APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01.. G_F50.. assigning sequence dynamically

Can we generate F01 .. F50 numbers as mentioned below.
     v_seq number := 10;
     v1 varchar2(100);
     for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count
      v_seq :=  v_seq + 1;  -- v_seq will have value 11,12,13,..
      v1 := apex_application.g_f||v_seq||(i); -- CAN I DO LIKE THIS, I tried but getting error.
so v_seq will have value with 11, 12, 13 each time and then I want to assign the following to v1
So can I refer apex variables like above [G_F11, G_F12, GF13, ....]

DeepakJ wrote:
Can we generate F01 .. F50 numbers as mentioned below.
v_seq number := 10;
v1 varchar2(100);
for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count
v_seq :=  v_seq + 1;  -- v_seq will have value 11,12,13,..
v1 := apex_application.g_f||v_seq||(i); -- CAN I DO LIKE THIS, I tried but getting error.
END LOOP;so v_seq will have value with 11, 12, 13 each time and then I want to assign the following to v1
So can I refer apex variables like above [G_F11, G_F12, GF13, ....]No. This can only be done using dynamic PL/SQL: see +{message:id=9267909}+ for a previous example.

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    from emp
    order by ename
    //i insert into a test table to view results
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    Hi arik103, i´m having the same problem. I recommend you to first of all check if the apex_application.g_f01.count is really counting.. do this to check it.
    create a process "on load - After regions"
    whit this source.
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    I have an application that is sending emails to various users, who have specific information sent to them in the emails. what is happening at the moment is that when i check the checkbox for the 3rd person [APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i)]
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    is their a way round this problem.
    l_to varchar2(1000);
    l_from varchar2(100):= '[email protected]';
    l_row varchar2(1000);
    l_message clob;
    FOR i in 1..APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01.count
    if (APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i)) is not null then
    l_to := replace(upper(APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i)),'acm.COM','acm.NET');
    l_message := (APEX_APPLICATION.G_F04(i),APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i));
    APEX_MAIL.SEND(P_TO => l_to,
    P_FROM => l_from,
    P_REPLYTO => null,
    P_BODY => l_message,
    P_SUBJ => 'This Email Is From The S.H.E. Department');
    end if;
    end loop;
    htmldb_mail.push_queue(p_smtp_hostname => 'xxx.xx.xx.xxx,p_smtp_portno => 25);

    The code you posted will not work. Try this instead:
       l_to        VARCHAR2 (1000);
       l_from      VARCHAR2 (100)  := '[email protected]';
       l_row       VARCHAR2 (1000);
       l_message   CLOB;
       v_seq_no    NUMBER;
       FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.COUNT
          v_seq_no := apex_application.g_f01 (i);
          FOR c IN (SELECT    i.report_type
                           || ' '
                           || i.report_id
                           || ' '
                           || i.report_no
                           || ' '
                           || a.report_no
                           || ' '
                           || a.due_date
                           || ' '
                           || a.progress
                           || ' '
                           || a.last_update AS m1,
                           u.useremail AS m2, UPPER (SUBSTR (u.userid, 10))
                                                                           AS m3
                      FROM actions_tmp a, users_tmp u, incident_tmp i
                     WHERE a.actionee = u.userid(+)
                       AND i.report_id = a.report_id
                       AND NVL (a.progress, 0) < 100
                       AND (   a.last_email <>
                                        TO_DATE (SYSDATE, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
                            OR a.last_email IS NULL
                       AND a.recommendation_comp IS NULL
                       AND i.report_id = v_seq_no)
             l_message := l_message || CHR (10) || CHR (10) || c.m1;
             l_to := l_to || ', ' || c.m3;
          END LOOP;
          l_to := LTRIM (l_to, ', ');
          apex_mail.send (p_to           => l_to,
                          p_from         => l_from,
                          p_replyto      => NULL,
                          p_body         => l_message,
                          p_subj         => 'This Email Is From The S.H.E. Department'
          htmldb_mail.push_queue (p_smtp_hostname      => 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',
                                  p_smtp_portno        => 25
       END LOOP;
    END;Denes Kubicek

