Anyone using epson nx300 w/10.5.8

recently purchased new mac book pro (10.5.8) I'm unable to print via airport extreme (5.7). I can however print when connected directly to my computer. I've called apple to no avail, reinstalled epson software, rebooted/rebuilt airport extreme, called epson to no avail, any suggestions? Also, just as side note I can still print via the same airport with my older iBook (10.3.8)

I'm having the EXACT same problem - I just don't know (given that this is the third printer I've had attached to the Windows system that I am not able to print to via Airport) if my Macbook Pro is even able to print to printers that aren't directly attached to it.
Attaching the NX300 directly to the computer seems to work (obviously) as it is with you, but that negates the whole idea of having a laptop I can work anywhere in the house with and I'm just not that impressed with wireless printers in general.

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    So, bevore waisting my money, I would ask you if anyhone can tell me about how this thing works in archlinux, how the driver ( and software behaves. Any experiences?
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    I am unsure about the dependencies, it compiled fine here. Maybe anyone would give it a try, see supported scanners here:
               Seiko Epson Flatbed Scanner
                - Perfection 610
                - Perfection 640U
                - Perfection 1250/Perfection 1250 PHOTO
                - Perfection 1260/Perfection 1260 PHOTO
                - Perfection 1200S/Perfection 1200U/Perfection 1200U PHOTO
                - Perfection 1240U
                - Perfection 1660 PHOTO
                - Perfection 1640SU/Perfection 1640SU PHOTO
                - Perfection 1650/Perfection 1650 PHOTO
                - Perfection 2400 PHOTO
                - Perfection 2450 PHOTO
                - Perfection 2480 PHOTO
                - Perfection 2580 PHOTO
                - Perfection 3170 PHOTO
                - Perfection 3200 PHOTO
                - Perfection 4180 PHOTO
                - Perfection 4870 PHOTO
                - Perfection 4990 PHOTO
                - Expression 1600
                - Expression 1680
                - Expression 1640XL
                - Expression 10000XL
                - GT-10000/GT-10000+
                - GT-15000
                - GT-30000
                - Stylus CX3500/Stylus CX3600
                - Stylus CX4500/Stylus CX4600
                - Stylus CX5100/Stylus CX5200
                - Stylus CX5300/Stylus CX5400
                - Stylus CX6300/Stylus CX6400
                - Stylus CX6500/Stylus CX6600
                - Stylus Photo RX420/Stylus Photo RX425/Stylus Photo RX430
                - Stylus Photo RX500/Stylus Photo RX510
                - Stylus Photo RX600/Stylus Photo RX610
                - Stylus Photo RX620/Stylus Photo RX630
                - Stylus Photo RX700
                - AcuLaser CX11
    pkgdesc="'Image Scan! for Linux' is a scanner utility that makes it easy to obtain high quality images on Linux with your EPSON scanner or all-in-one.
    * provides an easy to use graphical user interface to all the scanner settings and image manipulation options
    * scans at the same high quality as the Windows/Macintosh drivers
    * supports scanning of negatives and slides as well as scanning multiple documents from an automatic document feeder (ADF)
    * supports scanning via a network connection
    * can be used as a GIMP plugin so you can edit your scans right away
    * interfaces seamlessly with 'Photo Image Print System for Linux' for high quality printouts
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install

  • Can't print from Mac to epson nx300 on Win7, even with networkmagic

    I've spent days going over forums and can't seem to get this working.
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    and using LPD as outlined here beb-4bb2-a38e-8791facd0608
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    I've downloaded drivers directly from epson as well.
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    Print Drivers on OS X aren't the same as on Windows...
    You can't use an Epson driver made for USB-only Epson printers, because they wrote the driver to only work via USB. To use the CUPS Windows printer protocol, you need a driver written to use CUPS. The Gutenprint drivers Apple included in OS X are CUPS drivers. An update is here:
    If your specific model isn't yet supported, try other model drivers.

