Aperture how to save original?

I am new to using a mac and also Aperture. I would like to know how to save the original after editing it. I want both the Original and the edit one.
Please help.

No problem. The setting for "Create new version..." is purely down to personal preference - there's no right or wrong setting. Some people find that it can give rise to lots of version, which they don't like and would prefer to see just the single image (although the master is always available via the 'M' key) - others like seeing all of the different stages that an image has gone through.

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    Use File >> Save As
    Choose a different file name so as not to overwrite the original and don't save any changes when closing the original.

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    Important notes:
    1. KEEP THE ORIGINAL. Once rights are added many kinds of editing are permanently locked out.
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    If your symbols are in the library then save your file.  Then also do a Save As and save the file under another name but do not close the new file.  Then open the file you had originally and see if your symbols are still there the way you need them to be.  If so, you can be pretty sure they will be there when you open Flash again.  IF not, then you still have the file opened that you Saved As so you can fall back into wondering how to keep the symbols

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    Can you please tell us your operating system and why you want to burn them to CD.
    For example, on a Windows system, if you just want to save a copy of the images to CD then you could use the organizer. Select the images you want to copy, go to the File menu and select Copy/Move to Removable Drive. Do NOT check the Move option as this would the remove the images from the hard drive.

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    iPhoto always saves the original. You decisions are recorded in a database and applied live to the image when yuo view it. Your master file is intouched.
    Want to see it? Hold the shift key when viewing a photo.
    Note the Photos -> Revert to original command.
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    You really would not want to do this - you would have a mess - many duplicates and lots of images that have nothing to do with photos
    Tell us more about your problem - what is happening and how it occurred
    Most likely you have all of your original Photos in the originals folder of your iPhoto library and simply quitting iPhoto, dragging the iPhoto library to the desktop, launching iPhoto and creating a new library and dragging each folder from the originals folder in your iPhoto library on the desktop onto the iPhoto icon in the dock (check to be sure that the iPhoto preference to split items imported from the finder is NOT checked) - this will recreate your events
    If this is not an option their probably is still help

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      I just switched that to .psd and the edited file appeared in Aperture as before.
    That should not be necessary. Both tiff and psd should work.  Does your external editor change the .tiff extension to .tif when saving back? Then Aperture will not recognize the file. The external editor needs to be set to save over the existing file with exactly the same filename, inclusing extension.

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    You definitely need the smart previews to edit pictures without the connection to the EHD. If you just have the normal previews, you'll be able to see the preview, but you won't be able to edit in the Develop module.
    Regular and smart previews are smaller than the original images, but if you have huge amounts of any sort of preview the file size will go up. If you're that concerned with disk space, then you can just do the smart previews for the folders or images that you want to edit while disconnected, and then delete the smart previews when you're done editing those images.
    What I've been doing lately is having a "working" Lightroom catalog that has my active projects only. I keep that catalog on Dropbox so I can share it across machines, and since I only have the free account, I want to keep the file size of that catalog as small as possible. So new imports go in to this catalog with smart previews, I edit them, and when I'm done with that project, I migrate the project in to my "full" catalog without the smart previews. So my working catalog stays as small as possible, I get the benefits of smart previews, and I keep my footprint small.
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    In your catalog settings, you can also change the size of your previews and change how long you keep them. You can also discard all your 1:1 previews by selecting images/folders and selecting Library > Previews > Discard 1:1 Previews.
    At some point, though, all the shuffling around might get to be too much work, so it may be worth looking at cleaning up disk usage elsewhere so you can find a nice balance.
    Good luck!

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    If you had the "keep all originals" enabled on the Mac, then all your photos are saved there. There is not an equivalent setting on the PC. If you wish to recover the photos from the mac, they are saved on the mac at:  /Users/user profile/Pictures/Adobe Revel/Adobe Revel Library.rvl
    You can control click and select Show package contents to view the images.
    If you use Elements 12 with the organizer on your pc, then your photos in revel that are shown in the mobile albums will be saved both on your PC and in Revel. These links might be interesting to you:

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    Then.... I "Save All Audio As A Batch Process" to consolidate everything in that session into a folder.
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    It's the same file, just converted. Why is it resetting my envelope points? Is there a way to disable that??

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    If you have your image referenced, control-click the thumbnail and select Show In Finder.
    If it is managed, then the RAW file in the library is a copy. Show the metadata pane on the right and look for the File Name entry. Copy that and paste it into Spotlight to look for the original.

  • How to save the bean area content to the database

    DB version:10g
    forms version:10g
    Hi Guys,
    I have used text editor PJC/java bean in my screen where i have attched it to "bean area" field.Iam able to do all the changes to the to the text entered in this "bean area" but when i save this in the database it says no changes to save.in my table the column type is Varchar2.
    any ideas of how to save the changes of a bean area to the database???

    @François Degrelle -Ya frank i have already checked Get_Custom_Property() but the problem is this is returning the HTML code like
    This is a <b>styled</b> (<i><u>HTML</u></i>) text<br><b><font color="#0066FF" face="Arial">
    displayed</font></b> and <b><font color="#008000" face="Arial">edited</font></b><br>
    in an <b><font color="#FF0000" face="Arial">Oracle Forms</font></b> application
    but want the data to be in the formatted so that i can store the data in the column and retrieve formatted text into the text field so that user can see only the formatted text that is lets say
    shdjshdsjdsdsdlas -original text
    shdjshdsjdsdsdlas -formatted text
    now i want to strore shdjshdsjdsdsdlas this text into teh database so that when i retrieve shdjshdsjdsdsdlas this data should be shown.
    Edited by: user123 on May 27, 2011 4:22 PM

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    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
    For now I will generalize the principles involved. If more details needed then, please supply the details of your situation and Timeline track placement.
    You would place the gray tabs of the WorkArea Bar to span just the area to be exported.
    The tabs are set...
    Move the Timeline Indicator to the start of the segment, hold down the Alt key of the computer main keyboard as you hit the left bracket key [
    Move the Timeline Indicator to the end of the segment, hold down the Alt key of the computer main keyboard as you hit the right bracket key ]
    The critical step is to make sure that you have a check mark next to the "Share Work Area Bar Only" option in the export dialog (if the dialog has that option).
    Please review and remember that the answers are in the details.

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