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    I have a need, can i know how to assign a dynamic value to the value property of a button. Scenario is like follows...
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    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: UV_Dev on Oct 9, 2008 2:15 PM

    Let me try i know am not good at JSP but do we need double quotes here
    value= <%=List%>i think JSTL should help you about the dynamic thing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    All the information you described points to the problem that reports seems can't generate to a file which already exist. You can verify that by simply doing
    r30run32 C:\AC_REPORT.REP DESTYPE = FILE DESFORMAT = PDF BATCH = YES' desname=c:\temp\ac_report.pdf
    several times. If first time the report is successfully generated in c:\temp\ac_report.pdf, but not the second, third time, then it looks like there is a bug on reports r30run32 executable.
    You may try to find any latest patch for Reports 3.0 to see if patch can solve you problem. But keep in mind Reports 3.0 is de-supported, you are better to move to 6i or 9i reports.

  • Access APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01 in an SQL query for a report

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    FROM   empThen I have another report below this, which I want to drive based on the items checked in the first report. I know that the checkbox values will go into the APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01 collection. Normally these are accessed using pl/sql such as:
        DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno = to_number(APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01(i));
    END LOOP;But is there any way I can access the collection from the sql for my second report.
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    FROM   emp_timesheet
    WHERE emp_no in <get access to the collection here>I was hoping that the check box collection would be available from the APEX_COLLECTIONS view, but it doesn't seem to be there.

    If the goal is to hold onto the checked values for some other processing then you could add them to a collection yourself.
    create a process on your page which looks something like this:
    This will create your collection if it does not exist or delete everything currently in it if it does exist and then insert your new selections.
       l_col_name varchar2(30) := 'EMP_SELECTED';
        END LOOP;
    END;your second query could look something like this:
    SELECT empno, day_of_service
      FROM emp_timesheet
    WHERE empno in (select C001 empno
                       from apex_collections ac
                      where ac.collection_name = 'EMP_SELECTED')
    some people choose to create a view ontop of certain collection queries which will be reapeated throughout the application so you could also just
    create view selected_emps as
    select C001 empno
      from apex_collections ac
    where ac.collection_name = 'EMP_SELECTED'   and your new query would look like:
    SELECT empno, day_of_service
      FROM emp_timesheet
    WHERE empno in (select empno
                       from selected_emps)Cheers,
    Tyson Jouglet
    Edited by: Tyson Jouglet on Apr 6, 2011 10:37 AM

  • Assigning sequence numbers treo cords

    Please help to understand the following, because it's a little unclear for me.. can you provide me an example?
    So, regarding to assigning sequence numbers when a new record is created, we usually use a pre-insert trigger, with this code:
    SELECT orders_seq.NEXTVAL
    INTO :orders.order_id
    FROM SYS.dual;
    You can also assign sequence numbers from a table. If you use this method, two transactional
    triggers are usually involved:
    • Use Pre-Insert to select the next available number from the sequence table (locking the row
    to prevent other users from selecting the same value), assign it to the Forms item, and
    increment the value in the sequence table by the required amount.
    • Use Post-Insert to update the sequence table, recording the new upper value for the
    sequence.So how to assign a sequence number from a ... table?

    You have to implement the number generator yourself; something similar to this: http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:4343369880986

  • Assigning values dynamically to drop down

    I have drop down for which i have to assign values dynamically, I am getting values as a form of Array list.

    Hi Venki,
    Say your ArrayList is al . Create a value attribute under the root node. Say test. Bind this test to the DropdownByKey UI element. You can populate test attribute like this.
    IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo =
    ISimpleTypeModifiable valuesType =
    IModifiableSimpleValueSet VS=
           for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) {

  • Assigning a 'dynamically created sequence' value to a variable

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    v_seq_name := 'seq_'||loadid||v_table_name;
    execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE '||v_seq_name||' MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 START WITH 1 increment by 1 cache 20';
    and now after doing some operations i need to assign the current value of sequence to a number variable i tried following but not working
    1) v_curr_value : = v_seq_name.currval ;
    2) select v_seq_name||'.nextval' into v_curr_value from dual;
    can you please suggest me how i can get the value in plsql block.

