Apex Blogs Aggregator .... died ?

Dear All,
What happen with great Apex Blogs Aggregator ?
Looks like dying ....
After it moved to ODTUG, it never working as before.
Looks like it killed slowly.
I know, it is free service and I should complaint ...
but it is a place to see all Apex experts and gurus sharing the Apex idea, tips, tricks, techniques and news for beginners like myself.

Hi Tobin,
while you wait, would you like to try this one?
It's a full-fledged apex-based social reader and bookmarking tool.
I have been using it in the past 4 years and I find it very efficient, although it is not yet in a final shape (some secondary pages are not as "polished" as others).
Basically you can create your own apex-blogs aggregator, you can disregard blogs you are not interested in or add new ones on an individual basis.
It also imports google reader subscriptions (exported as an XML archive) to make life easier for users migrating from there.
For best results I recommend using Firefox, Chrome and Safari are working just fine most of the time, except in a couple of situations that I still have to investigate.
Once you are registered, I'll be glad to help you with setting up your profile and explain the main features.

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    Just wondered if it was going to be resurrected?
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    I'm sure others here would like to know when/if it will be back.
    Many thanks
    Kind regards
    PS. I guess not much will happen whilst OOW is on though. :-( Wish I had a ticket.
    PPS. Will have to wait for UKOUG in December

    Hello Simon and others,
    I'm aware of problems with Apexblogs. Not really the browser issue but blogger accounts don't work anymore.
    I'll look into it asap, but like previously said I'm currently at OOW.
    About the browser: as an Apex developer you should use Firefox ;-)

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    I would say that it is job specific. If you have a mostly static website or need something that is more like a CMS, because you have non-technical content editors, then APEX would probably not be the best choice. If your website is data driven or leverages CRM or ERP system data then APEX can be really effective. 
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    I didn't make the new RSS public yet, but people using the old RSS feed of APEXBlogs that should still work... but it's work in progress and I'm testing with it.
    At the end of May I started to include Tweets, Plugins and Enhancement Requests next to the blogs. The Tweets only stayed in for a couple of days as I didn't like it that much either... so I'm not sure what your issue is? You still find tweets in the RSS feed you use?
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    <!--- Get thumbnail, if exists --->
    <cfset content_to_parse = temp_description_full>
    <cfinclude template="module_get_images.cfm">
    <cfif IsArray(image_array) AND ArrayLen(image_array)>
    <cfloop from=1 to=#ArrayLen(image_array)# index="j">
    <cfhttp url="#trim(image_array[j].link_url)#"
    method="get" throwonerror="No" timeout="15" getasbinary="Auto"
    resolveurl="No" />
    <cfif IsBinary(cfhttp.filecontent)>
    <cfset tmp_filename = "thumbnail_entry_" & GetID.id
    & "." & image_array[j].file_type>
    <cffile action="WRITE"
    file="#ExpandPath(request.base_relative_url &
    '/blog_thumbnails/' & variables.tmp_filename)#"
    <cfset thumb_image = request.img.process_image(image_path
    = ExpandPath(request.base_relative_url & '/blog_thumbnails/'
    & variables.tmp_filename), max_width = 120, max_height = 120,
    crop_area = "center")>
    <cfimage source="#thumb_image#" action="write"
    destination="#ExpandPath(request.base_relative_url &
    '/blog_thumbnails/' & variables.tmp_filename)#"
    <cfquery name="UpdateEntry"
    datasource="#request.data_source#" username="#request.db_un#"
    UPDATE aggregated_blog_entry
    SET aggregated_blog_entry_thumbnail_image_tx =
    WHERE aggregated_blog_entry_id = #GetID.id#
    ---------This is the module_get_images.cfm
    <cfset start_pos = 1>
    <cfset image_array = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfset regex_image = "<img[^>]*>">
    <cfset regex_image_url =
    "(((https?:|ftp:|gopher:)\/\/)|(www\.|ftp\.))[-[:alnum:]\?%,\.\/&##!;@:=\+~_]+[\-A-Za-z0- 9\/]">
    <cfloop condition="1">
    <cfset temp_image_pos = REFindNoCase(regex_image,
    variables.content_to_parse, start_pos, true)>
    <cfif temp_image_pos.pos[1]>
    <cfset temp_link =
    <cfset link =
    <cfif NOT link.pos[1]>
    <cfset temp_link_url = "">
    <cfset temp_link_url =
    <!--- Don't show links to images --->
    <cfif len(trim(temp_link_url)) AND
    <cfset image_array[ArrayLen(image_array)+1] =
    <cfset image_array[ArrayLen(image_array)].link =
    <cfset image_array[ArrayLen(image_array)].link_url =
    <cfset image_array[ArrayLen(image_array)].file_type =
    <cfset start_pos = temp_image_pos.pos[1] + 1>
    This is the type of code it has a hard time getting the image
    becuase it doesn't have a regular IMG tag.
    <div style="float: left; width: 82px; height: 59px;
    overflow: hidden; background: url(
    background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;
    margin: 1px;" onMouseOver="showTipGallery(Stoner, Australian MotoGP
    2007);" onMouseOut="clearTip();">
    Is there a way to modify this code to make it be able to look
    for the backround: url?? I am thinking that woul help it.. It knows
    that an image is there.. It just doesn't know what to do with

