An identity column in a table

We are trying to implement an identity column in a table on our VC Model.  We have a data store that contains a counter value.  On our table, we have created a toolbar that contains the "Add" button and the "Remove" button.
The "Add" button is assigned the system action "Insert Row" with the option "After".
The "Remove" button is assigned the system action "Delete Row".
I dragged from the output port of the table to the data store.  I assigned the "delete" event to the data mapping line and entered the following formula
I dragged from the output port of the same table to the data store.  I assigned the "insert" event to the data mapping line and entered the following formula
Both events originate from the "All events" category, and have the event scope "Source element".
When I compile and deploy the model, I find that I can insert rows to the table, but the identity column is always 0.  I can remove rows from the table but since the identity column is always 0, I cannot tell if the decrement to the counter is working.
If I drag from the output port of the table to the data store and assign the "select" event, I find that after deploying the model, every click on the row will increment the identity for the row.  Clicking on the "Remove" button will successfully decrement the counter by one.  Clicking on the row again will increment the identity of the row correctly.
The question now is: Why did the Add button, which is supposed to be the insert row system action, did not increment my counter in the data store?
Please advise.
Edited by: Voon Siong Lum on Oct 10, 2008 10:57 AM

Resolved.  Managed to handle identity column by using data store and the select event.

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    Hi All,
    I have to insert the data into a SQL SERVER 2005 Database table.
    I am able to insert the data into a normal SQL Server table.
    When I am trying to insert the data into a SQL Server table, which has a identity column (i.e. auto increment column in Oracle) I am getting error saying that can't insert value explicitly when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
    Had anybody tried this??
    There are some SRs on this issue, Oracle agreed that it is a bug. I am wondering if there is any workaround from any one of you (refer Insert in MS-SQL database table with IDENTITY COLUMN
    V Kumar

    Even I had raised a SR on this in October 2008. But didn't get any solution for a long time, finally I had removed the identity column from the table. I can't to that now :).
    I am using and MS SQL SERVER 2005, They said it is working for MS SQL SERVER TABLE, if the identity column is not a primary key and asked me to refer to note 744735.1.
    I had followed that note, but still it is not working for me.
    But my requirement is it should work for a MS SQL SERVER 2005 table, which has identity column as primary key.
    V Kumar

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    Or, know of any other ways in which to address this issue?  Thanks.

    Unfortunately, no.  The error was a bit of a red herring.  In the end the subscriber was missing all of the stored procedures needed to update data in the published tables (i.e., the procedures for performing inserts/updates/deletes were missing
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  • Need percentage of values used in an identity column

    Hi All,
    I am very thankful to all of you for the supprt provided at all times.
    I am asked to provide the following details about an identity column for a table:
    - Database name
    - Table name
    - Identity column
    - Used number of identity values(max of identity values)
    - Percentage of used values
    - Next identity value to be generated
    - Remaining identity value
    I was able to get all these information from the global variables in sybase and with some calculations I was able to find all the identity related information as well but it takes time. For istance, the max of the column need to be found before calculating the percentage of used identity values. Since, these tables are huge(smallest table is 95 GB - bad design) the max computation itself takes time. Our Senior production DBA was able to get it with some system stored procedure which he doesn't want to disclose to us. We have requested him to at least guide us in the right direction but we are going nowhere.
    I checked all the sybase documentation but did not get much help.
    I sincerely request everyone to suggest me the most efficient and simple way to retrieve all this information.
    Sybase ASE version is 12.5.3
    Identity column
    precision - 12
    scale - 0
    Table size is 95 GB
    Table has a  unique clustered index on five column and the identity column is one among them.
    Please let me know if any information is required.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Nanda Kumar K

    Try this bit of SQL code.  Basicallly it leverages the "next_identity" function to determine which value is next to occur for the column and computes the other derived values from that.  This also assumes that identity values are uniformly used (ie, no gaps).  That's a big assumption but it seems built-in to your question.
    select "dbname"=db_name()
          ,"usedvals"=convert(int,next_identity( - 1
          ,"pctused"=str(100.00 *
                        ((convert(int,next_identity( - 1))
                            / convert(numeric(32),power(convert(numeric(32),10),sc.prec)-1)
          ,"remainident"=convert(numeric(32),power(convert(numeric(32),10),sc.prec)-1) - convert(int,next_identity( + 1
    from  sysobjects so
        inner join
          syscolumns sc
          on =
    where so.sysstat2 & 64 = 64 -- table has identity column
    and  sc.status & 128 = 128  -- column is an identity column
    order by 

  • Identical columns

    How to find out identical columns in both tables ?

