APEX a CMS????

Can we consider APEX as Web-Content managment system, Just like Protlets in JSP or DNN, Jommla etc.

Not sure what you are referring to. JSP is not CMS.
You can build a CMS application using Apex, but thats just one of the things that Apex (like JSP) can do.

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  • SSO logout issue with APEX

    I am trying to resolve the logout URL issue with our APEX application configured as a partner application with SSO. The partner application name is SSO_APEX and the logout URL is defined in partner application as
    http://OID_Server:7777/pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_logout where OID_Server is our OID server name.
    In the APEX application page, I tried to open the application that was imported from another apex server.
    Home>Application Builder>Application 107>Shared Components>Authentication Schemes
    SSO_Auth - current is
    The logout link is http://INFRA_NAME:7777/pls/orasso/ORASSO.wwsso_app_admin.ls_logout?p_done_url=http://SERVER_NAME/pls/cms/f?p=107 , The application is retrieving the INFRA_NAME and SERVER_NAME values from a database table and they correspond to the OID and 10g application servers respectively.
    The logout link should take it to the login page where the user will be prompted to enter login credentials again however it is currently taking to the above logout link page from APEX. It is not changing even though I specified a different logout link in partner application page. Moreover the check box beside SSO_APEX in the logout page is unchecked.
    The authentication scheme of application is overriding the partner application configuration. How can I make sure the logout is actually happening? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    I am having the same issue, and have posted on another thread about this same thing. I know that's inappropriate to post the same thing in multiple threads, but I was searching the forum again today, and Pavan described exactly what I'm experiencing.
    We have been using SSO for about 4 years or so now, and haven't had logout issues. Our DBA at the time had written his own logout function for SSO where he invalidated the cookie with owa_cookie calls. It's worked until now. We have upgraded our database servers and all URLs referencing those servers are now in a different domain than our OAS server. Now the logic in the logout function is no longer invalidating the cookie for SSO (because it's in a different domain). SSO login and authentication still work, it's just the logout that does not.
    I'd like to just alter the logout URL to redirect to the OAS server for logout as you described. But here's what's happening. I press logout link, and it takes me to the OAS Single Sign-Off page where it shows the services it's logging you out of, but it doesn't automatically redirect (just sits there until I press the Return button).
    Is that expected (no automatic redirect)?
    And as Pavan mentioned, the Partner application name (APEX_SERVERNAME_SSO) doesn't show a checkmark next to it. If I go back to my application, I get right back in without being prompted for SSO (ie, not logging out successfully then).
    I know there are a lot of question marks here, but I'm not sure if there's something obvious I am missing or if there's something else I need to fix that I don't know about.
    Can you offer any guidance?
    Thank you for your time,

  • AE APEX Blog Aggregator and Google

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    I would say that it is job specific. If you have a mostly static website or need something that is more like a CMS, because you have non-technical content editors, then APEX would probably not be the best choice. If your website is data driven or leverages CRM or ERP system data then APEX can be really effective. 
    As to your SEO question, there is no easy way around that with APEX but we found that we only needed to build SEO rewrites for our home and main landing pages. After that, our hit numbers didn't really improve because users were branching to the authenticated side of the website anyhow.

  • Apex application registered with sso as partner application

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    I just registered a new apex application with sso. when i authenticate through sso, it directs me to the originally registered application.
    I went in through the portal administrator app and verified my settings all pointed to the new application. I verified that my dad is set up correctly.
    Any ideas?
    APEX 2.0

    i did register and obtain the keys through portal admin.
    to ensure i used the proper keys (i guess there is a possibility i used the keys from db1 registration) i re-ran regapp with the right keys but recieved the following output:
    SQL> @regapp
    Partner Application Configuration
    Enter value for listener_token: HTML_DB:050iasphttp.xxx.na.xxx.com:7777
    Enter value for site_id: EFBE3E14
    Enter value for site_token: MSMXURH1EFBE3E14
    Enter value for login_url: https://050iaspdb.xxx.na.xxx.com:4443/pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login
    Enter value for encryption_key: 2EBDD126A3A40606
    Enter value for ip_check: N
    ERROR: Error in registration. Please try again
    User-Defined Exception
    Registration successful.
    Listener token: HTML_DB:050iasphttp.xxx.na.xxx.com:7777
    Site id : EFBE3E14
    Site token : MSMXURH1EFBE3E14
    Encryption key: 2EBDD126A3A40606
    Login URL :
    Logout URL :
    IP check : N
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Commit complete.
    No errors.
    ...in spite of the error, i aske the app developer to try and use sso for db2. he now recieves:
    User-Defined Exception
    Error Error in wwv_flow_custom_auth_sso.process_success:l_sso_user_name:l_sess_id:: Please contact administrator.
    any ideas?

