An issue regarding to ASM diskgroup?

Hi, friends:
My db is 10g RAC, using ASM.
I checked alert log, find out
diskgroup DATA was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was dismounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was dismounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was mounted
SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was dismounted
in my impression, if disks are mounted for using, they won't dismount unless you did it manully?
anyway, db is healthy, so I conclude my above concept is wrong?
anyone has suggestions?
thank you very much.

I'm a little confused:
You said:
Every time it recovers from sleep (unplugged from power source)
If you unplug it, it is turned off - no power > there is no sleep.
So, do you shut down properly? By going to the Apple Menu and choosing shut down?
my Mac doesn't go to sleep when plugged into power source. It just seems to sleep its display, but not the device.
How do you know that only the display is sleeping?

Similar Messages

  • Unable to Create ASM Diskgroup ORA-15020 and ORA-15018

    Hello Team,
    Unable to create ASM diskgroup with following error:
    SQL> create diskgroup data_asm1 external redundancy disk '/dev/sdf*';
    create diskgroup data_asm1 external redundancy disk '/dev/sdf*'
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created
    ORA-15020: discovered duplicate ASM disk "DATA_ASM1_0000"
    ASM Diskstring
    SQL> show parameter asm_diskstring
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    asm_diskstring                       string      /dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK*, /dev/sd*
    Please let me know how to i solve this issue

    Hi Tobi,
    I checked the status of the res GRID.dg ... it was offline on second node. Logged on second node and checked the status of it viz:v$asm_diskgroup, it was dismount. I mounted it and then try to add the newly added diskgroup(+GRID) with OCR and viola it worked....
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       rac3                                       
                   OFFLINE OFFLINE      rac4                                       
    SQL> select group_number,name,state,type from v$asm_diskgroup;
    GROUP_NUMBER NAME                           STATE       TYPE
               1 DATA                           MOUNTED     EXTERN
               0 GRID                           DISMOUNTED
    SQL> alter diskgroup grid mount;
    Diskgroup altered.
    SQL>  select group_number,name,state,type from v$asm_diskgroup;
    GROUP_NUMBER NAME                           STATE       TYPE
               1 DATA                           MOUNTED     EXTERN
               2 GRID                           MOUNTED     EXTERN
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       rac3                                       
                   ONLINE  ONLINE       rac4                                       
    [root@rac3 bin]# ./ocrcheck
    Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
             Version                  :          3
             Total space (kbytes)     :     262120
             Used space (kbytes)      :       2804
             Available space (kbytes) :     259316
             ID                       :   48011651
             Device/File Name         :      +DATA
                                        Device/File integrity check succeeded
             Device/File Name         :      +grid
                                        Device/File integrity check succeeded
                                        Device/File not configured
                                        Device/File not configured
                                        Device/File not configured
             Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
             Logical corruption check succeeded
    ASMCMD> lsdg
    State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
    MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576     20472    16263                0           16263              0             N  DATA/
    MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      5114     4751                0            4751              0             N  GRID/
    Thank you very much, appreciated..
    Thank you Aritra .
    Guys you rock.

  • Resize ASM Diskgroup

    Hi All,
    My exadata quarter rack machine has two asm diskgroups, DATA1 with 5TB and RECO with 3TB.
    I'd like to resize RECO to 1TB and DATA1 to 7TB.
    I know ALTER DISKGROUP RESIZE command, but my question is about resize RECO volume from 3 to 1 TB: is it supported by Oracle?? Let me know risks /issues with this resize?

    Ok, thanks.
    My idea was:
    step 2> resize GRIDDISKs of RECO* on each cell for each griddisk by CellCLI> ALTER GRIDDISK griddisk_name size=xxG;
    step 3> check griddisk detail for RECO
    step 4> check size of a DATA griddisk
    step 5> check free space on CELLDISKs
    step 6> resize GRIDDISKs of DATA* on each cell for each griddisk by CellCLI> ALTER GRIDDISK griddisk_name size=new_sizeG;
    step 8> check status of all asmdisks using "v$asm_disk"
    step 9> check DB alert logs
    step 10> check cell alert history on each cell
    Now, I'm reading your suggested note #1245494, thanks very much

  • How to create a new ASM Diskgroup in Oracle 10g RAC?

