Another simple bash script to clean pacman cache

here is a simple script that I have written which cleans pacman cache folder in a way that only the packages which are now "updated" in the repositories, will get removed. This is different from what "pacman -Sc" does. pacman -Sc also removes any package which is not installed, while this script keeps all the packages which are updated whether they are installed or not.
The functionality is some how like what "apt-get autoclean" does in debian.
to use this script you need to run it with "list" or "clean" arguments.  you can also use the "help" argument for more help.
I hope it helps
#! /bin/bash
# clcache - This script cleans pacman cache folder in a way that only the packages
#+ which are now updated in the repositories, will get removed. This is
#+ different from what "pacman -Sc" does. pacman -Sc also removes any package
#+ which is not installed, while this script keeps all the packages which are
#+ updated whether they are installed or not.
# I have tweaked this script to be as fast as possible, it might still need a
#+ couple of minutes to compelete based on the size of your cache folder.
# to use this script you need to run it with "list" or "clean" arguments.
# you can also use the "help" argument for more help.
# This script is written by "Ali Mousavi". Please report bugs to [email protected]
DIR="/var/cache/pacman/pkg" #the default directory of pacman cache.
ROOT_UID=0 #Only users with $UID 0 have root privilages.
# Run as root
if [ "$UID" -ne "$ROOT_UID" ]
echo "Must be root to run this script"
exit 1
# Check for the arguments
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo -e 'What should I do?\nValid Argument are "list", "clean" or "help"'
exit 1
elif [ "$1" = "list" ]
MESSAGE="Are you sure you want to continue?"
elif [ "$1" = "clean" ]
ACTION="rm -vf"
MESSAGE="Are you sure you want to remove outdated packages? This process can not be undone!"
elif [ "$1" = "help" -o "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ]
echo -e "This script checks the packages in your pacman cache directory and removes the packages that are outdated. It doesn't matter if the package is installed or not.\n\n3 arguments can be passed to the script:\n\nlist:\n\tchecks for package that are outdated and prints the names.\n\nclean:\n\tremoves outdated packages.\n\nhelp,-h,--help:\n\tprints this help text.\n\nThis script is written by \"Ali Mousavi\". Please report bugs to [email protected]"
exit 0
echo 'Valid Argument are "list", "clean" or "help"'
exit 1
# Check if the user is sure!
echo "This might take a while based on the amount of cached packages."
echo -n "$MESSAGE(y/n) "
read ANS
if [ $ANS = "y" -o $ANS = "Y" -o $ANS = "yes" ]
echo "Processing packages..."
elif [ $ANS = "n" -o $ANS = "N" -o $ANS = "No" ]
echo "Exiting on user request"
exit 0
echo "Invalid answer"
exit 1
# Process the packages
cd $DIR #change to cache directory.
pacman -Sl | awk '{ print $2" "$3; }' > $TMPFILE
for f in $(ls $DIR)
pname=$(file $f | cut -d: -f1) #Produces filename, like: fetchmail-6.3.19-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz"
spname=$(echo $pname | sed 's/-[0-9][0-9]*.*//g') #removes package version: fetchmail
pver=$(echo $pname | sed 's/.*-\([0-9\-\.][0-9\-\.]*-[0-9\-\.][0-9\-\.]*\).*/\1/g') #using pacman -Qi for all files takes a lot of time.
if [ $(echo $pver | grep '[^0-9\-\.\-\-]' | wc -l) != 0 ] #checks if package version is alright
pver=$(pacman -Qpi $f | grep Version | awk '{print $3}')
newpver=$(grep -e "^$spname " $TMPFILE | awk '{ print $2 }')
if [[ $newpver != $pver ]]
rm -f $TMPFILE
echo "Outdated packages processed successfully!"
exit 0
Last edited by tuxitop (2011-09-13 09:24:26)