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    fakeroot would put it in the right time frame. I linked to your bug report Anarconda as it seems like the same problem. As always if anyone has anything to add, please do:

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    2013-04-15 13:11:03-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2013-04-15 13:11:03-0500 [Uninitialized] SMTP Client retrying server. Retry: 4
    2013-04-15 13:11:03-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2013-04-15 13:11:03-0500 [Uninitialized] SMTP Client retrying server. Retry: 3
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    2013-04-15 13:11:03-0500 [-] [mailgateway] 2013-04-15 13:11:03-0500 [Uninitialized] SMTP Client retrying server. Retry: 1
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    We have set up an internal e-mail address. I have confined that it works fine. I have tried more than one internal account. I have also verified the settings through the command line by typing "sudo serveradmin settings calendar" The iMIP sending and receiving information is correct. There is no authentication type setting listed in the command line output even though there's a place to choose it in the Enable invitations by email - Edit button on the third screen. No matter what I choose it goes back to "login" and still doesn't work.
    The command line settings mention a port number 62310 as being the MailGatewayPort but opening that port on the network's firewall makes no difference. As I said external set up works fine from Mac/iPhone/iPad and push notification works fine as well.
    Is anyone using this functionality?

    I'm sorry. I forgot to add Mail to the list of services. I AM using mail on that server. Here's the iMIP portion of my settings output from Terminal.
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Sending:Server = ""
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Sending:UseSSL = yes
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Sending:Username = "calendarserver"
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Sending:Address = "[email protected]"
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Sending:Password = "password"
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Sending:Port = 465
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Enabled = yes
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:MailGatewayPort = 62310
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Receiving:Server = ""
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Receiving:UseSSL = yes
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Receiving:Username = "calendarserver"
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Receiving:PollingSeconds = 30
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Receiving:Type = "imap"
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Receiving:Password = "password"
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:Receiving:Port = 993
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:AddressPatterns:_array_index:0 = "mailto:.*"
    calendar:Scheduling:iMIP:MailGatewayServer = "localhost"
    So Add mail to the services being used. Since Calendar is running on the mail server one would assume that it could communicate with it fairly easily.

  • Crystal report printing using epson dot matrix printer (continouos paper)

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    i have a  question on printing using a crystal report. How do i print using epson continuous printer(dot matrix)? im having a problem printing to that type of printer specially using continuous paper. the first page is correct but unfortunately the succeeding pages are not. its automatically adjusted upon reaching the second page. hope you can help me.
    thanks a lot and looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Check with the printer manufacturer that the matrix printer is Unicode compliant. If it is not, it will  not work with Crystal Reports. If it is, make sure you have the latest printer driver updates.
    Download SP 1 for CR 102 from here;
    See the following resources re. printers;
    [Note #1314394|]

  • Has anyone used JAAS with WebLogic?

    Has anyone used JAAS with Weblogic? I was looking at their example, and I have a bunch of questions about it. Here goes:
    Basically the problem is this: the plug-in LoginModule model of JAAS used in WebLogic (with EJB Servers) seems to allow clients to falsely authenticate.
    Let me give you a little background on what brought me to this. You can find the WebLogic JAAS example (to which I refer below) in the pdf: . (I believe you want pages 64-74) WebLogic, I believe goes about this all wrong. They allow the client to use their own LoginModules, as well as CallBackHandlers. This is dangerous, as it allows them to get a reference (in the module) to the LoginContext's Subject and authenticate themselves (i.e. associate a Principal with the subject). As we know from JAAS, the way AccessController checks permissions is by looking at the Principal in the Subject and seeing if that Principal is granted the permission in the "policy" file (or by checking with the Policy class). What it does NOT do, is see if that Subject
    has the right to hold that Principal. Rather, it assumes the Subject is authenticated.
    So a user who is allowed to use their own Module (as WebLogic's example shows) could do something like:
    public class BasicModule implements LoginModule
    private NameCallback strName;
    private PasswordCallback strPass;
    private CallbackHandler myCB;
    private Subject subj;
               public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, Map sharedState, Map options)
                           //SET SUBJECT
                             subj = subject;  //NOTE: THIS GIVES YOU REFERENCE
                                                     // AND ALLOWS YOU TO PASS
                           //SET CALLBACKHANDLERS
                             strName = new NameCallback("Your Name: ");
                             strPass = new PasswordCallback("Password:", false);
                             Callback[] cb = { strName, strPass };
                           //HANDLE THE CALLBACKS
                      } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }
         //LOG THE USER IN
           public boolean login() throws LoginException
              System.out.println( "PRIOR TO AUTHENTICATION, SUBJECT HOLDS: " +
    subj.getPrincipals().size() + " Principals");
               MyPrincipal m = new MyPrincipal("Admin");
               return true;
             public boolean commit() throws LoginException
                   return true;
        }(Sorry for all that code)
    I tested the above code, and it fully associates the Subject (and its principal) with the LoginContext. So my question is, where in the process (and code) can we put the LoginContext and Modules so that a client cannot
    do this? With the above example, there is no Security. (a call to: myLoginContext.getSubject().doAs(...) will work)
    I think the key here is to understand JAAS's plug-in security model to mean:
    (Below are my words)
    The point of JAAS is to allow an application to use different ways of authenticating without changing the application's code, but NOT to allow the user to authenticate however they want.
    In WebLogic's example, they unfortunately seem to have used the latter understanding, i.e. "allow the user to authenticate however they want."
    That, as I think I've shown, is not security. So how do we solve this? We need to put JAAS on the server side (with no direct JAAS client-side), and that includes the LoginModules as well as LoginContext. So for an EJB Server this means that the same internal permission
    checking code can be used regardless of whether a client connects through
    RMI/RMI-IIOP/JEREMIE (etc). It does NOT mean that the client gets to choose
    how they authenticate (except by choosing YOUR set ways).
    Before we even deal with a serialized subject, we need to see how JAAS can
    even be used on the back-end of an RMI (RMI-IIOP/JEREMIE) application.
    I think what needs to be done, is the client needs to have the stubs for our
    LoginModule, LoginContext, CallBackHandler, CallBacks. Then they can put
    their info into those, and everything is handled server-side. So they may
    not even need to send a Subject across anyways (but they may want to as
    Please let me know if anyone sees this problem too, or if I am just completely
    off track with this one. I think figuring out how to do JAAS as though
    everything were local, and then putting RMI (or whatever) on top is the
    first thing to tackle.

