Animated Magazine from PDF

I'd like to know to create one of these animated magazines
where the pages can be turned with the mouse (links to examples
below), but I have little idea of what might be involved. This is a
long shot it know but... is there some kind of generator that I can
download that converts PDFs into animated magazines.
Anyone with any idea, please let me know.
Some examples:

go here and look at chapter 3.

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    When placing a PDF into InDesign, it's a flat piece of art for each page included. There's no way to manipulate form fields or work with links or anything like that.
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    Hello Don,
    It is nice to get your post. Actually, I am USA citizen but I have been to India 6 times. I have about 120 GB of original recordings of live kirtans, mainly from people who I have met and were kind enough to give me there recordings. So, most of the songs they sing come from a nice English version which uses diacritcs. So, I wanted to paste the lyrics onto my ipod so I can sing along anywhere and learn the songs that way.
    The book is called Gaudiya Gita Guccha (2003). Here is a link to the book (it's the 6th one down). hakti-books-download/31-english.html?start=15
    There is a nice temple in Berkeley, just about 1/2 mile from the univ.
    Hope this helps! And I think Tom answered correctly about .pdfs - I can't paste diacritics from .pdfs to another program.

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    For US;
    For UK:
    Update to 10.6.8 using the combo installer;
    Snow Leopard 10.6 system requirements:
    Mac computer with an Intel processor
    1GB RAM (2GB or more preferred)
    5GB available disc space
    DVD drive for installation.
    Lion is still only available from Phone Sales as far as I'm aware;
    n the US, call 1-800-MY-APPLE and ask for a sales assistant; they'll give you a download code to use in the Mac App Store.
    If your Mac meets the requirements you can go straight to Mountain Lion from 10.6.8 using the App Store.
    Lion 10.7 system requirements:
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 or Xeon processer
    2GB RAM (4GB minimum recommended)
    OS 10.6.6 or later (10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available HD space
    Mountain Lion system requirements;
    Your Mac must be one of the following models:
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminium, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    And meet the same RAM and disc space requirements as Lion.

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    Of the transcripts that were significantly different, there was a greater number of transcripts that were down-regulated in the IVC embryos (380) than the number of transcripts that were up-regulated (208).  [20668257.pdf]
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    Thanks very much for any suggestions / ideas.

    To copy and paste in a single action:
    tell application "Preview" to activate
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Preview"
        -- Get the PubMed ID:
        get the title of the front window
        set thePubMedID to word 1 of result
        -- Copy the selected text to the clipboard:
        keystroke "c" using {command down} -- ⌘C
        delay 0.25 -- adjust if necessary
        -- Add the PubMed ID to the contents of the clipboard:
        set theNotes to the clipboard
        set the clipboard to (theNotes & space & "[" & thePubMedID & ".pdf]")
    end tell
    tell application "Notational Velocity" to activate
    tell application "System Events"
        -- Paste the contents of the clipboard to the end of the Notational Velocity document
        key code 125 using command down -- ⌘↓
        keystroke return & return
        keystroke "v" using {command down} -- ⌘V
    end tell

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    Drag and drop it from the webpage onto your desktop. Note that it won't remain "animated" while you're looking at the file's icon, but it should work if you build it into a new website.
    And you can right-click with a Mac mouse - you just have to set it up to do so in System Preferences. (Set the right side of the mouse to be a "secondary click".)

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    Would you please share your form with me and send me one of your pdf forms and some of the csv files?
    You can share your form by doing the following:
    1. Click on the “Share” icon on the bottom left corner.
    2. Click on “Add Collaborator” on the popup menu.
    3. Enter [email protected] under “People to share with”.
    4. Set subject to "Export data from pdf form"
    5. Click the “Share” button on the bottom right of the dialog.

  • Converting from PDF directly to Java Objects/XML (and PDF format questions)

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    I am desperately trying to find a tool (preferably open source but commercial is fine also) that will sit on top of a PDF and allow me to query it's text for content and formatting (I don't care about images). I have found some tools that get me part of the way there, but nothing that seems to provide an end-to-end solution but is quite lightweight. My main question is WHY are there so many tools that go from PDF to RTF, and many tools that go from RTF to XML, but NONE that I can find that go PDF to XML.
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    1) PDFBox (Java Library) - Allows the extraction of text content easily, but doesn't seem to have good support for formatting.
    2) JPedal (Java Library) - Allows extraction of text content easily, and supports formatting IF XML structured data is in the PDF (not the case for my data).
    3)  Nitro PDF (Tool) + RTF to XML (script) - This works quite nicely and shows that PDF to XML is possible, but why do I have to use 2 tools? Also, these are not libraries I can integrate into my app.
    4) iText (Java Library) - Seems great at creating PDFs but poor at extracting content.
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    Many thanks for any advice from PDF gurus.

    XML doesn't mean anything - it's just a generic concept for structuring
    information.  You need a specific GRAMMAR of XML to mean anything.  So what
    grammar would you use?  Something standard?  Make up your own?
    However, there are a number of commercial and open source products that can
    convert PDF to various XML grammars - SVG, ABW, and various custom grammars.
    But the other thing you need to understand is that most PDF files do not
    have any structure associated with them (as you saw when using JPEDAL).  As
    such, any concepts of paragraphs/sections/tables/etc. Are WILD GUESSES by
    the software in question.

  • How to read/extract text from pdf

    Respected All,
    I want to read/extract text from pdf. I tried using etymon but not succed.
    Could anyone will guide me in this.
    Thanks and regards,

    Thank you very much Abhilshit, PDFBox works for reading pdf.