    Our env is Oracle 10g R2 RAC on HP-UX. I want to create a new ASM Diskgroup. Please let me know if the following steps are ok to create a new ASM Diskgroup.
    1. Ensure the new Disk is visible in both ASM instances in RAC (v$asm_disk) and the header_status is 'CANDIDATE'
    2. From Node 1 ASM Instance issue the create diskgroup command.
    SQL> create diskgroup DATA2 external redundancy disk '/dev/rdsk/c4t0d5';
    3. Query v$asm_diskgroup and make sure the Diskgroup is created.
    4. Mount the DATA2 Diskgroup from Node 2 ASM Instance.
    5. Query v$asm_diskgroup and make sure the Diskgroup is visible from Node2 ASM instance.
    6. Ensure the header_status is 'MEMBER'.

    instead of using device file '/dev/rdsk/c4t0d5' you can create an alternate device file using mknod, which is called "asm_disk_xg" for example.
    check here:

  • "Best" Allocation Unit Size (AU_SIZE) for ASM diskgroups when using NetApp

    We're building a new non-RAC system on x86-64 RHEL 5.7 with ASM diskgroups stored on a NetApp device (don't know the model # since we are not storage admins but can get it if that would be helpful). The system is not a data warehouse--more of a hybrid than pure OLTP or OLAP.
    In Oracle® Database Storage Administrator's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) E10500-02, Oracle recommends using allocation unit (AU) size of 4MB (vs. a default of 1MB) for a disk group be set to 4 MB to enhance performance. However, to take advantage of the au_size benefits, it also says the operating system (OS) I/O size should be set "to the largest possible size."
    Since we're using NetApp as the underlying storage, what should we ask our storage and sysadmins (we don't manage the physical storage or the OS) to do:
    * What do they need to confirm and/or set regarding I/O on the Linux side
    * What do they need to confirm and/or set regarding I/O on the NetApp side?
    On some other systems that use ASM diskgroups, I checked v$asm_diskgroup and see we're currently using a 1MB Allocation Unit Size. The diskgroups are on an HP EVA SAN. I don't recall, when creating the diskgroups via asmca, if we were even given an option to change the AU size. We're inclined to go with Oracle's recommendation of 4MB. But we're concerned there may be a mismatch on the OS side (either Redhat or the NetApp device's OS). Would rather "first do no harm" and stick with the default of 1MB before going with 4MB and not knowing the consequences. Also, when we create diskgroups we set Redundancy to External--because we'd like the NetApp device to handle this. Don't know if that matters regarding AU Size.
    Hope this makes sense. Please let me know if there is any other info I can provide.

    Thanks Dan. I suspected as much due to the absence of info out there on this particular topic. I hear you on the comparsion with deviating from a tried-and-true standard 8K Oracle block size. Probably not worth the hassle. I don't know of any particular justification with this system to bump up the AU size--especially if this is an esoteric and little-used technique. The only justification is official Oracle documentation suggesting the value change. Since it seems you can't change an ASM Diskgroup's AU size once you create it, and since we won't have time to benchmark using different AU sizes, I would prefer to err on the side of caution--e.g. first do no harm.
    Does anyone out there use something larger than a 1MB AU size? If so, why? And did you benchmark between the standard size and the size you chose? What performance results did you observe?