    Do you mean something like this?
    SQL> connect scott/tiger
    SQL> desc emp
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    EMPNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
    ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(10)
    JOB                                                VARCHAR2(9)
    MGR                                                NUMBER(4)
    HIREDATE                                           DATE
    SAL                                                NUMBER(7,2)
    COMM                                               NUMBER(7,2)
    DEPTNO                                             NUMBER(2)
    SQL> desc dept
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    DEPTNO                                    NOT NULL NUMBER(2)
    DNAME                                              VARCHAR2(14)
    LOC                                                VARCHAR2(13)
    SQL> select tab1.column_name
      2  from user_tab_columns tab1,
      3       user_tab_columns tab2
      4  where tab1.table_name = 'EMP'
      5  and   tab2.table_name = 'DEPT'
      6  and   tab1.column_name = tab2.column_name
      7  ;

  • How to use identity column in table which value always start from one?

    Hi all,
    Hope doing well,
    sir i created one table which has id with number datatype
    for which i created sequence and stored procedure so suppose
    i inserted two row there it's inserting and id is showing 1, 2
    again i truncate that table and again i inserted value there now the id is starting from 3 , 4
    so my question is that after truncating table can't it insert from 1 in id column?

    sir i created one table which has id with number datatype
    for which i created sequence and stored procedure so suppose
    i inserted two row there it's inserting and id is showing 1, 2
    again i truncate that table and again i inserted value there now the id is starting from 3 , 4
    so my question is that after truncating table can't it insert from 1 in id column?
    Oracle does not have 'identity' columns.
    Oracle sequences are NOT gap free.
    Oracle sequences are independent objects and not associated with any other table or object.
    If you are wanting a gap-free sequnece of numbers, which is not recommended, you will have to create your own functionality. And that functionality will not be scalable or perform well.

  • Error when inserting in a table with an identity column

    I am new to Oracle SOA suite and ESB.
    I have been through the Oracle training and have worked for about 2 months with the tooling.
    We have a Database adabter that inserts data in 5 Tables with relations to each other.
    Each table has his own not NULL Identity column.
    When running/ testing the ESB service we get the error at the end of this post.
    From this we learned that the Database adapter inserts the value NULL in the identity column.
    We cannot find in the documentation how to get the database adabter to skip this first column and ignore it.
    Is this possible within the wizard? Our impression is no
    Is this possible somwhere else/
    And if so How can we do this?
    If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated
    Generic error.
    oracle.tip.esb.server.common.exceptions.BusinessEventRejectionException: An unhandled exception has been thrown in the ESB system. The exception reported is: "org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: esb:///ESB_Projects/GVB_PDI_PDI_Wegschrijven_Medewerkergegevens/testurv.wsdl [ testurv_ptt::insert(VastAdresCollection) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'insert' failed due to: DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
    insert failed. Descriptor name: [testurv.VastAdres]. [Caused by: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'VastAdres' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.]
    ; nested exception is:
    DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
    insert failed. Descriptor name: [testurv.VastAdres]. [Caused by: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'VastAdres' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.]
    Caused by Uitzondering [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 070608)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Interne uitzondering: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'VastAdres' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.Foutcode: 544
    Call:INSERT INTO dbo.VastAdres (ID, BeginDatum, Einddatum, Land, Plaats, Postcode, VolAdres) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
         bind => [null, 1894-06-24 00:00:00.0, 1872-09-04 00:00:00.0, Nederland, Wijdewormer, 1456 NR, Oosterdwarsweg 8]
    Query:InsertObjectQuery(<VastAdres null />).

    Click on the resources tab in the ESB system/ Project to see the ESB system design and all the components in it.
    Click on the Database adapter that you want to edit..and make the necesary changes..
    Check this link. for "6.8.2 How to Modify Adapter Services" section.
    If you are calling a database procedure which inturn makes the insert, you will have to make changes in the database and you job would be much simpler. It seems there are limitations on what you can change in the Database adapter once it is created. Please check the link for further details.

