Anyone using a WD My Book Studio LX with TM?

I've had my iMac for some time now and I am thinking about adding an external drive for regular backups (as we know, there are two kinds of people: those who back up their stuff regularly and those who will...)
My current HD size is 1TB and I am thinking about using an Western Digital My Book Studio LX 2TB - see here. Is anyone using this configuration? Any thoughts? Good or bad experience? Things that I should be aware of?
Thanks in advance for your answers.

I use one of these for Time Machine and it works fine. I would advise you not to load the WD Smartware software that comes with it. You don't need their software unless you want to make use of special functions.

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    It is a perfectly workable drive, but it was not built for the kind of repeated and sustained access that editing requires. I use them mainly for back up, and rarely editing. They have not been around long enough for me to say how long mine will last, but count on the fact that they are not enterprise drives.
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    Hi All,
    Thanks for all the feedback; I have finally done some throughput testing with the 1252's. Please note, this is very rough, just to give an idea on throughput that's achievable, and what you can enable. Did this a few weeks back, and have now wiped the cnf, so dont have the show runs any more....
    The two devices were set up a few feet apart, with the standard 2dBi and 3dBi antenna.
    All tests done on the 5GHz radio with Autonomous AP IOS.
    I did data transfers via a laptop either end of the link; transferring data using the Test TCP utility (wasn't going for scientific tests, just getting some idea of throughput).
    802.11a @ 54mbs (20Mhz chan) WGB - root to non root = 2.43 - 2.5MB/Sec = 19.44 - 20 Mbps
    802.11a @ 54mbs (20Mhz chan) WGB non root to root = 2.42 - 2.44MB/Sec = 19.44 - 20 Mbps
    802.11n @ 'n' rates( 20Mhz chan) WGB root to non root = 6.18 - 6.33MB/Sec = 49.44 - 50.64 Mbps
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    802.11n @ 'n' rates ( 40Mhz chan) WGB root to non root = 8.59 - 8.58MB/Sec = 68.64 - 68.64 Mbps
    802.11n @ 'n' rates ( 40Mhz chan) WGB non root to root = 6.35 - 7.20MB/Sec = 50.8 - 57.6 Mbps
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    802.11n @ 'n' rates ( 40Mhz chan) Bridge non root to root = 8.40 - 8.57MB/Sec = 67.2 - 68.56 Mbps
    So basically, as per the above posts, you can implement bridging on the 1252's and utilise the 802.11n rates and features, SGI, Spatial Streams and Channel Bonding etc, to achieve higher throughput.
    Also, as per the above posts, this is still not supported by Cisco, so, in my case, I'd be highlighting that to customers straight off, but don't see it as too much of an impediment to deploy, as long as the customer weighs up the risks.
    On a side note, I attended a Cisco session recently, and was told that the 802.11n Bridge, (the 1430?) was on hold indefinitely. My feeling is that this makes it more pressing that Cisco introduces support for bridging on the 1252.
    Get in the ear of your local Wireless SE's, the more they hear it, the more they'll moan to the Wireless BU in San Jose! ;-)
    Bridging with 802.11n has some interesting possibilities, I worked with Alvarion 5GHz bridges 6 or 7 years ago, that could do 'near LOS' - Worked well in cities, using reflection of the RF from buildings. I had never heard of 802.11n back then, but I'm guessing Alvarion was using MIMO to achieve good non-LOS connectivity in the 5GHz band.

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    Hello riflemanpro,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    Troubleshooting: My computer won't turn on
    Have a nice day,

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    FW800 is also better on the new Mac Pro

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    Both of the cameras you provided links to should work fine with FCE. For the Canon and Panasonic cameras, you would use Log and Transfer to import the footage. This should work very smoothly as long as you shoot using 60i so it is compatible with the sequence in FCE. I use an AVCHD camcorder similar to the Canon you are looking at an it is working great for me.
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    2. If you get an HDV or DV camera you will use Capture, not Log and Transfer.
    3. Becaues of the way AVCHD footage works, when FCE imports it the program creates intermediate frames between the ones the camera captures. This is normally OK but might be a problem for fast action shots.
    4. As Ian said, unless you plan to invest in more expensive equipment the DVDs you burn will actually be SD, not HD. I do this in iDVD and I have always been happy with the results.
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    louisfromleonia wrote:
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    I don't use the Apple SuperDrive but an LG GP08NU6W. works great! You can get one here:
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    Cheers and beers everyone.
    Dual 1.8 G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   3 Gig ram,

    this has been asked and answered a lot - but i'll bite:
    I've got a imac c2d 2.16 2gb ram and it flies. haven't got close to making it sweat yet.
    been running upto 8 audio tracks with between 3-7 plugins a track, 2-3 + space designers, stylus rmx with 4/5 instances and fx and maybe 3-4 soft synths - e.g. 2+ absynths and a couple of logic plugins plus an ultrabeat.
    dmitedly i am comparing it to my old powerbook - but really it flies and i'm occasionally aso running imovie in the background and surfing the web if the whim takes me.
    I'd recommend at least 2 gb ram - but although i bought mine in feb with the full knowledge that a new imac might be introduced soon, i'd have to say wait....check out macrumors buying guide as it's long overdue for an imac new model.
    hope that helps,

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    What I call an endpoint is just one of the anchorPoints at the end of an open path.
    I'm not sure where you're having trouble, so do this simple exercise:
    First, set your current fill to none, and your current stroke to black.
    1. Line tool: Drag to draw a line. Do that again, so you have two separate lines.
    2. Get the white pointer and deselect everything. (Just click somewhere in the white space of the page.)
    3. Now, with the white pointer, click the very end of one of the lines to select it.
    4. Press and hold the Shift key. Click one of the ends of the other line. Now you should have two anchorPoints selected, one on each line.
    5. Object>Path>Join. A new segment connects the two selected anchorpoints, and what were two paths are now one path with three segments.
    That's joining two open paths by selecting endpoints. Now do this:
    6. Deselect.
    7. Black pointer: Select the path. Note that the whole path is selected, because you clicked it with the black pointer.
    8. Object>Path>Join. A new segment connects across the ends of the path, making what was an open path a closed path.
    That's using the Join command to close a path without having to select its endpoints.
    Does that make sense? Now experiment doing that with some other paths until the results are predictable to you. Then do this:
    9. Scissor Tool: Click the middle of one of the segments of the path to cut it. Deselect.
    10. White Pointer: Drag a marquee selection
    around the place where you cut. That means don't click on the points or the path, but drag a dashed selection "box" (selection marquee) around the place where you know the cut is, like this:

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    Go here:
    Download & intall the drivers
    And in your applications folder, you get an icon like this:

Maybe you are looking for

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