  • Disaster Recovery with different ASM diskgroups

    actually I'm trying to test a Disaster Recovery Scenario. At a Oracle Linux 6 server with installed Grid Infra 12c and Ora Database (there is also a database instance) I'm trying to do a disaster recovery. But I'm getting wild by restoring and recovering the database. The problem here is, that the ASM diskgroup name has changed. As you read out I also switched the physical server, but I think that shouldn't be any problem.
    At the old server I've two ASM diskgroups "+DATA" and "+FRA_1", at the new they're called "+DATA_SRVNAME" and "+FRA_SRVNAME". I've already changed the startup parameter in spfile, but now after restoring the controlfile RMAN has the directions to the old diksgroup:
    RMAN> report schema;
    using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
    RMAN-06139: WARNING: control file is not current for REPORT SCHEMA
    Report of database schema for database with db_unique_name SID
    List of Permanent Datafiles
    File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name
    1    0        SYSTEM               ***     +DATA/SID/datafile/system.438.816606399
    So I've tried three ways. First was to rename the datafile name:
    ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '+DATA/SID/datafile/system.438.816606399' TO '+DATA_SRVNAME/SID/datafile/system.438.816606399';
    Second was to set the newname in RMAN:
    set newname for datafile 16 to '+DATA_SRVNAME/SID/datafile/mms_basic_tab.455.816617697/';
    And second was to recreate the controlfile with
        MAXLOGFILES 16
        MAXDATAFILES 254
        MAXLOGHISTORY 1815
    But all three methods gave me the error, that the datafile at the new location isn't available (example):
    ORA-15012: ASM file '+DATA_QUM169/cogn11/datafile/system.438.816606399' does not exist
    So now my question to you: How am I able to tell the controlfile or database to use the other ASM diskgroup?
    I know, easiest way would be to create a diskgroup +DATA and do the restore / recover, but at the new server I've no more storage to assign to a new diskgroup and because of there are running other instances I would'nt change the ASM diskgroups.
    Did you have anny solution?
    Thanks a lot and Regards,

    Please  try this
    RMAN> run 
    set newname for datafile 1 to '+DATA_SRVNAME'; 
    restore datafile 1;
      switch datafile 1;
      recover datafile 1;
    Did you created +DATA_SRVNAME  diskgroup?

  • How to rename ASM diskgroups after having cloned the original disks to the same server. ASMlib is used

    Linux RHE 6
    Oracle Grid single instance (Oracle Restart) installed
    Oracle RDBMS installed
    One database single instance running
    Our ASM have DATA, REDO, FRA diskgroup mounted
    We need to do a storage snapshot for creating on THE SAME server a copy of the current ASM diskgroups DATA, REDO, FRA. Then we would rename the cloned diskgroups using renamedg command.
    We have done this operation several times when ASMlib is not used. The command used when ASMlib is not used is for example:
    renamedg dgname=FRA newdgname=FRA2 verbose=true phase=both asm_diskstring='/dev/oracle/fra*'
    With ASMlib in use I am not sure about the steps to follow
    First I am not sure about what to provide to the asm_diskstring parameter of the renamedg command. I need to provide an asm_diskstring which identifies the path pointing to the disks belonging to the cloned diskgroup (I do not want to rename the original diskgroup). Though in an ASM instance using ASMlib the parameter asm_diskstring is is ‘ORCL:*’.
    Second, I suppose after the diskgroup rename ASMlib would return an error because it would find duplicated disks.
    Could you please advise ?
    Thanks in advance

    As you have OS level clone ,you have same ASMlib label.
    ASMlib always mount unique ASMLib label only.
    +you need to identify those newly cloned device.
    + Then rename those ASMLib label using force-renamedisk after taking 1Mb disk backup using dd read on one node .
    + Then run scandisks on other nodes .
    + Then validate newly labelled device is mounted or not on all nodes .
    $ ls -ltr /dev/oracleasm/disks/*
    + Then run renamedg command with asm_diskstring of /dev/oracleasm/disks/*

  • How to identify ASM DiskGroup attached to which Disks ???

    Hi Guys,
    In 11gR2 RAC, How to identify which ASM Diskgroup is attached to which Disks...( OS is RHEL 5.4).
    We could list ASM Diskgroups by,
    *#oracleasm listdisks* but this command doesn't show the disks assigned to ASM DiskGroup.
    Even for checking location of OCR and Voting Disks only show Diskgroup name and not the actual disks.
    $crsctl query css votedisk
    ( like in 10gR2 RAC, We do entry in /etc/rules.d/udev/60-raw-rules file for raw mapping of OCR, Voting Disk and Other ASM Diskgroup)
    Plz help me, As one of the client place, I could see so many LUNs assigned to the Server and not getting exact idea which Disks have been used for OCR, Voting Disk and DATA Diskgroup.