  • APEX-The manullay created column is not getting updated in the database

    Dear all
    I have a form on page, which is created along with a report using Form on a Table with Report option. From the form I have deleted one field and recreated manullay as set the property as database column. When I am calling from the report page (using defualt edit option) the value is showing there, but if I am 'Apply Changes' , the column value in database is get updated with null.
    Please help

    This is the SQL and PL/SQL forum.
    Please re-post this on the APEX forum.
    Oracle Application Express (APEX)

  • APEX LISTENER Install troubleshooting

    Hi, I need help.. :-)
    Default Database connection not configured properly
    What I have done:
         connect APEX_LISTENER/mypasswd1
         connect APEX_PUBLIC_USER/mypasswd2
         connect APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER/mypasswd1
    Check default.xml
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    even tried APEX_LISTENER password just incase
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    java -jar apex.war
    Feb 22, 2013 12:44:40 PM oracle.dbtools.standalone.Standalone execute
    Standalone mode is designed for use in development and test environments. It is not supported for use in production environments.
    Feb 22, 2013 12:44:40 PM oracle.dbtools.standalone.Standalone execute
    INFO: Starting standalone Web Container in: /data/oracle/orawd/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/apex_listener/apex
    Feb 22, 2013 12:44:41 PM oracle.dbtools.standalone.Deployer deploy
    INFO: Will deploy application path = /data/oracle/orawd/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/apex_listener/apex/apex/WEB-INF/web.xml
    Feb 22, 2013 12:44:41 PM oracle.dbtools.standalone.Deployer deploy
    INFO: Deployed application path = /data/oracle/orawd/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/apex_listener/apex/apex/WEB-INF/web.xml
    Feb 22, 2013 12:44:41 PM oracle.dbtools.common.config.file.ConfigurationFolder logConfigFolder
    INFO: Using configuration folder: /data/oracle/orawd/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/apex_listener/apex
    Default Database connection not configured properly
    Feb 22, 2013 12:44:42 PM oracle.dbtools.rt.web.SCListener contextInitialized
    INFO: Oracle Application Express Listener initialized
    Application Express Listener version :
    Application Express Listener server info: Grizzly/1.9.49
    Feb 22, 2013 12:44:42 PM com.sun.grizzly.Controller logVersion
    INFO: GRIZZLY0001: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.49 - 2/22/13 12:44 PM
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    INFO: http://localhost:8888/apex started.

    That could be a problem.
    I was answering the question:
    BillC wrote:
    Is there a simple JDBC test to see if it connects? it is APEX_PUBLIC_USER who is connecting isn't it?Yes - APEX_PUBLIC_USER is the connecting user.
    You can use SQLPLUS to make sure you have the correct password.
    After that, it is the SERVER, PORT, SID/SERVICE in the APEX listener you need to confirm.
    You can TNSPING to confirm you have the correct selections for those.
    You can always re-run the java -jar apex.war setup command to all of the basic settings.
    The reason I mention that is because if you modify the settings manually - we need to ask "which file?" because there is the default and the database specific one too.
    Try making a request to the service in standalone mode and you should get a terminal output (the window stays open) with a more detailed error. I would guess there will be an ORA-12514, TNS listener does not currently know of service requested in descriptor or something similar that will give you the "debug" information you are looking for.
    --Tim St.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Problem with logging in to apex application builder listener

    I have problem with my settings and am posting this in hope that someone else out there had similar problem and solved it!
    I am trying to use reverseproxy to access to our db through apex listener.
    It's been all set-up and I can login to the application it self either through proxy or no proxy using the listener.
    But when I try to login to apex application builder I cannot do it through proxy(with no proxy, it works).
    It just refreshes the login page when I click login....
    I tried to upgrade the listener to the latest v1.1(using 1.0.2) but it causes my tomcat to crash...
    So solution i am looking for is how to make logging in work through proxy..
    In the firebug it is showing that below and few other request status as 302 moved temporariry
    Where as with no proxy it is saying Found.....
    Any thoughts??
    Sin K

