Any good blog about DMZ, DNS and other network concepts?

We get a project with a lot of network technology.
We are looking for a good book or blog explaining  the network concepts
such as port forwarding, proxy, DMZ, DNS, etc.
Any help is appreciated.

Go through the below link. It may be helpful

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    Best Regards,
    Edited by: ylin on 2009-10-10 上午2:07

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    Be sure to install the latest version of Safari (version 5.1.7) which is available via Software Update (in the Apple menu) if you have not already installed it. This update will automatically disable older versions of Flash when new versions are available, and will instruct you on how to install the latest version on your system. This should help keep your system safe from any vulnerabilities in Flash.
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    My first question should be an easy one to answer. Has anyone told you all that they appreciate your help today?
    I DO !!! Thank you for your kind nature and your choice to help others (like me)!
    Our 2003 SBS server has multiple issues. The server has two NICs; one for the WAN connection and one for the LAN.
    Windows IP Configuration
       Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : mathewsserver01
       Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . : MathewsElectricalInc.local
       Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
       IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
       WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
       DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : MathewsElectricalInc.local
    Ethernet adapter Mathews Local Area Connection:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : 
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #1
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1E-C9-CE-C5-E7
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 
       DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :
    Ethernet adapter Network Connection to Router:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : 
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1E-C9-CE-C5-E6
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
       DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :
       NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Disabled
    #1 In Event Viewer (Local) Application I have recurring event Source=Userenv Event 1053 every 9 minutes.
    #2 In Event Viewer Directory Service I have recurring event Source=NTDS General Event 1126 every hour.
    #3 In Event Viewer DNS Server I have recurring event Source=DNS Event 6702.
    Also, I am surprised that the LAN NIC #1 is not set up as DHCP!
    What information may you require to assist me?
    tmath2 in Houston

    Could you type “route print“ on CMD, and post the result here?
    It would be helpful if you may describe the phenomenon of the problem? such as changes before the problem occurs, any prompt error message, related operations except for these logged Event ID.
    You may reference the link below for reference.
    Event Source Userenv and Event ID 1503:
    Event Source NTDS and Event ID 1126:
    DNS 6702:
    Best Regards,
    Eve Wang
    Thanks Eve! I appreciate your attempt to help. I inadvertently posted my reply for the Route table without quoting you first. Sorry about that.
    As far as the problems go, time to logon to server > 5 minutes. Group Policy issues abound. DNS issues (as mentioned). Thought I had an easy one for you. Sorry about that.
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    Furthermore, I backup a 10TB RAID 6 array on
    My Workstation to yet another client for redundancy (Call it WORKSTATION2-PC), but if I try to click on the computer icon in Windows Explorer for WORKSTATION2-PC, I get the error "Windows cannot access \\WORKSTATION2-PC. However if I type in
    the ip address or WORKSTATION2-PC, I have no problems.
    tmath2 in Houston

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    Sam x

    thanks so much David. i wanted you ask you something about browse windows if you know...
    the code at the bottom of the screen creates three buttons - the third is a browse button, so the user can search for a particular file. Do you know how to have a drop down browse box in pop up window?. Theres so little documentation on this sort of thing. i was hoping you would know something about it....
    i know that this line will create a browse pop up:  var targetFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Import items from folder...");
    but i want to be able to have it as part of the window.
    If you know anything that would be a great help, thanks, Sam
    function myScript(thisObj) {
              function myScript_buildUI(thisObj) {
                        var myPanel = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", "STREAMLINE OLIVE!", [0, 0, 300, 300]);
                        res="group{orientation:'column', alignment:['fill', 'fill'], alignChildren:['fill', 'top'],\
                               findStr: StaticText { text:'please enter the exact names of the following render Layers:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
                               findRow: Group { \
          alignment:['fill','top'], \
          findStr: StaticText { text:'Olive colour:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
          findEditText: EditText { text:'', characters:20, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                              findRow: Group { \
          alignment:['fill','top'], \
          findStr: StaticText { text:'Olive occlusion:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
          findEditText: EditText { text:'', characters:20, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                                findRow: Group { \
          alignment:['fill','top'], \
          findStr: StaticText { text:'Browse for movie:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
          findEditText: EditText { text:'', characters:20, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                        myPanel.grp = myPanel.add(res);
                        myPanel.grp.minimumSize = myPanel.grp.size;
                        myPanel.onResizing = myPanel.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();}
                        return myPanel;
              var myScriptPal = myScript_buildUI(thisObj);
               if ((myScriptPal != null) && (myScriptPal instanceof Window)) {

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    Casting conversions are "right" when you need a reference of the particular type AND the underlying object is type-compatible with the declared variable.
    "Downcasting" example:
    Object o = new Object();
    String s = (String) o; // BAD! The underlying object is not an instance of String
    Object o = "foo";
    String s = (String) o; // Okay.~

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    I believe you are out of luck. Applications can be downloaded again but the data is likely going to be toast. Try googling iPod to PC and see if any of the programs meant to copy content can also handle notes and app data.

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    I already tried re-installing but - alas - to no avail. As I stated in my questioon already, Firefox (latest version) doesn't react to anything I click, hence why I am not even able to do the troubleshooting at all nor start the browser in safe mode. In addition to this, no websites are being displayed and all I am able to see is a blank page - no matter which website I actually want to view.
    Other browsers work totally fine but due to certain programs, Firefox is necessary and other browsers like Chrome are not an option.