    Well for this you can use oracleasm querydisk.Using this you can identify which device as marked for asm or not. for example you can see this below example.
    [oracle@localhost init.d]$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jun 3 11:52:12 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> select path from v$asm_disk;
    SQL> exit;
    [oracle@localhost init.d]$ su
    [root@localhost init.d]# /sbin/fdisk -l
    Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80000000000 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9726 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1   *           1        1305    10482381   83  Linux
    /dev/sda2            1306        9401    65031120   83  Linux
    /dev/sda3            9402        9662     2096482+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sda4            9663        9726      514080    5  Extended
    /dev/sda5            9663        9726      514048+  83  Linux
    Disk /dev/sdb: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
       Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sdb1               1        4859    39029886   83  Linux
    /dev/sdb2            4860        9729    39118275   83  Linux
    [root@localhost init.d]# ./oracleasm querydisk /dev/sdb1
    Device "/dev/sdb1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "VOL1"
    [root@localhost init.d]# ./oracleasm querydisk /dev/sdb2
    Device "/dev/sdb2" is marked an ASM disk with the label "VOL2"
    [root@localhost init.d]# ./oracleasm querydisk /dev/sda1
    Device "/dev/sda1" is not marked as an ASM disk
    [root@localhost init.d]#Also in windows :
    C:\Documents and Settings\comp>asmtool -list
    NTFS                             \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1           140655M
    ORCLDISKDATA1                    \Device\Harddisk0\Partition2             4102M
    ORCLDISKDATA2                    \Device\Harddisk0\Partition3             4102M
    NTFS                             \Device\Harddisk0\Partition4           152617M
    C:\Documents and Settings\comp>answered by chinar.
    refer:-how to identify which rawdevice Disk Is named as VOL1 IN ASM from os level
    Happy New Year.

  • Expand ASM Diskgroup on RAC 11.2 online

    I am currently in search of an article or document which describes the following workflow:
    Expand ASM Diskgroup on RAC 11.2 online:
    Resize physical LUN (no Infos needed)
    Resize Multipath
    Resize Partition
    Resize ASM Disk
    Resize ASM DiskGroup ( I dont know if this is necessary?)
    It is an Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 with 11.2 Clusterware. We use ISCSI Disk, ASMLib and Multipath (Linux -> multipathd).
    The main goal is to do that online.
    Does anyone know of such an article, or else has other tips regarding this scenario?
    Kind Regards,

    Below links may help.

  • Is there a way to rename an ASM DiskGroup from the Disks in 11g ?

    I've been looking for that and I didn't find anything except that it may not have been possible with 10g.
    I'd like to rename a diskgroup to reuse it in the same ASM instance from a netapp snapclone. Of course I would prefer to do it without any ASM instance accessing it but afterall, if there is a way... (even not supported; it's to enable a set of testing database all together) !
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi Gregory,
    since all information about ASM Disk, Diskgroup, etc. are stored directly on the disks there is no way to rename the diskgroup at the moment (hopefully in the future, like a way to change diskgroup redundance).
    Only option you have is to create a new diskgroup and copy the datafiles over with either RMAN or DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER. Then rename the file to point to new location. (alter datafile).
    But since you want to duplicate it into a different ASM Diskgroup, that will not help you. The option left is to change the Disk Header information directly. Unfortunately I do not have any information about the disk header itself...
    Hopefully someone can give you a hint what all to change there if you would DD this to a file change it and store it back...

  • Linux RedHat 4 update 4: how to unbind  raw devices used by ASM diskgroups?

    How to unbind raw devices used by ASM diskgroup?
    I created ASM diskgroup using /dev/raw/rawn, after done my testing, I need to toss the raw devices to start a new testing. Here is the procedure:
    1. shutdown MYTEST database
    2. in ASM instance, remove disks from diskgroup 'rawtest'
    3. in ASM instance, "drop diskgroup rawtest including contents"
    4. in OS, issue: "raw /dev/raw/raw1 0 0"
    I got the following error:
    # raw /dev/raw/raw1 0 0
    Error setting raw device (Device or resource busy)
    But if I shutdown ASM instance, the above commmand will be successful.
    My question, how can I unbind raw devices without shutting down ASM instance(could be used by other databases at the same time)?

