[ANSWERED] why gvim requires ruby and python?

$ pacman -Qi gvim
Name           : gvim
Version        : 7.0.118-1
Groups         : None
Packager       : Arch Linux (http://www.archlinux.org)
URL            : http://www.vim.org
License        : None
Architecture   : i686
Size           : 3961930
Build Date     : Fri Oct  6 01:56:49 2006 UTC
Install Date   : Sun Oct 15 08:32:47 2006 UTC
Install Script : Yes
Reason:        : explicitly installed
Provides       : gvim-devel
Depends On     : acl desktop-file-utils gtk2 libxt python ruby vim>=7.0.118
Required By    : pida
Conflicts With : gvim-devel
Description    : VIM 7 - Vi IMproved console

Like any other package with dependencies, gvim is compiled against the python and ruby libraries for plugin support.  This satisfies 90% of users.  If it does not suit you, that is what ABS is for.  Feel free to rebuild it yourself with less features (also note that you will lose omni completion for both those languages, among other things).

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    gcc -c -Iproto -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0500 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -DHAVE_PATHDEF -DFEAT_BIG -DHAVE_GETTEXT -DHAVE_LOCALE_H -DDYNAMIC_GETTEXT -DFEAT_CSCOPE -DFEAT_NETBEANS_INTG -DFEAT_GUI_W32 -DFEAT_CLIPBOARD -DFEAT_MBYTE -DFEAT_MBYTE_IME -DDYNAMIC_IME -DDYNAMIC_ICONV -pipe -w -march=i386 -Wall -DFEAT_RUBY -I /tmp/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -I /tmp/ruby/include/ruby-1.8 -I /tmp/ruby/include/ruby-1.8/i386-mswin32 -DDYNAMIC_RUBY -DDYNAMIC_RUBY_DLL=\"msvcrt-ruby18.dll\" -DDYNAMIC_RUBY_VER=18 -DFEAT_PYTHON -DDYNAMIC_PYTHON -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -freg-struct-return -s blowfish.c -o gobj/blowfish.o
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    blowfish.c:1:0: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
    make: *** [gobj/blowfish.o] Błąd 1
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    see below:
    How does SAP recommend to integrate Webi-report in the SAP Portal? Is it through an URL iview, the iview templates (thumbnail, folder and alert) or through the Master Iview?
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    @skwo: Just choose one or the either. It doesn't matter which one, flip a coin or so, but choose one and go ahead.  You'll not regret the choice, for either language (and framework respectively) has its pros and cons, but is suitable to implement any web project, and both languages are equally hard (or easy) to learn for a PHP programmer, you'll save a lot of time you'd otherwise waste on reading this thread, and you'll gain your own personal experience right away.
    If you've enough time to spare, implement the project, or at least parts of it, in both languages and both frameworks. This way you'll gain even more personal experience, and the ability to evaluate both frameworks with regards to your specific needs and preferences. You won't loose much time, too, because it's easy to transfer knowledge between Ruby and Python, since both languages have much in common.
    Whatever you do, you can't go wrong, you can't loose.  You'll learn a new language, gain experience, and have a lot of fun. What do you need more?
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Sorry,The print did not come.
    In order to fix one of the problem in R/3 system, SAP will asked you to download an OSS notes which is a ".car" file. 
    To work with a CAR File do the following at OS Level:
    Get into OS as <sapsid>adm
    Copy the .CAR file to a Temporary Directory.
    Uncompress the file with SAPCAR
    Copy the the data file generated in the  data transport directory 
    ( ej: = /usr/Sap/trans/data).
    Copy the the cofile file generated in the  cofiles transport directory 
    ( = ej: /usr/Sap/trans/cofiles).
    Run transaction STMS
    Upload the support package with SPAM transaction and the support package will show "New support packages". 
    Examples of CAR command :-
       1) UNIX only: 
           Log on as user <sapsid>adm. 
           cd /usr/sap/trans 
           CAR -xvf tmp/<ARCHIVE_NAME>.CAR -V 
       2) Windows NT only: 
           Log on as user <SAPSID>ADM. 
           cd \USR\SAP\TRANS 
           CAR -xvf TMP\<ARCHIVE_NAME>.CAR 
    This Will create two(2) FILES
    After you run SPAM  you MUST run STMS and check the transport queues 
    As per 315963 note you can direct made the changes in the program or you can apply the support pack. 
    a) If you want to apply correction then first you need to register the object in SAP, so that you will get the Access key and then you can make the changes.
    b) If you want to import the support pack then you need to down load from SAP market-place. and this is in CAR file. and then you need extract the same using CAR utility. 
    ex: CAR -xvf abc.car
    you can directly apply the patch from SAPGUI, login to 000 client and then you can load the patch from Presentation server. 
    Also check what is your current basis patch level?
    For example if you want to apply patch 07 and you are having 05 then you need to apply 06 and then apply 07.
    Things to take note of:-
    It would definitely be better to apply the latest spam/saint spam manager, tp, R3trans and possibly a new kernel patch. 
    This is not a simple task to complete on the fly.  By applying SAP support packs, you may run into problems with SPDD and SPAU adjustments. Also include the fact that the support packages may break one of your transactions.  You may want to test this in your sandbox environment, if you have one, before tackling it.
    In most situation when you apply support packages, it can takes about 3 weeks to fully test the support packages before you can apply them to the production system. 
    Do test your "golden" transactions to make sure that they are not broken.  If you are not familiar with SPDD and/or SPAU adjustments than do not attempt to load support packages.
    You may be better off just to modify the SAP object in question via OSS note.