tuxitop wrote:# Check for the arguments
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo -e 'What should I do?\nValid Argument are "list", "clean" or "help"'
exit 1
elif [ "$1" = "list" ]
MESSAGE="Are you sure you want to continue?"
elif [ "$1" = "clean" ]
ACTION="rm -vf"
MESSAGE="Are you sure you want to remove outdated packages? This process can not be undone!"
elif [ "$1" = "help" -o "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ]
echo -e "This script checks the packages in your pacman cache directory and removes the packages that are outdated. It doesn't matter if the package is installed or not.\n\n3 arguments can be passed to the script:\n\nlist:\n\tchecks for package that are outdated and prints the names.\n\nclean:\n\tremoves outdated packages.\n\nhelp,-h,--help:\n\tprints this help text.\n\nThis script is written by \"Ali Mousavi\". Please report bugs to [email protected]"
exit 0
echo 'Valid Argument are "list", "clean" or "help"'
exit 1
1. `echo -e 'foo\nbar\nbaz'` gets long and unreadable quickly. Instead, use here documents:
cat <<EOF
What should I do?
Valid Argument are "list", "clean" or "help"
2. Use a case command, looks cleaner:
case "$1" in
list) ... ;;
clean) ... ;;
help|-h|--hep) ... ;;
# Check if the user is sure!
echo "This might take a while based on the amount of cached packages."
echo -n "$MESSAGE(y/n) "
read ANS
if [ $ANS = "y" -o $ANS = "Y" -o $ANS = "yes" ]
echo "Processing packages..."
elif [ $ANS = "n" -o $ANS = "N" -o $ANS = "No" ]
echo "Exiting on user request"
exit 0
echo "Invalid answer"
exit 1
read -p "hello: " -r
echo $REPLY
And again, `case` should be cleaner in this case.
# Process the packages
cd $DIR #change to cache directory.
pacman -Sl | awk '{ print $2" "$3; }' > $TMPFILE
While you quoted a lot, you left these two out. "$DIR" and "$TMPFILE" should be quoted, otherwise whitespaces will break the code.
for f in $(ls $DIR)
Apart from the same missing quotes, calling `ls` is a waste here. The following is sufficient and (maybe surprisingly) more accurate:
for f in *
How is it more accurate? Run this test script:
mkdir -p "$DIR"
cd "$DIR"
touch a\ b c$'\n'd
for i in *; do
printf '+%s+\n' "$i"
printf '%s\n' ---
for i in $(ls $DIR); do
printf '+%s+\n' "$i"
Let's not go too far here. Just get the idea.
pname=$(file $f | cut -d: -f1) #Produces filename, like: fetchmail-6.3.19-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz"
Calling `file` here is, again, unnecessary. Also, filename of a package can contain ":", e.g., vi-1:050325-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz, which breaks your code.
Don't complicate things:
spname=$(echo $pname | sed 's/-[0-9][0-9]*.*//g') #removes package version: fetchmail
Broken for ntfs-3g-2011.4.12-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz, nvidia-173xx-utils-173.14.31-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz, etc...   Something less lousy:
sed 's/\(-[^-]\+\)\{3\}$//' <<< "$pname"
pver=$(echo $pname | sed 's/.*-\([0-9\-\.][0-9\-\.]*-[0-9\-\.][0-9\-\.]*\).*/\1/g') #using pacman -Qi for all files takes a lot of time.
Although this might work for now, this would break if we had an architecture that starts with a digit, e.g. 686.  Something less lousy:
sed 's/\(.*\)-\([^-]\+-[^-]\+\)-[^-]\+$/\2/' <<< "$pname"
if [ $(echo $pver | grep '[^0-9\-\.\-\-]' | wc -l) != 0 ] #checks if package version is alright
pver=$(pacman -Qpi $f | grep Version | awk '{print $3}')
Again, calling `wc` here is a waste. Anyway, why is this check necessary at all?
newpver=$(grep -e "^$spname " $TMPFILE | awk '{ print $2 }')
if [[ $newpver != $pver ]]
rm -f $TMPFILE
echo "Outdated packages processed successfully!"
exit 0
The post is getting too long, so so much from me. If there's anything you don't understand yet, read bash(1).
If I sound harsh or anything, don't be discouraged. Just keep reading, keep improving.
Last edited by lolilolicon (2011-09-13 12:53:04)

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    # ================================
    # svnup: Updates subversion files.
    # ================================
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    #+ else, update each of those specified
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        && dirs=($PWD) \
        || dirs=($@)
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    Cerebral wrote:
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    very nice; awk and grep: two commands that never cease to amaze me.