    The installation guild will probably be were you will want to start.
    2.11 Preparing Disk Groups for an Automatic Storage Management Installation
    2.12 Configuring Raw Partitions or Raw Logical Volumes

  • DBFS ASM diskgroup

    Re: our new X3 machines (in the data centers, yet to be installed).
    I know that some of this was sort of covered in the earlier thread about DBFS. However, I do have slightly different questions...
    I understand that the DBFS ASM diskgroup is mandatory and, because of the nature of how its size is calculated, the ACS consultants configure it at its minimum size. However, is it possible to (preferably at configuration time) increase the ASM diskgroup? Or is it meant to have a set size, no matter what?
    Oracle have told me that I could put Flashback Logs into the DBFS ASM diskgroup (as long as I don’t configure DBFS to use it, obviously). I’m sure I read that Flashback Logs HAVE to be put into the db_recovery_file_dest (Fast Recovery Area or RECO diskgroup). Has anyone used DBFS (the ASM diskgroup) for such storage? I know it's not IDEAL given the fact it won't be spread across all storage cells, but I'm trying to figure out a way of separating the Flashback Logs from the Archive Logs because we monitor the Archive Log location for space usage (we get an alert if it gets too full and automatically kick off an archivelog backup/purge at a certain level of usage).

    The first two Spinning Drives on each cell contain a 29 GB sized partition with the OS. The other 10 contain instead a 29 GB sized GridDisk from which the DBFS_DG diskgroup is built. In other words: The DBFS_DG diskgroup is also spread across all the cells but only on 10 drives (not 12 as DATA and RECO) on each cell.
    This way, the GridDisks that make up DATA and RECO can have the same size on all spinning drives. And the DBFS_DG diskgroup will consume about 300GB on each cell for that reason, which can't be changed reasonably, I suppose.
    You could set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST='+DBFS_DG'  and turn on Flashback Database, so that Flashback Logs are being generated there, while you set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 to the RECO diskgroup, so that Archivelogs get stored there. And with RMAN backups, you specify FORMAT '+RECO' to get the backups not into the Recovery Area (DBFS_DG in that example).
    Kind regards
    Uwe Hesse

  • When you add a LUN to a an ASM diskgroup, does any process start internally

    Version: 10.2, 11.2 on Unix/Linux platformsWhen you add a LUN to an ASM diskgroup, does any process start internally ?

    I'm thinking Oracle ASM may start a process to rebalance after a Lun is added.
    Best Regards

  • RMAN backup goes to filesystem and not to ASM diskgroup

    OS: Linux
    Parameter configured in database:
    SQL> show parameter db_recovery_file_dest
    db_recovery_file_dest string +BACKUP
    db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 10184M
    If i execute the command " RMAN> backup database; " , then the backup ( backup pieces) is going to +BACKUP destination and this is as expected.
    But, if i execute the same command using script, then the backup pieces are going to filesystem(default location $ORACLE_HOME/dbs ).
    Could you suggest me(if i understood wrongly), why the backup pieces are going to the location of filesystem , and not to the ASM diskgroup ?.
    I want to take the backup to ASM diskgroup, because of less space at filesystem.
    The script i used is this:
    [oracle@rac1 rmanscripts]$ more
    export ORACLE_SID=test;
    export NLS_DATE_FORMAT='dd/mm/yy hh24:mi:ss';
    umask 022
    rman target / cmdfile online.rcv msglog online.log
    [oracle@rac1 rmanscripts]$ more online.rcv
    run {
    tag b_db_full_test
    filesperset 2
    format 'df_%d_%t_%s_%p'
    database include current controlfile;
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi mseberg,
    Thanks for your reply and the thing is that the controlfile autobackup is going to ASM diskgroup ( +BACKUP).
    Even after changing the suggested config, no luck to me.
    RMAN> show all;
    RMAN configuration parameters for database with db_unique_name TEST are:
    CONFIGURE SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO '/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/dbs/snapcf_test.f'; # default
    Backup piece destination info from log is here:
    channel ORA_DISK_2: finished piece 1 at 16/02/13 22:41:22
    piece handle=/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/dbs/df_TEST_807575973_155_1 tag=B_DB_FULL_TEST comment=NONE
    channel ORA_DISK_2: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:01:49
    Finished backup at 16/02/13 22:41:22
    Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 16/02/13 22:41:22
    piece handle=+BACKUP/test/autobackup/2013_02_16/s_807576082.342.807576083 comment=NONE
    Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 16/02/13 22:41:25
    I cannot understand why this is,