    DIVI wrote:
    in my procedure i am creating a sequence on the fly, i am preparing the name with some passed parameters like below
    v_seq_name := 'seq_'||loadid||v_table_name;
    execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE '||v_seq_name||' MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 START WITH 1 increment by 1 cache 20';
    and now after doing some operations i need to assign the current value of sequence to a number variable i tried following but not working
    1) v_curr_value : = v_seq_name.currval ;
    2) select v_seq_name||'.nextval' into v_curr_value from dual;
    can you please suggest me how i can get the value in plsql block.Well, you haven't given the error you are getting but I guess the procedure isn't compiling? You need to execute immediate any reference to the sequence.
    Having said that, your architecture is probably wrong if you are dynamically creating things in a procedure.
    Why do you need to create them dynamically?

  • Remove the assignment blocks dynamically at runtime

    hello friends,
    i want to remove the assignmnet blocks dynamically at runtime but based on the condition data avilable or not . example for opportunity window, whether the item list assignment block is empty then only i want to delete it . for this case i have to put a validation . im using  DETACH_STATIC_OVW_VIEW method for deleting the assignmnet blocks . but in my case based on validation only i want to delete . how to do the validation. please help me out .
    thanks in advance.

    Hello there,
    I believe the Method DETACH_STATIC_OVW_VIEWS as you mentioned is the correct one to achieve this functionality.
    Here what exactly has to be done in your scenario is not clear from your question.
    However if we consider your example; you can refer to the code excerpt below
    UI COmponent : BT111H_OPPT  ( Header Component of Opportunity)
    It already has in place
    * get Details CuCo
      lr_cuco ?= me->get_custom_controller( controller_id = 'BT111H_OPPT/OpptDetailsCuCo' ).
    then it checkes the Product Items.
    You can put ou validation logic in place and do like following:
    * Competitor products on Item level
      IF lr_cuco->is_competitor_available( iv_mode = lc_item ) = abap_false.
        ls_viewid-viewid = 'BT111H_OPPT/CompProdItemOV'.
        INSERT ls_viewid INTO TABLE rt_viewid.
    Please reply if this helps.
    Best Regards,

  • How to assign the dynamic value of PV to Sip Header in ICM?

    Hi everybody,
    I would like to ask your help, please. We are working on Temporary IVR Handoff (ICM+CVP). I need to add/modify a customer Sip header in ICM transfer script. The value for that header is dynamic and stored in the one of ICM Call Peripherial Variables (PV9, for examle).
    Is it possible somehow to assign the value of that PV9 to Sip header (Set Variable Call.SipHeader)? I tried to do it but unfortunally without any success. I can assign any static string, but how to assign the value of the PV??? That's the question...
    For static string assignment the syntax of the Set Variable Node (Call.SipHeader) looks like that:
    "IVR-Handoff~add~It's Cisco"
    and it works fine.
    For dynamic value (PV9) I tried:
    "IVR-Handoff~add~Call.PeripherialVariable9" - it add Call.PeripherialVariable9 as a string, but not it's value;
    "IVR-Handoff"~add~Call.PeripherialVariable9 - returns a syntax error;
    Call.PeripherialVariable9 - no Sip header is added.
    What do you think? Is it doable at all?
    Any ideas, answers or examples how to do it would be much appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Senthil,
    Yes! It works, but with the little difference. The right answer is:
    (Call.PeripherialVariable9 is without quotes, otherwise it insert the name of the variable, but not it's value)
    The other solution is shown here (thanks to Paul Tindall):
    Thank you so much for the idea! I very appreciate your help and vote you.

  • Problem while assigning user dynamically!!

    Hi ALL,
    I am doing a process for my understanding, I have a problem while dynamically assigning a  user to a action. These are the steps that I followed.
    I have created a process with one seq block.
    -sec block
    --Action 1(WD Form containing 3 Input/output fields)
    --Action 2(WD form with some text,1 input-User Name)
    --Action 3(wD form with some text, 1 input-User name)
    --Action 4(wD form with some text, 1 input-User name)
    I have mapped the output of the first form to the respective inputs of the actions.
    I have also set the "Fill from context" with the input for the respective action.
    When I run the process I give the unique user id as input. I get a error "Cannot complete action: The activity could not be read." I did this thinking that the user given as input will be assigned to the processor of the respective action. Correct me if I am wrong.
    Kindly help me in solving this issue.