    How difficult is it for you to do a google image search for large images of this subject?
    While you appear to be doing this project for an educational endeavour and can get away with mild copyright abuse as "fair use", you probably should not expect the participants in this forum to 1) work for Disney either as a direct employee or as a contractor and 2) offer their copyrighted work for free.
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    You've been doing some amazing stuff lately, and anyone that's spent any amount of time here recently has almost certainly seen you postings and your blog.
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    16:23:57.258 [          AW] Reattaching SYS.AWXML
    16:23:57.258 [          AW] Done
    16:23:57.367 [          AW] Reattaching DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT
    16:23:57.367 [          AW] Done
    16:23:57.883 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=all
    16:23:58.805 [     AgClean] finish clean=all
    16:23:58.805 [    AgDangle] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675
    16:23:58.805 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=memory
    16:23:58.805 [     AgClean] finish clean=memory
    16:23:58.820 [    AgDangle] finish
    16:23:58.867 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:23:58.867 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:23:58.867 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!OWNERSHIP_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.367 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.367 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!COMPLIANCE_RATING_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.367 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.367 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SECURITY_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.555 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.555 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!EXPOSURE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.633 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.633 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!PROPERTY_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.648 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.648 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SETTLEMENT_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.680 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.680 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!TRADE_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.711 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.711 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!LINES_OF_BUSINESS_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.711 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.711 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!MATURITY_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.726 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.726 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!STATUS_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.726 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.742 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SYSTEM_PARENTREL multidim
    16:24:00.742 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:24:00.742 [multipath check] start
    16:24:00.742 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:02.539 [multipath check] start
    16:24:10.476 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:10.679 [multipath check] start
    16:24:10.695 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:11.039 [multipath check] start
    16:24:12.023 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:12.367 [multipath check] start
    16:24:12.820 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:12.898 [multipath check] start
    16:24:12.945 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:13.023 [multipath check] start
    16:24:13.101 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:13.179 [multipath check] start
    16:24:13.258 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:13.320 [multipath check] start
    16:24:13.336 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:13.445 [multipath check] start
    16:24:13.523 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:13.539 [multipath check] start
    16:24:13.539 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:13.554 [multipath check] start
    16:24:13.570 [multipath check] finish
    16:24:13.586 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=session
    16:24:13.633 [     AgClean] finish clean=session
    16:24:13.633 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=session
    16:24:13.633 [     AgClean] finish clean=session
    16:24:15.445 [  SQL Import] Start
    16:24:15.445 [  SQL Import] 13 defines done, starting SQL execution
    16:25:40.851 [  SQL Import] finished SQL execution
    16:25:48.663 [  SQL Import] row # 100001
    16:25:53.960 [  SQL Import] row # 200001
    16:25:58.413 [  SQL Import] row # 300001
    16:26:02.491 [  SQL Import] row # 400001
    16:26:06.116 [  SQL Import] row # 500001
    16:26:09.976 [  SQL Import] row # 600001
    16:26:14.569 [  SQL Import] row # 700001
    16:26:19.100 [  SQL Import] row # 800001
    16:26:25.069 [  SQL Import] row # 900001
    16:26:29.725 [  SQL Import] row # 1000001
    16:26:34.257 [  SQL Import] row # 1100001
    16:26:38.507 [  SQL Import] row # 1200001
    16:26:42.991 [  SQL Import] row # 1300001
    16:26:47.303 [  SQL Import] row # 1400001
    16:26:52.882 [  SQL Import] row # 1500001
    16:26:57.397 [  SQL Import] row # 1600001
    16:27:01.366 [  SQL Import] row # 1700001
    16:27:05.850 [  SQL Import] row # 1800001
    16:27:10.381 [  SQL Import] row # 1900001
    16:27:14.725 [  SQL Import] row # 2000001
    16:27:19.334 [  SQL Import] row # 2100001
    16:27:23.834 [  SQL Import] row # 2200001
    16:27:28.272 [  SQL Import] row # 2300001
    16:27:32.631 [  SQL Import] row # 2400001
    16:27:36.444 [  SQL Import] row # 2500001
    16:27:40.662 [  SQL Import] row # 2600001
    16:27:45.584 [  SQL Import] row # 2700001
    16:27:51.303 [  SQL Import] normal finish, 2796291 rows
    16:27:51.334 [      Update] start
    16:27:51.381 [      Update] updating TEST_RISKMGMT
    16:27:52.787 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33024-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:52.834 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33024-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:52.850 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33025-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:52.959 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33025-0 11/11 pgs end
    16:27:52.975 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33027-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.069 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33027-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:53.084 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33029-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33029-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:53.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33030-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33030-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:53.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33031-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.287 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33031-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:53.303 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33032-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33032-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:53.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33033-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33033-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:53.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33035-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.444 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33035-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:53.459 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33037-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33037-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:53.600 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33038-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.678 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33038-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:53.678 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33039-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.787 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33039-0 7/7 pgs end
    16:27:53.819 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33040-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.850 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33040-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:53.866 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33041-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:53.881 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33041-0 10/10 pgs end
    16:27:53.897 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33043-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.006 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33043-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:54.022 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33045-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.084 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33045-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:54.100 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33046-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.100 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33046-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:54.100 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33047-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33047-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:54.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33048-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33048-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:54.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33049-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.225 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33049-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:54.225 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33051-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.303 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33051-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:54.319 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33053-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33053-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:54.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33054-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33054-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:54.616 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30751-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.647 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30751-0 2/25 pgs end
    16:27:54.647 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33055-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.694 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33055-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:54.709 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33056-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.725 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33056-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:54.725 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33057-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:54.803 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33057-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:54.866 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30244-0 (new=0) pg 1-464 begin
    16:27:54.975 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30244-0 8/465 pgs end
    16:27:55.084 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30502-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:55.084 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30502-0 2/15 pgs end
    16:27:55.256 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-29995-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:55.272 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-29995-0 2/9 pgs end
    16:27:55.334 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32570-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:55.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32570-0 2/5 pgs end
