Annoying problem with X-Fi XtremeMu

Ever since I bought it, every once in a while, sometimes more often than others, my sound card will just suddenly go static, and I wont have any sound except the extremely loud, shrilly, annoying noises that it makes in my headphones or speakers. I have already gotten this sound card replaced, so it could not have been defecti've. Any thoughts on to how or why this is happening?

I think it is related to the balance option and volume option for each channel, which is in the driver. I suggest you to uninstall the driver then install it back

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    Try deleting this plist:
    As well, the general approach at this time is to ask if you've checked for any problematic fonts (all languages) with Apple's Font Book (look in the Applications folder). Find and remove all duplicates also.
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    By all means be sure your 3rd party apps are Snow Leopard compatibl

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    According to your description, it seems that you have resolve that issue.
    Not only this problem, there is too many problems with this windows 8.1! Too many! You definitely made  the worst thing ever!
    Please let us know what problem did you encounter? Please give us more detailed information in order to provide the further help.
    Here is a overall guide for you to know well the Windows 8.1
    Windows 8.1: frequently asked questions
    No Karen, I didn't resolve the issue.
    I asked very simple question how to change something so basic like user folder name in Windows 8.1
    You know:  "C:/Users/"user name"
    All the links you are giving to me doesn't provide any concrete answer to this question. I spent hours and hours googling and researching about this question and only solution which i found is that i need to create completely new user account and delete completely
    the old one, just to be able to remove an old name of user folder! Are you kidding me?
    How is possible that such a basic thing is so complicated?
    Is there any way to change folder user name in any other way because i don't want to create a new user account!
    Simple question, but, like always, no any concrete answers - just some empty talks, and totally useless links and SPINNING IN THE CIRCLE all the time without the CONCRETE solution.
    As for part of my post which you quoted, and your request for more informations in order to provide me further help, i just gave it to you again. I want to change user folder name. What you don't understand in that question?
    Ok, i came back to edit this post because i have a feeling that maybe you don't understand the question and giving me this link because maybe you simply don't know that when you go to:
    Control panel/user accounts/change your account name... and change the name, and after that, when you go to C:/users, the folder with the user name still have an old user name. Which means that any changes in control panel or anywhere else doesn't make any
    changes on C:/users/  folder itself!!!!!
    In previous windows versions was possible to change it by editing "ProfileImagePath" in:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ ....
    But when I try to do that in Windows 8.1, when I reboot computer it logs in with some temporary account, so i need to reverse everything to be able to use computer with the real account!
    So basically it seems that is absolutely impossible to change user folder name in Windows 8.1, which is simply unbelievable!
    I really think i explained very good now.

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    It's a bug that's been discussed here before. I find it annoying too that I have to keep re-opening things like "show browser".
    Please send Apple a reminder to change this odd behaviour in the next iTunes release.
    iTunes Feedback.

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    It could be that you have some problem with the monitor.
    I have - so far - not encountered a monitor with built in speakers which gave acceptable sound anyway, the easiest solution might be that you will not use the speakers in the monitor (even the cheapest stand alone speakers will most likely produce better sound quality).

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    Themes you may have tried are of third party so you might not get help on that but my recommendation to you is to contact the party from you has downloaded themes from. It’s dependent on creator of theme what he has created or for what phone he has created. I am also using themes for my e72 they are ok most of the major icons are compatible according to theme.
    If you like my post or think it was useful then please hit the star button. Thanks :-)

