”  Next, click the “Reset” button to the right of “Reset all warnings for buying and downloading” at the bottom of this page, & click Done. Check your updates tab & iWork & iLife updates should now appear.
    These are the ones I've seen work for others.

  • Why did Mail do an upgrade/import after Time Machine restore?

    I just did a full Time Machine restore of my Mac after a hard drive issue (Yosemite). Everything looks OK overall, but when I launched, it did a full upgrade/import, as though I'd just upgraded from an earlier version and needed to update the database. Is that normal? Why is it necessary? Thanks!

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    exclamation point when trying to view an individual image).
    The exclamation point is an indication that iPhoto has lost the link/file path to the original file. Are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library?
    Click to view full size
    If you're running a "managed" library try the three fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding the the Option key. You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache files that are located in the User/Library/Caches/ folder.
    Fix #2
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys depressed and follow the instructions to rebuild the library. Select last three options.
    Click to view full size
    Fix #3
    Rebuild the library using iPhoto Library Manager as follows:
    Using iPhoto Library Manager to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 -Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 -Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your User/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File->Rebuild Library menu option
    4 - In the next window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • Imac won't restart after time machine restore

    I restored my external firewire 800 hard drive from a time machine restore using my snow leopard insall disk.  The restore function said the restore was successful.  But when the computer restarted I got the folder with the question mark icon.  My internal hard drive went bad a year ago. 
    What to do?

    Did you restore the entire contents of your Mac from the Time Machine backup?  Was Time Machine backing up everything?
    Try booting with an "option" key held down.  That will show the internal disk volume if it has a bootable copy of OS X on it.
    You might try installing OS X over the top of what's currently on the disk.  If that doesn't help, erase the disk, install OS X on it, then use Setup Assistant (unless I'm misremembering and it's actually Migration Assistant) to transfer the TIme Machine contents again.
    Incidentally, after things are working again, the first time Time Machine runs it will back up everything again.

  • IMac won't accept password after time machine restore

    Restored 2009 IMac after an HD replacement by Apple. All proceeded smoothly until IMac wouldn't accept my password after the restore from Time Machine. Any ideas will be appreciated.

    One thing to try, if you didn't already do this, is to reinstall OS X and use Setup Assistant (which is only available at first boot of a new HD or a reinstalled OS) to migrate your data. A full Time Machine restoration on a new HD can have file permissions problems and/or duplicate User Account problems if Setup Assistant is not used.

  • Need to re-authorize iTunes after Time Machine restore -bug?-

    After a ganked iTunes/Quicktime update I had to use Time Machine to restore my Mac.
    After trying to re-sync my iPod with iTunes I was informed that this machine was no longer authorized despite it being the same machine.
    I had to re-authorize the machine through iTunes and now have 2 authorized Macs even though it's the same machine and I can't de-authorize the "old version" since it just de-authorizes what you're using i.e. the "new version"
    My worry is that if I have to carry out further Time Machine restores then my 5 authorized slots will fill up and then I'll have to de-authorize all computers which you can only do once a year.
    Has anyone experienced anything similar and I assume this is a bug?

    Yes I've seen that and yes, it's a case of sending Mac OS X Feedback .

Maybe you are looking for