APEX 3.0 Report Queries

I created a report query for generating a PDF form, using a "Named Columns (RTF)" layout, based on a select statement which return only one row.
When I use the "Test Report" link the PDF document is generated as expected.
However, when I add the URL (f?p=&APP_ID.:0:&SESSION.:PRINT_REPORT=RMR) to a page in my application, I receive a "Page connot be found" error (HTTP 404) after several seconds.

The problem was caused by the "Proxy Server" settings if my application.
This explains why the "Test Report" works, and the application didn't.

Similar Messages

  • Report Queries Rendering Issue

    I'm having real trouble generating RTF reports from Report Queries using BI Publisher. When i copy the url into a button link the output is below
    {\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl {\f0 Arial;} {\f1 Times;} {\f2 Courier New;} {\f3 Helvetica;} } {\colortbl ; \red0\green0\blue0; \red221\green221\blue221; \red239\green239\blue239; } {\info {\title } {\doccomm Generated by Oracle BI Publisher} } \formshade\viewkind1\viewbksp1\uc1\dntblnsbdb \paperw15840\paperh12240\margt1800\margb1800\margl1320\margr1320\landscape {\header \pard\itap0\qc\sl0\lin120\rin120 \par } {\footer \pard\itap0\qr\sl0\lin120\rin120 {\f3\fs16\cf1 \chpgn}\par \pard\itap0\qc\sl0\lin120\rin480 \par } \trowd \trhdr \trleft12 \clcbpat2\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1 \cellx13252 \pard\intbl\sl0\lin108\rin108 {\f3\fs16\cf1 CONTACT LABEL}\cell \trowd \trhdr \trleft12 \clcbpat2\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1 \cellx13252 \row \trowd \trleft12 \clcbpat3\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1 \cellx13252 \pard\intbl\sl0\lin108\rin108 {\f3\fs16\cf1 Adrian Jones}\line {\f3\fs16\cf1 BRITISH SKY BROADCASTING}\line {\f3\fs16\cf1 GRANT WAY}\line {\f3\fs16\cf1 ISLEWORTH}\line {\f3\fs16\cf1 LONDON MIDDLESEX}\line {\f3\fs16\cf1 SW1E 5JL}\cell \trowd \trleft12 \clcbpat3\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brdrcf1 \cellx13252 \row \pard\itap0\sl0\lin120\rin120 {\*\bkmkstart page_total_master0}{\*\bkmkend page_total_master0}{\*\bkmkstart page_total}{\*\bkmkend page_total}\par }
    I expect an attachment box with an RTF file to download. When i use the test functionality within shared components>report queries an RTF is generated. Why when i use the link is the RTF not been rendered. I'm using the latest version of apex with an 11g database. I have had trouble with the access control list before; could this be a problem?
    Any help will appreciated

    It looks like the issue is within the application and not the configuration as the sample application within the same workspace is okay. Does anyone know why i would encounter an error like this. Have i deleted something accidentally or altered a setting?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • Report Queries - Multiple Source queries - One source returns & one doesn't

    Hi Folks.
    Odd one here.
    I have a report query entry in the Shared Components of the APEX UI.
    Within the Query are two source queries.
    Both return unique column names.
    Both use the same bind variable.
    When generating a PDF using the call to the report, the data from one query is being returned and the data from another is not.
    I have generated a sample XML file from APEX which is populated with data for both queries.
    If I import this into MS-Word using the BIP plugin and generate a preview all is fine. All fields using data from both source queries are populated.
    When generated via a regular call within APEX it simply does not work. I only get the data from one query.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Anyone had a similar thing?
    Any comments/suggestions welcome.
    Many thanks
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    Hi Marc
    Does this make sense to you?
    I have now set up a simple report query and report layout.
    The record ID is hard coded into the query so that it only returns one row.
    I am using an RTF based template.
    If I navigate to Shared Components > Report Queries > Edit Report Query and then press the 'Test Report' button it runs perfectly.
    If I copy the 'Print URL:' value from this page and use it as the URL target on any page in the app. it also works perfectly.
    If I try and execute the following...
    update invoice_summary
    set invoice_pdf = APEX_UTIL.GET_PRINT_DOCUMENT (127, -- App ID
    'TEST_INVOICE', -- query name
    'TEST_INVOICE') -- layout name
    where invoice_summary_gsm_id = a.INVOICE_ID;
    I get the pdf saved to the BLOB column with the field labels in place but no data.
    Three ways of running the report.
    Two of them work perfectly but the one I want (generate direct into BLOB column) does not. Why would the exact same report query & report layout work with the other two methods but not the GET_PRINT_DOCUMENT route?
    It's not as if the pdf does not get into the BLOB column, it does, but it only has the labels and no values.
    Any ideas?
    PS. I only have one report query and one report layout set up so as to avoid confusion. Both with the same name.
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  • Session State in Report Queries