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    From http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5665 :
    If you have three security questions and a rescue email address, sign in to My Apple ID and select the “Password and Security” tab to send an email to your rescue email address to reset your security questions and answers.
    If you have one security question and you know your Apple ID password, sign in to My Apple ID and select the “Password and Security” tab to reset your security question.
    If you have one security question, but don't remember your Apple ID password, contact Apple Support for assistance. Learn more about creating a temporary support PIN to help Apple confirm your identity when you contact Apple Support.
    If you can’t reset them via the above instructions (you won't be able to add a rescue email address until you can answer your questions) then you will need to contact Support in the country where you and your iTunes account are to get the questions reset.
    Contacting Apple about account security : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5699
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use the steps half-way down this page to add a rescue email address for potential future use : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5312

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    Whenever I go to iTunes with my iPod 5th generation 32 gb iPod Touch, running iOS 8.0.2, It tells me that the "Other" category is using up 14.59 gb of data. I have no clue why it says this and I have searched the internet for fixes and none worked. I have tried on a windows and a mac and noticed no change. I have tried restoring to a backup but that didn't help. I haven't had time to do a full restore but I will try if the problem persists.

    An "other" larger than about 1 1/2 GB indicates corrupted files.
    What is the Other on my iPhone and How to Remove It
    What is "Other" and What Can I Do About It?
    Next, usually restoring from backup eliminated the corrupted files. However, sometimes restoring to factory settings/new iPod is required.
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up
    To restore to factory settings/new iPod see:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software

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    Please reward if useful.

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    Hai Experts,
                            I have a doubt why we require screen to be display data using container,
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                          pplz Help me experts.
    thanks in advance.

    Why do you thing you do not need any container for fm-based ALV lists?
    Have a look at fm REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC:
      if i_screen_start_column is initial and
         i_screen_start_line   is initial and
         i_screen_start_column   is initial and
         i_screen_end_line     is initial.
        gt_grid-flg_popup = space.
        call screen 500.  " <<<
        gt_grid-flg_popup = 'X'.
        call screen 700 " <<<
                  starting at i_screen_start_column i_screen_start_line
                  ending   at i_screen_end_column i_screen_end_line.
    Both screen (500 and 700) contain a custom control element (GRID1) according to the element list.
    Why do you thing in class-based ALV we do not need any containers?
    In case of class CL_SALV_TABLE it looks like that CL_SALV_FULLSCREEN_ADAPTER is one of the classes responsible for displaying ALV lists. Looking at method IF_SALV_ADAPTER~SET_METADATA you will find the following fm-call::
          call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
    *         I_INTERFACE_CHECK              = ' '
              i_bypassing_buffer             = l_bypassing_buffer
              i_buffer_active                = l_buffer_active
              i_callback_program             = 'SAPLSLVC_FULLSCREEN'
              i_callback_pf_status_set       = 'SALV_PF_STATUS_SET'
              i_callback_user_command        = 'SALV_USER_COMMAND'
    *         I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE         = ' '
    This fm belongs to the same function group SLVC_FULLSCREEN like the fm I have mentioned first. And this fm uses the same screens (500 & 700) with the GRID1 custom control.

  • Explanation - Why are IAS 9i and an RDBMS both needed ?