  • A really annoying problem with a button/movie clip

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    virgosam20 wrote:
    > first, i found the button i wanted in the common
    libraries (gelright) and
    > added it to the stage. I resized it and converted it
    into a symbol as a movie
    > clip. Then it got added to my library.
    > Then i deleted it from the stage and replaced it with
    the movie cip version i
    > had just converted it to. so now i have the same object
    on the stage, but now
    > its a movie clip and not a button.
    ok - you are running yourself around in circles - why did you
    delete it to the stage only to add it
    again? once you converted it to a movie clip, you had what
    you wanted on the stage - but then you
    deleted it and dragged another instance of the same symbol
    back onto the stage - there's no reason
    to do that.
    > Then i double clicked on it to bring up the movie clip
    timeline, but instead
    > of saying 'top, down, over, hit' (or whatever it says),
    it jsut said 'layer 1'
    > (but this was not my original stage as i have a number
    of layers on that one).
    Right - this is expected because yoyu are now inside the
    movie clip timeline - not the button timeline.
    > When i double clicked on it again, it brought up the
    right headings (top, down,
    > over, etc),
    Right - because by double clicking the button symbol you were
    then brought to "edit mode" for the
    button symbol.
    but there were about 5 layers that showed the different
    layers for
    > the original button.
    Huh? What "5 layers"? What do you mean "original" button -
    per your description there has only ever
    been 1 button you have been working with.
    > I think i have to add the button to each of the
    headings, bt there is no room,
    Lost you completely now - what do you mean add the button to
    each heading? I have no clue what you mean.
    > as when i did it before, there was only one layer for it
    and i had to insert
    > the key frames myself.
    Still losing you here.
    > I then added a behaviour to it using the Behaviours
    pannel, (selected
    > movieclip, then 'go to and play....') and it appears in
    the behaviours pannel.
    > But when i got to Play Movie, although the curser
    changes into a hand, the
    > button does not work.
    That's because you are applying a behavior for a button to a
    movie clip instead.
    I think you went wrong when you converted the button to a
    movie clip - i have no idea why you did
    that or why to think your button needs to be in a movie clip.
    > Hope that can help you with what i've done and you can
    tell me where i've gone
    > wrong.
    I just think you don't understand how timelines, symbols or
    buttons work yet in flash.
    1. drag a button to the stage.
    2. select it and open the Behaviors panel (dont double click
    it to edit it).
    3. add your actions.
    4. test movie.
    (no need for a movie clip here.

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    Hi all,
    I'm having the same problem, it's really annoying.
    Who knows a solutions for this?

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    ericire wrote:
    I want your in home agent to stop trying to install "new" components several times a week by waking my PC from sleep mode or even worse interrupting my gaming sessions or by minimizing any program I may be running at the time so it can run on it's own.
    I want that program to run only when I want it to run, not whenever it feel like running. It feels like a violation of my privacy that this program just runs whenever and while I find it useful for when I have to reset any one of my boxes once a month I don't like that I have no control over it.
    In fact I find that so unappealing that I'd rather not have it on my machine at all and if it means that I have to have it on my machine just to get my equipment to work properly, and not have an control over it on my PC, well then perhaps it's time to go back to Comcast, which I find unappealing as well but more attractive than not having control over programs loaded onto my PC.
    Sorry if it seems I am ranting but I don't see any "option" to change the way that program runs and I find it annoying to no end to feel like Verizon has hijacked my system. I've been trying for awhile now to make it stop to no avail.
    Uninstall it via add/remove programs.  It serves no useful purpose on my machines except telling me that there is no internet connection when that is painfully obvious as email and browsing services stop.  Restarting the machine is easier and faster than messing around with the agent.

  • Annoying problem with CURVE 8520, please help !!!

    My blackberry Curve 8520 connect to the mobile internet (not the BB service ) automatically everyday without me logging on any application or browser or making any updates.
    I tried installing a new software, formating the phone, removing all the aplication and restoring the factory settings and all of them did not work and the same problem PRESISTS.
    I contacted my provider customer service and they said that they can not know what exactly connects to the internet
    Does anyone have a clue what may be this annoying OPTION that makes the connect to the internet without any notification?
    I appreciate you help !

    Hi gom3a and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    The BlackBerry® smartphone will always make a connection with the data network in order to ensure you are always receiving email and messages when then are sent to you.
    The BlackBerry® data services do not require you to login and most applications only require you to provide your login information once, then its saved so you don't have to login over and over again.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Annoying problem with Stone Plu

    Hi there, there is this really strange problem I have with my Zen Stone Plus...whenever I plug it in ALL the music files on my computer transfer onto the stone immediately. I did not order them to do so! I don't want ALL of those files on my stone!! If I want them there I'll put them there!!! I constantly have to delete the folder and it is VERY VERY annoying!!!!!! How can I get around this problem I'm sure there is an easy fix for it.....