    Hi all,
    I've got a report query with XML Structure set to advanced. I added two items to session state - a "department name", and a "current date" - these are application items that I want to put in the page header of my report template.
    After I load the XML data and go to insert a field, I see some session info available for inserting (appl id, user, report title, etc.) along with my report fields, but I don't see the two session items I added. I took a look at the XML data and they're not there.
    How do I get the session items to be included with the XML?

    Sorry, I should have mentioned I am using a BI Publisher RTF Layout for my report layout, therefore I don't believe I can use it on apex.oracle.com. If BI Publisher is in fact installed there, then please correct me.
    I am including session variables with the report, but the session variables between all of the report queries in my application are common between report queries. (Even though I really only want variables specific to each report to be included) When I add or delete a session variable from one report query, it affects all report queries in my application. This could be a feature, but I doubt it since it does not seem intuitive.
    In addition, sometimes a random session variable or set of session variables will disappear from the list. (this is what I meant by drop) I cannot seem to determine when/what triggers this action, but it seems like this may occur when I delete a particular report query.
    I can try to put up an example on apex.oracle.com, but I'm not sure if this is dependent on the presence of BI Publisher.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Applying changes to report queries results in HTML 404 page not found

    When I try to change report queries (especially by using multiple queries) I frequently get HTML 404 page not found.
    This happens when I click Apply Changes after I edited the query, but also quite often just when I try to confirm the changes in the query.
    When I logout and then login again, after a few tries, I finally succeed.
    The problem of HTML 404 page not found appears quite a few times, even when I try to delete a query or to open one for editing
    Can anyone help me out here? It is really frustrating any development of reports with APEX
    I'm using APEX version with Oracle XE

    Where do you publish your site and how do you upload the files?
    What is the URL of your site?

  • Do report queries require BIP?

    Hey all,
    I've created a named column report template which works well with Apache FOP to generate a PDF from a report region. The problem with that approach is that the level of detail for the report region makes the screen too cluttered to easily read. So I thought I'd do a summary report region with a button to launch the PDF of the detail via a report query.
    I duplicated the report region's source query to a new report query, and set the query to use the same report template the region successfully uses. The XML Schema download looks great, but when I use "Test Report", the resulting PDF is HTML tags with "Internal Server Error 500" and the FOP application.log says "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: Start of root element expected."
    I'm not sure how to debug this, but I noticed the message on the upper right hand side of the Edit Report Query screen says "Report queries are rendered using a custom built RTF layout...", which would infer a requirement for BI Publisher, although I haven't been able to find that stated in any web page, help text, forum message, or book.
    If that's the case, is there a technique to mask/hide report region items while still being able to print them?
    Edited by: socpres on Oct 23, 2008 10:28 AM (Rich Text doesn't look very nice w/paragraphs)

    Hi Rich,
    My guess would be that the XML your report query produces doesn't match the XML generated by your report region export. When printing/exporting report regions, the XML data generated for the print server always contains information about your application, page and the session data of your current page. Report queries on the other hand by default only produce the XML needed for you report data. So the actual XML structure is different, hence your report layout might need to reference your attributes slightly differently. In order to make APEX produce the same XML structure when exporting report regions and report queries, simple enable session state inclusion for your report query (it's an attribute on the first page of the report query create wizard and can also be edited on the report query edit page). Even if you don't want to include any actual session state values, this will ensure that same XML structure in both cases. The reason this is working this way is that for report queries, we want to ensure that you can use the same RTF report layouts that you use in BI Publisher.

