Anamorphic resizing to 4x3?

Hello all,
I am having to resize some footage shot (accidentally, me bad) in anamorphic mode for a documentary I am doing in 4x3. It was shot on a Panasonic PV-GS400, and from what I can tell it is actually recorded that way (I thingk some camcorders fake it). I know I can uncheck anamorphic at the item level in FC but it looks a bit squished. Is this the cleanest way to remedy this screwup?
thanks, nils

larsnils wrote:
Is this the cleanest way to remedy this screwup?
thanks, nils
Unfortunately not if you are mixing it with other material with the similar images and it will be very clear that the material is distorted.
When you recorded the material as anamorphic, you changed the way the image was recorded. Unchecking the anamorphic box simply tells FCP to interpret the footage in the wrong way.
You have two options.
1. insert the footage into the 4:3 footage and live with letterboxing.
2. increase the size (either 112% or 133% - I forget which one) in the timeline which will cut off the sides while filling the vertical dimension of the screen.
Option 1 may look funky switching from 4:3 to 16:9 and back. Option 2 will look pixelated and somewhat blurry as you are blowing up the footage beyond what DV can usually tolerate gracefully.
Some people report good luck using Compressor to uprez and crop the footage instead of doing it within FCP.
good luck.

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    Check the file interpretation. Make sure that it's set to NTSC Widescreen.
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    Can't say for sure, but I'd guess that your theory is correct - it's the TV having a hard time. You can test this (of course) by trying different player/TV combinations.

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    thanks everybody

    so i guess, my final goal is to have 16x9 letterboxed in 4x3. i've been exporting first to 16x9, then usng quicktime to letterbox it.
    This is an inefficient way to go about things.
    Create a new sequence using the easy preset for 4:3 DV.
    Drop your 16:9 anamorphic sequence into it.
    Load the sequence into the viewer, then select the MOTION tab.
    Set Distort to 1.33 (or something like that)
    Export using Current Settings.
    You will have a letter boxed version.
    Good luck.

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    you should be able to just pop the tape into the camera/deck you normally use, and not have to change any settings. IF, however, FCP distorts it, go into "distort" in the motion tab and subtract 33.33 from whatever number is there.
    Or maybe it's add 33.33. I get confused.

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    DOWNCOVERT? Downconvert means going from LARGER to smaller. HD to SD. You want to convert 4:3 into 16:9? Where is the extra information to fill the gaps coming from?
    Nope, you need to capture, then enlarge the image to fill a 16:9 frame...and you will lose quality as you blow the image up about 33-50%...and you will lose the image on the top and bottom of the frame.

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    I'm not sure what 'anamorphic HD' is?
    You can have anamorphic SD; which stretches 4:3 SD video to 16:9.
    But HD is not anamorphic.
    There are odd 1440x1080 sizes, but these are not generally described as "anamorphic HD".
    I can't say I have heard of 1920 by 810 as a standard size.
    iMovie Mac is really only for editing standard frame sizes, and so your video files are probably confusing it.
    I would suggest you move to a dimension open editor like FCP7.
    Or shoot at a standard frame size.

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    I agree with budakhan - I don't like anything above 100% in Final Cut Pro
    If you can get the program to work, I'd recommend you use Compressor (ver 2 or 3) to do the conversion:
    Drop in your DV clip - a reference movie export from FCP, maybe? - and slap on the DV-NTSC Anamorphic preset, under Advanced Format Conversions.
    Set Frame Controls to Custom (or On, depending on the version of Compressor). Make sure Resize is set to Better. If you're working with 29.97 material, make sure Deinterlace is set to Better as well.
    In the Geometry pane, trim 120 pixels from your vertical resolution. If you're doing an even crop, that means a value of 60 for both Top and Bottom crop values. I find using the red frame handles in the Preview window useful when I do this.
    Submit and wait.
    Then import your new file into your FCP project. Unless something goes wrong, most people should not be tell that it wasn't an anamorphic clip from a camera...

  • 16x9 anamorphic clip plays back with vertical lines

    I have a clip that is 869x480 anamorphic, square aspect ratio, DV/DVCPRO. Turned off all attributes also.
    I put it in a sequence that is NTSC DV 3:2 anamorphic, DV/DVCPRO 16x9. But when I play it back it shifts everything to the left and there are vertical lines along the right side. Lots of them. When I stop playback it looks fine.
    What is wrong?

    I got the 869x480 from the boards here. Actually, I
    changed it to 854x480 after reading a couple more
    The delivery for this video is a quicktime
    posted on the web. So I want it as an anmorphic
    shape with no letterboxing, like apple's trailers are
    First off, anamorphic isn't a shape. You can make an anamorphic square or circle, and nobody can stop you. "Anamorphic" as we use it here refers to squeezing an image horizontally so it fits on the delivery format, then unsqueezing it for display.
    The same concept applies to the truly anamporphic lenses used in Cinemascope production and projection, and to the squeezing of pixel rations to get a 16:9 or other wide shape into a 4:3 transport and delivery package.
    Second, if your delivery is a QT video for the web, listening selectively to numbers thrown around about DV anamporphic isn't going to do you any good.
    There is nothing anamorphic about your project. You have no need for it, and I think it's biting you. You have square pixels going in, and the desired end user has a square-pixel monitor. Anamorphia will only mess it up.
    The sequence right now is at 720x480 anamorphic and
    it is all rendered. But for exporting I use QT
    Conversion at a custom frame size of 854x480. To get
    the rectangular shape, and not a letterboxed video in
    a 4x3 frame. Again, a solution I got from the boards.
    OK, so you are resizing, anamprphizing, and recompressing on the way in to your sequence. Then you are resizing, re-anamorphizing, and recompressing on the way out of your sequence.
    There is no place for DV in this equation, either.
    Decide for sure and for final on your output size (question: will your viewers really have an 854p wide space to see it?)
    Make your sequence match that resolution exactly. You don't need preset sequence settings, you need to make your own. Make sure your sequence is square-pixel.
    Working farther backwards, make sure your source material matches the sequence exactly. 854x480, or something else if you decide everybody doesn't have 1024 or bigger monitors.
    I would bet that, if you do this and take all the unnecessary resizing out of the system, your images will look awesome.
    One more little thing: it looks like there is some scanned content with halftones in it. These could be causing some trouble, but you won't really know that until you take out the really obvious problems.
    Good luck!

