APEX Developer type

I am new to APEX and we are currently evaluating it try to see if it is the direction we want go. Any my question is, what skill is needed the most for development small applications. Is it mostly PL/SQL work or is it a lot of html/java script/ajax coding? I am trying to figure out which team would be the better fit. The DBA/PLSQL team or thle web developer who knows some plsql.

do you remember the movie Armagaddon where a bunch of wildcat drillers are sent up into space to drill holes in an asteroid so that it can be blown to pieces before it can collide with the earth. To me the question that Hollywood side stepped so as not to spoil a good plot was, would it be easier to teach a bunch of drillers how to be astronauts or would it be easier to teach a bunch of atronauts how to drill a few holes.
Which brings us to your question. I'll frame my response from the point of view that Apex is a database application development tool. I would consider it easier to teach a bunch of database developers (DBA/Relational Design/SQL/PLSQL skills) the niceties of web development in a tool like Apex than to teach a bunch of web developers the intricasies of database development. This is not to put down the specific skills of either camp, its just horses for courses. At the very worst you get a crappy looking application that works, rather than a good looking application that doesn't. On top of this, a good development team should comprise a range of skills, which can include the aesthetic aspects of application design, especially if this is impoprtant to you, as in you may be developing a commercial or public facing application.
My 5c worth.

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    You can help us by telling us your first name, putting it into your profile, and by selecting a friendlier handle.
    The details you showed indicate no SQL injection possibilites whatsoever. The "Critical" examples also are unrelated to Application Express applications that you may have developed (application 4550 is the login application for the product itself and should rarely be used by end users in production environments).

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    Hi Sloger
    Keep it simple DEV, TEST and PROD are on separate database instances, preferably on separate servers.
    If you only have one box, then develop your app on your PC using XE.
    You can have the same workspace id on multiple databases, allowing you to promote between databases easily using SQL*Plus.
    As far as on app per workspace, that's entirely up to you.
    Multiple applications in a single workspace work very well - after all this is how the APEX team builds the Application Builder.
    demo: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=200801 |
    blog: http://oracleinsights.blogspot.com |
    book: https://www.packtpub.com/oracle-application-express-4-0-with-ext-js/book

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    Database Version:
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    no, you cannot change the way the APEX Application Builder authenticates its users.
    Blog: http://www.oracle-and-apex.com
    ApexLib: http://apexlib.oracleapex.info
    BuilderPlugin: http://builderplugin.oracleapex.info
    Work: http://www.click-click.at

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    Hi Peter,
    thanks for the hint. Ive already done this. Result: The schema which is related to the workspace lacks a lot of privileges to run this application.
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    Hi Ben,
    we are aware of this and we are also unhappy with this, but it's an unavoidable customer request.
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    That must be ensured by the (to me unknown) APEX authentication mechanism.
    Hi all,
    do you know any other possibilities or ready APEX applications, which can be used for this?
    Thanks all of you,

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    taepodong wrote:
    Apologies to dig up old thread but I ran into this problem and thought I'd share my solution as well (for search engine)There is no point in doing this. There are thousands of threads in this forum that are unanswered, or contain solutions that are suboptimal or that have been superseded. They can't all be updated "for search engine"...
    1) Edit the tab property where you want your page's cached removed. In My case it I had a tab pointing to page 6 and I needed page 6's cache cleared when I clicked on it.
    2) Edit the condition for the tab deisplay --> Function returning boolean.
    3) In the function body put the following code:
    if :APP_PAGE_ID != 6 THEN
    END IF;
    end; The expression will always evaluate to true, and will clear cache from page 6 if clicked from any other page that is not page 6.
    However if you want to apply condition to the page as well. (say and admin page based on :APP_USER property) then wrap the return true in another If-statement as well.I subscribe to the old-school idea that state-changing side-effects in functions are evil. Using Condition code in this unexpected way will make an application much harder to debug and maintain. If I came across this in an application I was working on I'd refactor it.
    Scott posted the correct way to do this above (post of 26-Mar-2008 23:00&mdash;not marked as helpful/correct as this was before the forum had this feature): Clear cache using an On-Submit Application Process that is conditional on the <tt>:REQUEST</tt> value set by the relevant tab(s).

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    Kindly help me with this.
    Based on your opinions i ll be taking the next step.
    Edited by: Basva on Feb 16, 2011 6:03 AM
    Edited by: Basva on Feb 16, 2011 6:19 AM
    Edited by: Basva on Feb 17, 2011 6:07 AM

    HI All,
    Since 6 months i have been working as an APEX developer(SQL and PL/SQL)
    and i'm planning to learn DBA
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    2)how can i grow competitively in this field.
    Kindly help me with this.
    Based on your opinions i ll be taking the next step.
    Edited by: Basva on Feb 16, 2011 6:03 AM
    Edited by: Basva on Feb 16, 2011 6:19 AM
    Edited by: Basva on Feb 17, 2011 6:07 AM