    16:27:55.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32571-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:55.397 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32571-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:55.537 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32576-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:55.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32576-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:55.678 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32577-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:55.694 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32577-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:55.772 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32578-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:55.850 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32578-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:55.959 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32579-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.006 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32579-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:56.053 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32580-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.100 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32580-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:56.162 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32581-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32581-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:56.240 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32584-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.272 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32584-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:56.334 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32585-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32585-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:56.365 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32588-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32588-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:56.397 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32589-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.397 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32589-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:56.428 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32592-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.428 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32592-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:56.459 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32593-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.490 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32593-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:56.553 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32596-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.553 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32596-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:56.631 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32597-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.709 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32597-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:56.787 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32600-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:56.850 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32600-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:57.006 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32601-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.022 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32601-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:57.069 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32604-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.069 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32604-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:57.100 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32605-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.147 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32605-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:57.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32608-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32608-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:57.272 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32609-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.287 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32609-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:57.303 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32612-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.319 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32612-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:57.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32613-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.397 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32613-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:57.428 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32616-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.428 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32616-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:57.475 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32617-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.475 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32617-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:57.506 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32620-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.537 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32620-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:57.569 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32621-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32621-0 2/4 pgs end
    16:27:57.725 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30835-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.772 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30835-0 2/8 pgs end
    16:27:57.865 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30583-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:57.897 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30583-0 2/9 pgs end
    16:27:58.256 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30334-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:58.272 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30334-0 2/10 pgs end
    16:27:58.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30079-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:58.490 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30079-0 2/9 pgs end
    16:27:58.897 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30913-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:58.959 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30913-0 2/25 pgs end
    16:27:58.975 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32962-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:58.990 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32962-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:59.037 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32963-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.069 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32963-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:59.069 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32965-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32965-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:59.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32967-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.225 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32967-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:27:59.303 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30664-0 (new=0) pg 1-132 begin
    16:27:59.397 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30664-0 8/133 pgs end
    16:27:59.412 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32968-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.444 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32968-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:59.490 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32969-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.600 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32969-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:27:59.881 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-29642-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.897 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-29642-0 5/28 pgs end
    16:27:59.928 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-29643-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.990 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-29643-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:27:59.990 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32971-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:27:59.990 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32971-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:00.006 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32973-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:00.084 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32973-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:00.084 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32974-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:00.162 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32974-0 3/44 pgs end
    16:28:00.162 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32975-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:00.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32975-0 52/52 pgs end
    16:28:01.115 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30160-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:01.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30160-0 2/64 pgs end
    16:28:01.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32976-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:01.225 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32976-0 3/44 pgs end
    16:28:01.287 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32977-0 (new=1) pg 1-232 begin
    16:28:03.100 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32977-0 231/233 pgs end
    16:28:03.272 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30418-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.287 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-30418-0 2/23 pgs end
    16:28:03.303 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32979-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32979-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:03.381 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32981-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.397 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32981-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:03.397 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32982-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.412 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32982-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:03.553 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-31191-0 (new=0) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.569 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-31191-0 3/6 pgs end
    16:28:03.569 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32983-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32983-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:28:03.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32984-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.600 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32984-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:03.600 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32985-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.615 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32985-0 5/5 pgs end
    16:28:03.615 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32987-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.725 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32987-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:03.725 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32989-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.772 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32989-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:03.772 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32990-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:03.819 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32990-0 3/12 pgs end
    16:28:03.819 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32991-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.115 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32991-0 29/29 pgs end
    16:28:04.115 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32992-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.131 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32992-0 3/12 pgs end
    16:28:04.131 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32993-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.537 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32993-0 51/51 pgs end
    16:28:04.569 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32995-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32995-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:04.584 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32997-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.662 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32997-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:04.662 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32998-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.662 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32998-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:04.740 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32999-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.912 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-32999-0 11/11 pgs end
    16:28:04.912 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33000-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:04.928 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33000-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:04.928 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33001-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.100 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33001-0 24/24 pgs end
    16:28:05.115 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33003-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.115 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33003-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:05.131 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33005-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33005-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:05.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33006-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.178 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33006-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:05.194 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33007-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.303 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33007-0 6/6 pgs end
    16:28:05.303 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33008-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.334 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33008-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:05.350 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33009-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.428 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33009-0 8/8 pgs end
    16:28:05.428 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33011-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.522 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33011-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:05.522 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33013-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.537 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33013-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:05.537 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33014-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.553 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33014-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:05.553 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33015-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.569 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33015-0 8/8 pgs end