    You seemed to prepare the file pattern correctly but it might only be a preview artifact.
    Did you save it as a pdf and open it in Acrobat to see if it is only an artifact of the preview?
    Here is ai with the artifact
    But this is how it shows up in Acrobat with no artifact, if you have a postscript printer you can test it by printing it on the postscript printer and that should verify what you see in Acrobat. If you also see this artifact in Acrobat perhaps it is the way you prepared the pattern.
    It won't let me upload the Acrobat screen shot at the moment but the artifact is gone.

  • Tiny but annoying problem with desktop backgrounds

    Whenever I use fast user switching to switch from my admin account to the standard user account it briefly shows a picture that was set as the background a long time ago and then shows the currently set background. Its that close up of a bright scarlet rose that comes with the OS. But its been changed several times since then and it doesn't do anything similar when I go from the standard to the admin account. I know its a tiny problem but its starting to really annoy me every time I see that overly bright picture flashed on the screen for a second or two.

    I managed to sort it out by myself.

  • Really interesting (and annoying) problem with Adobe on my printer...

    Hi all,
    I hope you'll be able to help me with this one, it is making me crazy. First, my configuration :
    Mac OS X 10.4.11 (iMac G5)
    Adobe Reader Version 8.1.2
    Printer HP LaserJet P1005
    I can print normally the usual pdf (have done it before and it is working perfectly). But I have just subscribe to a service which sends me "secured" pdf (I had to install a FileOpenWeb key; I can read those pdfs only on this computer and cannot edit them but I can print them - it is well specified in the security properties of the document and I contacted the supplier of the pdfs to confirm that it should be working). So I can open and read the pdf, but when I try to print them, Adobe crashes. Every time, without even popping up the usual print window. I just click on the prnter button and Adobe closes itself. If you know how to solve that problem, that would really be appreciated (a lot).
    Thanks in advance,
    PS : for the real stuff, here is the mac error message :
    Date/Time: 2008-02-27 23:17:25.840 +0100
    OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
    Report Version: 4
    Command: AdobeReader
    Path: /Applications/Adobe Reader 8/Adobe
    Parent: WindowServer [55]
    Version: 8.1.2 (8.1.2)
    PID: 255
    Thread: 0
    Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x80000000
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 <<00000000>> 0xfffeff20 objc_msgSend_rtp + 32
    1 0x907c5890 __CFURLDeallocate + 44
    2 0x907bdd74 _CFRelease + 240
    3 com.adobe.acrobat.sdk.Starter 0x042cdfe8 GetWP3Nib + 524
    4 com.adobe.acrobat.sdk.Starter 0x042ceb7c LoadPrtDialogWindowFromNibFile + 88
    5 com.adobe.acrobat.sdk.Starter 0x042cf10c DoPrinterDialog + 76
    6 com.adobe.acrobat.sdk.Starter 0x042d0200 DoPrint + 700
    7 com.adobe.acrobat.sdk.Starter 0x04298f2c CheckThenPrint + 840
    8 com.adobe.acrobat.sdk.Starter 0x04299968 Fowp3AVDocPrintPagesWithParams + 136
    9 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x8415df64 CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 227016
    10 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x842bee4c CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 1672624
    11 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x843127a0 CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 2014980
    12 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x84312d78 CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 2016476
    13 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x843dfef0 CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 2856532
    14 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x84290cb4 CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 1483800
    15 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x84292b28 CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 1491596
    16 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x84284144 CopiesPagesPDE_Open + 1431720
    17 0x937df970 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 4616
    18 0x937889b4 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4172
    19 0x9377fdf0 -[NSApplication run] + 508
    20 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x83f8f6e0 RunAcrobat + 3188
    21 com.adobe.Acrobat.framework 0x83f8eb74 RunAcrobat + 264
    22 com.adobe.Reader 0x00003b2c start + 5956
    23 com.adobe.Reader 0x0000257c start + 404
    24 com.adobe.Reader 0x00002424 start + 60
    Thread 1:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000b348 mach_msg_trap + 8
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9000b29c mach_msg + 60
    2 0x907dd9b8 __CFRunLoopRun + 832
    3 0x907dd2bc CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
    4 ...dobe.AcrobatPlugin.Comments 0x8c69141c AcroPluginMain + 1225396
    5 ...dobe.AcrobatPlugin.Comments 0x8c692134 AcroPluginMain + 1228748
    6 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90bc3794 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76
    7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002bd08 _pthread_body + 96
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002c3c8 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 8
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90030eac pthread_cond_wait + 480
    2 0x92bed22c -[NSConditionLock

    Have you tried to repair disk permissions?
    (applications> utilities> disk utility.)
    then re-install the key.
    If that doesn't work, try as a new user.

