Any ideas on how to fix my pixelated iPhone 4S screen?

Ok I have had my iPhone 4S for around 4 months now, since the 12th of October and it worked fine. I cracked it on the 18th of November and got the screen replaced at a phone repair shop and it was fine, but on Saturday the 18th of January it ran out of charge and when I turned it back on it was white, I held my home and lock button and it turns off and then goes back to white and the gradually grows 100s of coloured lines. It worked for another two days and I turned my phone off and I can't fix it again! Heellpppp!?

Where did you get this replaced at? Where are you located? 3rd party repair of the phones voids all warranty and post-warranty support. Obviously you were repaired with defective parts and you now the victim of that. All you can do now is take it back to this shop and see if they warranty their repairs.

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    This is a user to user forum and Adobe Staff does drop by.
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    Start with this comprehensive troubleshooting article:
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    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
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    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Continue button.
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    Reinstall OS X Without Erasing the Drive
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    OS X Yosemite- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Lion- Reinstall Mac OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
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    If it happens again and the reset (home + power buttons) doesn't work, just let the battery drain; you'll know when the screen shuts off. Charge it back up and it should be fine. Frankly, I'm surprised this worked for you. Usually I hear people with this problem say that holding both buttons doesn't work, and they have to do the battery drain.
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