  • Using multiple Collections in Report queries

    I am using many collections in my Report Queries (where conditions) to create the XML needed for running reports (see where condition below). I name each one with a different collection name. I am seeing some performance issues and it looks like it has to do with the amount of collections I am using. It looks like after around 6 collections used in the query, the sql slows down tremendously. It doesn't matter which ones I use, so it doesn't seem to be a specific one.
    Are there issues with using many collections? Should I try using 1 collection and add an identifier to one of the collection columns instead?
    where ...
    and C.FK_SCHOOL IN (SELECT c001
    FROM apex_collections AC1
    WHERE AC1.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_SCHOOLS')
    and nvl(C.ACTIVE,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C.ACTIVE,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC2
    WHERE AC2.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_ACTIVES')
    and nvl(C5.CALENDAR_NO,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C5.CALENDAR_NO,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC3
    and nvl(C10.CLUSTER_CODE,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C10.CLUSTER_CODE,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC4
    WHERE AC4.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_CLUSTER_CODES')
    and nvl(C4.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C4.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC5
    WHERE AC5.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_COUNSELORS')
    and nvl(I3.DISTRICT,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(I3.DISTRICT,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC6
    WHERE AC6.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_DISTRICTS')
    and nvl(A1.ETHNIC,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(A1.ETHNIC,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC7
    WHERE AC7.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_ETHNICS')
    and nvl(C2.GRADE_LEVEL,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C2.GRADE_LEVEL,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC8
    WHERE AC8.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_GRADE_LEVELS')
    and nvl(C3.HOMEROOM,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C3.HOMEROOM,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC9
    WHERE AC9.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_HOMEROOMS')
    and nvl(C9.PROGRAM_CODE,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C9.PROGRAM_CODE,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC10
    WHERE AC10.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_PROGRAM_CODES')
    and nvl(E2.S_TYPE,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(E2.S_TYPE,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC11
    WHERE AC11.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_SCH_TYPES')
    and nvl(A.SEX,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(A.SEX,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC12
    WHERE AC12.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_SEXS')
    and nvl(C7.SPECIAL_ED,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(C7.SPECIAL_ED,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC13
    WHERE AC13.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_SPECIAL_EDS')
    and nvl(A.STUDENT_ID,'NONE') IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',nvl(A.STUDENT_ID,'NONE'),C001)
    FROM apex_collections AC14
    WHERE AC14.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_STUDENTS')
    and A.PK_ID IN (SELECT decode(c001,'NONE',A.PK_ID,AC16.FK_STU_BASE)
    FROM student_list_det AC16, apex_collections AC15
    WHERE AC15.collection_name = 'SIS_REPORTS_STUDENT_LISTS' and
    AC16.fk_student_list (+) = AC15.c001)

    APEX_COLLECTIONS are special structures that do not have indexes, expect for the one on SEQ_ID. The result is that as the number of collections used in a query increases the number of full table scans on underlying tables kill speed. They are not intended for such heavy use as has been discussed in some of the threads in this forum.
    They are extremely useful , but no good for very large data sets or large number of joins. Global temporary tables are also not an option with Apex.
    You may have to resort to Materialized Views or intermediate/temp tables to get speed.

  • Report Queries / XML Size over 30k...

    Hi everybody,
    I'm generating a report querie, with WORKSPACE IMAGES and it works fine until a certain limit.
    I have my query that returns a certain image , for a especified day of the month. If it's a Employee Holiday, png image(an image with 1). If it's a Weekend another png image(orange image).
    It works fine in the report:
    When i tried to make this report to pdf, using Report Queries and a RTF made up template, i want to use the Data Source for Report Layout:      
    XML Data(Download), to test my RTF(logical :P ) , but when that XML download overcomes 30.4k, it gives me an error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: raw variable length too long
    Notes: I'm using the [http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/hol08/apexprnt/apexprnt2_otn.htm] . The function that receives a BLOB and turns to CLOB for displaying the image.
    Can i configure that 30k XML somewhere? Or i'm just crazy for doing this? :)

    Report rows in APEX are processed in a varchar2 array. A varchar2 can hold up to 32k bytes. This applies to report queries as well. What that means is that when using the query from the OBE you referenced:
    first_name||' '||last_name name,
    blob2clobase64(photo) photo
    from oehr_employees
    where photo is not null
    ... then all column values for one row, plus the additional XML markup for each value, can't be longer than 32k bytes. When working with images, you quickly hit that limit, because what blob2clobase64 does is, that it converts your image into a pretty long string. For APEX 4.0 we're looking into ways to lift this limitation. But for now - when using report queries - you're limited to 32k per row. Please note, that's per row, your actual report can be longer, so you can have many rows, as long as none of them exceed 32k. There are however APIs available in APEX (apex_util.get_print_document) that allow you to directly call the print engine, supplying your own XML data and stylesheets. The XML data is stored in a BLOB, and it's up to you how you generate that XML data. So you won't be subject to this limitation.