    16:28:05.569 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33016-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.631 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33016-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:05.662 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33017-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.725 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33017-0 11/11 pgs end
    16:28:05.725 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33019-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.819 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33019-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:05.834 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33021-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.850 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33021-0 4/4 pgs end
    16:28:05.850 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33022-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.850 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33022-0 2/2 pgs end
    16:28:05.865 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33023-0 (new=1) pg 2-64 begin
    16:28:05.959 [ Solo update] DW_AW.TEST_RISKMGMT-33023-0 8/8 pgs end
    16:28:06.006 [ Para update] begin parallel update of 3 files w/ 3 nslaves.
    16:28:37.021 [ Para update] ps 32567 ext 0 done 2664 pgs written
    16:28:40.646 [ Para update] ps 32568 ext 0 done 3089 pgs written
    16:29:38.896 [ Para update] ps 32573 ext 0 done 17314 pgs written
    16:29:38.896 [ Para update] finished parallel update of 3 files w/ 3 nslaves.
    16:29:39.302 [      Update] finish
    16:29:40.771 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:40.787 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:40.787 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!OWNERSHIP_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:41.990 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:41.990 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!COMPLIANCE_RATING_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.005 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.005 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SECURITY_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.302 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.302 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!EXPOSURE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.427 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.427 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!PROPERTY_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.443 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.443 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SETTLEMENT_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.521 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.521 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!TRADE_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.552 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.552 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!LINES_OF_BUSINESS_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.552 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.552 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!MATURITY_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.584 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.599 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!STATUS_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.599 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.599 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SYSTEM_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:42.599 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:42.646 [multipath check] start
    16:29:42.646 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:44.474 [multipath check] start
    16:29:52.287 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:52.459 [multipath check] start
    16:29:52.459 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:52.802 [multipath check] start
    16:29:53.865 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:54.052 [multipath check] start
    16:29:54.505 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:54.568 [multipath check] start
    16:29:54.630 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:54.849 [multipath check] start
    16:29:54.927 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:55.005 [multipath check] start
    16:29:55.083 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:55.177 [multipath check] start
    16:29:55.193 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:55.302 [multipath check] start
    16:29:55.380 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:55.380 [multipath check] start
    16:29:55.396 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:55.474 [multipath check] start
    16:29:55.474 [multipath check] finish
    16:29:55.490 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=session
    16:29:55.490 [     AgClean] finish clean=session
    16:29:55.490 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=session
    16:29:55.490 [     AgClean] finish clean=session
    16:29:56.193 [   Aggregate] start func=0 vars=1
    16:29:56.208 [       Dimen] dim[0]=POSITIONS2_CO stval=443295 stlen=0 smax=-1 composite
    16:29:56.208 [       Dimen] dim[1]=AS_OF_DATE stval=0 stlen=39 smax=38
    16:29:56.208 [       Dimen] dim[2]=POSITIONS2_PR stval=0 stlen=1 smax=0
    16:29:56.208 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:56.208 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:56.208 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!OWNERSHIP_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.146 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.146 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!COMPLIANCE_RATING_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.146 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.146 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SECURITY_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.365 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.380 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!EXPOSURE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.443 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.443 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!PROPERTY_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.458 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.474 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SETTLEMENT_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.490 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.490 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!TRADE_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.521 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.521 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!LINES_OF_BUSINESS_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.537 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.537 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!MATURITY_DATE_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.552 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.552 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!STATUS_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.552 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:29:57.568 [  MHierCheck] start rel=TEST_RISKMGMT!SYSTEM_PARENTREL multidim
    16:29:57.568 [  MHierCheck] finish - validated
    16:30:00.974 [multipath check] start
    16:30:00.974 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] start dim=POSITIONS2_COMPOSITE
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_12 (9 of 10 in status)
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] base STATUS (30 of 34 in status)
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] base MATURITY_DATE (2996 of 3675 in status)
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] base LINES_OF_BUSINESS (211 of 278 in status)
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] base TRADE_DATE (3623 of 4184 in status)
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] base SETTLEMENT_DATE (3623 of 4208 in status)
    16:30:00.990 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_7 (2090 of 2137 in status)
    16:30:01.005 [   CCCovStat] base EXPOSURE (10846 of 10871 in status)
    16:30:01.005 [   CCCovStat] base SECURITY (20353 of 20526 in status)
    16:30:01.005 [   CCCovStat] base COMPLIANCE_RATING (23 of 32 in status)
    16:30:01.005 [   CCCovStat] base OWNERSHIP (82599 of 83007 in status)
    16:30:01.005 [   CCCovStat] build leafstat
    16:30:07.208 [   CCCovStat] finished stlen=443296
    16:30:07.365 [multipath check] start
    16:30:15.365 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:15.380 [multipath check] start
    16:30:15.380 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:15.380 [multipath check] start
    16:30:16.365 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:16.365 [multipath check] start
    16:30:16.833 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:16.849 [multipath check] start
    16:30:16.896 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:16.896 [multipath check] start
    16:30:16.974 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:16.974 [multipath check] start
    16:30:17.052 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:17.052 [multipath check] start
    16:30:17.068 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:17.068 [multipath check] start
    16:30:17.130 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:17.130 [multipath check] start
    16:30:17.130 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:17.146 [multipath check] start
    16:30:17.146 [multipath check] finish
    16:30:17.177 [       ccube] build dim=TEST_RISKMGMT!POSITIONS2_COMPOSITE
    16:30:17.458 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!SYSTEM_PARENTREL, cost=18
    16:30:17.490 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!COMPLIANCE_RATING_PARENTREL, cost=69
    16:30:17.505 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!STATUS_PARENTREL, cost=90
    16:30:17.536 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!LINES_OF_BUSINESS_PARENTREL, cost=844
    16:30:17.583 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!PROPERTY_PARENTREL, cost=6270
    16:30:17.599 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!MATURITY_DATE_PARENTREL, cost=11984
    16:30:17.646 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!SETTLEMENT_DATE_PARENTREL, cost=14492
    16:30:17.693 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!TRADE_DATE_PARENTREL, cost=14492
    16:30:17.755 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!EXPOSURE_PARENTREL, cost=43384
    16:30:17.927 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!SECURITY_PARENTREL, cost=81412
    16:30:18.568 [       ccube] Relation TEST_RISKMGMT!OWNERSHIP_PARENTREL, cost=412995
    16:30:31.224 [       ccube] calc input=443296
    16:30:31.224 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 0
    16:30:37.739 [       ccube] calc nodes=443296/443296
    16:30:43.989 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=0 avgchildren=0.0
    16:30:49.989 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 1
    16:30:57.411 [       ccube] calc nodes=443296/443296
    16:31:08.036 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=5704 avgchildren=2.0
    16:31:13.036 [       ccube] calc nodes=437366/449000
    16:31:23.989 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=5060 avgchildren=2.0
    16:31:31.380 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 2
    16:31:38.708 [       ccube] calc nodes=432272/454060
    16:32:02.458 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=86862 avgchildren=2.1
    16:32:08.551 [       ccube] calc nodes=339360/540922
    16:32:32.786 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=49366 avgchildren=2.0
    16:32:37.692 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 3
    16:32:43.114 [       ccube] calc nodes=288911/592157
    16:33:20.114 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=49202 avgchildren=3.5
    16:33:22.754 [       ccube] calc nodes=166295/700035
    16:33:48.176 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=16454 avgchildren=4.1
    16:33:49.145 [       ccube] calc nodes=115662/736271
    16:34:02.239 [       ccube] calc depth=3 classes=7094 avgchildren=2.9
    16:34:03.489 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 4
    16:34:04.520 [       ccube] calc nodes=101845/751904
    16:34:07.270 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=179 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:08.004 [       ccube] calc nodes=101664/755186
    16:34:08.786 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=17 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:09.536 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 5
    16:34:10.957 [       ccube] calc nodes=101647/755326
    16:34:12.895 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=66 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:13.582 [       ccube] calc nodes=101581/755833
    16:34:15.395 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=38 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:16.067 [       ccube] calc nodes=101543/755988
    16:34:17.645 [       ccube] calc depth=3 classes=75 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:18.582 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 6
    16:34:19.504 [       ccube] calc nodes=101468/756486
    16:34:21.348 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=79 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:22.098 [       ccube] calc nodes=101389/757609
    16:34:23.520 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=39 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:24.051 [       ccube] calc nodes=101350/757998
    16:34:24.504 [       ccube] calc depth=3 classes=0 avgchildren=0.0
    16:34:25.254 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 7
    16:34:26.114 [       ccube] calc nodes=101350/757998
    16:34:27.551 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=8 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:28.348 [       ccube] calc nodes=101342/758010
    16:34:30.239 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=8 avgchildren=2.0
    16:34:31.161 [       ccube] calc nodes=101334/758106
    16:34:31.848 [       ccube] calc depth=3 classes=0 avgchildren=0.0
    16:34:32.801 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 8
    16:34:34.129 [       ccube] calc nodes=101334/758106
    16:35:22.254 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=9415 avgchildren=3.0