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    Anybody got the same problem?

    I used a Canon MXV40 long ago and captured the footage originally in iMovie 07. Later on I transferred the project into iMovie 11 without transcoding the original dv clips into aic format. It worked fine, though when these imovie project did not transfer well to FCPX.
    I tried Jon's solution and rewrapped the original dv files using QT 7, after manually changing resolution to 1024x576. However, after importing manually the mov file into FCPX (and crashing once), the file suprisingly still showed up as 4x3.
    Pèpel - I also tried to reconnect several files and searched everywhere for a way to do it. I believe now that it cannot be done.

  • HD 1080i to SD DVD (anamorphic)

    Hi there,
    I've searched around and have surprisingly not found anyone with this question:
    How do you go from 1080i to an anamorphic SD DVD?
    What I have done is the following:
    In FCP 5, create new sequence. There is not a sequence preset that offers 1920x1080, so I choose any preset and then change the settings in the sequence settings window. In sequence settings, I select "HDTV 1080i (16:9)" from the aspect ratio dropdwon menu. This provides me with my desired 1920x1080 frame size. I then use a "square" pixel aspect ratio and not anamorphic. So far so good.
    However, then I want to use this HD footage to make an anamorphic SD DVD. My idea was to use an "NTSC DV Anamorphic" sequence (sequence settings: 720x480, 4:3 aspect ratio, NTSC CCIR 601 pixel aspect ratio and anamorphic checked) in FCP and nest my HD sequence into this sequence. Here's where the problem lies:
    If I follow the sequence settings, 720x480 is not a 4:3 aspect ratio but is rather "NTSC DV 3:2". Thus I can't get the HD sequence to fit the 720x480 frame - I either have to crop the HD or squish it to fit the 720 frame or resize the HD so that there is a letterbox encoded into the file. I would like to avoid the latter option and simply have the HD fit the SD frame and then encode it as anamorphic. This, as we all know, will result in a letterboxed image on a 4:3 display and a fullscreen image on a 16:9 display.
    How do you accomplish this?
    The FCP HD Format manual says (in reference to upscaling, but the principles are the same):
    If the aspect ratios of the original and destination formats match (for example, 720 x 480 anamorphic footage upconverted to 1920 x 1080), you can simply scale the original video to the destination size.
    How is 720x480 anamorphic the same aspect ratio as 1920x1080?! I don't get how to accomplish this is FCP.
    In essence, my question is how do you go from HD 1080i to SD DVD and have the DVD be anamorphic all the while maintaining the full image (no croppping or distortion)??
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks so much,
    G5 - Dual 2Ghz / ATI Radeon 9600 (128MB) /   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    G5 - Dual 2Ghz / ATI Radeon 9600 (128MB) /   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    This may sound wrong, but 720x480 is a 4:3 ratio video stream (that is to say it is the right dimensions for MPEG-2 or DV that will be played to a 4:3 TV). Squish your 1920x1080 square pixels into the 720x480 non square pixels, and it will be anamorphic, and will play looking correct on a TV.

  • Converting cropped 4X3 video to native 16X9 in Final Cut Pro 5

    I short a short on the Panasonic DVX-100A in the cropped widescreen mode, which is essentially still a 4X3 image with black bars. I want to convert it to a native widescreen 16X9 file so I can transfer it to Beta for festivals. Does anyone know how to do this in FCP5? I would really appreciate any assistance.
    Erik M.
    [email protected]

    You could avoid scaling and create a custom sequence setting that would constrain the canvas size to show only the video portion and would effectively crop out the letterbox that the camera applied to it without the quality loss. You will need to experiment with different heights until you find the right number of pixels. Then you could Export Using Compressor and perform an Advanced Format Conversion to DV NTSC Anamorphic and import the converted file it into a DV NTSC Anamorphic sequence and try printing it to Beta. Keep in mind that you will be losing data by cropping it and that will affect the overall image quality of your final product.
    The ideal situation would have been to shoot it in true anamorphic with Panasonic's lens adaptor to get a true anamorphic 16:9. You would then be able to print to video without losing resolution and would have the option to send it off to be up-resd to HD which would translate better in the long run if you hope to screen theatrically in 35mm and future proof the project for HD distribution. An example of a project that used this workflow is the film Room ( ). It was shot on a DVX-100 with the anamorphic adaptor and up-resd to HD and then printed and screened in 35mm. Goes to show the potential that a small investment in an adaptor could turn into. Or you can just shoot 1080p.

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