Anyone else tired of all these NON-Enterprise posts?

Its becoming more and more difficult to find actual business related posts in here with all the whining about warranties, unlocked phones, overseas purchases and other general use questions...

It is required that all smart phones have a data plan. Read the customer agreement. If you add a smartphone to a non smart phone line ATT has the right to add a data plan. All smartphones use some data, it's unavoidable. As soon as the loaner phone connected to the network, the IMEI registered with ATT and they knew you had a smart phone on the service.
You can reduce the data plan on your husbands line. You can also remove data once he is back on a basic phone.
As for your data use. Look in your phone settings. It will tell you exactly how much data you are using and which apps are using data. If your phone says 7 GBS then you used 7 GBS.
Once you see what uses the data you know what to cut back on.

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    Hi Ruth,
    Yes probably, your firewall, might be obstructing.
    I was wondering, in case you are still facing the issue then you can try following steps too--
    1) Go to this page (copy to your address bar)
    2) Log in using your Adobe ID and Password
    3) Copy paste each of the below links in the address bar, one at a time and hit "Enter" from keyboard (Return)
    4) Once you ahve downloaded both of the links, use the EXE to initialize the installer.
    Good Luck!

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    support here seems to be done by users themselves
    YEP its a nokia phone users forum .

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    I do not believe that you fully understand what the 'Do Not Disconnect' message means in all cases.
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    No, because the problems are associated with your system installation and/or hardware.
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    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
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    Vivian Wang
    Hello and thank you.  I was able to narrow this down to KB2939087 and reproduce.
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    If you post back the two paths I may be able to suggest an easy fix
    (that would not have created duplicates).
    Oh well...
    Apple's official advice is here... HT2905 - How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library. It is a manual process and the article fails to explain some of the potential pitfalls, such as lost ratings and playlist membership.
    Use Shift > View > Show Exact Duplicate Items to display duplicates as this is normally a more useful selection. You need to manually select all but one of each group to remove. Sorting the list by Date Added may make it easier to select the appropriate tracks, however this works best when performed immediately after the dupes have been created.  If you have multiple entries in iTunes connected to the same file on the hard drive then don't send to the recycle bin.
    Use my DeDuper script if you're not sure, don't want to do it by hand, or want to preserve ratings, play counts and playlist membership. See this thread for background and please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping.
    (If you don't see the menu bar press ALT to show it temporarily or CTRL+B to keep it displayed)

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    Well this is stupid - I wrote the question above and now it is telling me the message is blank - how dumb is this.
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    Anyone else having this problem ???

    It's a corporate phone so will need to check. Will not send text messages to non I-phones if they contain a "subject" or a picture.  Wierd - regular voice or typed text messages are fine.

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    No disrespect intended but until you learn how iPhoto and Macs work you will continue to be confused and frustrated. 
    You say you want to create a book in iPhoto and have it printed by Apple, right.  Have you finished creating  the book in iPhoto? If so the Control (right) - click in the View all pages window background and select Save Book as  PDF in the contextual menu?
    Open the the PDF file with Preview and check for any errors or problems.  If there are none you can order the book by clicking oin the Buy Book button at the bottom. Save the pdf file to compare with the printed book when it arrives in you feel there's a problem with it.  That's all you need to do.  There's no use of the Finder required.

  • Anyone else getting errors when importing Music Library music into non-native apps?

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    AnyTune / AnyTune HD
    Vocalive (paid version) from IK Multimedia
    Amplitube / Fender Amplitube from IK Multimedia
    ISequence Pro HD
    Studio HD
    Is anyone else experiencing this problem?  I have -- on a few apps -- been shown the "Convert this song to a different format and try again" dialog, and I can import songs if I use my laptop and a browser, but I can't seem to import any song directly from the Music Library stored locally on my iPad or my iPhone.
    Best Regards, Rob Norton

    Thanks, Ed.
    Well, if iTunes is running, I figured out that you can drag the folder where the wav files are directly onto the main portion of the iTunes screen. This will
    import the wav files into iTunes. Then group select the new song
    entries and use "convert selection to AAC" from the Advanced menu.
    There may be a way to convert without creating double entries for the
    songs (I think that's the way you have to do it in iTunes: hence my attitude that iTunes is convenient in some respects, but less than clear in other other words, it's not a perfect program), but I delete the wav tracks after the conversion.
    This is what I've gleaned from using iTunes a bit and from having been advised by friends. So, other than using a third-party freeware like X Lossless Decoder to convert music files before moving them onto iPod, apparently this is what you have to deal with when using the iTunes program.
    If any Apple people are reading this, I would personally like the iTunes "importing" and display functions to be clearer and less cumbersome to use (like that third-party freeware). iTunes seems to be easy enough to use if you're importing music from a CD, but measurably less so if you just want to convert music files residing elsewhere on the computer's hard drive.

  • After updating my 4S to iOS 5.1.1 last night, none of my data applications are working today, nor Siri, iMessage or anything of the like. I'm at a loss as to what might have caused it. Is anyone else having this issue/has anyone found a fix?

    After updating my 4S to iOS 5.1.1 last night, none of my data applications are working today, nor Siri, iMessage or anything of the like. I'm at a loss as to what might have caused it. Is anyone else having this issue/has anyone found a fix? Everything seems to work fine if I connect to wireless, but if I'm not connected to it then nothing is working. My service provider says everything should be working fine, I still have the 3G symbol and full bars.

    Somebody clearly hasn't read the User Guide.
    Basic troubleshooting steps are retart, reset, restore from backup, restore as NEW. 
    If you have tried ALL of these steps and you're still having problems, then you need to bring your phone into Apple for evaluation.

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