  • Error inserting a row into a table with identity column using cfgrid on change

    I got an error on trying to insert a row into a table with identity column using cfgrid on change see below
    also i would like to use cfstoreproc instead of cfquery but which argument i need to pass and how to use it usually i use stored procedure
    update table (xxx,xxx,xxx)
    values (uu,uuu,uu)
         My component
    <!--- Edit a Media Type  --->
        <cffunction name="cfn_MediaType_Update" access="remote">
            <cfargument name="gridaction" type="string" required="yes">
            <cfargument name="gridrow" type="struct" required="yes">
            <cfargument name="gridchanged" type="struct" required="yes">
            <!--- Local variables --->
            <cfset var colname="">
            <cfset var value="">
            <!--- Process gridaction --->
            <cfswitch expression="#ARGUMENTS.gridaction#">
                <!--- Process updates --->
                <cfcase value="U">
                    <!--- Get column name and value --->
                    <cfset colname=StructKeyList(ARGUMENTS.gridchanged)>
                    <cfset value=ARGUMENTS.gridchanged[colname]>
                    <!--- Perform actual update --->
                    <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                    UPDATE SP.MediaType
                    SET #colname# = '#value#'
                    WHERE MediaTypeID = #ARGUMENTS.gridrow.MediaTypeID#
                <!--- Process deletes --->
                <cfcase value="D">
                    <!--- Perform actual delete --->
                    <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                    update SP.MediaType
                    set Deleted=1
                    WHERE MediaTypeID = #ARGUMENTS.gridrow.MediaTypeID#
                <cfcase value="I">
                    <!--- Get column name and value --->
                    <cfset colname=StructKeyList(ARGUMENTS.gridchanged)>
                    <cfset value=ARGUMENTS.gridchanged[colname]>
                    <!--- Perform actual update --->
                   <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
                    insert into  SP.MediaType (#colname#)
                    Values ('#value#')              
    my table
    mediatypeid primary key,identity
    my code is
    <cfform method="post" name="GridExampleForm">
            <cfgrid format="html" name="grid_Tables2" pagesize="3"  selectmode="edit" width="800px" 
                <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeID" header="ID"  display="no"/>
                <cfgridcolumn name="MediaTypeName" header="Media Type" />
    on insert I get the following error message ajax logging error message
    http: Error invoking xxxxxxx/MediaType.cfc : Element '' is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression.
    {"gridaction":"I","gridrow":{"MEDIATYPEID":"","MEDIATYPENAME":"uuuuuu","CFGRIDROWINDEX":4} ,"gridchanged":{}}

    Is this with the Travel database or another database?
    If it's another database then make sure your columns
    allow nulls. To check this in the Server Navigator, expand
    your DataSource down to the column.
    Select the column and view the Is Nullable property
    in the Property Sheet
    If still no luck, check out a tutorial, like Performing Inserts, ...

  • Error in CodeFirst Seed with migrations : Modifying a column with the 'Identity' pattern is not supported. Column: 'CreatedAt'. Table: 'CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Category'.

    I have activated migrations on my Azure Mobile Services project. I filled the new seed function Inside the Configuration.cs class of the migrations. If the tables are empty, the seed function is going without any problems. When my AddorUpdate tries to update
    the first object I get the error in the inner exception : "Modifying a column with the 'Identity' pattern is not supported. Column: 'CreatedAt'. Table: 'CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.Category'."
    Part of my code is as follows:
    new Category { Id="1", Code="GEN", Text="General"},
    new Category { Id="2", Code="POL", Text="Politics"},
    new Category { Id="3", Code="FAS", Text="Fashion"},
    new Category { Id="4", Code="PEO", Text="People"},
    new Category { Id="5", Code="TEC", Text="Technology"},
    new Category { Id="6", Code="SPO", Text="Sport"},
    new Category { Id="7", Code="LIV", Text="Living"}
    Any help is welcomed. Thanks.
    Faical SAID Highwave Creations

    This occurred to me because I changed my POCO models to inherit from EntityData after I had already created my database without the extra Azure Mobile Service properties (UpdatedAt, CreatedAt, Deleted). The only way I fixed it was to drop the database and
    start over with my classes inheriting from EntityData from the beginning. If you can't do that then I would create a new table with EntityData models and see how that database is created and manually update your tables to match those. Here's an image of one
    of my tables from the management console on Azure. You can see that CreatedAt is an index.

  • Migrating CMP EJB mapped to SQL Server table with identity column from WL

        I want to migrate an application from Weblogic to SAP Netweaver 2004s (7.0). We had successfully migrated this application to an earlier version of Netweaver. I have a number of CMP EJBs which are mapped to SQL Server tables with the PK as identity columns(autogenerated by SQL Server). I am having difficulty mapping the same in persistant.xml. This scenario works perfectly well in Weblogic and worked by using ejb-pk in an earlier version of Netweaver.
       Please let me know how to proceed.

    I suspect it is the security as specified in the message. E.g .your DBA set the ID columns so no user can override values in it.
    And I suggest you 1st put the data into a staging table, then push it to the destination, this does not resolve the issue, but ensures better processing.