    16:35:23.848 [       ccube] calc nodes=82674/881186
    16:35:24.411 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=13 avgchildren=2.0
    16:35:24.879 [       ccube] calc nodes=82661/881202
    16:35:26.567 [       ccube] calc depth=3 classes=32 avgchildren=2.0
    16:35:27.864 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 9
    16:35:30.661 [       ccube] calc nodes=82629/881243
    16:35:39.379 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=1359 avgchildren=2.0
    16:35:41.614 [       ccube] calc nodes=163862/890199
    16:35:44.067 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=50 avgchildren=2.0
    16:35:46.957 [       ccube] calc hierarchy 10
    16:35:50.411 [       ccube] calc nodes=163812/890472
    16:50:24.614 [       ccube] calc depth=1 classes=12571 avgchildren=12.0
    16:50:29.411 [       ccube] calc nodes=25117/8688971
    17:12:08.223 [       ccube] calc depth=2 classes=3385 avgchildren=3.8
    17:12:14.067 [       ccube] calc nodes=15752/19103114
    18:12:35.989 [       ccube] calc depth=3 classes=6645 avgchildren=3.7
    18:12:47.301 [       ccube] calc nodes=6794/41907707
    19:03:50.973 [       ccube] calc depth=4 classes=1829 avgchildren=3.0
    19:03:57.051 [       ccube] calc topnodes=10241, dimmax=55141493
    19:03:57.051 [       ccube] calc done
    19:03:57.551 [   Aggregate] njobs=2
    19:03:57.551 [   CCCovStat] start dim=POSITIONS2_COMPOSITE
    19:03:57.598 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_12 (9 of 10 in status)
    19:03:57.614 [   CCCovStat] base STATUS (30 of 34 in status)
    19:03:57.614 [   CCCovStat] base MATURITY_DATE (2996 of 3675 in status)
    19:03:57.614 [   CCCovStat] base LINES_OF_BUSINESS (211 of 278 in status)
    19:03:57.614 [   CCCovStat] base TRADE_DATE (3623 of 4184 in status)
    19:03:57.614 [   CCCovStat] base SETTLEMENT_DATE (3623 of 4208 in status)
    19:03:57.629 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_7 (2090 of 2137 in status)
    19:03:57.629 [   CCCovStat] base EXPOSURE (10846 of 10871 in status)
    19:03:57.629 [   CCCovStat] base SECURITY (20353 of 20526 in status)
    19:03:57.629 [   CCCovStat] base COMPLIANCE_RATING (23 of 32 in status)
    19:03:57.645 [   CCCovStat] base OWNERSHIP (82599 of 83007 in status)
    19:03:57.786 [   CCCovStat] build leafstat
    19:04:05.457 [   CCCovStat] finished stlen=443296
    19:04:05.457 [   Aggregate] cp2bas dim=0 stlen=443296 stval=-1
    19:04:05.457 [   Aggregate] calcstart ndims=3 rudpos=1 depth=3
    19:04:05.489 [   Aggregate] aggregate POSITIONS2_PRT_TOPVAR using OBJ993979675 over AS_OF_DATE op HIERARCHICAL-LAST
    19:04:05.536 [       Dimen] dim[0]=POSITIONS2_CO stval=-1 stlen=443296 smax=55141493 composite
    19:04:05.536 [       Dimen] dim[0]=__XML_GENERAT stval=9 stlen=9 smax=9
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[1]=STATUS stval=33 stlen=30 smax=33
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[2]=MATURITY_DATE stval=3674 stlen=2996 smax=3674
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[3]=LINES_OF_BUSI stval=277 stlen=211 smax=277
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[4]=TRADE_DATE stval=4183 stlen=3623 smax=4183
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[5]=SETTLEMENT_DA stval=4207 stlen=3623 smax=4207
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[6]=__XML_GENERAT stval=2136 stlen=2090 smax=2136
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[7]=EXPOSURE stval=10870 stlen=10846 smax=10870
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[8]=SECURITY stval=20525 stlen=20353 smax=20525
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[9]=COMPLIANCE_RA stval=31 stlen=23 smax=31
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[10]=OWNERSHIP stval=83006 stlen=82599 smax=83006
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[1]=AS_OF_DATE stval=38 stlen=39 smax=38
    19:04:05.551 [       Dimen] dim[2]=POSITIONS2_PR stval=0 stlen=1 smax=0
    19:04:05.567 [   Aggregate] agglen=1
    19:04:05.567 [   Aggregate] fastdim=0 maxchsize=1
    19:04:05.567 [     AgWlist] Generating worklists
    19:04:05.567 [     AgWlist] start=0 end=3 len=3
    19:04:05.567 [     AgWlist] done
    19:04:05.567 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=1 parents=15
    19:05:15.707 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=2 parents=6
    19:06:15.707 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=3 parents=3
    19:07:12.864 [   Aggregate] calcstart ndims=3 rudpos=0 depth=80
    19:07:12.879 [   CCCovStat] start dim=POSITIONS2_COMPOSITE
    19:07:12.942 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_12 (9 of 10 in status)
    19:07:12.942 [   CCCovStat] base STATUS (30 of 34 in status)
    19:07:12.942 [   CCCovStat] base MATURITY_DATE (2996 of 3675 in status)
    19:07:12.957 [   CCCovStat] base LINES_OF_BUSINESS (211 of 278 in status)
    19:07:12.957 [   CCCovStat] base TRADE_DATE (3623 of 4184 in status)
    19:07:12.973 [   CCCovStat] base SETTLEMENT_DATE (3623 of 4208 in status)
    19:07:13.051 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_7 (2090 of 2137 in status)
    19:07:13.114 [   CCCovStat] base EXPOSURE (10846 of 10871 in status)
    19:07:13.161 [   CCCovStat] base SECURITY (20353 of 20526 in status)
    19:07:13.270 [   CCCovStat] base COMPLIANCE_RATING (23 of 32 in status)
    19:07:13.270 [   CCCovStat] base OWNERSHIP (82599 of 83007 in status)
    19:07:13.504 [   CCCovStat] build leafstat
    19:07:21.629 [   CCCovStat] finished stlen=443296
    19:07:22.176 [   CCCovStat] start dim=POSITIONS2_COMPOSITE
    19:07:22.207 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_12 (10 of 10 in status)
    19:07:22.223 [   CCCovStat] base STATUS (34 of 34 in status)
    19:07:22.239 [   CCCovStat] base MATURITY_DATE (3675 of 3675 in status)
    19:07:22.254 [   CCCovStat] base LINES_OF_BUSINESS (278 of 278 in status)
    19:07:22.270 [   CCCovStat] base TRADE_DATE (4184 of 4184 in status)
    19:07:22.286 [   CCCovStat] base SETTLEMENT_DATE (4208 of 4208 in status)
    19:07:22.301 [   CCCovStat] base __XML_GENERATED_7 (2137 of 2137 in status)
    19:07:22.317 [   CCCovStat] base EXPOSURE (10871 of 10871 in status)
    19:07:22.332 [   CCCovStat] base SECURITY (20526 of 20526 in status)
    19:07:22.332 [   CCCovStat] base COMPLIANCE_RATING (32 of 32 in status)
    19:07:22.332 [   CCCovStat] base OWNERSHIP (83007 of 83007 in status)
    19:07:22.348 [   CCCovStat] build allstat
    19:08:35.754 [   Cmp2Bases] Created ALL status for POSITIONS2_COMPOSITE with 55141494 values
    19:08:35.770 [   CCCovStat] finished stlen=55141494
    19:08:35.770 [   Aggregate] aggregate POSITIONS2_PRT_TOPVAR using OBJ993979675 over POSITIONS2_COMPOSITE op SUM
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[0]=POSITIONS2_CO stval=-1 stlen=55141494 smax=55141493 composite
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[0]=__XML_GENERAT stval=9 stlen=10 smax=9
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[1]=STATUS stval=33 stlen=34 smax=33
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[2]=MATURITY_DATE stval=3674 stlen=3675 smax=3674
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[3]=LINES_OF_BUSI stval=277 stlen=278 smax=277
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[4]=TRADE_DATE stval=4183 stlen=4184 smax=4183
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[5]=SETTLEMENT_DA stval=4207 stlen=4208 smax=4207
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[6]=__XML_GENERAT stval=2136 stlen=2137 smax=2136
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[7]=EXPOSURE stval=10870 stlen=10871 smax=10870
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[8]=SECURITY stval=20525 stlen=20526 smax=20525
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[9]=COMPLIANCE_RA stval=31 stlen=32 smax=31
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[10]=OWNERSHIP stval=83006 stlen=83007 smax=83006
    19:08:35.770 [       Dimen] dim[1]=AS_OF_DATE stval=2 stlen=39 smax=38
    19:08:35.801 [       Dimen] dim[2]=POSITIONS2_PR stval=0 stlen=1 smax=0
    19:08:35.801 [   Aggregate] agglen=39
    19:08:35.801 [   Aggregate] fastdim=0 maxchsize=39
    19:08:35.801 [   Aggregate] fastdim=1 maxchsize=1
    19:08:35.801 [     AgWlist] Generating worklists
    19:08:35.801 [     AgWlist] start=0 end=80 len=80
    19:09:52.832 [     AgWlist] done
    19:09:52.832 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=1 parents=5704
    19:09:57.770 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=2 parents=5060
    19:10:02.551 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=3 parents=86862
    19:10:38.301 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=4 parents=51235
    19:11:17.176 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=5 parents=107878
    19:12:58.661 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=6 parents=36236
    19:14:03.895 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=7 parents=15633
    19:14:25.176 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=8 parents=2919
    19:14:26.911 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=9 parents=340
    19:14:27.004 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=10 parents=23
    19:14:27.020 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=11 parents=136
    19:14:27.207 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=12 parents=4
    19:14:27.207 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=13 parents=505
    19:14:27.536 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=14 parents=2
    19:14:27.536 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=15 parents=155
    19:14:27.770 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=16 parents=473
    19:14:28.082 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=17 parents=20
    19:14:28.082 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=18 parents=5
    19:14:28.098 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=19 parents=1014
    19:14:28.707 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=20 parents=90
    19:14:28.723 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=21 parents=19
    19:14:28.723 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=22 parents=389
    19:14:29.036 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=23 parents=12
    19:14:29.067 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=24 parents=92
    19:14:29.223 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=25 parents=4
    19:14:29.223 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=26 parents=108719
    19:16:37.332 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=27 parents=11592
    19:16:58.020 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=28 parents=2753
    19:17:08.411 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=29 parents=16
    19:17:08.739 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=30 parents=16
    19:17:08.817 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=31 parents=41
    19:17:09.082 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=32 parents=8486
    19:17:16.411 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=33 parents=396
    19:17:16.629 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=34 parents=68
    19:17:16.645 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=35 parents=6
    19:17:16.645 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=36 parents=258
    19:17:16.723 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=37 parents=12
    19:17:16.739 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=38 parents=3
    19:17:16.739 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=39 parents=4016805
    19:47:21.989 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=40 parents=2322919
    20:14:22.661 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=41 parents=1008803
    20:36:36.879 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=42 parents=333714
    20:49:24.801 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=43 parents=90024
    20:55:40.114 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=44 parents=20086
    20:57:53.911 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=45 parents=4605
    20:58:24.848 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=46 parents=1194
    20:58:36.145 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=47 parents=281
    20:58:36.973 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=48 parents=64
    20:58:37.239 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=49 parents=4
    20:58:37.286 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=50 parents=5038548
    21:43:04.364 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=51 parents=3195811
    22:24:27.582 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=52 parents=1429880
    22:49:59.754 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=53 parents=517557
    23:07:10.395 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=54 parents=169518
    23:16:41.254 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=55 parents=48159
    23:21:19.661 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=56 parents=11725
    23:23:04.442 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=57 parents=2434
    23:23:31.364 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=58 parents=453
    23:23:36.551 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=59 parents=55
    23:23:37.129 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=60 parents=3
    23:23:37.207 [   Aggregate] wlstats worklist=61 parents=10862772
    00:32:28.036 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=session
    00:34:45.528 [     AgClean] finish clean=session
    08:50:50.068 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675_PRT_PRTAGGMAP clean=memory
    08:50:50.083 [     AgClean] finish clean=memory
    08:50:50.083 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675_PRT_RUNAGGMAP clean=memory
    08:50:50.099 [     AgClean] finish clean=memory
    08:50:50.099 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675_PRT_TOPAGGMAP clean=memory
    08:50:50.115 [     AgClean] finish clean=memory
    08:50:50.130 [     AgClean] start aggmap=TEST_RISKMGMT!OBJ993979675 clean=memory
    08:50:50.130 [     AgClean] finish clean=memory
    08:50:52.615 [   SessCache] Destroying sesscache on TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION
    08:50:52.615 [   SessCache] Destroying sesscache on TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_LONG_DESCRIPTION
    08:50:52.646 [   SessCache] Destroying sesscache on TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_GID
    08:50:52.646 [   SessCache] Destroying sesscache on TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_FAMILYREL
    08:50:52.646 [   SessCache] Destroying sesscache on TEST_RISKMGMT!AS_OF_DATE_PARENTREL

