Any info on future R1 RAW (SR2) file suport.

I am hoping that someone has heard or knows something about future support in Aperture for the Sony DCS R1. I posted a week ago and I hope I don't come off as complaining too much but as it turns out, I only have till the end of the month to decide if I want to switch to another product that does support the R1 RAW (SR2) format before the price goes up by a significant amount. Honestly, I really don't want to do that.
I love Aperture, it has been a enormous help to me but since the adjustment data will likely never be shared as a common format between these types of apps I feel compelled to choose one and stick with it. I have organizational problems and having my data split between to systems makes me highly uncomfortable. The Sony R1 is the camera I intend to use for the foreseeable future until an affordable SLR shows up on the market with the features I require. So I feel stuck.
I am just looking for ANY information... even unofficial, that would give me hope that Aperture would soon have support for my camera of choice. I have made a pretty large investment of time in adjusting and organizing my photography with Aperture and I really dont want to start that all over with something different. But I also can't stand still and not create.
I have sent feedback to Apple and received no response. My guess is that no one reading these boards will really have inside information but maybe they will and if nothing else perhaps I will help someone else not get stuck in the trap I got myself into.

Here is the whole process detailed for other R1 users...
Download Adobe DNG Converter here:
Download PlistEdit Pro here:
Use PlistEdit Pro to open this file:
System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/ Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Raw.plist
Find the line that contains "DSLR-A100" and change just that text to "DSC-R1"
Use the Adobe DNG Converter to convert your SR2 files to DNG.
(As Kari mentioned above you may want to keep the Original Sony RAW file. I have not yet determined if there is any downside to the conversion process. I suspect there isn't but I plan to play it safe.)
Import these DNG files into Aperture as you normally would.
So far everything seems to be working pretty well. The images look good and I have been comparing them directly to the other software that supports Sony R1 raw directly and I can see little difference. It would seem that the converted files contain all the information of the originals.
I am still not sure I want to adopt this convoluted workflow. As I mentioned I have organizational issues and relying on a piece of software to catalogue and sort my images when you have to hack it and convert every file seems like a really bad idea to be honest. Other people who dont have my issues may not see this as a big deal, but to me, it sorta defeats the main purpose of an application like Aperture... too give you non destructive adjustment of the detail rich files that come out of your camera and give you one organized place that you know contains all your images.
I can see myself down the road getting "locked-up" because I get the feeling that I haven't converted and imported everything or finding out that I could do something with the SR2 file thats not supported in the DNG and having to go back to the original files and recreate all the adjustments. Or worst case scenario, the hack stops working down the line and Aperture stops seeing the SR2/DNG files that I will have put enormous amounts of time and effort into sorting and adjusting.
This of course is exactly the sort of thing I am trying to avoid by using a application like Aperture.
So I have a lot of thinking to do... Good luck to any other R1 owners that are in the same boat. I have read the opinions of some people that think Apple will never directly support the R1's RAW, but at least as long as this hack works we have an option.

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    But I'll double check this just to be sure.
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    C00000/1 (camera number)
    S00A ??
    20120215 (year-month-day)
    151302 (hr-min-sec)
    37178 (??)
    .dat (file extention)
    15-02-2012  16:02           717.034 C00000S00A20120215130237178.dat
    15-02-2012  16:40           819.238 C00000S00A20120215134037698.dat
    15-02-2012  18:03           718.943 C00000S00A20120215150349680.dat
    15-02-2012  19:06           935.351 C00000S00A20120215160626831.dat
    15-02-2012  19:08           323.334 C00000S00A20120215160844811.dat
    15-02-2012  14:37           971.580 C00001S00A20120215113659726.dat
    15-02-2012  15:09           752.687 C00001S00A20120215120925565.dat
    15-02-2012  16:00           563.281 C00001S00A20120215130006543.dat
    15-02-2012  17:34           615.714 C00001S00A20120215143439943.dat
    15-02-2012  17:34        22.921.555 C00001S00A20120215143441035.dat
    15-02-2012  19:08           858.214 C00001S00A20120215160839377.dat
    15-02-2012  19:13       132.448.256 C00001S00A20120215161340485.dat
    15-02-2012  19:19       350.180.000 C00001S00A20120215161947209.dat
    These are all the files we have and I've uploaded all to the google docs folder:

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    Answering this question:
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    Answering this question:
    CS3 can't read Canon .CR2 RAW files (at least mine can't unless there is a plugin of some kind). 
    Support for newer camera models like your Canon 7D are only added to the then current (and later version) Adobe Camera RAW Converter and Lightroom. Newer Adobe Camera RAW converter versions (6.3) are not supported in older version of Photoshop like CS3. It is the nature of business marketing and also due to the large expense to support older application versions with "new" plug-in features. It would be a support nightmare!
    Hypothetical Example:
    "Why doesn't Adobe Camera RAW 10.3 work properly with my Canon 1600 D MK XV 45 Megapixel camera in Photoshop CS3?"