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    - bash
    - git
    - subversion
    - libnotify
    * EDIT *
    Updated script in next post.
    Last edited by adam777 (2013-06-14 11:55:29)

    function add_to_list()
    if [ -f $RepVersionsFile ]
    tmp=$(cat $RepVersionsFile | grep $1)
    if [ -n "$tmp" ]
    tmp=$(echo $2 | grep ".git")
    if [ -z "$tmp" ]
    current_hash=$(svn info $2 | grep Revision | awk '{ print $NF }')
    current_hash=$(git ls-remote $2 | grep HEAD | awk '{ print $(NF-1) }')
    echo -e "$1 $2 $current_hash" >> $RepVersionsFile
    function remove_from_list()
    if [ ! -f $RepVersionsFile ]
    tmp=$(cat $RepVersionsFile | grep -v $1)
    if [ -z "$tmp" ]
    rm $RepVersionsFile
    echo -e "$tmp" > $RepVersionsFile
    function check_all()
    while read pkgname address hash
    tmp=$(echo $address | grep ".git")
    if [ -z "$tmp" ]
    remote_hash=$(svn info $address | grep Revision | awk '{ print $NF }')
    remote_hash=$(git ls-remote $address | grep HEAD | awk '{ print $(NF-1) }')
    if [ $remote_hash != $hash ]
    echo -e "$pkgname" >> $TempRepUpdatesFile
    echo -e "$pkgname $address $remote_hash" >> $TempRepVersionsFile
    done < $RepVersionsFile
    if [ -f $TempRepUpdatesFile ]
    notify-send "Updates Found On Remote Repos" "`cat $TempRepUpdatesFile`"
    rm $TempRepUpdatesFile
    rm $RepVersionsFile
    mv $TempRepVersionsFile $RepVersionsFile
    case $1 in
    add_to_list $2 $3
    remove_from_list $2
    echo "Enter Your Choice:";
    echo "1 For Adding A Repository";
    echo "2 For Removing A Repository";
    read userchoice
    if [ "$userchoice" == "1" ]
    echo "Please Enter Package Name";
    read pkgname
    echo "Please Enter Repository Address";
    read repaddress
    repcheck add-address $pkgname $repaddress
    if [ "$userchoice" == "2" ]
    echo "Please Enter Package Name";
    read pkgname
    repcheck remove-address $pkgname
    Last edited by adam777 (2013-08-07 16:09:00)

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    1. SL on MBP
    2. launch Terminal
    3. pico remove-files
    4. in my script are two simple rm /path to file type statements
    5. save file in user/bin directory
    6. type name of command
    7. get "command not found" error
    no wonder 99.9999% of the world doesnt program - why doesnt this simple setup work right ?

    Chris Chamberlain1 wrote:
    just guessing, if it type ./remove-files this script works.
    That's the traditional way to invoke a program or command file if its location is not in your path. If that file is in /usr/bin and /usr/bin is in your path, I'm not sure why your situation doesn't work. On my Mac the directory bin in /usr is owned by root:wheel. If yours is the same, how did you manage to create your script there without permission manipulations? What exactly did you mean when you first mentioned "save file in user/bin directory"? Did you really mean /usr/bin or something else? If you meant some other location, you might want to add that location to your path with this command:

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    It will use:
    1. the hash in Pacman's database (/var/lib/pacman/local/<pkg_ver>/files
    2. if no hash in the database, calculate it by our self from cache (/var/cache/pacman/pkg/<pkg_ver>.pkg.tar.gz
    3. if no cache found, compare build date and last modified date
    4. otherwise, this file better be backed up.
    Currently it will only print which files are needed to be backed up, but no backup actually happens. (dry run)
    And it is only in early development stage, please be careful.
    <the script name> <where to backup files, a directory> <the files, or directories, separated by space, that are going to be examined>...
    Here is the code.
    # usage:
    # $1: file to backup
    function do_backup() {
    function smart_bak() {
    pkg=$(pacman -Qo "$1" 2>/dev/null)
    if [ 1 -eq $? ] ; then
    # No package owns $1 (locally created)
    if [ "$1" != "${1%.pacsave}" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (left by removed package)"
    echo "backup $1 (local file)"
    pkg=${pkg#$1 is owned by }
    # evaluate
    # by hash
    cur=$(md5sum $1)
    cur=${cur%% *}
    pkg_ver=${pkg/ /-}
    org=$(grep "^${1:1}" "/var/lib/pacman/local/$pkg_ver/files")
    org_hash=${org##* }
    if [ "$org" != "$org_hash" ] ; then
    # the org hash is in Pacman's database
    if [ "$org_hash" = "$cur" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (original config)"
    echo "backup $1 (modified config)"
    # no hash
    # find out hash myself?
    ARCH=$(uname -m)
    if [ -r "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/$pkg_ver-$ARCH.pkg.tar.gz" ] ; then
    org=$(tar -Oxzf "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/$pkg_ver-$ARCH.pkg.tar.gz" "${1:1}" | md5sum -)
    org_hash=${org%% *}
    if [ "$cur" = "$org_hash" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (original)"
    echo "backup $1 (modified)"
    # no cache, may be a AUR package
    # fall back to built date?
    date=$(pacman -Qi ${pkg% *} | grep "^Build Date")
    date=${date#*: }
    date=$(date -d "$date" +%s)
    mod=$(ls -l $1)
    mod=${mod% $1}
    mod=${mod#* * * * * }
    mod=$(date -d "$mod" +%s)
    tmp1=$(expr $mod "+" 60)
    tmp2=$(expr $mod "-" 60)
    if [ "$date" -le "$tmp1" -a "$date" -ge "$tmp2" ] ; then
    echo "skip $1 (the same date)"
    echo "backup $1 (unknown)"
    function smart_bak_dir() {
    for i in $(ls -A "$1") ; do
    if [ -f "$tmp" ] ; then
    smart_bak "$tmp"
    elif [ -d "$tmp" ] ; then
    smart_bak_dir "$tmp"
    echo "skip $tmp (not a regular file nor a directory)"
    # usage:
    # $1: the directory to store this backup
    # $2: directory to evalualte for backup
    # function main()
    # init
    # check
    if [ ! -d "$target" -o ! -x "$target" -o ! -w "$target" ] ; then
    exit 4
    for i in $* ; do
    if [ -f "$i" ] ; then
    smart_bak "$i"
    elif [ -d "$i" ] ; then
    smart_bak_dir "$i"
    echo "skip $i (unknown argument)"
    Good luck,
    Last edited by (2008-12-30 07:53:05)

    Thanks for this script. Nice work.
    Can we traverse the pacman.log backwards up and rollback each operation (including "installed" in this). Something like:
    history=$(tail -n +$(grep -m 1 -n "$1" "$LOG" | cut -d ":" -f 1) "$LOG" | tac | grep -E "(upgraded|installed)" | cut -d " " -f 3-)
    Last edited by g33k (2008-11-04 15:08:07)

  • Simple bash-batch-compiler improvements

    hey there,
    i made a simple bash script for compiling many *.cpp files in one dir.
    #! /bin/bash
    find . -name "*.cpp" -exec g++ {} -o {}.sh \;
    but if an *.sh already exists it shouldn't compile, also it would be nice to have it named not my bash skills are rather limited, think one could help me out folks

    Mh, got another one here :< Still didn't find a GOOD sed tutorial with regexp. It's so damn complicated in my eyes.
    Well, I figured something out, but it has a error inside
    for f in *.jpg ; do mv "$f" `echo "$f" | sed 's! 1280!!'` ; done
    When executing it prompts for every *jpg file with "mv: specified target »(10).jpg« is no directory". :?
    Last edited by detto (2007-03-15 13:26:52)

  • Iwl3945 and dhcpcd workaround - bash script

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    edit the script with your preferences and settings and run it as root. The script sets a static ip, and all the shizzle thats needed to have a workaround for the dhcp not working
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you could simply add the rmmod / modprobe stuff and all that in PRE_UP='' in any of your netcfg profiles and the just run netcfg <profile>.