    Why are IAS 9i and an RDBMS both needed ? After all, IAS 8I/9I does contain a "database" in it -- but Oracle calls it a "data cache" !!
    Here's why ...
    The IAS 8I/9I "data cache" is intended to be a "performance enhancment" mechanism to avoid network round trips to the back end rdbms (called the 'origin' database in IAS terminology) for "rarely changing" data or application code accessed/used in the IAS 8I/9I mid-tier.
    The IAS "data cache" was initially extracted from rdbms 8.1.6 to use in IAS 8i (aka IAS 1.0.0 or 1.0.1) and now rdbms 8.1.7 to use in IAS 9i (formerly referred to as IAS 1.0.2).
    This was because the complete architecture and functionality needed to provide the IAS 9i's "performance enhancing read only" cache functionality already exists in the oracle 8i rdbms.
    (talk about o-o wanting to have high reusability !!)
    How about a practical application of why would you do this ??
    Think of the web site activity of a major online order system, for example, a ".com" that sells books. We can all think of the famous ones who would be ideal users of this type of design.
    Most of the transaction activity in an online order system is customers "browsing" the product catalog, looking at the
    descriptions of the books they might consider to buy. When a customer identifies a desired book, the customer can place an order.
    This typical customer behavior looks at the description for each book which is "rarely changing" information that is normally accessed in a "read only" mode.
    To improve performance for this online order system, the "rarely changing" information can be stored (or "cached") on the mid-tier in IAS 8i/9i's "data cache".
    How do this improve performance ??
    With the information available in the mid-tier "data cache", network roundtrips by IAS 8i/9I applications to the 'origin' rdbms are avoided, reducing the workload on the network and the 'origin' rdbms.
    Why do i still need a back-end or 'origin' rdbms along with ias 9i ?
    You still need the 'origin" database as the "master repository" for your books, their inventory system, and orders placed with your business.
    You also have the other necessary business systems they may or may not take advantage of the IAS design -- like shipping, payroll, Human Resources, etc.
    What happens if the data changes ?
    I kept repeating "read only" -- so - the next question is what do you do with "new or changing" data - like placing an order or updating the inventory ?
    Since the "master copy" of the information is retained on the origin rdbms, then all changes will occur there.
    When a new book is added or an existing book's information is updated or a book is dropped from the inventory, these changes are applied to the origin database.
    This information is then "refreshed" on the IAS 8I/9I "data cache" using the "management policies" available within IAS 8I/9I.
    These policies controls how and when to "refresh" the IAS 8I/9I data cache.

    In the following document:
    1) "Oracle9i Application Server Technical White Paper" located at :
    don -- right
    At the bottom of page 16 and the top of page 17 is the following....
    'The Java engine inside Oracle9i AS is the Oracle JVM.'....
    don -- right --- new name is Enterprise Java Engine (EJE)
    'The Oracle JVM is integrated in Oracle9i AS, giving it the same advantages and benefits available to the Oracle Database ...'. '
    don -- almost right -- you left the key phrase off of it ...
    it is completed as follows : (CAPS - are mine for emphasis)
    'The Oracle JVM is integrated in Oracle9i AS, giving it the same advantages and benefits available to the Oracle Database FOR EXECUTING JAVA BASED APPLICATIONS ON THE SERVER'. '
    STEVE --
    that's why i made the comment in the previous post which i've copied below :
    I don't think of it as a "database" even though some literature might refer to it as one in IAS 9i standard edition !!
    The term "database" has a lot of extra functions with it that are not in IAS 8i/9i!!
    for example, most RDBMS's have :
    1) updateable tables, etc.
    2) backup and recovery of data requirements
    3) etc.
    That's what makes the EJE in IAS different from an RDBMS -- the extra rdbms functrions are not needed...
    That's why I think of it as a "Java Code Container" that holds the Oracle Enterprise Java Engine(EJE) in it. I was stuck on this also - now i can mentally exclude all of that extra functionality by calling it a "java code container" and not thinking of it as a "database".
    Since Oracle JVM is the common Java environment for both the Oracle database and Oracle9i AS,...'.
    The above gave me the impression that 9i AS has a JVM independent of a database.
    don -- 9i AS has a JVM independent of a database -- they are the same item -- a "stripped down" database or as i call it a "Java Code Container" that holds the Oracle Enterprise Java Engine(EJE) -- formerly called the oracle 8i jvm -- in it.
    i think the term "database" in the literature is being used to emphasize where it came from (stable oracle 8i -- as opposed to totally new technology)
    i personally think the term "database" implies to many people, it is a "fully functional rdbms" ... so they assume they don't need a back end -- or in ias terms -- an 'origin' rdbms.
    However -- i think this is where the confusion is ..
    as people understand the differences between ias and rdbms, they soon realize they must have an rdbms.
    However, the administrative instructions (that deal with setting up OSE) seem to point that the JVM is in a database.
    don -- right -- it is a "stripped down" database or a a "Java Code Container" as i call it.
    you still need to deploy the java code (servlets, jsp's, ejb's, corba, and java stored procs) to it.
    The command line functions that you use to do that with the 8.1.7 rdbms -- still apply.
    Commands like :
    loadjava, deployejb, dropjava, sess_sh, publishjsp, publishservlet, etc.
    Note :
    Obviously ias 8i "EJE" or ORACLE 8i JVM (the old name), is based upon the rdbms 816 functions (no OSE in it), so you can't deploy servlets and jsp's to the ias 8i EJE just like you can't to the 816 rdbms.
    I do find this subject (where is the JVM located) very confusing.
    don - right -- but you are picking it up -- hang in there !!
    Steve you asked --
    Don - is the EJE (OSE/OJVM) implemented through a database?
    'The Java engine inside Oracle9i AS is the Oracle JVM.'....
    don - right
    keep in mind from a java perspective -- the EJE is a "Stripped down" database that acts like a java code container that you connect to -- just like in 817 --- so you can deploy your code to it.
    it's also a jvm -- and you execute your deployed java code in it -- just like in 817.
    i hope this helps and i didn't confuse this topic further for you ...