  • Generating report queries

    We recently upgraded and we use GR55 to generate report queries used in our financial reports. We are not sure which report groups we need to regenerate and we want to avoid regenerating all of them because for sure not all of these are in use. The way for us to identify if they are in use is to check if the query is attached to a transaction code that will run the query.
    Is there a way for us to check if a report group is used with a customized transaction code?

    check this Re: how to save pdf in APEX 3.0

  • Test Report button on report queries

    Does anyone know the code/javascript/url behind the test report button on report queries component?
    We are having DSN problems using the print url given on the report query. The URL works for some of our developers and not for others.
    The test report button on the report query appears to work for everyone but I do not know what is behind the "Test Report" button. If I could recreate the test report button on our page this would be GREAT!
    Can anyone help?

    Please see here: {thread:id=2307009}
    and here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/freq-solved-faq-101785.html - Issue 10.
    Please let us know if this helped or if it's something completely different.
    Edited by: Howard (... in Training) on Apr 5, 2013 1:18 PM

  • Report Queries are using different sort order

    my enviroment is
    Apex 3.1.2
    Apache Web Server
    OC4J Apache FOP
    i have 4 Source queries in one Report Query (shared components --> report queries)
    This 4 Source queries have to be executed in a specific order, for instance my data in
    content always the same rows.
    Apex is doing some strange things here. Sometimes my queries are executed in a different sequence.
    So the output is like
    How can i fix the sequence of my source queries??
    Any help is welcome!!
    Volker Strasser

    I found the solution.
    Anychart seems to have a problem with null values!
    The corrupted sorting only occured for a specific set of search criteria and a specific day. At this day some values have been null.
    I added a "nvl( [...], 0) for every value.
    No I get a correct sort order.

  • Report Queries & Layouts, PDF, only first query returns data

    Hi all,
    When I use Standard report printing from APEX 3.1 and a Report Layout and Report Queries (more than one report query), I only get output from the first query in PDF format. If I use XML format I get output from all queries. Does APEX 3.1 allow the use of multiple report queries when printing in Standard mode to PDF?

    Do you have other report queries where you get more than one result set? Or do you face this issue in all cases? One scenario where you could potentially run into this kind of a situation could be if you selected "Include application and session information" when creating the report query, created your layout based on the resulting XML structure and then later, including application and session information was de-selected, resulting into a simpler XML structure.

  • Report Queries column limitation

    Hi All,
    is there any limitation on PDF report queries regarding the column number?
    the error message I've got is: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small error
    I was thinking that the result is too long but is only 3299 according to this script:
    select length(dbms_xmlgen.getxml('SELECT ROW_ID, SUBJECT_ID_1, DOC_1, PATIENT_ID_1, SPECIMEN_ID_1,
                   SUBJECT_ID_2, DOC_2, PATIENT_ID_2,SPECIMEN_ID_2, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_3, DOC_3, PATIENT_ID_3,SPECIMEN_ID_3, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_4, DOC_4, PATIENT_ID_4,SPECIMEN_ID_4, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_5, DOC_5, PATIENT_ID_5,SPECIMEN_ID_5, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_6, DOC_6, PATIENT_ID_6,SPECIMEN_ID_6, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_7, DOC_7, PATIENT_ID_7,SPECIMEN_ID_7, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_8, DOC_8, PATIENT_ID_8,SPECIMEN_ID_8 
      FROM TABLE (LABELS.GET_COLLECTION_LABELS(103))')) xml from dual;Well if I run it like this:
                   SUBJECT_ID_2, DOC_2, PATIENT_ID_2||SPECIMEN_ID_2 a2, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_3, DOC_3, PATIENT_ID_3||SPECIMEN_ID_3 a3, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_4, DOC_4, PATIENT_ID_4||SPECIMEN_ID_4 a4, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_5, DOC_5, PATIENT_ID_5||SPECIMEN_ID_5 a5, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_6, DOC_6, PATIENT_ID_6||SPECIMEN_ID_6 a6, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_7, DOC_7, PATIENT_ID_7||SPECIMEN_ID_7 a7, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_8, DOC_8, PATIENT_ID_8||SPECIMEN_ID_8 a8 
    Does some one know what is the limit and why?
    Thanks a lot,