    Hello Sin K,
    so proxy and Tomcat are located on different machines as well? Is the proxy able to commuicate with the Tomcat on the configured internal ports and is the proxy able to lookup the hostname you configured for the Tomcat?
    For the connector, the proxyName and proxyPort should be the parameters the client uses to call APEX. So if your clients should call via http://proxyserver:8080/testsin/apex the settings would be
    proxyPort=8080Reason for this is that applications (e.g. the APEX Listener) generate there URL references with these parameters.
    But does your proxy actually serve on port 8080? And is that port accessible by clients? Do clients accept cookies from that server?
    In my case, there is only one 302 which redirects to http://host:port/apex/f?p=4500:1000:sessionid which is correct.
    If you look into your first post request in firebug, what's in the request header?

  • Need advise on SQL Report  base for APEX or jasper

    Hello everyone,
    I need some advise on how to approach this below report requirement. It has been bugging me for nearly 2 weeks now, and my time is running out.
    Here is a simplified version of the database
    Four tables: Defendant, Engagement, Service, Event.
    A defendant can have more than 1 engagement, but they have only one open engagement at a time.
    For each engagement, they will have services and events.
    These events can be just general events or events that relates to the service.
    Here is the script for the tables and sample data
       ("DEF_ID" NUMBER,
         "FIRST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "LAST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (1,'Joe','Bloggs',1);
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (2,'John','Doe',1);
       ("ENG_ID" NUMBER,
         "DEF_ID" NUMBER,
         "COURT_NAME" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
         "DATE_JOINED" DATE,
         "ACTIVE" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (1,1,'AAA',to_date('01/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('20/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),'European','1');
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (2,2,'BBB',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'Asian','1');
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (3,1,'AAA',to_date('22/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'European','1');
       ("EVENT_ID" NUMBER,
         "ENG_ID" NUMBER,
         "NOTES" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
         "START_DATE" DATE,
         "END_DATE" DATE,
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (1,1,null,1,to_date('01/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('02/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (2,1,null,1,to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (3,1,null,2,to_date('15/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (4,2,null,null,to_date('02/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (5,2,null,2,to_date('03/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (6,3,null,null,to_date('22/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (7,3,null,4,to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (8,2,null,null,to_date('12/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
       (     "SERVICE_ID" NUMBER,
         "ENG_ID" NUMBER,
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (1,1,'Counselling',to_date('15/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('18/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (2,1,'Housing',to_date('20/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (3,2,'Treatment',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('15/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (5,1,'Other',to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,0);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (6,2,'Treatment',to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);****
    And this is the view I am thinking to use as the base for the report
      SELECT Def.Def_Id,
        Ser.Date_Started    AS Service_Start_Date,
        Ser.Date_Terminated AS Service_Date_Terminated,
        Ser.Active          AS Service_Active,
        ev.active AS event_active
      FROM Defendant Def
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Engagement Eng
      ON Def.Def_Id = Eng.Def_Id
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Service Ser
      ON Eng.Eng_Id = Ser.Eng_Id
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Event Ev
      ON Ev.Eng_Id = Eng.Eng_Id;****
    Report parameter: Start Date, End Date, Court_name
    From chosen Court_name, list defendants who currently engage in the court.
    For each defendant display
    Section 1: Identifying Details: First Name, Last Name, Ethnicity, Date Joined Court
    Section 2: All Services currently active that the defendant attend
    Section 3: All Events that related to the service that the defendant attend
    Section 4: All other events (don't have Related Service ID)
    User must be able to download the whole report in spreadsheet or PDF format.
    I did try to create a set of union selects (but the format is not that good, when no data return it display nothing, I would rather show some messages like "There is no associated events, rather than nothing")
    and it only produces report for 1 defendant at a time.
    We use Oracle APEX , so only select statement or PL/SQL Code return select statement is valid for report source.
    In our place we use Jasper Report adjacent to APEX, but I have very little experience with Jasper report.
    The developer who knows a lot about jasper report is too busy to help me.
    Currently, I use union selects like below:
    With Current_Engagement As
    ( Select Eng_Id From Engagement
      Where Def_Id =2
      And Date_Joined Is Not Null
      And ( Date_Terminated Is Null Or Date_Terminated > Sysdate)
      And Rownum =1
    Select '1.Defendant ID' as col1, 'First Name' as col2, 'Last Name' as col3, 'Court Name' as col4, 'Ethnicity' as col5, 'Date Joined' as col6, 'Date Terminated' as col7
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select Distinct to_char(Def_Id), First_Name, Last_Name, Court_Name, Ethnicity, to_char(Date_Joined), to_char(Date_Terminated)
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Union All
    select '2.Service ID', 'Service Description', 'Start Date', 'End Date', Null, Null, Null
    from dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(service_id), description, to_char(service_start_date), to_char(service_date_terminated), null, null, null
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    where service_active =1
    Union All
    Select '3.Event ID', 'Related Service ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(event_id), to_char(related_service_id), to_char(start_date), to_char(end_date), notes, null, null
    from Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Where Event_Active = 1
    and related_service_id is not null
    Union All
    Select '4.Event ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null, null
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(event_id), to_char(start_date), to_char(end_date), notes, null, null, null
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Where Event_Active = 1
    and related_service_id is nulland the result is kind of what I try to achieve (except that I need to work on display a message 'No data found' rather than nothing), But it seems that my code works only for one defendant.
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                           COL4                 COL5                 COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                      Court Name           Ethnicity            Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                            BBB                  Asian                01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                     End Date                                                             
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                       15/10/12                                                             
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                     End date             Notes                                           
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                       Notes                                                                
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    10 rows selected
         However, I struggle to find a way to apply this to more than 1 defendant and still keep the format.
    Defendant 1
    All details related to defendant 1
    Defendant 2
    All details relayed to defendant 2
    Defendant n
    All details relayed to defendant nIs it possible to display a report as above by using only SQL script ?
    Thanks a lot in advance. I am willing to compensate financially to someone who can give me a solution.
    Edited by: Ann586341. View base_vw SQL script is fixed.