    Chris, sorry to keep pestering you with this, but have yet a few more questions. Any help is appreciated! (are there any types of published resources with this info in it?)
    a) First, please see the POUTFILEUNIT text at the bottom. This came from a compressed composite aggregation on version In it, you can see that the log was capturing both the total number of composite tuples, and how many were "singles" (apparently now called "coverage classes".
    Something changed between and, because I no longer see the singles data in the POUTFILEUNIT. Just for kicks, I'm going to try aggregating the cube in from command line instead of through the front end, but suspect that will not make a diff. Any ideas on why the "numSingles" line has gone away?
    b) Last (for now at least!!!), I tried to rebuild the cube today by taking away 2 of the dimensions that were least important. One of these dimensions had 3 total levels (including the leaf level), and one had 2 levels.
    I expected my total number of CCs to decrease by a factor of 6, based on these CCs not having to be stored 3 times for the one dimension and 2 times for the other. However, the number of CCs barely went down at all (from the 54 million down to just 48 million or something). Obviously my thinking is wrong here, but I just can't quite figure out why.
    Thanks again!
    partial POUTFILEUNIT log from version
    23:51:52.213 [ chiers] start
    23:51:52.228 [ Cmp2Bases] start dim=AW3_RISKMGMT_COMPOSITE, order=0, options specified=0000, used=0020
    23:51:52.228 [ Cmp2Bases] entering skip/scan
    23:51:52.228 [ Cmp2Bases] base AW3_DIM_COMPLIANCE (23 of 32 in status)
    23:51:52.228 [ Cmp2Bases] base AW3_DIM_INSTRUMENTS (171 of 190 in status)
    23:51:52.228 [ Cmp2Bases] base AW3_DIM_LOB (162 of 229 in status)
    23:51:52.228 [ Cmp2Bases] base AW3_DIM_OWNERSHIP (69771 of 70162 in status)
    23:51:53.666 [ Cmp2Bases] leaving skip/scan
    23:51:53.666 [ Cmp2Bases] finish stlen=190676
    23:52:00.369 [ ctuphiers] start
    23:52:03.744 [ ctuphiers] [0] 220699
    23:52:06.744 [ ctuphiers] [1] 335050
    23:52:10.119 [ ctuphiers] [2] 525726
    23:55:53.147 [ ctuphiers] [177] 4650739
    23:55:53.147 [ ctuphiers] [178] 4650740
    23:55:53.147 [ ctuphiers] joinhier
    00:03:56.813 [ ctuphiers] joinhier - numSingles 4150231