  • I am having an issue regarding a placed order via customer service department

    I recently relocated to Anchorage Alaska as part of a permanent change of station per the United States Air Force. I was initially located on the East Coast in the lower 48 and at the time of activating my contract I had purchased two separate Iphone 4 devices. I also recently went in to a store in February to purchase a Nexus 7 as well.
    Upon arrival in Anchorage I had multiple issues regarding the Iphone 4 devices including being unable to send and receive text messages & imessages, unable to make phone calls, dropped phone calls, unable to utilize GPS, as well as not being able to access general account information and use anything related to web browsing or data usage. It was determined that because the Iphone 4 operates on the 3g network and Verizon does not have a 3g network in Alaska, as a result I was utilizing an extended service network from another carrier. As a result of this I am only able to use my Iphone 4 devices while connected to my wi-fi network while within my home, which is totally unacceptable.
    I was not made aware that I would be dealing with this when I moved to Alaska and inquired as the the use of the devices I currently owned prior to purchasing the tablet. I was assured by three separate store employees one of which being a manager that all devices would function at 100% efficiency including the Iphone 4s. In fact I was recently billed 350$ for roaming charges last month, which prompted me to speak with a representative via the online chat regarding the significant increase she said that she was unable to process any sort of credit to the account regardless of what I had been told at a local Verizon store where I purchased the tablet.
    As a result of all of these mishaps since arriving here in Alaska I determined I was in need of newer devices that utilize the 4G LTE network currently provided by Verizon in Alaska. I know for a fact that the 4G LTE works great up here because my Nexus 7 tablet runs flawlessly and does not incur roaming charges when utilizing the 4G LTE network.
    Yesterday I attempted to contact Verizon through the live chat feature regarding upgrading two of the devices on my account. The live chat representative immediately asked me when my upgrade date was. Upon telling her my upgrade date 9/29/2014 she told me I should contact the customer service department as I might be eligible for an early upgrade. I then proceeded to contact the customer service department using my Iphone 4.
    My attempt to speak to anyone in the customer service department resulted in a merry-go-round of being put on hold 6 separate times by two different employees, both of which had me wait for more than an hour while they attempted to speak to a manager to gain approval for an early upgrade. The first rep seemed almost sure she would be able to have my devices upgraded early especially considering the issues I was having regarding service.
    The second rep seemed newer and was very dodgy about my questions and was very unwilling to help at first. He even mentioned that I had been a Verizon customer for almost two years, had never missed a single payment and had outstanding account history which should have garnered some sort of importance to the level of my request. But I digress, during this time I was disconnected from the call twice from each separate representative.
    Both reps assured me they would call me back, I never did get a call back from either one of those reps and I was becoming very frustrated having waited four hours trying to find some sort of solution to my current predicament.
    After waiting an hour for the second representative to call back I grew impatient and contacted the customer service department, was put on hold again, and finally reached a third customer service representative who was able to provide a solution for me.
    I explained everything I had been dealing with to Cory ID #  V0PAC61, both regarding the phones, the issue of the level of service I was receiving, the dire need for working devices and the multiple times I had been disconnected. I explained to him as a result of these issues I was certainly considering switching to a different provider, a local provider even who could provide me the adequate service that I require for my mobile devices.
    I explained to Cory that I had been with Verizon for almost two years, and I had been on a relatives account prior to owning my own Verizon account and had never received this kind of treatment when trying to work towards a simple solution. Cory proceeded to tell me he needed to put me on hold to see if there was anything that could be done regarding the upgrades of the device considering all of the trouble I had been dealing with.
    After Cory reconnected with me in the phone call he was able to successfully reach a solution by allowing me to upgrade my devices. We conversed about the options available and I eventually decided to upgrade both Iphone 4 devices to Moto X devices as we determined those would be sufficient for my needs while in Alaska. I also proceeded to add two Otter Box Defender cases to the order so that the devices would have sufficient protection. Cory inquired as to whether or not I would like to purchase insurance for the phones as well and I opted for the $5.00 monthly insurance which including damage and water protection.