    Thanks a lot Jeneesh. (You are really a guru.)
    It is nearly 98% what the requirements ask for.
    I just have one more question.
    If I add more information into the database, just one more defendant
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (3,'Minnie','Mouse',1);
    --and one in Engagement table
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (4,3,'BBB',to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'Latin America','1');Then I run the select statment again (without changing anything)
    With Current_Engagement As
    ( Select Eng_Id
      From Engagement
      Where /*Def_Id =2
      And*/ Date_Joined Is Not Null
      And ( Date_Terminated Is Null Or Date_Terminated > Sysdate)
      --And Rownum =1
    titles as
    ( Select  .9 dummy_rn,'1.Defendant ID' as col1, 'First Name' as col2, 'Last Name' as col3,
        'Court Name' as col4, 'Ethnicity' as col5, 'Date Joined' as col6,
        'Date Terminated' as col7
      From Dual
      union all
      select  1.9,'2.Service ID', 'Service Description', 'Start Date', 'End Date',
        Null, Null, Null
      from dual
      union all
      Select  2.9,'3.Event ID', 'Related Service ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes',
        null, null
      From Dual
      Union All
      Select 3.9,'4.Event ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null, null
      From Dual
    all_titles as
    ( select dummy_rn,eng_id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
      from current_engagement,titles
    select col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
    from (
          select dummy_rn,eng_id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
          from all_titles
          Union All
          Select Distinct 1,ce.eng_id,decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(Def_Id)) def_id,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',First_Name) First_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',last_Name) Last_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',court_Name) Court_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',ethnicity) Ethnicity,
                 to_char(Date_Joined), to_char(Date_Terminated)
          From Base_Vw
                  right outer join Current_Engagement Ce
                  On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Union All
          Select distinct 2,ce.eng_id,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_id)),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',description) ,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_start_date)),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_date_terminated)) ,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          From Base_Vw
                  right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
                  On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          where service_active =1
          Union All
          Select distinct 3,ce.eng_id,
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(event_id)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(related_service_id)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(start_date)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(end_date)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',notes),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          from Base_Vw
               right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
               On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Where Event_Active = 1
          and related_service_id is not null
          Union All
          Select distinct 4,ce.eng_id,
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(event_id)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(start_date)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(end_date)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',notes),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          From Base_Vw
              right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
              On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Where Event_Active = 1
          and related_service_id is null
    order by eng_id,dummy_rn,col1
    ;The result is
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                      COL4                 COL5                      COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                       BBB                  Asian                     01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                  15/10/12                                                                  
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    1                              Joe                            Bloggs                    AAA                  European                  22/09/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    4                              Housing                                                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    7                              4                              23/09/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    6                              22/09/12                       23/09/12                                                                                            
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    3                              Minnie                         Mouse                     BBB                  Latin America             05/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    23 rows selected Is it possible in SQL to display it like this
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                      COL4                 COL5                      COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                       BBB                  Asian                     01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                  15/10/12                                                                  
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    1                              Joe                            Bloggs                    AAA                  European                  22/09/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    4                              Housing                                                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    7                              4                              23/09/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    6                              22/09/12                       23/09/12                                                                                            
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    3                              Minnie                         Mouse                     BBB                  Latin America             05/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    No Service Found
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    No Event Found
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                              
    No Event FoundOr just a 'No data found' would do. I am thinking about create a dummy table which contains only one row with text "There is no data found". And so the outer join with the result, but I still cannot work out how to integrate with the condition in your select statement.
    I really appreciate your help.