  • What's Your Favorite XE/APEX Blog??

    Thought it might be nice to have a list :)

    Just take a look at the APEX forum and check the profiles of those posters there. As for a blog written in APEX ...

  • New ApEx BLOG

    I just want to inform you that I decided to start a blog. Well, you may say there are
    six trillions of blogs out there. This one is however 100% dedicated to ApEx. It will
    serve the purpose of publishing some interesting solutions and ideas from my everyday
    work and my participation in this forum. Here is the address:
    Feel free to leave your comments there or to send me an email with your problems
    related to ApEx. A good description of your puzzle is very much appreciated.
    Denes Kubicek

    I mean it as I said. You can't imagine how much you can learn from other people problems.
    Sometimes, they sound quite strange and anoying. But, in the most of the cases you can
    learn a lot by trying to solve them.
    Consultancy? Well, this word has a bad aftertaste for many people. What I'm interested in
    are solutions. Good solutions. Everything else is secondary.
    Denes Kubicek

  • APEX 3.1 Enhancements

    Now that APEX 3.0 is out, it's time to collect some enhancements for the next release.
    In the APEX 3.0 Feedback Application a lot of users already posted enhancements for the next release and I'm sure some of them are considered by Oracle.
    Because the Feedback Application isn't available anymore, I thought one single thread would be good for us and Oracle to keep track of some useful enhancements for the upcoming release.
    Check out my APEX-blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    Check out the ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net

    I'd really like to see a more well-defined item/region hierarchy.
    What I mean by this is that I would like each item or region (etc.) to be modular in use.
    The sourse of this idea is based upon the fact that each item or region is simply a block of HTML code. This bock of code could be made more modular, allowing for better page structure.
    For example, you could create a region, put 2 regions and some items inside it, and put some items inside those sub-regions.
    Instead of a page's content being defined as 'which regions are on the page and where are they located', it would be defined as a list of regions and/or items, etc.
    Also, as each item/button/text (display only) is a block of HTML code they should all be dealt with equally.
    Currently, there exists a distinction between these types of items, in both how they are created and how they are placed in a region. I'd like to see this removed.
    In short, I would like to see each item, button, text block (display only), region, report, chart, image etc. all be treated as an 'object' - a block of HTML code.
    This would enable a single graphical interface (like a slightly more advanced version of the item drag and drop editor) to modify a page by placing items and regions (containers), and also providing a code-based, text-based method of editing the page.