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    thanks in advance,

    Login as INTERNAL / ADMIN and go to Manage Instance > Security. There, you can define the maximal
    Maximum Session Length in Seconds      
    The help says:
    "Enter a positive integer to control how many seconds an application session is allowed to exist. This setting is superceded by the application level setting. Leave the value null in order to revert to the default value of 8 hours (28800 seconds). Enter 0 to have the session exist indefinitely. This session duration may be superseded by the operation of the job that runs every hour which deletes sessions older than 12 hours."
    and the
    Maximum Session Idle Time in Seconds
    The help says:
    "Enter a positive integer to control how many seconds a session may remain idle for Oracle Application Express applications. This setting is superceded by the application-level setting. Leave the value null in order to revert to the default value of 1 hour (3600 seconds). Set to 0 to prevent session idle time checks from being performed."
    Denes Kubicek

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    Check out the winners of APEX Developer Competition 2009 held by ORACLE Inc..
    Links: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/html/comp_winners.html

    Will you share your "ABC School Management System" publicly for learning purpose as I want to see your extra effort on this application.
    Waiting of your positive reply,
    Muhammad Yousuf.

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    Well, since APEX is mostly pl/sql based, the other poster's idea of SQL Developer is valid... The other items.... you are on your own for test scripts (again sql developer for the pl/sql required...)
    What it sounds like is your are wanting a oracle designer wrap-around for APEX.. Don't know what to tell you.. I would suggest you look at some type of version control system.. Subversion is a good one, MS Source Safe works too...
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
    While it is true that technology waits for no man; stupidity will always stop to take on new passengers.

  • Apex Development Tools

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    Kind Regards,
    Cearnau Dan

    Well, since APEX is mostly pl/sql based, the other poster's idea of SQL Developer is valid... The other items.... you are on your own for test scripts (again sql developer for the pl/sql required...)
    What it sounds like is your are wanting a oracle designer wrap-around for APEX.. Don't know what to tell you.. I would suggest you look at some type of version control system.. Subversion is a good one, MS Source Safe works too...
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
    While it is true that technology waits for no man; stupidity will always stop to take on new passengers.

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    Hi Dawn,
    Yes you can certainly do that, take a look at this quick overview -
    It refers specifically to PDF printing, however with BI Publisher you can output in Word Document format too.
    Hope this helps,
    Blog: http://jes.blogs.shellprompt.net
    Work: http://www.apex-evangelists.com
    Author of Pro Application Express: http://tinyurl.com/3gu7cd
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!

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    You can if you use a view on top of your table and use that view to create your Apex-page.
    Then you also need to create an "instead-of" trigger on the view to handle CRUD actions.
    blog: http://blog.warp11.nl
    twitter: @rhjmartens
    If this question is answered, please mark the thread as closed and assign points where earned..

  • Apex developer in French

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    heartsnatcher wrote:
    Rough translation:
    Before he upgrades to Lion he would like to know if there will be any problems running Windows. He uses VirtualBox and Windows Pro 7, is Lion comapatible with this setup? Are there any things to avoid/do in the installation?
    Not quite.
    Since upgrading to Lion, the original poster has been transported back 15 years to the good old days of Windows 98, with all the slowdowns and bugs that orginally initated the switch to Mac.
    Before upgrading, the original poster asked about problems with VirtualBox and Windows 7 Pro and was assured there were none. The original poster is now looking for people with the same configurations who are having similar problems.
    Malheursement, c'est un hôpital des ordinateurs. On y trouve beaucoup de personnes ayant des difficultés. Assurez-vous que vous avez assez de mémoire (4 Go) et stockage (au mous 20 Go ou 20 % de la taille de votre disque dûre). Voyez si vous avez de logiciel vieux et mettez-le au nouveau. Regardez le "Moniteur d'activié" et choisissez "Toutes les opérations" pour voir si il y a des opérations qui consument trop de processeur. Ici, c'est normal:
    Assurez-vous que vous n'utilisez pas aucun type d'antivirus ou MacKeeper et enlevez-les s'ils existent.

  • APEX development opportunity at Collaborate!

    We are having a fun event at Collaborate for APEX developers. If you are going, feel comfortable in a rapid application development environment, interested in a complimentary pass to Collaborate 08, and want to participate in the Great Tool Debate, sign up today at http://www.ioug.org/news/031607.cfm. Deadline to sign up is next Monday, March 26th.
    Steve Howard
    Here is the announcement from IOUG...
    Developers, sign up now to participate in the first ever IOUG SIG Great Tool Debate at COLLABORATE 07 and earn a complimentary registration for COLLABORATE 08!
    IOUG is looking for volunteers to develop a simple application in a rapid application development setting starting a week before COLLABORATE. Each participant will have the opportunity to earn a complimentary registration for the IOUG Forum at COLLABORATE 08 by holding live development demonstrations in the IOUG Booth throughout the week of COLLABORATE 07, and gain recognition among IOUG Volunteer experts and Oracle leaders by participating as a panelist in the IOUG Closing Debate. For more information and to sign up now, please visit http://www.ioug.org/news/031607.cfm.

    I have used PVCS and APEX for some time for a client, and we do not use and of the DIFF capabilities; it's more of a repository that we use for periodic builds than anything else.
    You could try to DIFF two different versions of an APEX application - most of the export file should remain consistent as you make small changes; it may take some getting used to deciphering some of the nomenclature used in the export files, but it would by no means be impossible.
    &#150; Scott &#150;

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