  • Application Developed in Apex 3.2 is not working Apex 4.1

    We have few application developed using oracle apex 3.2 and oracle 10g enterprise edition as the database also have a Apache tomcat server configured in the system. These application are running fine have no issue in production instance.
    I recently installed Oracle Apex 4.1 and Oracle 10g Express Edition in my local machine to test these application in oracle 4.1. I took the same database dump and installed in the local machine no issues with the database side. I installed the application that are developed in 3.2 and installed in new local instance but this is not working.
    It show >>Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
    Please suggest me what might be the issue how to trouble shoot this issue.

    I don't understand reading so many tract file starting with
    xe_s00??Most of the trace file show about {Embedded PL/SQL Gateway:} it shows is metioned below
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppr.c,495) Pl/sql block parsed...
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpdenv.c,1528) CGI Environment has 33 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 512
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)2
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(42)Oracle >>Embedded PL/SQL Gateway/
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)8080
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: SERVER_NAME(12)=(16)XDB HTTP Server
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(4)GET
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: QUERY_STRING(13)=(36)p=4000:1500:3165980474173701::NO:::
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: PATH_INFO(10)=(3)/f
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(6)/apex
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: REMOTE_HOST(12)=(1)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(10)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(4)tcp
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: REMOTE_USER(12)=(10)ANONYMOUS
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: ORACLE_SSO_USER(16)=(1)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH(20)=(2)0
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE(18)=(1)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(71)Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_HOST(10)=(15)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(10)text/html
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(5)gzip
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(6)en-IN
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_COOKIE(12)=(344)ORA_WWV_REMEMBER_UN=SUDHIR:DEVELOPMENT; PUBLIC_ORA_WWV_USER_63113903525053=-1; ORA_WWV_USER_63113903525053=2AD259DDAF6770BE05FEF29509B68F5F; LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE=sudhir; WWV_CUSTOM-F_1638610445865577_111=CC022FAB479054CF32361C22B789D7EE; ORA_WWV_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE=4495%2C%23ALL; WWV_CUSTOM-F_1638610445865577_107=19291B8FC60BA1A47916DE46EE85F01C
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_REFERER(13)=(127),F4000_P1_FLOW,P0_FLOWPAGE,RECENT_PAGES:109,109,109;|,
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: DAD_NAME(9)=(5)apex
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(1)
    *** ACTION NAME:() 2012-06-27 16:52:32.213
    *** MODULE NAME:() 2012-06-27 16:52:32.213
    *** CLIENT ID:() 2012-06-27 16:52:32.212
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,1960) Begin header parsing...
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2027) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2027) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2027) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2027) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (77 bytes): Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2108) Parsed header - Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (43 bytes): X-Frame-Options: DENY
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2168) Parsed header - X-Frame-Options:DENY
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (43 bytes): Content-length: 40155
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2082) Parsed header - Content-Length:40155
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2009) Got a line (1 bytes):
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,2016) End of headers detected
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,1882) Parsed begin
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,1898) Bound drec variablesEmbedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpcs.c, 76) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,1818) Going to close cursor
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,660) Normal completion
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,688) Shutdown has been called
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,700) Going to logoff
    *** SESSION ID:(527.737) 2012-06-27 16:52:37.533
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpdenv.c,679) script_name='/apex' path_info='/f'script_prefix='' dad_name='apex'
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpdenv.c,792) User-Agent is Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpdenv.c,1412) dadname = 'apex', path_info = 'f'
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpdenv.c,1451) Service will NOT use dynamic auth
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,394) Initialized successfully 0
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,316) SetRemoteUser : Remote User set to ANONYMOUS for this request.
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,480) Auth info from .APP file is being used
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,1729) Attempting to logon with '(unknown)'
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpu.c,1499) DBCharSet=>AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 OWAVersion= (101204) OWAMatch=>1 (rc=0)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpd.c,1763) Logged in as (unknown)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,593) Going to select...
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,647) Have been asked to execute a request
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,335) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1015) Enter ParseUrlData
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: GET
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1064) Getting Values from QUERY_STRING
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: [headers begin]
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: HTTP_COOKIE(11): (343)ORA_WWV_REMEMBER_UN=SUDHIR:DEVELOPMENT; PUBLIC_ORA_WWV_USER_63113903525053=-1; ORA_WWV_USER_63113903525053=2AD259DDAF6770BE05FEF29509B68F5F; LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE=sudhir; WWV_CUSTOM-F_1638610445865577_111=CC022FAB479054CF32361C22B789D7EE; ORA_WWV_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE=4495%2C%23ALL; WWV_CUSTOM-F_1638610445865577_107=19291B8FC60BA1A47916DE46EE85F01C
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: [headers end]
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: p=109:1:3165980474173701:::::
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: Identifier legal p(notconverted)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1514) indx = 1, entryCnt = 1
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1834) Listing distinct actual names:
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1836) p
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1838) Listing actuals of array with large entries:
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1843) Listing distinct actual names and values:
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,1875) p, type = 0, value (28) = 109:1:3165980474173701:::::
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppa.c,430) Arglist built, 1 unique entries
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wpx.c,654) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock...
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: Identifier legal f(notconverted)
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppr.c,435) start working with f
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppr.c,1017) lcase(procname): f
    Embedded PL/SQL Gateway: (wppr.c,1296) The CALL block: len=1067, bind_count=9What is the next step to make the 3.2 developed application work.
    Edited by: Sudhir_Meru on Jun 27, 2012 5:09 AM
    Edited by: Sudhir_Meru on Jun 27, 2012 5:11 AM