    Thanks for the reply, sorry I have corrected first script with the length of response in xml format.
    The script executes just fine in SQL developer and Toad, and in APEX SQL Workshop , and even I was able to create a classic report with the same script.
    It is Report Queries generation. Not PDF it self, because if I select HTML i am getting same error
    If I execute this select, it gives me the error:
                   SUBJECT_ID_2, DOC_2, PATIENT_ID_2, SPECIMEN_ID_2, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_3, DOC_3, PATIENT_ID_3, SPECIMEN_ID_3, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_4, DOC_4, PATIENT_ID_4, SPECIMEN_ID_4, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_5, DOC_5, PATIENT_ID_5, SPECIMEN_ID_5, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_6, DOC_6, PATIENT_ID_6, SPECIMEN_ID_6, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_7, DOC_7, PATIENT_ID_7, SPECIMEN_ID_7, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_8, DOC_8, PATIENT_ID_8, SPECIMEN_ID_8 
      FROM TABLE (LABELS.GET_COLLECTION_LABELS(103))If i execute this one, everything is ok:
                   SUBJECT_ID_2, DOC_2, PATIENT_ID_2||SPECIMEN_ID_2 a2, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_3, DOC_3, PATIENT_ID_3||SPECIMEN_ID_3 a3, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_4, DOC_4, PATIENT_ID_4||SPECIMEN_ID_4 a4, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_5, DOC_5, PATIENT_ID_5||SPECIMEN_ID_5 a5, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_6, DOC_6, PATIENT_ID_6||SPECIMEN_ID_6 a6, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_7, DOC_7, PATIENT_ID_7||SPECIMEN_ID_7 a7, 
                   SUBJECT_ID_8, DOC_8, PATIENT_ID_8||SPECIMEN_ID_8 a8 
      FROM TABLE (LABELS.GET_COLLECTION_LABELS(103))It is defiantly some limitation on the number of columns, but what is the reason and why? Maybe there is a way to avoid this.

  • Shared component Report Queries

    Hi All,
    Can anybody tell how to add report queries(shared components) in button or how to access report queries.

    If you can go for BI Publisher that would be very nice and integrates awesome.
    To install and configure you can follow this: http://dgielis.blogspot.com/2007/06/testing-oracle-bi-publisher-with-apex.html
    There's also a guide of Oracle here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/html/configure_printing.html
    If you can't go for BI Publisher, you can use Apache FOP for ex or PLPDF (but that's something totally different from the other two)

  • Report Queries and Report Layout

    I currently have several report queries with existing report layouts done in xsl.fo. I will be upgrading to Apex 4.0 in the next couple of months and I wanted to make sure that my reports will still work. I have an account on the Oracle hosted site and created a report query with an xsl.fo file.
    I understand that it requires the fop.war file to run on the server for it to work, but I have used the oracle hosted site before and was able to create report queries and custom report layouts.
    I am using an xsl fo editor called javaforless, which creates the .fo file and then I make adjustments to the file, before I create the report query and then load the file when I am creating the query.
    The report works correctly if I use the generic layout, but I have many reports with custom layouts that will be going to Apex 4.0 and I want to ensure that they will still work. Please look at the error below and give me some insight to why this is happening:
    Error opening document. This file cannot be opened because it has no page.Thanks,

    Is there a bug on the Oracle hosted site for reports.
    I was able to run a report query with a cutsom report file (xsl.fo) on the hosted site. The file didn't throw any errors, though I don't understand why it doesn't. I had to create a blank field to have a border, which creates my lines in apex. code below:
    <fo:table-cell   number-columns-spanned="1">
          <fo:block   border-color="#404040" border-style="solid" border-width="medium"   margin-left="0.0cm" margin-right="0.0cm"  margin-top="0.0cm"  font-size="10pt"  font-family="SansSerif"  color="#000000"  text-align="left"></fo:block>
            </fo:table-cell>My original code uses the fo:leader, which works fine in Apex 3.2 but will throw errors if I use it in 4.0.2 and not open the file.
    <fo:table-row  background-color="#ffffff" height="0.89cm">
            <fo:table-cell   number-columns-spanned="2">
          <fo:block margin-left="0.0cm" margin-right="0.0cm"  margin-top="0.27cm" ><fo:leader leader-pattern="rule" color="#000000"  rule-thickness="2.0pt" rule-style="solid" leader-length="100%"/></fo:block>
        </fo:table-row>Can someone please let me know why the fo:leader syntax is erroring on the Hosted Site.

Maybe you are looking for