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    Most YouTube content requires the Flash plugin. Sometimes it's necessary to uninstall then reinstall that plugin.
    Uninstall the Flash plugin then reinstall new >  Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Very important to uninstall the currently installed plugin first.
    Now launch Safari and try a video.
    If you have the ClickToFlash extension installed, that can prevent Flash based video from streaming. It can also be installed as a plugin in /Library/Internet-Plug-Ins.
    And check to see if Safari is running in 32 bit mode. Right or control click the Safari icon in your Applications folder then click Get Info. If the box next to:  Open in 32 bit mode  is selected, deselect, quit then relaunch Safari.
    You may also need to delete the cache associated with Safari .
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy/paste:   ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari
    Click Go the move the Cache.db file from the com.apple.Safari folder to the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch Safari. Try a video.

  • Does Tiger require ownership (and sharing) of wired printers on a wireless LAN? My G4 (Tiger) is also wired to the LAN, and can access all wired printers through the router. Wireless Macs cannot even find the printers.

    Does Tiger require ownership (and sharing) of wired printers on a wireless LAN? My G4 (Tiger) and all printers are wired to the LAN, and the G4 can access all printers through the router. Additional wireless Macs (Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion) cannot even find the printers. Yet, if the G4 shares the printers, then ALL computers on the LAN can access them. However, this requires the G4 to remain powered. Is there a workaround that would allow me to shut down the G4 and still use the printers?

    Hello BDAqua!
    Well, I am halfway there. Following your steps on the Snow Leopard MBP, the newer printer (a Canon MX860 inkjet) appeared automatically under the "default" icon on the ADD printer window. I used the IP icon with the HP Jetdirect-Socket protocol to find and add the older printer, (an HP 4000N). That required running a configuration page from the printer to locate its IP address. I printed to both printers through this laptop with success!
    I then followed exactly the same procedure with the Mountain Lion MBP. For both installation attempts, I got an error message window: Unable to verify the printer on your network. "192.168.111" may not exist or is unavailable at this time. Would you still like to create the printer? If I click Continue, it creates the icon and name in the printer list. However when I attempt to print from an app. the next message says, 'Printer is unavailable.'
    Why one laptop finds and uses both printers, and the newer laptop does not, just floors me!
    Thank you for your ongoing assistance.

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    I had a note from PS Pattie ; I can't find it here.  Anyhow, these were her questions and my answers:
    Q:Did you download from this location?  http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/photoshopcs6/
    A: Yes
    Q:Did you select TRY and enter your Adobe ID?
    A: I was then asked to "Sign in". I pressed the sign and got the following reaction:
    Please connect to the internet and retry. Either your computer is offline or the clock on your computer is set incorrectly, causing a connection error.  An internet connection is required. Please connect to the internet or adjust your clock and try again.  If this problem persist, please contact Customer Support.  I did so and was told "This page is not available"
    Q: Did you try to download again and install?
    A:  Yes, three times – each time 1.71GB.  I tried many other devices; none worked.

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    if anyone can help that would be great.
    i have attached the vi that i´ve done.
    thank you very much
    intentoproyectocom2.vi ‏78 KB

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