Alv page no 1 of 10 in footer

Hi All
I am using reuse alv Grid FM. I need to print alv report providing 'Page No. 1(Current page) of 10(end of page) in footer. Could any body help me with sample code.

suppose 65 lines per page , take the number of lines of ALV and devide with 65 , then you will know no.of pages.
use describe table of internal  table , then you will get number of lines that you are going to display in alv.
  no_pages = no_of_lines / 65.
    write: sy-uline(50).
write:/40 'Page:', sy-pagno, 'of' no_pages .
more clearly :
  DESCRIBE TABLE i_final_data LINES ws_final_count.
    IF  ws_final_count > 65 .
      ws_pages = CEIL( ws_final_count / 65 ).
      ws_pages = 1.

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    Check the below link
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    Page break Ups in ALV reports
    PS-> In ALV grid, we will not be able to see the page breaks on the screen. Once we convert the ALV grid to u201CList Outputu201D,we can see the page breaks or during print from the ALV grid.

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      Try this..
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    Change the tab setting for the footer paragraph format.
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    What i would suggest is to create a new variable in WhilePrintingRecords evaluation time. For example:
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    Thanks and Greetings

    Your question was "... but the font on the footer is much larger than that of the template", yes?
    I only can repeat, look at the difference of:
    1. index.html (Font-size > medium) >
    2. Calendar.html (Font-size > no entry):
    > "... font on the footer is much larger than that of the template",
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    Use the graphics package that you used to create the PDF to add the margins. You might also print to a new PDF to add margins. Graphics do not scale in a PDF, at least in my experience.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Please guide me.

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    Please take a look at a previous post at Re: New Page in ALV for Value Change on a Field on the same topic.
    Hope it helps.

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    We are on 701 SAPKB70105.
    Many thanks

    Hi All
    You can also copy the css file in itsmobile to your internet service.
    By putting the following code into the css and updating the gui config in sicf for the internet service you can remove the vertical scroll bar. 
    this problem only seems to happen when you use the mobile4 gernation style.
    /* --- MOBILE BODY -

  • Alv page numbers

    iam displaying output using alv grid(function modulues).
    i want to display the page numbers like 1 of 4(total pages) in top-of-page.
    how can i display?

    This functionality can be triggerred only when u take a printout of the ALV!!
    This code needs to be written in the END-of-Page event!
    Here's come to to help u out
    DATA:   v_temp TYPE f,
              v_rec TYPE i,
              v_page TYPE i,
              v_pagno TYPE string,
              v_cpage TYPE string,
              v_page2 TYPE string,
              v_div TYPE i,
              v_lincnt TYPE sy-linct.
    * Calculate & Display the number of pages during printout
      v_lincnt = sy-linct.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_output LINES v_rec.
      IF v_lincnt LE 11.
        v_lincnt = 58.
      v_div = v_lincnt - 11.
      v_temp = ( v_rec / v_div ).
      v_page = TRUNC( v_temp ).
      v_temp = FRAC( v_temp ).
      IF v_temp = 0.
      ELSE .
        v_page = v_page + 1.
      v_cpage = sy-pagno.
      v_page2 = v_page.
      CONCATENATE text-055 "page
                  text-056 "of
                  v_pagno SEPARATED BY space.
      IF sy-linct GT 11.
        WRITE AT (sy-linsz)  v_pagno RIGHT-JUSTIFIED.
    try this link also.
    Hope this helps you.....


    HI Experts,
                    I need to show the Company code, Date & other selections as Page header in my AVL report. The Header Should b in big format. Plz help me to do the same.

    Hello Khan,
    DO like this:
    * Internal Table TOP-OF-PAGE commentary
    * Work Area TOP-OF-PAGE commentary
        WA_COMMENTARY-TYP  = 'S'.
        WA_COMMENTARY-INFO = TEXT-003. " Give whatever u want to display
    * 003 vsm1kor 18.02.08 - en " OPL 1979
                  I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM     = G_PROGNAME
                  I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
                  IT_FIELDCAT            = IT_FIELDCAT
                I_SAVE                 = 'A'
                IS_VARIANT             = IT_VARIANT
                  I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN  = 50
                  I_SCREEN_START_LINE    = 5
                  I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN    = 100
                  I_SCREEN_END_LINE      = 20
                  T_OUTTAB               = IT_MATNR
                  PROGRAM_ERROR          = 1
                  OTHERS                 = 2.
        IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                  WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    *&      Form  TOP-OF-PAGE
    *        For Top of page
    FORM TOP_OF_PAGE.                                           "#EC CALLED
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page

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    How to add page event on the every pdf footer

    there is an option available in third party tool which you are using for create PDF using java. so read API documentation. if you can also extend/customize any feature using java

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