    Send this to: / security-group.

  • Anyone using an HP LaserJet Pro CP1525nw printer with SL?

    I'm thinking of getting this printer. Can anyone using this with Snow Leopard please let me know how well it works? Any issues? Nice printer? I will be replacing a Samsung CLP-315 which prints very nicely, but doesn't work well after updating from Tiger to SL.

    It works just fine.  I picked up a 1525 yesterday, configured it using Lion, and I just now configured my wife's SL laptop to work with it.  No problems.  Just don't install the HP disk and let OS-X grab drivers for it and you should be fine.
    It's a little tricky configuring with Lion for wireless printing, but it's doable.  See my post at for a checklist.

  • I am trying to print a color photo on my MacBook Pro from iPhoto (not using Photoshop) using Epson 2200 printer, and everything I do in the Color Matching and Print Settings results in a photo with a pink cast to it. What am I doing wrong?

    I am trying to print a color photo on my MacBook Pro from iPhoto (not using Photoshop) using Epson 2200 printer, and everything I do in the Color Matching and Print Settings results in a photo with a pink cast to it. What am I doing wrong?

    Have you checked the ink cartridges and made sure the nozzles are clear? Are you able to print from outside of iPhoto with the correct color?
    Try the following: make temporary copy of the library and do the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/ folder. 
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.

  • Does anyone use a LaCie external hard drive with their Mac using imovie '09?  I have some questions.

    Does anyone use a LaCie external hard drive with their Mac using imovie '09?  I have some questions.

    Are you actually having a problem with the new Lacie drive, or are you just asking is the Lacie drive somehow different from your old G-Drive?
    From a connection standpoint, most Lacie desktop drives have both USB and FireWire connections, just like the G-Drives do.  You would connect and use it the same as a G-Drive.
    Regarding capturing to the external HD, if you are using a camcorder that has FireWire (iLink) connection, it is not advisable to have an external FireWire HD connected to your Mac at the same time as your camcorder; there are often communication conflicts between the camcorder and the hard drive if they are connected at the same time.  The conflicts usually appear as either dropped frames or a complete freeze.   This is more common with Canon miniDV camcorders but I have also seen this behavior with Sony miniDV camcorders.  (The problem is the camcorder's FW implementation, not the hard drive.)  The workaround is to capture to your Mac's internal HD and later copy the captured video to your external HD.

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    Has anyone used a Dell 1908FPb with a MacBook Pro OSX 10.6.8?  What do I need to get/do?  thanks

    Hi 4judy,
    If you are looking to use an external display with your MacBook Pro, you may find the following articles helpful:
    Apple Mini DisplayPort adapters: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
    OS X: How to use multiple displays with your Mac in Mountain Lion and earlier
    - Brenden

  • Has anyone used reMIDI as a plug-in for GarageBand. I downloaded a trial version of reMIDI, which enables MIDI instruments to be strummed or arpegiated, but can't get it to work in Garageband.  How do I set it up?

