APEX Downloadable Reports

I am working with the reports (you define under shared components) and I have run into a bit of a snag. I have 3 queries for my report however 2 of the three must be joined to the first. How do you go about joining the queries together where the key value for the dependent queries is a value in the first query? If I was in BI Publisher I would built it as a data template and join them using bind variables but I am unsure if this is even doable with out moving over and building it in BIP.
Edited by: David Pulliam on Jan 13, 2009 2:53 PM

We have a BIP Server and its tied to apex but we were tryign to avoid having to go through the extra trouble with this particular report of setting up a new OID Group yada yada as the report's users will change on a regular basis and we need to keep them out of other reports the normal OID group for this application would see directly on BIP (they could manipulate the URL and see reports they are not suposed to with our security model if we gave them access to the same group). I was kind of hoping to build it as an RTF template but then somehow in APEX link it through bind variables between the queries like you can in BIP proper as this particular report does not need the advanced functions that BIP provides and just using APEX for security would be easier to setup and maintain than the OID rigmarole. Don't get me wrong, we use OID and SSO here for the main application users who can see all the reports, its just a special case where it seemed easier to manage by placeing it directly in APEX.

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    Not Found
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    Hi Marc,
    thank you for your answer but it does not work for me.
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        v_filename varchar2(1000);
        v_filename := 'Checkliste_' || :P70_TECHNIK || '.pdf';
        APEX_UTIL.DOWNLOAD_PRINT_DOCUMENT (p_file_name => v_filename,
                                           p_content_disposition => 'attachment',
                                           p_application_id      => 119,
                                           p_report_query_name   => 'Checkliste',
                                           p_report_layout_name  => 'Checkliste',
                                           p_report_layout_type  => 'xsl-fo',
                                           p_document_format     => 'pdf');
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    Thanks in advance.

    I'm afraid that I can't answer your question. The APEX insiders will have to field that one.
    As one that dislikes voluminous reports, have tried swaying your users that you now have this great interface to drill to the data you need versus downloading gobs of data and filling up their hard drives. Ask if there is something else your application can do that they would do with all that data in Excel.

  • Error in XXL_FULL_API function module for download report to excel

    Hi all,
    I am using XXL_FULL_API function module for download report to excel, In this FM we have to fill a table called sema        = t_gxxlt_s. in this table we have a fields called
    i_sema-col_no  = 19.
      i_sema-col_src = 19.
      i_sema-col_typ = 'STR'.
      i_sema-col_ops = 'DFT'
    here in 'col_typ' if we put STR in excel it will come as a text but i wnat the time field what i have to pass ?
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    Hi sridhar joshi,
    Please check this program
    REPORT Excel.
    * header data................................
    DATA :
      header1 LIKE gxxlt_p-text VALUE 'Suresh',
      header2 LIKE gxxlt_p-text VALUE 'Excel sheet'.
    * Internal table for holding the SFLIGHT data
    DATA BEGIN OF t_sflight OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE sflight.
    DATA END   OF t_sflight.
    * Internal table for holding the horizontal key.
    DATA BEGIN OF  t_hkey OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_h.
    DATA END   OF t_hkey .
    * Internal table for holding the vertical key.
    DATA BEGIN OF t_vkey OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_v.
    DATA END   OF t_vkey .
    * Internal table for holding the online text....
    DATA BEGIN OF t_online OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_o.
    DATA END   OF t_online.
    * Internal table to hold print text.............
    DATA BEGIN OF t_print OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_p.
    DATA END   OF t_print.
    * Internal table to hold SEMA data..............
    DATA BEGIN OF t_sema OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE gxxlt_s.
    DATA END   OF t_sema.
    * Retreiving data from sflight.
    SELECT * FROM sflight
             INTO TABLE t_sflight.
    * Text which will be displayed online is declared here....
    t_online-line_no    = '1'.
    t_online-info_name  = 'Created by'.
    t_online-info_value = 'KODANDARAMI REDDY'.
    APPEND t_online.
    * Text which will be printed out..........................
    t_print-hf     = 'H'.
    t_print-lcr    = 'L'.
    t_print-line_no = '1'.
    t_print-text   = 'This is the header'.
    APPEND t_print.
    t_print-hf     = 'F'.
    t_print-lcr    = 'C'.
    t_print-line_no = '1'.
    t_print-text   = 'This is the footer'.
    APPEND t_print.
    * Defining the vertical key columns.......
    t_vkey-col_no   = '1'.
    t_vkey-col_name = 'MANDT'.
    APPEND t_vkey.
    t_vkey-col_no   = '2'.
    t_vkey-col_name = 'CARRID'.
    APPEND t_vkey.
    t_vkey-col_no   = '3'.
    t_vkey-col_name = 'CONNID'.
    APPEND t_vkey.
    t_vkey-col_no   = '4'.
    t_vkey-col_name = 'FLDATE'.
    APPEND t_vkey.
    * Header text for the data columns................
    t_hkey-row_no = '1'.
    t_hkey-col_no = 1.
    t_hkey-col_name = 'PRICE'.
    APPEND t_hkey.
    t_hkey-col_no = 2.
    t_hkey-col_name = 'CURRENCY'.
    APPEND t_hkey.
    t_hkey-col_no = 3.
    t_hkey-col_name = 'PLANETYPE'.
    APPEND t_hkey.
    t_hkey-col_no = 4.
    t_hkey-col_name = 'SEATSMAX'.
    APPEND t_hkey.
    t_hkey-col_no = 5.
    t_hkey-col_name = 'SEATSOCC'.
    APPEND t_hkey.
    t_hkey-col_no = 6.
    t_hkey-col_name = 'PAYMENTSUM'.
    APPEND t_hkey.
    * populating the SEMA data..........................
    t_sema-col_no  = 1.
    t_sema-col_typ = 'STR'.
    t_sema-col_ops = 'DFT'.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 2.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 3.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 4.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 5.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 6.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 7.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 8.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 9.
    APPEND t_sema.
    t_sema-col_no = 10.
    t_sema-col_typ = 'NUM'.
    t_sema-col_ops = 'ADD'.
    APPEND t_sema.
    *   DATA_ENDING_AT          = 54
    *   DATA_STARTING_AT        = 5
       filename                = 'TESTFILE'
       header_1                = header1
       header_2                = header2
       no_dialog               = 'X'
       no_start                = ' '
        n_att_cols              = 6
        n_hrz_keys              = 1
        n_vrt_keys              = 4
       sema_type               = 'X'
    *   SO_TITLE                = ' '
        data                    = t_sflight
        hkey                    = t_hkey
        online_text             = t_online
        print_text              = t_print
        sema                    = t_sema
        vkey                    = t_vkey
       cancelled_by_user       = 1
       data_too_big            = 2
       dim_mismatch_data       = 3
       dim_mismatch_sema       = 4
       dim_mismatch_vkey       = 5
       error_in_hkey           = 6
       error_in_sema           = 7
       file_open_error         = 8
       file_write_error        = 9
       inv_data_range          = 10
       inv_winsys              = 11
       inv_xxl                 = 12
       OTHERS                  = 13
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    please refer this link
    Best regards,

