Any way to get longer notes? Bigger than the 4kb standard?

Anybody know how? It'd really be a pain for me to have to break a large document down into sepate pieces.

However, you can store text files in the Lyrics field of songs. The ID3 tag spec calls for a max of 256MBytes in these fields. I have put a 6 MByte file into the lyrics filed and it seemed to work ok.

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    sure pretty simple.  make a backup of your current settings
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    This Apple Knowledge Base article may help if you haven't already read it:
    littleshoulders [:-)
    edit: You have posted in the 10.3 Panther OS and earlier forum and you appear to be using 10.4 (Tiger) by your computer specs below your topic which may handle pdf's somewhat differently. In your post you mention Panther so I just wanted to clarify if need be.
    Message was edited by: littleshoulders

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    SadisticIron wrote:
    i just baught my first iphone and it is a jalbroken
    Buzz! Thank you for playing!
    Discussing jailbroken devices is forbidden here by the Terms of Service.
    You can not get help here.

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    OK, I just reinstalled Windows (XP, SP2 BTW), Bidule and ASIO4ALL. You're correct about me being able to choose the output. Here is what I see when I look at the available audio devices in Bidule:
    --------->AIO4ALL v2(duplex)
    --------->Microsoft Sound Mapper
    --------->Realtek HD Audio
    ----->Windows DirectSound:
    --------->Primary Sound Driver
    --------->Realtek HD Audio output_1
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    Bidule runs with :128 samples (2.90249 ms) sized blocks
    this driver runs with:
    input: 128 samples (2.90249 ms) -> match
    output:128 samples (2.90249 ms) -> match
    When I play my midi keyboard, the sound is crystal-clear, but still comes out about 250-400ms after I press the key!!
    I don't think Bidule is introducing the additional latency. When I used it with my EMI 26 audio interface, the latency was negligible (haven't reinstalled the EMI driver yet). Only with my MBP's built-in audio does it suffer.
    Thanks for the help. I'm still curious about what WDM nd kernel streaming is, and how it relates to the choices I'm seeing in Bidule.

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