  • Dynamic image does not work in the template builder plug-in (Apex-BI Intgr)

    Hi all, I posted this problem in the BI Publisher topic but nobody responded maybe this is because mods thought this is an Apex-BI integration issue.
    If I'm in the wrong place, please do warn me.
    The documentation says:
    Direct Insertion
    Insert the jpg, gif, or png image directly in your template.
    ...This works obviously
    URL Reference
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    url:{'http://image location'}
    For example, enter: url:{'http://www.oracle.com/images/ora_log.gif'}
    ...This works too when I hardcode an url as url:{'http://www.google.com.tr/images/firefox/mobiledownload.png'}
    Element Reference from XML File
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    where IMAGE_LOCATION is an element from your XML file that holds the full URL to the image.
    ...This, however, does not work.
    I use Apex' report query tool and My query is like
    select 'http://www.google.com.tr/images/firefox/mobiledownload.png' IMAGE_LOCATION from ... (a single result set for my template)
    the xml data is generated with an IMAGE_LOCATION tag. I load it to word template plug-in. The Url successfully displays in the report if I make it a plain-simple field.
    But when it's in the image format->web->alt text as url:{IMAGE_LOCATION} no image displayed.
    I need to keep this design procedure simple so a simple word user could design a report via using just template builder plug-in. I don't wish to explore the xsl-fo area...yet.
    Could you tell me why I can't get this url:{IMAGE_LOCATION} to work?
    PS: My BI version:

    Hi Oeren,
    your steps seem basically to be correct. I have a tutorial how to do this here (in german)
    when you see the URL corrently as long as you have it as a plain text field, the XML tag and the
    referencing seem to be OK.
    Here are two thought - the issue might be one of these ...
    How did you insert the dummy image into the word document - did you do it via "insert" or
    via "link to file". "Link to File" does not work - you must choose the simple "insert".
    Another one: Does your BI Server have a connection to the internet - is the proxy server correctly set ..?
    Does this help ..?
    Cloud Computing mit APEX umsetzen. Jetzt!
    SQL und PL/SQL: Tipps, Tricks & Best Practice

  • Can Muse be used to create a site that requires a CMS with multiple user accounts?