    Has anyone used reMIDI as a plug-in for Garageband ('08)? The program allows MIDI instruments to be strummed or arpegiated. I have a trial version, but can't get it to work in Garageband. Wonder how to set it up.
    Thanks, Doctor Mark

    Port Forwarding.....or Port Apple calls it is a difficult and complex configuration method for most users. Because there are so many variables involved in this type of setup, it is not possible to provide a step by step guide that will work for everyone with all devices.
    It is possible that a setup guide exists for the the WD drive and AirPort Extreme, but you will have to go looking for it on the Internet. Even if you find one, it may not be tailored to your specific situation or needs.
    Sometimes, you can do everything least according to someone's article or "how to" guide, and things still will not work correctly.
    In situations like this, when you really don't know what to do, you need to enlist the aid of an IT pro, who will know what to do based on your particular products and unique circumstances. Sometimes....they won't be able to get things working either due to particular circumstances.
    But, before you do this, I would strongly recommend that you use a Static IP address for your Internet connection with your ISP. If you do not have this now, contact them to ask them if they offer this type of connection. Expect to pay more for this type of service, of course.

  • Anyone using Blackmagic Intensity Pro with Premiere CS4

    I've looked through the threads and have seen similar postings, but no real good answers. Is anyone using Blackmagic Intensity Pro to viiew timeline on a HDTV using the HDMI connector?
    I purchasedf the Intensity Pro and can't get it to work with CS4. Any assistance would be appreciated.

    If you're using a Core i7 processor, one of the problems might be with the motherboard.  There's only one Intel board that BM has approved (sorry, don't have the model in front of me -- on a piece of scratch paper in my wife's car).
    I'm looking to build a new system myself and have been looking at the Intensity Pro card as well.  The main feature I'm looking for is real-time preview and program output to an HD monitor that I'd hook up via HDMI.  I probably also would use it to capture analog sources for audio and video.  I don't have any interest in BM's lossless data capture as it creates monster-sized files.  That's why I was also planning to add Cineform once it's fully approved and working for CS4.  However, as best as I can tell, the Intensity Pro card doesn't recognize the Cineform codec on the timeline.  Does anyone know if and how well these two will function together within Premiere?  (I'm also assuming that the new 4.1 release might make these types of Premiere add-ons work better.)

  • What kind of throughput should I expect? Anyone using AQ in high volume?

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    id number
    message varchar(256)
    message_date date
    I have not done anything special with storage paramteres, etc so it's all defalt at this point. The I created a stored procedure that will generate messages given message text and number of times to loop. When I run this procedure with 10,000 iterations it runs in 15 seconds (if I commit all messages at the end) and 24 seconds if I commit after each message (probabliy more realistic).
    Now, on the same database I have a straight table that contains one column (message varchar(256)). I have also created a similiar storage procedure to insert into it. For this, 10,000 inserts takes about 1 second.
    As you can see there is an order of magnitude of difference so I am looking to see if others have been able to achieve higher throughput than 500-700 messages per second and if so what was done to achieve it.
    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, I have seen it. My testing so far hasn't even gotten to the point of concurrent enqueue/dequeue. So far I have focused on enqueue time and it is dramatically slower than a plain old database table. That link also discussed mutliple indexed organized tables being created behind the scenes. I'm guessing that the 15X factor I am seeing is because of 4 underlying tables, plus they are indexed organized which adds additional overhead.
    So my question remains - Is anyone using AQ for high volume processing? I suppose I could create a bunch of queues. However, that will create additional management on my side which is what I was trying to avoid by using AQ in the first place.
    Can one queue be served by multiple queue tables? Can queue tables be partitioned? I would like to minimize the number of queue so that the dequeue processes don't have to contain multiplexed logic.

  • Waves 5.9.7.. anyone using it with L8?

    Trying to update my waves plugs (I have the musician II bundle and the NPP bundle). I noticed on their site it mentions the 5.9.7 update, that is also Leopard compatible. Is anyone using this new version of waves with Logic 8? I'm curious if I should wait on updating my plugs until all the kinks are out.

    Does FCP still take 30-45 minutes to load the Waves bundle? In my experience, it would launch eventually on some version combinations...
    Even if you can use them in FCP, you would still see the numerical effects tab interface, instead of the nice skins you see in Logic. But at least you don't have to remember to drag them out of the plugins folder each time you want to launch FCP...
    I'm interested about this because I teach FCP at a school where Logic, Pro Tools, and the Waves bundles are on the same student workstations - We'd have to move those Waves files around at the start and end of every class.
    Message was edited by: Max Average

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