  • APEX 3.0 Printing fails Acrobat could not open file

    I like the new printing tab in Apex 3.0 but I have already stumbled across a problem.
    If I put text in the "Page Header" with a page item:
    REPORT for &P9_USER
    The report errors when opening in Acrobat:
    Acrobat Reader could not open 'Report[1].pdf because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as a email attachemnt and wasn't correclty decoded).
    The report opens fine with just
    P9_USER is a valid page item.
    The "Page Header" help text: Enter text to appear in the header section of the document. To show values of application and page items, use the &ITEM_NAME. syntax.
    So, why does it fail?

    Have you tried a period at the end of &P9_USER ?
    => REPORT for &P9_USER.
    I'm able to reproduce your behavior if I skip the period at the end. Looks like the reporting engine has a problem is the header contains a &
    Check out my APEX-blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    Check out the ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net

  • Pdf reports in APEX

    I need to generate pdf reports using interactive reports feature in oracle APEX. But everytime, I am getting error like print server is not configured and like this. Can any one help me over this?
    Is there any other way of generating pdf reports in oracle APEX without using pdf printing.
    Also,do we need BI publisher for simple/standard pdf printing? Please suggest.
    Thanks and Regards

    While you can enable simple APACHE FOP printing in APEX 3.1 and beyond, it is not easy and not very robust. Oracle recommends BI Publisher for a reason (besides wanting to make money!)
    Here are links with information:
    Marc has an excellent APEX Blog that includes this:
    Marc made this presentation - slide 15 shows the APACHE FOP architecture:
    I am sure you can find more info if you Google. But I will share our experiences. We installed APEX 3.1 but were not going to be buying BI Publisher. We had previous success with integrating Oracle Reports (web) into APEX 3.0 and liked that but wanted to explore the APACHE FOP solution mentioned in the APEX documentation.
    We installed APEX 3.1 in an Oracle 10g Database. We used the included HTTP Webserver (Apache, I think?) that comes with APEX then installed the APACHE FOP piece in an OC4J container. We aren't Apache experts - more DBAs - so maybe people with lots of experience in OC4J and Apache would have an easier time. We did not and were not able to get much support from Oracle Support. They kept citing BI Publisher solutions - which we weren't using.
    Anyway, we get the whole thing installed and running to find out that APACHE FOP has limitations (memory issues, rendering issues, layout issues). I think if we learn XSLT coding enough to make custom layouts, we might get past the layout issues but the memory usage is of more concern.
    We are now revisiting Oracle Reports. BI Publisher might be great but we already own Oracle Reports licenses and don't have a budget to purchase something new.

  • How to save pdf in APEX 3.0

    is there a way to save the pdf output into APEX database in ver 3

    based on Marc's suggestion to use UTL_HTTP to get the PDF I played around a little bit. But I didn't try to directly communicate with the report server which would require to send and XML stream which I would have to generate, I took a shortcut and thought why shouldn't APEX do the hard work :-)
    1) Create a table with a BLOG, eg.
    CREATE TABLE TESTPDF (PDF_REPORT BLOB);2) Set the "Static ID" region property to a value.
    3) Load the below procedure into your application schema
    3) Call the procedure getPDF in one of your page processes.
      ( pStaticRegionId IN VARCHAR2
        vReportURL VARCHAR2(255);
        vBlobRef   BLOB;
        vRequest   Utl_Http.req;
        vResponse  Utl_Http.resp;
        vData      RAW(32767);
        -- get internal region id of the report region
          INTO vRegionId
         WHERE APPLICATION_ID = Apex_Application.g_flow_id
           AND PAGE_ID        = Apex_Application.g_step_id
           AND STATIC_ID      = pStaticRegionId
        -- build URL to call the report
        vReportURL := 'http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p='||
                      Apex_Application.g_flow_id      ||':'||
                      Apex_Application.g_step_id      ||':'||
                      Apex_Application.g_instance     ||':'||
        -- get the blob reference
          ( PDF_REPORT
          ( Empty_Blob()
        -- get the pdf file from APEX by simulating a report call from the browser
        vRequest := Utl_Http.begin_request(vReportUrl);
        Utl_Http.set_header(vRequest, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
        vResponse := Utl_Http.get_response(vRequest);
                -- read the next junk of binary data
                Utl_Http.read_raw(vResponse, vData);
                -- append it to our blob for the pdf file
                  ( lob_loc => vBlobRef
                  , amount  => Utl_Raw.length(vData)
                  , buffer  => vData
                EXIT; -- exit loop
        END LOOP;
    end getPDF;Haven't really be able to test the code with a real APEX report, because apex.oracle.com doesn't allow to load a page which references utl_http and I don't have access to another APEX instance right now. But I have tested that the utl_http code and the storage into the blob works with some other URL.
    So if anybody could try out...
    BTW, the above code should only be used as an example. I would suggest to pass the BLOB reference as parameter to the procedure and not do the insert directly in the procedure. That way you can use it for several different applications/tables.
    My APEX Blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexplugin/

  • Problem with instation APEX ..........

    When i am trying to install Oracle Database 10g Express Edtion I am getting this operationg system error :
    <the system is noth at the correct service pack level for installing oracle database 10g Express Edition>
    anybody faced this problem or this issue before ,
    Thanks in advance ,

    Hi Ahmed,
    that seems to be a Oracle XE installation problem and not an APEX one. It's better to ask that question in the dedicated Oracle XE forum.
    But based on your error message I would assume that your Windows operating system patch level doesn't comply to the minimum requirements. Check the installation/readme of Oracle XE for the minimum system requirements.
    My APEX Blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexplugin/

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