    Cory explained to me the grand total for the devices which included an activation fee of $35.00 for each device, $49.99 for each Otter Box case, and an additional $50.00 for each device which would be refunded as a rebate upon receipt of the devices and activation, a rebate that I would be required to submit. Cory explained to me that the devices would most likely arrive Tuesday of 6/17 and no later than Wednesday 6/18.
    Cory took my shipping information and told me everything was all set and the only thing left to do was to transfer me to the automated service so that I could accept the 2 year agreement for both devices. I thanked him very much, took his name and ID# so that I might leave positive feedback about his exemplary customer service and was then transferred to the automated service.
    Once transferred to the automated service I was then prompted to enter both telephone numbers for the devices that would be upgraded, I was then required to accept the new 2 year agreement for both devices and after doing so I was required to end the call. I did so in an orderly fashion and expected a confirmation # to arrive in my email regarding the placed order.
    I have never received a confirmation email. I decided to sleep on it and assumed a confirmation email would be sent sometime tomorrow. Nothing has since been received however. I woke up early this morning around 6AM Alaska time to speak to another live chat representative, Bryan, in the billing department who assured me the order was currently processing and verified the order #. I asked him whether or not it was typical for a customer to not receive a confirmation email for an order placed and he said it can sometimes take up to 2-3 business days. He then stated that he had taken note of the issues I was experiencing and told me he would transfer me to the sales department as they would be able to provide more information regarding the shipment of both devices and a confirmation email, as he stated he did not want me to have to wait any longer than necessary to receive said devices.
    I was then transferred to Devon in the sales department via the live chat service where I was then required to repeat everything I had said to both Bryan and the other representatives I had spoken too. After a lengthy discussion and repeating everything I have just wrote he told me the order was indeed processing and that he would send a confirmation email in the next 30 minutes.
    That was 2 hours ago. It is now 8am Alaska time and I still have not received a confirmation email regarding my order. I was sent an email by Verizon an hour ago stating I had a device to "discover". The email contained no information regarding the shipment of my device, the order confirmation number, or anything regarding my account. The email I received was a typical spam email asking an individual to check out the current available phones and sign up for a new contract.
    All I want is a confirmation email to assure that the devices are being sent. I need my phone for work and to communicate with my family in the lower 48. I desperately need to make sure that the device is in fact being sent to the proper address, this is why a confirmation email of the order is so important. I do not care about the shipping speed I just want what I ask to be taken care of for a change. I would hate to sit here unable to determine what the status of my devices are only for the order to be stuck in "processing" limbo and be unable to receive the devices when I was told they would be sent.
    I feel I have been given the run around treatment way more than is typically given with any company when an individual is trying to work towards a solution. I have been patient and cordial with everyone I have spoken with, I have not raised my voice or shown stress or anger towards the situation I have only tried my best to work towards a solution with anyone I have spoken too but I am becoming increasingly frustrated with this situation.
    Any help regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated. This situation has left a sour taste in my mouth and if the devices were indeed not actually processed in an order, or they were not shipped correctly, or in fact if the order had never existed at all it will only deter me from keeping my Verizon account active and affect my decision to switch to another provider.

        Hello APVzW, we absolutely want the best path to resolution. My apologies for multiple attempts of replacing the device. We'd like to verify the order information and see if we can locate the tracking number. Please send a direct message with the order number so we can dive deeper. Here's steps to send a direct message: We look forward to hearing from you soon.
    VZW Support
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

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