  • Just another ANNOYING problem with internet

    Hello everybody !
    So here we go, I am another user that has problems viewing web pages. To make a long story short I would like to add that though I am not a system administrator by any means, I am an experienced user. So if I say for example "I did nothing but the program stoped working correctly" DOES realy mean that I did nothing at all (therefore it doesnt mean that I occasionaly pushed few buttons while viewing complex settings and then forgot about it).
    PROBLEM : Sometimes (randomly) I am not able to view web pages. The problem may disappear suddenly, but otherwise I have to reboot computer to solve the problem (untill it happens again. And it WILL happen withing ~30min...4 hours, so several times a day)
    I USE : Macbook air 2012 (i7 8gb if it does matter). MacOS 10.8.2.   Everything is up to date, I frequently check the system for updates.
    1) I have changed the wireless channel so that nobody around uses the same one
    2) I have changed router and internet provider (well I did not change them, I just use my mba at office, at home and somewhere else. Each place has its own router (d-link at work and apple airport express at home) and its own provider)
    3) I have changed mtu (maximum transmission unit) to 1453 from 1500 by default (System preferences -> network -> advanced )
    4) I have tried different public DNS servers
    5) I did try to request DHCP once again when the problem appears
    6) The last but not least - I have tried different browsers (safari, opera, firefox)
    The only thing that works yet - reboot.
    - This is not a router problem, because I have already tried about 4-5 different models, including D-link, Airport and Asus
    - This is not an internet connection problem generaly (I am able to use skype, teamviewer etc. while the problem occurs)
    - This is not a macbook problem, because if I boot Windows (via bootcamp), it seems like I do not face that problem at all
    As a result : this is a MacOS problem, and I have to look for fix inside it.
    It realy happens suddenly: I am browsing webpages, everything is ok. Then bum - and the next page starts to load SLOWLY. Few more pages load SLOWLY (if there are pictures, I find "?" instead of them). And then pages stop loading at some moment. If I try to refresh the page, it might help sometimes. But then, finaly, I just lose opportunity to load web pages by any means.  
    The problem may go away for some time, but it will return for sure. Rebooting every time is incomfortable for me, since I have a lot of stuff opened and rearranged between different spaces (desktops).
    Thank you for your time in advance guys ! Hope some of you have already faced the problem and have found the solution.
    Thank you for your time guys.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It won’t solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The following procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed. Don’t be alarmed by the complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac. 
    These steps are to be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. 
    Below are instructions to enter some UNIX shell commands. The commands are harmless, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you have doubts about the safety of the procedure suggested here, search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. 
    Some of the commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then either copy or drag it. The headings “Step 1” and so on are not part of the commands. 
    Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. The other steps should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply. 
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Copy or drag — do not type — the line below into the Terminal window, then press return:
    kextstat -kl | awk '!/com\.apple/{printf "%s %s\n", $6, $7}' 
    Post the lines of output (if any) that appear below what you just entered (the text, please, not a screenshot.) You can omit the final line ending in “$”. 
    Step 2 
    Repeat with this line:
    sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix)|edu\.mit|org\.(amavis|apache|cups|isc|ntp|postfix|x)/{print $3}' 
    This time, you'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. You don't need to post the warning. 
    Note: If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before taking this step. If that’s not possible, skip to the next step. 
    Step 3
    launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|edu\.mit|org\.(x|openbsd)/{print $3}' 
    Step 4
    ls -1A /e*/mach* {,/}L*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,Keyb,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo,Sta}* L*/Fonts 2> /dev/null  
    Important: If you formerly synchronized with a MobileMe account, your email address may appear in the output of the above command. If so, anonymize it before posting. 
    Step 5
    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get name of every login item' 2> /dev/null 
    Remember, steps 1-5 are all drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste, whichever you prefer — no typing, except your password. Also remember to post the output. 
    You can then quit Terminal.

Maybe you are looking for