  • How to create ICon/Cursor from pdf files

         I was able to create ICon from jpg file without problem but I couldn't create ICon from pdf files.
    Here my code:
    var myDoc = app.newDoc();
    myDoc.importIcon("myIcon"); // it worked when I chose a jpeg image, but it didn't
    //when chose a pdf file.
    icon = myDoc.getIcon("myIcon");
    oIcon = util.iconStreamFromIcon(icon);  
                   cName: "myButtoon",
                   oIcon: oIcon,
                   cExec: "app.alert('Someone pressed me!')",
                   cTooltext: "Push Me!",
                   cEnable: true,     
                   nPos: 4
    My goal is to create buttons which have icons from a pdf file (stamp) and when user click on these buttons, the cursors become the icon . And then, when user click on the document, the iCon will be showed in the document. The point is: is there anyway to create icons/cursors/stamps from one pdf file. Because the stamp is changeable, when user changes the color/shape of the pdf file, the icons/cursors/stamps will automatically change
    What kind of pdf format do I have to use?
    I used the sample "SignHere.pdf" in stamps folder of Acrobat but it didn't work.

    The SDK has all the information - but certainly there are only samples for those common actions that users have been doing for years.  Most developers don't recreate stuff already present in the application - such as the Stamp plugin - so we don't have samples of such things.
    But all the pieces you need are present in the SDK - it's just necessary obvious.  You will need to learn about the details of how the plugin APIs work to create the toolbars and toolbuttons, and then how to handle cursors.  You will then need to learn about PDF details in order to be able to take an existing PDF, potentially modify it (eg. Change the color(s)) and then place it onto another PDF.  
    The methods you listed are from JavaScript - there are alternative methods for plugins, such as the AVConversion APIs.

  • How do I convert from pdf to word? I see an option to do so, however, when I click on it, Ia box opens...

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    I would be grateful for any help. This has become just too exhausting. After reinstalling sooooooooo much, then to have to go through this with what is a free application? I say I think not.
    This should NEVER happen with any free application and boy there is NO help to be found. They blow you off the phone fast telling you it's a free application. Then why are you putting in this kind of  stuff that it won't open? This is NOT a shared notebook, it's mine. I am the only user, personal use.
    HP probook, if anyone needs that info.
    Please, will someone help?
    I would be so grateful.

    Gee, Pat, this is a  real big help.
    Nobody could possibly think anyone would ask for help without first trying to fix the issue oneself. Or maybe you do. I have opened the file and looked under security. I have changed it to owner-notebook (which is what the techs called me) and clicked accept but geepers it didn't work.
    Maybe someone else has an idea.
    Take Ownership of a File or Folder
    The above should be a link. At least I copied and pasted the link. I did what was stated in there. It isn't like brain surgery. But it is not working. I ended up being able to open some pdf files after transferring them from one partition category to another. I wish it was that easy as you seem to think.
    Thanks for the help. Have a great year.

  • How do I export from PDF to PPT so that shapes created in Illustrator are editable

    How do I export from PDF to PPT so that shapes created in Illustrator are editable, not just text on top of them? I used the Acrobat XL Pro technique described here (, to export a graphic I had created in Illustrator and saved as an Adobe PDF file, but shapes are not editable and are fuzzy too. Is there a way to export a complete Illustrator graphic to PowerPoint?

    Thanks Bill. Of course I realize I can insert an Illustrator drawing into a PPT without making it a PDF first. What I’m trying to do is insert a drawing from Illustrator that is still editable in PPT (a client request). Using the Acrobat XL Pro capability shown in this video <> , only the text is editable in PPT, not shapes created in Illustrator.

  • How do I convert a file located in my e-mail from PDF to Word.  I can't seem to save it in my word files.

    How do I convert a file located in my e-mail (that is secured) from PDF to Word.  I can't seem to save the PDF file anywhere.

    Hi williamf,
    For starters, please try triple-clicking in the Word document where you want to edit the text (sometimes, that's what it takes to select text in Word). If that doesn't work, I'd be interested in hearing more about the PDF file that you converted and the method that you used to convert it. For example, how was the PDF created (and by what app)? Did you convert via Adobe Reader (what version) or via the ExportPDF website?
    If you can tell us more about the file, we should be able to get to the bottom of things.

  • How can I get my magazines from newsstand(on my iPhone) onto my iMac???

    How can I get my magazines from newsstand(on my iPhone) onto my iMac??? Help me pleease

    The apps used on an iPhone run on the iOS system. Your Mac runs on the Mac OS X.
    Two different operating systems, hence you can't run apps that run on your iPhone on your iMac and vice versa.

  • When I converted a file from PDF to WORD.DOC it opened as Read Only and I'm unable to alter any of the text.  How can I solve this problem?

    When I tried to convert a file from PDF to WORD.DOC it opened as Read Only and I'm unable to alter any of the text.  How do I solve this problem?  I don't know how to change it from Read Only.

    Dear Sara
    Thank you very much for sending the converted file.  Yes, I am able to edit it - that will be very useful to me and I appreciate your help.
    Referring to your previous message when you said you'd converted via Acrobat and not, I'm converting via because that's the only option that is shown (how do I convert via Acrobat? - perhaps that would be more successful).  I'm using the Export PDF website, and the OCR is enabled to "Recognize text in English UK".  However, I've just tried converting a different LPA pdf form, this time for Health & Welfare alth_welfare_LPA.pdf and again I have the same problem as before.  I've altered it from "Read only" and thought I'd then be able to enter text, but "Drawing Tools" is shown in the pane and I'm unable to enter anything onto the form - everything appears to be in images.  Also, the lettering on the heading of' page 1 has become jumbled, with the word "Public" overlaying the word "Guardian."  Any suggestions as to what it is I'm doing wrong would be welcome - I don't like to be beaten!

Maybe you are looking for