  • Downloading report from a Tabular form

    I enabled the CSV output as ON in a tabular form to download the report. But the downloaded report has an extra new line (break) after the header and there is an extra column
    at the beginning of each record ( may be due to the check box line selector). Please advice me how to download the report without extra line after the header and extra column at the beginning of each line.
    Edited by: user13686568 on Mar 18, 2011 10:37 AM

    Export file looks ok for me for a tabular form with checkboxes for row selection.
    If want to exclude the checkbox column(or any othe report column) from the export file, go to the *"Report attributes" -> "Column Attributes" (of that column) -> "Include In Export"* field choose "No"

  • Custom Rowtype Template with apex.widget.report.sort() - does this work?

    Hi Folks!
    I have a report with a custom rowtype template (3 rows for each dataset) and I have fiddeled around with the build-in javascript sorting-function. (Cause as it seems you can't use the standard sorting functionality on custom rowtemplates.) I came up with a short solution, but I would like to know how safe this is.
    Setup very simple:
    The Header-Template [before rows]
    <table id="myDomId">
            <th><a href="javascript:sortCol(1)">Col1</a></th>
            <th><a href="javascript:sortCol(2)">Details</a></th>
            <th><a href="javascript:sortCol(3)">Col3</a></th>
    Then the javascript handling runs like that:
    var qmmSorter = {};
    function setupSorters(){
        qmmSorter.DomCatch = /\d+/.exec($('#myDomId>div').attr('id'))[0];
        qmmSorter.lastCol = 1;
        qmmSorter.asc = true;
    function sortCol(colnum){
        if (qmmSorter.DomCatch) {
            qmmSorter.lastCol = colnum;
            qmmSorter.asc = !qmmSorter.asc;
            javascript:apex.widget.report.sort( qmmDomCatch,'fsp_sort_'+colnum + ( qmmSorter.asc ? '' : '_desc') );
    Maybe I'll also add some arrows to indicate what sorting took place. Tested so far in IE9 and Moz - all we really use in our internal network.
    But this seems all a bit just too easy. so I'd be really thankful for your comments.
    Tanks and greetings,

    TobiP wrote:
    But this seems all a bit just too easy. so I'd be really thankful for your comments.
    It would be even easier to use column header substitution and retain the built-in sort functionality (although this includes the sort direction image bug).
    <table id="myDomId"> 

  • Misalignement in Excel sheet,while downloading reports with huge data

    While downloading reports in excel with huge volume of data ,we are getting misalignments in the excel sheet(some data comes in wrong rows). Can you please suggest what could be the reason and how to correct it.