  • Multiarchive RAR bash script (SOLVED)

    Dear Fellow Archies!
    I use the command
    rar a -w<working_folder> -m5 -v<max_volume_size> <archive_name> <target_file_or_folder>
    whenever I need to make a multiarchive rar file, because I have not yet found a GUI archive manager that does this.
    So, I've decided to write a simple bash script to make things easier.
    Here's the script:
    echo Please, enter the full path to the target file or folder [without the target itself]!
    read PATH
    echo Please, enter the target filename [with extension] or folder name!
    read TARGET
    echo Please, enter the desired archive name [without extension]!
    echo Please, enter the desired volume size in KB!
    read SIZE
    rar a -w$PATH -m5 -v$SIZE $DESTINATION $TARGET
    Executing the last line of the code in terminal works without any hassle. When I run this entire script however, it doesn't.
    What needs to be changed for the script to work?
    RAR man page is HERE - CLICK, in case someone needs to take a look at something.
    Thank you and thank you,
    Last edited by UFOKatarn (2012-05-03 07:38:28)

    Done! Working!
    Geniuz: Logout-login did it. How simple.
    Juster: I added "echo $PATH" to the script and ran it with "bash -x". And the output was the same as after the logout-login. Here it is, in case you are curious.
    Thank you all for your help guys :bow:.
    All who intend to use Xfce launchers to run bash scripts: There are two options in the settings for each launcher: "Command" and "Working Directory". And when I had "Working Directory" filled with "/home/username/", the script didn't work. It worked perfectly after I blanked out the "Working Directory" option. Just so you know, in case someone doesn't .
    This has never happened to be before, but still, I guess it is better to do it with blank "Working Directory" and entering the entire path into the script in the "Command" field. It might be that Xfce launchers always stick to the "Working Directory", even though a script might tell them otherwise.
    Last edited by UFOKatarn (2012-05-03 07:38:05)

  • Sudo Command in Bash Script

    So I created a simple bash script to run on login.....
    one of the commands is the following:
    sudo "something something something"....
    One thing I haven't learned in my years of Unix is how do you get a bash script to run a sudo command without having to enter a password?  I know this is trival, but just a quick 'this is how you do it' would be cool.
    Thanks ahead of time on this really dumb question.

    There's a few ways to do this.  Here's two (pick the method you like):
    Method 1: Using "askpass".
    With this you always do sudo -A command.  The -A argument tells sudo to execute a command that echos the password to stdout.  That command is something you write.  For this explaination let's call the command pw and stick it /usr/local/bin.  So it's full pathname would be /usr/local/bin/pw.
    sudo -A can get the pathname to pw a number of ways.
    1. From the sudoers file.
    Use visudo to add the following line to the sudoers file:
    Defaults:ALL    askpass=/usr/local/bin/pw
    2. Using the SUDO_ASKPASS environment variable.
    export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/local/bin/pw
    This might work too (assuming SUDO_ASKPASS has been previously exported):
    SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/local/bin/pw sudo -A command
    Method 2: Have sudo read the password from stdin
    echo -n password | sudo -S command
    The -S option tells sudo to read the password from stdin so echo pipes it in (without the ending newline).
    The only relatively secure scheme of these two methods is the askpass (-A) method.  At least with that method you have a chance of encrypting/hiding your password down in the command that echoes it to stdout.  The -S method would contain your password explicitly in a script somewhere unless you make other provisions to encrypt/hide it with that technique.

  • BASH Script - Launch App with

    I'm trying to write a simple BASH script that will laungh an program, but that program needs command line arguments.
    When I put it in quotes it says it can't find the file, if I don't use quotes then it won't run the program with the command line arguments. How can I launch a program using a BASH script with command line arguments?
    Thanks in advance

    /Users/name/Desktop/Directory/app -f configfile

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