    Unfortunately we had a data base error today and lost some user accounts when we had to go back to our backups. If you have started this thread, your's is one of those. Since we can not recreate your account, please sign-up for a new account here to reply to the forum messages:
    You can use the same username and email address as before. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

  • JDK 1.4 license clauses about Software Updates and Other Software

    Does anyone know what these clauses in the JDK 1.4 license mean? There is an old thread on this at but there was no response from Sun. I'm using the JDK in a Tomcat server application -- should I be worried that pieces of the JDK will be updated on my server without my knowing it? Or does this refer to applets downloaded to a browser?
    7.SOFTWARE UPDATES FROM SUN. You acknowledge that at your request or consent optional features of the Software may download, install, and execute applets, applications, software extensions, and updated versions of the Software from Sun ("Software Updates"), ...
    8.SOFTWARE FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN SUN. You acknowledge that, by your use of optional features of the Software and/or by requesting services that require use of the optional features of the Software, the Software may automatically download, install, and execute software applications from
    sources other than Sun ("Other Software"). ...

    Just means that applets and other products so enabled can and will (after optionally asking for permission) connect to the net to download libraries they need if and as needed.
    The JVM provides that functionality so it's in the JVM license agreement.
    Nothing sinister, Sun isn't going to spy on you.

  • Can you create a Remote Access VPN connection to tunnel DMZ LAN and Inside Networks simultaneously?

    I have a customer that has a ASA 5510 version 8.3 with IPSEC Client Access that includes some of their networks on the Inside interface.   The issue they are having is when their mobile users connect with the vpn client (which is using split tunneling), they can no longer access their web server applications that are running in the DMZ.   Without the client connected, they access the web servers via the external public IP.  Once they are connected via vpn, their default dns server becomes the internal AD DNS server, which resolves the DNS of the web servers to the private DMZ ip address. 
    Can a Remote Access VPN client connection be allowed to connect to both the DMZ interface and the Inside Interface? I had always only setup RA VPN clients to connect to networks on the Inside Interface.  
    I tried adding the DMZ network to the Split Tunnel list, but I could not access anything it while connected to vpn using the private IP addresses.

    Yes, you should be able to access DMZ subnets as well if they are added to the split tunnel ACL. You could check the NAT exemption configuration for the DMZ and also check if the ASA is forwarding the packet through DMZ interface by configuring captures on the DMZ interface. 
    Share the configuration if you want help with the NAT exemption part.

  • Site to Site VPN with Overlapping network and other network Access..

    Hi all,
    i need to setup a site to site Tunnel to a remote site. My remote site got the network which has overlapped with one of our network( in my site. remote site dont need to access this network( in my site ,but they have to access other networks (192.168.x.0)
    i have prepared the below configuration ,relevant to nat to achiev the goal. Appreciate help to verify and help to achive this...
    i have attached one rough diagram also..
    access-list acl-httsamorocco extended permit ip
    access-list nonat extended permit ip 192.168.x.0
    access-list policy-nat extended permit ip
    static (inside,outside)  access-list policy-nat
    Remote Site
    access-list policy-nat extended permit ip
    static (inside,outside)  access-list policy-nat
    Thanks in Advance..

    It has to be configured on both sides.
    X and Y are unused networks in this example: Site A has to hide behind X when communicating to Y, site B has to hide behind Y when communicating to X. The users in site A have to use Y as a destination, users in site B have to use X as destination. To make it usable for the users you should include the destinations in the DNS so that they never need the destination-IP.
    On the ASA you describe the communication -> Y with an access-list and add that ACL to your static-command. You find an example here:
    Don't stop after you've improved your network! Improve the world by lending money to the working poor:

  • Looking for good example about Woodstock components and custom validators

    Hi guys,
    could someone be so kind to give (or suggest) me a simple, minimal and working example with a Woodstock TextField (or Calendar) component and a custom validator?
    I cannot find good examples, all the ones I find on the net are too much wide and confusing so that I'm not able to adapt them to my needs.
    I already made a custom validator (formerly, "DateValidator") with the "validate()" method, and added it to some dynamically created components with code like this:
    MethodExpression methodExpression = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory().createMethodExpression(elcontext, "#{DateValidator.validate}", null, new Class[] { FacesContext.class, UIComponent.class, Object.class });
    Now, when I change data in the textbox or in the calendar, I see that something obscure is moving (this because I can read "Reading from localhost..." in the status bar of the browser), but nothing happens, and the validator method is never called (I tried this with the debugger).
    I think that only a good example could save me from the dark... Thanks in advance!

    Yes, I'd thought about just having the user set their
    timezone (similar to the forum Settings). However,
    even this forum settings causes some confusion.
    There's two options for a number of timezones. What
    differentiates them? The daylight saving rules are
    important to know and the list of timezones doesn't
    indicate this in any way. This list doesn't show all
    available timezones either (as previously mentionted,
    there's seven timezones for GMT -0700).Then you would have to do a better job than Sun did, wouldn't you? After all if you are going to be interpreting the answer you get, you had better ask a clear question. If you want to know the list of timezones actually supported by Java, then examine the source code for the TimeZone class. You can also search Google for "time zones" for links that will keep you busy for weeks learning the arcana of time zones around the world.

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