    Hi, I am new to Adobe Muse and I would like to understand some specific things about the software. I have been comissioned to create a gallery website which requres a cms for use with mulitple accounts for the users/ artists to display seperate profiles and submit work to. Does Muse have this functionality and if possible to answer, how would I do this? I have looked at the tutorials on Adobe for Muse but I have not seen anything related to this, only the Busines Catlalyst website management software (if indeed it is software). Are there any tutorials on this or could I please be directed to one if no direct answer can be given here as I appreciate it is quite an indepth question. Thanks..

    Wait for the new version of Muse which should be published during the first quarter of this year. I guess that in the new Muse version could be basic CMS features?
    Best Regards

  • Event page view in APEX 4.0

    hi -- It looks to me like the new "tree" page view in APEX 4.0 shows only regions/processes/items, etc defined on the current page. If I recall correctly, the "event" view in
    3.2 showed app processes and page 0 regions, etc intertwined w/ the actual page items.
    Is there a view available in 4.0 that mimics this event view? I found it very handy...

    Is there a view available in 4.0 that mimics this event view? I found it very handy...Now available from the page Utilities pop-up menu: Utilities > Page Events.

  • How many mails i can send at a time per day using APEX mail system?

    I am working on application, when i have written a process to send mail, i have a project where i have to send mail at a time for all the email id's
    given list there are upto 5000 email id's where text body also include certain set of data from a report. thinking at a time 3000 its difficult i divided
    it region wise, but still each region have 2000 odd email id's. during testing when i run the process just 950 mails i could send then i got a error
    saying "ORA-20001: You have exceeded the maximum number of email messages per workspace. Please contact your administrator." so please
    can any one help me to know How many mails i can send at a time per day using APEX mail system?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi jfosteroracle,
    You are getting the error may be the following reason,
    Check the following,
    Login as ADMIN and Goto -->Manage Instance-->Instance Settings--> Mail-->Maximum Emails per workspace
    Actually this number denotes the Number of mails can be sent per 24 hour for the workspace,It may exceeded.
    It may be the reason.
    Thank you.     
    Edited by: Gurujothi on Jun 27, 2012 5:54 AM

  • Time Interval for Daily Calendar in APEX 3

    we're looking at upgrading to Apex 3 and I have a question about the Daily Calendar time interval. Is there a way to change the interval to say, 15 minutes from the default 1 Hour?

    Hello Kofi,
    "Now looking at what I can see on apex.oracle.com, are you saying we'd just have to modify the daily calendar template?"The template only control the look of the calendar, not its functionality. If the default daily view meets your needs, you don't have to define any new templates.
    "I'd imagine that the whatever is creating the tags that will be displayed by the template needs changing to incorporate the other 15 minute cells I would add"Most of the calendar functionality you can control can be defined on the "Calendar Attributes" tab. The most important is the date column. If this column includes reference of time (on top of the date, of course) the APEX engine will automatically associate your entry with the proper "Hour" row. You are not adding cells. You are adding calendar entries. If several of these entries share the same hour slot, APEX will put all of then in the same row.
    The best way to understand it is simply define these entries. As I understand, you have access to apex.oracle.com, so it shouldn't be a problem.

  • How can I change the event display in an APEX 4.2 calendar?

    Colleagues:  The APEX calendar feature is pretty neat, but of course there's a feature I'd like to use but can't find how/where to change it.  In other calendaring apps (e.g., Thunderbird) when an event is logged, like tomorrow's staff meeting, the time is blocked out vertically for the length of the event.  So for example: if staff is from 2pm-4pm, both 2-3 and 3-4 are colorized so a quick visual will show what times during the day are not available.
    The APEX calendar will show a colored bar for the start time of the event, but not a blocked-out vertical for the entire event.  Make sense?  Any way I can change the calendar/event view to accommodate this?
    Thanks for your help.
    Broc Norman II
    Sr DBA
    GIT / Hillsboro Manufacturing Site

    use - Region Plugin - SkillBuilders Calendar which is useful to display event as your requirement
    Try this.

Maybe you are looking for