Allow only free app installs

Alll of my kids just got the iPhone 3GS and I have setup parental controls however the one thing I do not see is an option to allow them to install only free apps.
Am I missing something?  I know I can make it so that a password is required for any installs but I would like to allow them to install as long as the apps are free.  Any paid apps would require a password.  Is this possible?

Get them their own Apple ID's and then set up their own App store account without a credit card. The only thing they'll be able to install are free apps:

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    No promises.

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    Hey, all, there is another thread on this topic that is three pages long.  I suggest you go there for the latest info:
    Here it is:
    family sharing is not working

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    You have to continue to use that old ID for these apps.
    Apps and all purchased content are always tied to the Apple ID that was used to purchase the content. You can't use a new ID, transfer the content to that ID and sync the content with the new one. You have to use the old ID in order to sync and update those apps.
    Log into the old ID on the iPad in Settings>Store>Apple ID.
    BTW - that was not a great idea - purchasing apps with the old ID and then creating a new ID. If you can continue to use that old ID - just keep using it and forget the new one.

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    Did you add or change your credit card details when downloading those apps ? If so then it's probably a holding charge, which should disappear within a few days :

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    Yes I did, I have two apple ID's, one which I created only yesterday this is the one which I do not want my credit card details on.
    So I signed out of my existing account (tried this in itunes store and app store, on my mac and ipod touch) then signed in with new ID, can't get past the credit card request. I don't get the none option, on the touch i don,t get the pop up scrolling window with all the options.
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    All it will show is the top 200, sorted various ways!

    Go to the Power Search, select Apps, check the box that says "search for only free apps" and click Search without entering in any search criteria. In the results window, click the appropriate "see all" link.

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    Sorry, but there's no way I know of to restrict downloading to free apps only. You can turn off purchasing of apps completely, but if purchasing is allowed, it's open other than by age range. You can of course remove any purchase method, but I don't believe that blocks the purchase; you just end up owing money.

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    You cannot use the Japanese iTunes Store unless are physically present there and have a Japanese payment method. This applies even for free apps; you cannot get them from the Japanese iTunes Store if you are in the US.
    If you are in Japan, you can set up a new iTunes Store account just to get free apps. See:
    Read the steps carefully as the order in which you follow them is  critical. Note that you can do this only when creating a new Apple ID. You cannot use an existing ID.
    If you have moved to Japan and wish to change the country of your account permanently, you can contact the iTunes Store and ask them to clear your remaining balance. You will need to be able to provide a Japanese payment method, though.

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    On the apple website that is correct i beleive.... but i have an italian american express and am able to purchase stuff here in the US.
    I mean, i dont think it really matters

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    I, too, just discovered this.   I have several free apps like Twitter and Facebook.  Under iOS 8 I became the administrator for my family of 5 to share apps.
    Now, not only can my family members not download these free apps, but there is no way via the iPhone to buy or gift these apps so that the can be downloaded on any of my family members' devices.
    I will try the iTunes work-around but this is a very big hassle (with regard to managing apps).
    Hopefully it is a design oversight and not a legitimate restriction.

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    Right click on your iPad's name in the iTunes app on your computer and choose to transfer purchases. That should transfer anything that you have bought with the App Store app on the iPad to the iTunes app on your computer.

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