    Your main requirement is to assign the user to actions dynamically. But your way is not correct. Using sequencial block you can not do it. You need to use Parallel dynamic block and dynamic user assignment. Here is the clear step by step doc. Please open and go through it.
    I think your requirement will be solved.

  • Assign values dynamically to radio button

    I am creating an online test. I will need to display answer choices from the table. I created radio buttons for these answer choices and I could put the labels dynamically by using      
    Set_Radio_Button_Property('block_name.radio_group_name', 'radio_button1',LABEL,cursor_name.field_name);
    Now I have problem to set radio button values dynamically. Should I use when_radio_changed event?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I really appreciate your help.
    My intention is to display the test on the screen.
    That means I need to display all questions and answer
    choices for each one dynamically. Based on the answer
    choice type (radio button or checkbox or drop down
    etc) I will need to assign the values to them and
    display on the screen. So far I could display
    questions and answer choices on the screen and set
    the label property for each radio button.
    Do you know what is the syntax to assign value to
    each radio button? First I will need to store user's
    answers in a table. For that I need to know what
    answer they selected. I wasn't sure how to do that.
    ThanksAs I said, the values cannot be assigned dynamically. Thus you will store the answers in code (perhaps in an array?) and your radio buttons will be 1,2,3,4 etc.
    In WHEN-RADIO-CHANGED you can retrieve the value from the array using the radio button value. Then store that value.
    e.g. Your screen shows
    What is the sound of one hand clapping?
    o Blue
    o Yes
    o 12
    These labels will be set dynamically, but the values for the radio buttons will be 1,2,3. If they pick "Yes", your radio button will be 2. You then get the value you really want from answer_array(2), where you put it when you retrieved the question details. Then you insert that into your users_answers table.

  • Task assignment adapter - dynamic route to either group or user

    I have configured an approval process in design console and I want to be able to dynamically route the approval request to either the target user manager OR a group. I have written logic/code to automatically determine what group or user to route the request to and also to set the key type to either user or group depending on my logic conditions.
    This code is executed in a task assignment adapter and set the values for the key type and key depending on the logic.
    i.e. the key type would be "user" and key would be the user key for the target user manager, if my logic determines it should be routed to a manager
    the key type would be "group" and key would be the group key for the approval group, if my logic determines it should be routed to a group
    HOWEVER MY PROBLEM is with assigning the adapter to a process task. I am thinking I would need to have two entries in the Assignment tab of the process task. The first entry has the default rule and I assigned the target type to "group" and include my adapter here.
    How do I go about assigning the second entry for target type "user"? Since "Default" is the only rule option and I am not able to use it twice.
    I tried to create a rule in the Rule Definition form and create a Task Assignment rule that might do something to check if a task is assigned to "user", so that I can have this as my second rule in the Assignment tab of the process task and if it is true, it would call my adapter that would return the key for the target user's manager.
    I DO NOT KNOW what conditions to set in the Rule Element window for the Task Assignment rule. Can someone tell me what to do here OR provide me with a better alternative.

    Thanks for all the responses. Approvals are now being routed correctly.
    I have a follow-up question though........ I created a process adapter to send notifications to either the target user manager or members of the group that is the approval is routed to.
    I have a notification process task as part of my approval process and in its Integration tab, I added my process adapter that sends notifications.
    The code for the adapter uses the same logic I described in my original question to determine if the approval is being routed to a user of group. If it is routed to a group, the notification adapter identifies members of the group and sends email to them, this part works fine.
    However the problem is when the logic determines it should be routed to the target user's manager. One of the variables of this notification process adapter is username of the target user. Using that username, my code determines who the manager, gets the manager's email address and sends the email. Problem with this is that when mapping variables for process adapters in the Integration tab, in the Map To field, it does not give you the option of mapping to Request Target User, which would have provided me with user attributes of the target user such as the user name. It provides option for the Requester, but my reality is that the Requester is not always the Target User.
    Any suggestions for fixing this would be greatly appreciated.

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