    If you are using Office 2003, then you cannot download morethan 65000+. However if you use Office 2007, I think it gives you somewhere around 400000 records. (I didnt scroll below that!!!). Also the columns are morethan IV.
    However assuming that, even that version can have limitation, you can always download your data in a wordpad/notepad/textpad etc which are basically text editing tools. They dont have any such row or column restrictions.
    Once downloaded, you can randomly split them into some x number of files, based on the number of records and then open the same documents using xls sheet using tab value as delimiter. Now the alignment will be perfect in the excel sheet.

  • Download report problem

    Hi all
    I have an application used by lot of users with different access rights. I would like to let some of them to download interactive report, and deny it for others. is there any method to do it?

    I've done it, using javascript. I create an item on a page in which there is an sql query which returns information if current user have rights to download report or not. Then in page footer i call javascript fuction which cleans href attribute of actions menu "download" element if current user have no rights. So, if he has no rights, clicking on "download" do nothing

  • Download Report

    Someone can indicate to me where to be able to unload of the report so as to to be able to see them and to learn? Thanks

    you can download Reports as part of the Oracle9i Developer Suite here on OTN. Just click the download button at the top of the screen.
    you can find in-depth information about reports in our getting started here on OTN at http://otn.oracle.com/products/reports, click on the Getting Started with Oracle Reports link.

  • Download report/dashboard in pdf..

    Hi experts,
    1.How to download reports in pdf format.
    2. How to download whole Dashboard.

    1.How to download reports in pdf format.
    We don't have individual report to download in PDF.Anyway we have Download to excel,powerpoint,Download Data,Webpage.
    The above options are available in Download hyperlink when you enable the downlaod option.
    Edit Dashboard -> properties->Report Link and check the download Dashboard.
    2. How to download whole Dashboard.
    This property is available in the bottom left corner of the page with printer symbol which has download Dashboard to PDF or HTML.
    Edited by: hsekar on Dec 29, 2009 7:59 AM

  • Reg. Download Report on IT0759

    We have a requirement wherein
    The Master Data maintained in IT0759 (Compensation Process) is to be paid to the employees as VCPI payment or IPI payment in the relevant quarters.
    The amount mentioned in this Infotype is entered and sanctioned bya team which later requires the details to be sent to Payroll Section for processing in the current payroll.
    Thus based on the selection made in the entry screen of the Report, we need a download report which could be as an input for Payroll Processing.
    An LDB screen to fetch the selection criteria.The selection screen should have six fields namely country grouping, pernr,personnel area,plan name,plan period and payroll area. All the fields available in the window Compensation Process and Bonus Payment Data should be downloaded onto the Report.   
    Any pointers as to how to proceed or any sample code in this regard will be helpful.
    Thanks in advance,

    i know the functionality of spreadsheet but in this 4.7 is not possible to download sub total or filter(this is the message :Filter criteria, sorting, totals and not taken into account )             
    i've worked also in 4.6C and it was possible to download without problem with spreadsheet. There are some patches or somethings else to resolve this problem? or we need to attend the implementation of ECC6.0
    thanks for help

  • Marketplace Download Report

    In the Windows Desktop portal we are able to see where the downloads originate. Is there something similar in the Phone dashboard? I didn't see any other options in the 'Downloads' section.

    Hello Evan,
    You can access
    information regarding the downloading country for Windows Phone apps by doing
    the following:
    Login to your
         Windows Phone Developer Dashboard
    Click on Reports
    Click on Export
    View download report which
         includes the country of the download
    Windows and Windows Phone Dev Center Support
    Send us your feedback about the Windows Platform

  • Apex calendar report url problems

    im having problems with the "day link" attribute in an apex calendar report.
    i have the calendar set up so that when you click the date in the calendar it sends the date formatted correctly to the date picker field in my create a new appointment page. so pre-populating the field as the page is loaded.
    initially i used the standard "page in this application" function and passed the substitute string #DD# #MON# #YYYY# to the date picker item P6_APT_DATE, setting the link to go to page 6 etc....
    this actually works fine but apex converts in into a URL
    which does exactly the same thing. and both work perfectly
    However - nether are saved by apex? if i go back to edit the report the "day link" section is blank but both continue to work even when i refresh / re-cache the page.
    i have had similar happen in the past when the link isn't formatted correctly, the problem here is that it all works fine until you go back in to edit the calendar report, at which point the url / links vanish.
    im just starting out with apex so my apologies if i have missed anything obvious. any help would be appreciated
    regards - Solomon Hill
    Message was edited by:

    I'm not sure exactly how your calendar page works, but the # character cannot appear in URLs except as an named-anchor reference.
    If you can show me your app on apex.oracle.com, I'll take a closer look.

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    This becomes a database question that is usually found in the General forum:
    How can an Oracle 11g database access data from an <place a name of a database here> database?
    One common answers:  Database Links.
    (Materialized Views and Golden Gate come to mind... but, again... these are database problems, not APEX problems.)
    I'll let others comment on the practicality of these solutions.

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