Annoying RSS feed bug

There is a REALLY ANNOYING bug where iWeb inserts the site name in the RSS feed like this
when it should be like this
I find I have to edit all the files manually in something like Komodo to fix this or my RSS feeds simply do not work.
There is another REALLY ANNOYING bug where a mobile me script for search is inserted in the blog page html even when search is not enabled on the page
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
This causes a massive delay in the page loading
I find I have to edit the blog html page manually deleting this line.  Then that page loads nice and fast.
Question is how to fix these permanently so I never have to edit all these fies every time I add or change a blog entry.

Why do you think it's a bug and why "should it be."
And on whose orders?
But let me guess.
You elected to put the content of the site folder in the root of the server?
If you did, you broke links.
Any way, read this :
(yes, I know 'then' should be 'the')

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    Dude, first the right-click thing... You can achieve the equivalent by holding down the control key and clicking -- you'll see a contextual menu pop up. Cool, huh?
    Now, control-click on that unwanted RSS feed and choose delete feed. Happy day!

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    Your domain uses URL forwarding with masking. It has no meaning for links. It's just cosmetics.
    This is the webpage that counts :
    The blue RSS button is the wrong one.
    Why not enable personal domain and use your domainname properly.
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    When you say you tried Safari & Firefox to read feeds from CraigsList, do you mean just loading the RSS URL's (e.g. ) into the browser directly? For myself, CraigsList RSS feeds don't load in Safari 5 either but it does seem to work via Firefox 3.6.3. I bet this might have been the WebKit (Safari 5) update that broke something.
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    Yes, you now need to refresh the live feed items manually because live feeds now work as regular bookmarks.<br />
    Only the initial loading is automatic the first time you open a live feed bookmark.

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    How to?

    well, cf8 has a new <cffeed> tag... and though i have
    not ever needed to
    use it (i prefer to create my feeds manually), it is
    *supposed to* make
    creating and consuming (readin) rss and atom feeds a
    breeze... but
    judging by many a blog posts, it is not without bugs...
    google <cffeed>, and check out ray camden's blog at
    for many posts on this tag
    but there is really nothing stopping you from using
    <cfhttp> + <cfxml>
    tags in cf7 to achieve what you want...
    as for porting cf7 apps to cf8 - it is usually painless, but
    on the complexity of your server/hardware configuration, it
    may require
    close attention to minute details
    just to check if you code runs fine in cf8, there is a code
    available in cf admin.
    Azadi Saryev

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    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

    When I subscribe to that thread, I only get the first 10 messages!
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  • Alternate ways to update RSS Feed URL in iTunes Store

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    Ok, so I am having issues with updating my iTunes Store RSS URL. Here's the storyin a nutshell. If any of you have experience with this i would really appreciate some help, because I have been stuck for week now.
    I started my podcast using as a host, and when I first submitted my podcast URL to th iTunes Store, I used the RSS URL that podbean gave me which was A few weeks later, I decided to move my host to SquareSpace, therefore I have a new RSS URL for the podcast now. I understand the directions frovided by Apple on how to change the URL by inserting the <itunes:new-feed-url> tags into the XML file. This is where the problem lies. is not able to instert this tag into my the XML file (its a long story, I have been dealing with thier incompitent customer service for weeks now). Let's assume for now that this method is not optional.
    SO my question to you guys is - is there another way to update the RSS URL feed? Currently the iTunes Store see's my RSS feed, but I want it to see the NEW one which is:
    Please help!!

    Ignore the 301 redirect - this is really intended for other rss readers than iTunes.
    If you are creating a feed somehow and submitting that to Feedburner, which then passes it on to iTunes, and if you can add the tag to that original feed it will also appear in the Feedburner feed and the redirect will take place.
    If you are creating the feed only in Feedburner by entering details, there you cannot directly edit the feed - I don't know whether Feedburner provides a way of doing this: most online podcast creation services don't.
    If that's the case then you will have to abaondon the old feed. You should attempt to get the old podcast removed from the Store - instructions here (though there have been a number of reports that iTunes Store staff are simply not bothering to carry out this process) - and submit your new feed as an entirely new podcast. You will probably need to make a small change in the title, as a bug in the Store software may tell you that the podcast has already been submitted: and of course you will lose any subscribers or comments.

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    The feeds that don't show the entire article don't have the full text of the post in the feed so there's no additional content to download (it's already getting everything in the feed). It'd display the same in any RSS reader because those feeds are only showing summaries or part of the article.
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