  • Inserting value in the single column table where the only column is a identity column

    Following is my table definition:
    create table test1 (col1 int primary key identity(1,1))
    Now here, the only column col1 in the table is an identity column. Now I want to add explicit values to this column
    without SET Identity_Insert test1 On.

    You have a fundamental misconception. IDENTITY is not a column; it is a table property and it is totally non-relational. This is a left-over from UNIX file systems, which were built on magnetic tape files. It is a sequential data
    model which counts the insertion attempts to get a physical record number. By definition IDENTITY cannot be a valid key; it is not a valid data type (all data types in SQL are NULL-able); keys are a subset of columns in a table. 
    Have you ever read a single book on RDBMS? You can start with MANGA GUIDE TO DATABASE, it is the clearest intro book I know. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • Select into Temp Table Identity Column

    I'm trying to select data into a temp table but how would I select the identity column into my temp table. This is what I have so far(RefId is the identity Column (1,1)
    SELECT [RefId]
    ,[ValidatedDate] INTO #TempEmployers FROM Employers WHERE RefId=2
    Name, COUNT(*) AS Repeats INTO #Temp
    COUNT(*) > 1
    Declare @Nam nvarchar(250)
    While (Select Count(*) From #Temp) > 0
    Select Top 1 @Nam = Name From #Temp
    --Do some processing here
    Delete #Temp Where @Nam = Name
    INSERT INTO #TempEmployers
    SELECT [RefId]
    ,[ValidatedDate] FROM Employers
    WHERE Name= @Nam
    SELECT * FROM #TempEmployers

    Its the RefId column, I just need the actual values. Im getting the following error:
    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. And it points to The RefId
    If your question is regarding passing explicit values for identity column you need to set IDENTITY_INSERT to ON and pass a columnlist for the table
    Which column in this is IDENTITY?
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Cannot create temporary table having identity column

    Hi experts,
    I saw the above error msg while running the following statement:
           create local temporary column table #tmp_table (c1 int GENERATED by default AS IDENTITY (start with 1 increment by 1), c2 int)
         Could not execute 'create local temporary column table #tmp_table(c1 int GENERATED by default AS IDENTITY (start with ...'
         SAP DBTech JDBC: [7]: feature not supported: cannot create temporary table having identity column: C1: line 1 col 48 (at pos 47)
    I understand we can support normal column table creation with identity column, but don't know why cannot support temporary column tables with identity column. Is there any configuration that can enable it for temporary column table? Or what can I do to support it indirectly, like writing a trigger to support it or something else?
    If not, then is there any future plan for this feature?

    Hi Hubery,
    I've heard this trail of arguments before...
    Customer has a solution... they want it on HANA... but they don't want to change the solution.
    Well, fair call, I'd say.
    The problem here is: there's a mix-up of solution and implementation here.
    It should be clear now, that changing DBMS systems (in any direction) will require some effort in changing the implementation. Every DBMS works a bit different than the others, given "standard" SQL or not.
    So I don't agree with the notion of "we cannot change the implementation".
    In fact, you will have to change the implementation anyhow.
    Rather than imitating the existing solution implementation on ASE, implement it on SAP HANA.
    Filling up tons of temporary tables is not a great idea in SAP HANA - you would rather try to create calculation views that present the data ad hoc in the desired way.
    That's my 2 cts on that.
    - Lars

  • Insert data into a table without identity column

    I need to insert data into a table using data flow task. Unfortunately this table's priamry key column (integer column) is not identity column.  I am looking a way to get the primary key value for the new records. Please advice. Thanks

    Phil has a great post on generating surrogate keys in SSIS:

  • Show differences between identical columns of two different tables

    I am trying to build an ADF UIX page that takes data from 2 tables. Both of these tables will have matching columns. The requirement is, I need to compare each of the columns within these tables and highlight the differences between the columns. For example, if table 1 has a column x with value 10 and table 2 has a column x with value 20, at runtime, I need to provide a text field for table 2's x column so that the user can change the value to match table 1 or enter a different value.
    I need to do this using ADF UIX. Could anyone please help me in achieving this?

    thw solution which you have given that is giving the
    cartesian product of all the rows of the all the 3
    1st table-7 rows
    2nd table-7 rows
    3rd table-7 rows
    total rows in result table- 343 rows.
    So its not working well..
    thanks for ur response.What part of
    You might also want a WHERE clause if the tables have more than one row in.did you have a problem with? You provided no information on which any of us could have written a join condition. I assumed you either had only the one row you showed us, or you were planning on coding the join yourself.

Maybe you are looking for

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