Anybody have tips for enterprise integration of apple computers?

I am starting to look at integration of OSX into out enterprise. I'm researching imaging, patching, monitoring, virus. All of the normal stuff. OSX server seems to have most of the features we need. There dosen't seem to be much positive about it in the reviews though. We plan to rely on AD for auth. Symantec seems to have an offering that might handle imaging and patching which may or may not be better than OSX server?
Lots of research to do: What tools are you using?
Thanks in advance.

Resources: Mac Enterprise mailing list and particularly the mailing list archives and web site.   Various Apple Mailing Lists and their respective archives.   Apple Training (includes courses and documentation downloads).  AFP548.  Various Apple whitepapers including AD Integration (for 10.8) and large-scale client deployments.   The usual search terms include best practices and related "enterprisey" terms, and MDM and imaging, Reposado and Profile Manager.   Probably best to directly contact the Apple Business Folks at the local Apple Store, too.

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    Hello --
    Although we do not have a driver for the HP 8756A, you can submit a request for an instrument driver through our request database at Your request may be considered for development. We try to develop instrument drivers according to popularity. Unfortunately, we cannot develop instrument drivers for all the requests we receive.
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    Can you please tell me what is the problem and why?The problem has to do with class loading: if one component packages Kodo
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    source code:
      string queryString = "Select SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_PARENTID, SI_CUID From CI_INFOOBJECTS "
                    + " Where SI_KIND = 'CrystalReport'  "
                    + " And SI_PARENTID =  " + agencyFoldID
                    + " And SI_NAME Like '" + reportNameArray[reportNameArray.Length - 1] + "'";
                //   enterpriseService = enterpriseSession.GetService("PSReportFactory");
                // PSReportFactory psReportFactory = (PSReportFactory)enterpriseService.Interface;
                enterpriseService = enterpriseSession.GetService("RASReportFactory");
                ReportAppFactory reportAppFactory = (ReportAppFactory)enterpriseService.Interface;
                InfoObjects infoObjects = infoStore.Query(queryString);
                //  ReportDocument reportDocument = null;
                ReportClientDocument reportClientDocument = new ReportClientDocument();
                if (infoObjects.Count > 0)
                   // ReportDocument reportDocumentt = new ReportDocument();
                    //  reportDocument.EnterpriseSession = enterpriseSession;
                    //  reportDocument.Load(infoObjects[1], enterpriseSession);
                    InfoObject infoObject = infoObjects[1];
                    reportClientDocument = reportAppFactory.OpenDocument(infoObject.ID, 0);
                    //  CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = reportClientDocument;

    Hi Alston
    Since you have CR for Enterprise then you also have BI and thus most likely you also have an S user ID. You can use the S user ID to create a phone incident at it is part of your Enterprise Support Package. Just saying as this may be the most efficient way of proceeding at this time(?). But please don't take as me trying to push you off of SCN .
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

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    Below is the excerpt in the error log (on the path mentioned in SAP NOTE: 1709390),
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    Hi Alston
    Since you have CR for Enterprise then you also have BI and thus most likely you also have an S user ID. You can use the S user ID to create a phone incident at it is part of your Enterprise Support Package. Just saying as this may be the most efficient way of proceeding at this time(?). But please don't take as me trying to push you off of SCN .
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

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    thank you.

    Here is a link the the apple developer site that might help out.

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    First thing to try is to reset your device. Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the device restart. See if that fixes your problem.
    Could also be not enough free space for the iPad to operate efficiently. With iOS 7 it is recommended that you have 15-20% of the storage space on the device free.  For a 16 GB device that is 2.4-3.2 GB free. For a 32 GB device that is 4.8-6.4 GB free. For a 64 GB device that is 9.6-12.8 GB free.
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