Anyone using Anapod Explorer with 5G iPod?

I am using it, and it's much simpler than Itunes to tranfer music. It also will add album art by searching The problem I'm having, though, is that the album art won't be visible on the iPod unless you let iTunes optimize the art. This happens to both art added by Anapod Explorer or iTunes. Even if I just run Anapod Explorer with the iPod connected. and don't add any album art, the album art won't be visible on the iPod. The art is on the iPod, just won't show unless iTunes optimizes it. Any other Anapod Explorer users seeing this problem?

I upgraded to iTunes 12  last Sunday and had some initial problems with it splitting some albums & renaming a couple of others. This was irritating but gave me something to to on a rainy day to put it back as it was. It also suffers from a fault that previously arose in early versions of iTunes 11 and which was subsequently fixed - the one where, if you view an album or track in album view or playlist and then move to songs view (or vice versa) it doesn't hold the position and instead reverts to the top of the list. A bit irritating if you have to scroll back down again. I've reported this to Apple.
Anyway, this morning I synced my Classic for the first time & all seems to have gone ok - it took longer than usual because of all the changes caused by me fixing the above issues but all else seems fine.

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    Csound1: iCloud: Configuring Mail with Mac OS X v10.6 or iOS 4
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    I think you should try installing the software from the website:
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    iPod Updater -
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    Copying music between authorized computers with iTunes for Windows
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    Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store..
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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