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    Updated my raw plug in
    I shoot on canon rebel t3-i

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    DB :
    Solaris 5.10
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    Please guide

    As usual this question has documented answers, and you are asking this question, because you consistently refuse to read any documentation. So in your case the answer could have been 'Yes, there is. See the docs'.
    You could actually say you are in gross violation of the forums etiquette post, and are abusing this forum.
    If you would have read the docs, you wouldn't have used dbms_support (which was never supported for end-users), but you would have looked at
    and what do you see?
    The life of a DBA can be so easy when he makes an attempt to find information himself!
    He doesn't have to wait until some kind soul answers doc question 779!
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

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    I, also, converted files from jpeg to.tiff and saved them as such, but I am not finding any .tiff files either.
    Any info?
    Thank you for any help you can give.

    OK.  WOW!
    One by one!  Larry, Terence and Old Toad,
    Thank you, all of you, for your helpful replies.
    Firstly, I am a little confused between Larry and Terence; sounds like opposite info. Is it?
    Old Toad, Now I know about this easy way to do this. I have, at least, 1T+20,000 more images, some of which I will import into my new 750 gig Macbook Pro, so this seems easy. (Already over 30,000 images. Can iPhoto hold so much???)
    It seems tho, that I AM BUSTED!
    Unfortunatelly, I could not import directly the old Library to the new Library because of the below reason. (even tho there seems to be some difference of opinion on this between Terence and Larry)
    I did the unthinkable. I worked out of the iPhoto Library.
    What I did was this: my older Macbook Pro, had a 200 gig HDD, and could NOT handle all the photos I was putting into it (which I needed to do the work I want to do), so I first downloaded the images from my camera to iPhoto, then, I downloaded,as I went along, by year, to external HDD, and then I cut DVD's, by year, in pieces, via Toast, as my backup. (both, directly from the iPhoto Library), Then, I deleted many of the photos in each event, in each year, leaving only enough to remind me what is in that event.
    (Then, when I needed images from that event, I could go back to the HDD to see and get the rest of the pix I needed to use).
    I KNOW this is totally SACRELIGIOUS of Mac and the whole iPhoto Library set-up, but it didn't hurt the library functioning, (in the old mac), at all, and was the only way I knew to do it, as going thru iPhoto itself, didn't work out so well.
    (That is why I didn't import directly my old library to the new Mac, not all the photos were there, and I thought it would be more confusing trying to add the missing photos to each event in the new iPhoto).
    However, re-importing from the HDD  to the new iPhoto, was a bit of a mess, as I got, (as 2 of you, above, said), mixed up info, as both "originals" as well as "events" downloaded, which gave me duplicates of some, and the dates are NOT necessarily in order, as was in the old iPhoto before. (but that I can reconcile, later, can't I?
    Can I move events to other places in iPhoto?
    However, going directly via the DVD's into the new iPhoto, gave me exact input and I got all the files as well as all the data. But, in some, very slow downloading, and very few, some date order mixup, but very few.
    SO, this new iPhoto Library is a bit messed up with the duplicate images in about the first 3,000 or so images, but I assume I can fix this up.
    Oh g---d.
    In any event, it is now showing RAW and jpeg's as info in the metadata pane.
    Thank you , all of you. I am not so computer savy, I do better in photography!
    All the help I receive is welcome and worthwhile. And if there is anymore you want to tell me, besides scolding me for going into the iPhoto Library, it is all welcome.
    I Thank you.

  • How my clients can upload  raw video files to my linux server

    Any ideas or thoughts really welcome:
    I need to figure out a way or process for my clients to upload their raw video source files ( any known usual video formats and extensions) from their video cameras or devices or storage source  that is tied into or thru their computer with a firewire or USB 2+ connection    and then uploaded directly into my remote linux server.   my linux server hard drve space is not a problem..  
    Once client has finished uploading,  I would then download the resulting saved files to my computer for video/audio editing using Premiere 11
    I know that one restriction or problem would be their connection and ISP issues (throttling etc.) ,  My server permits basically unlimited up/download traffic,  so this should not be a problem and server has balancing.
    Do they need to use a typical ftp account and something like cuteftp???   however my understanding of FTP clients do not do streaming from a device????  yes or No??   I always thought just static files.....   aam I correct?
    how might my clients stream into my server.   i am wanting to set up an online video/audio editing website
    once i finish editing I would upload file probably as a zip file for them to unzip.  I can also build and send (mail)  out a DVD-CD or Blu-ray.  any other thoughts welcome on returning the finished edit.
    My tech people say that i cannot effectively load and operate Premiere onto my server to do the editing. 
    I would appreciate any feedback and ideas

    How people upload files to your server is really a question for your server company... you need to find out from your server company how they handle permissions and uploads
    Yes, no current version of Premiere Pro or Elements is written to EITHER install on, or directly use files resident on a server
    No current version of Premiere works properly over a network
    -you may NOT "map" your My Documents folder to a network drive
    -you MUST give all users administrator accounts to use Premiere
    -you MAY also need to...
    -a work around, of sorts
    -and not on a "domain"
    -also PreEl see #5
    -more PreEl problem
    Adobe Anywhere
    -Announced September 2012 for "future versions" of Premiere Pro
    -NO information on pricing or availability date
    Once you and your server company figure out permissions and the software your clients need to use for uploads, you will then need to download the files to your video data hard drive to edit

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