Any1 know a tried and tested way to move project/media back/forth 2 laptop

and back to desktop?
Basically I need to copy my project and its media (DV) to a laptop to be cut down and then I need to bring that cut sequence back to my desktop system and have it reference the orginal media on my drives. I have tried using media manger to export a recompressed project for the laptop and copied that project back and reconected it to the orignal media however I have issues with aspect (I'm working in 16:9) and media start and end time conflicts. I'm sure this should be possible anyone ever have to this before? Thanks for any help.

Use two. Duplicate the media from one to the other, so they both have exactly the same footage. You work on your Desktop, the other guy on the laptop.
Then, when you share your projects, all you have to do is reconnect.
This is EXACTLY what my producer and I are doing. He is in Long Beach, I am in Los Angeles, in the Valley. We are about 1.5 hours away from each other, and each work in our home office. When I have a cut, I simply give him an XML of the cut, or send a project file with the sequence and he opens it and reconnects, then renders, then watches. So far we have only tested this, as we start serious cutting next week, but so far each test has been successful.
And in the end I am going to end up with hundreds of tapes (large series) >and it wont be practical to use firewire drives.
Why not? Use multiple drives. Have two or three drives on each machine. Should work fine.
Thus far we have captured 40 hours of material (DVCPRO HD 720p24 at FULL resolution) and they all fit on one 500GB G-Raid. We have two each.
"There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

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    So that leaves me with the question, if I want to move files from an overweight project, say 1000 photos to 3 projects, each containing 333 photos, it is as simple as shift clicking the 333 at a time, and drag dropping them from the larger project to three pre-made smaller projects?  The concern I have is that, if I accidentally copy something I will have no confidence that what I am deleting is the proper thing to delete. 
    Yes, it is that easy.  Select and drag-and-drop to a different project.  The destination of your DND should be a project in the library inspector (left side pane).  This actually performs a move.  I.e., you have nothing to worry about with respect to deleting the wrong thing, since the move happens, rather than a copy.
    One last thing, how do you see just the number of masters in a project?
    Open Aperture while holding down the alt/option key.  This is the way to switch to a different library.  When you select any library (if you have only one, that will be already selected), Aperture will give you a count of masters and versions.
    P.S. what happens to files when you delete a project?  The files stay behind in the library?
    Nope.  Well, maybe sort of... When you delete a project, you are indicating that you don't want Aperture to handle the photos in that project any more.  Masters will go to the Aperture trash, and you can retrieve them from there until you empty the trash.  When emptying the trash with Managed masters, Aperture will put them in the system trash.  If they are referenced, Aperture queries you to find out if you want to keep them where they are or move them to the system trash.
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    How are you counting these?  You may be comparing apples to oranges.
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    Not sure what you mean by labeled and unlabeled.  However all photos are part of a project.  You cannot "drag away" from a project into an album, even if that album is part of a different project.  No matter what, your master is still housed inside a project.
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    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it, then copy it to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    Quit Safari.
              Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the Finder menu bar. Paste into the text box that opens by pressing command-V, then press return.
    A folder window should open. Restore the file named "History.plist" in that folder from a backup that predates the unwanted changes.

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    Time Machine backup on external drive
    Bootable clone of Mac HD on external drive (Created with SuperDuper!)
    The confusing part for me is that i've been looking at too many posts where the methods given have ranged from upgrade, erase & install, create a sandbox and a few others that I'm not even sure about. Would I be best doing the upgrade method then using migration assistant to migrate my applications over?
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    Thanks in advance

    So I took the plunge and went for the upgrade...
    and all is well
    Being honest this was really quite simple to do and although I know there has been a lot of mixed feedback regarding the upgrade, I think this went effortlessly smooth and i've never done it before! I do have a bit of knowledge using computers but I can imagine that some folks who don't may have issues during the process.
    In this case I would recommend everyone takes the time to do a little research here first before upgrading as I would say that there are probably a couple of things that should be done in preparation prior to the upgrade that isn't mentioned within the upgrade box set that the average user would not look into.
    So here's a rundown of what I did for future reference (mostly advice already given in this post:
    1. Check all your software/apps are up to date and more importantly, check they are compatible with Snow Leopard
    2. Create a Time Machine backup of your hard drive prior to upgrading
    3. Create a bootable clone of your internal hard drive on a GUID partitioned drive prior to upgrading (I used Disc Utility for partitioning and SuperDuper for cloning) and check that it works by holding down "option" on startup of your mac and booting from the clone drive available
    4. Reboot your system on your internal hard drive
    5. Repair Disk Permission on your internal hard drive using Disk Utility
    6. Verify internal hard drive using Disk Utility
    7. Detach all non peripheral devices from your mac (external hard drives, audio interfaces, ipods, usb flash drives, cameras etc) prior to upgrading, leaving only your keyboard and mouse connected
    8. Insert the Snow Leopard installation disc
    9. Double click on "Install Mac OS X"
    10. Read through the "Read Me" document before you carry on
    11. Click on the "Customise" tab if you would like to add additional content (Quicktime 7 is located here and was already ticked when I checked)
    12. Proceed with the install
    That was pretty much it! The installation took me 35 minutes, where the disc did it's stuff for about 20 minutes, then the mac shutdown and rebooted and carried on with the installation. Once It was complete a video clip came up (which I have no idea what it was for!) and I then clicked on finish (or something similar!) and then ejected the disc.
    My desktop was exactly the same as it was in Leopard and I tried opening all my apps and they worked fine. I haven't given Logic a good look over yet but I loaded a project and everything was running great.
    I've since done a new Time Machine backup and that worked as expected but will leave the clone drive on 10.5.8 for now incase of emergency...
    So what the difference so far?
    I think everyone will assume this when they do the upgrade but everything does seem to be running that little bit faster than it was in Leopard. One thing that definitely is quicker is going through the System Preferences, this seems really speedy compared to what it was like before. Expose seems quicker to me too and i've read that some people don't like the new layout but it seems practical to me! I've not really tried out the Expose from dock thing but to be honest I can't see me ever using it!
    The only major thing that looks different to me (aside from the GUI tweaks) is that the screen now looks slightly darker. Not just the GUI but even within apps or browsing online. This may be a power saver thing, who knows? It may just be me...
    So there you have it, one success story (so far) to put your mind at ease when you finally come to do the dirty work! Now id Snow Leopard could only make me produce some decent finished music projects.......

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    MDG Experts, I am looking for guidance on synchronizing configuration and customizing data between ECC and an MDG-Hub. I reviewed documentation on (a) synchronizing via BC set import and (b) via TMS although I was looking for a little bit more detail and steps involved in setting up ongoing synchronization between ECC and an MDG-Hub.
    I am looking for experiences and suggestions on this topic. Thanks in advance.

    Hello Karthik
    I have used - BC sets to transport the ECC configuration to MDG. Another way is to transport the tables directly from ECC environment to MDG.
    Check this -

  • HT3603 I accidentally forget the password of my iPad and I lost everything in it I don't know if their is any way I can get them back

    I just need my pictures

    You'll need to connect your iPad to the computer you sync with and restore your iPad as a new device.
    Here are some links from Demo which provides all you need to know to do this:
    Connect the iPad to your computer and launch iTunes. You probably need to restore the device. If it was disabled because you forgot the pass code, you will have to restore using recovery mode. As long as you restore with the computer that you always sync with, you will be able to restore from your backup at the very end and you will not lose any data.
    This explains how to restore the iPad.
    This explains recovery mode.
    This explains the disabled message if you forgot the passcode.
    Report post
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