Apex flash charts with date values on the x axis

I am playing around in Apex 4 using flash charts and having a bit of troubles playing with dates on the x axis on a 2d line chart.
What I am trying to achive is a values plotted across the chart and the date/time values are not a constent (ie not continually say 1 hour apart) hence why I want to use a datatype of date.
In the SQL below:
select null as link,  sysdate -2  as value, 0 as label from dual
select null , sysdate -2+1/24 , 1 from dual
select null , sysdate -2+2/24 , 2 from dual
select null , sysdate -2+5/48, 1 from dual
select null , sysdate -2+3/24, 0 from dual;I get a 2D Line chart but each date/time value is equally space apart (ie sysdate -2, sysdate -2+1/24, sysdate -2+2/24 and sysdate -2+3/24 should be 1 unit apart and sysdate -2+5/48 should be half way between sysdate -2+2/24 and sysdate -2+3/24).
I think I have to use custom xml. Using http://www.anychart.com/products/anychart/docs/xmlReference/index.html and http://www.anychart.com/products/anychart/docs/users-guide/DateTime-Axes.html I edited the XML and changed:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>
    <animation enabled="false"/>
    <no_data show_waiting_animation="False">
        <font family="Verdana" bold="yes" size="10"/>
  <margin left="0" top="" right="0" bottom="0" />
    <chart plot_type="CategorizedVertical" name="chart_1614502819445708">
        <title enabled="False" />
          <fill type="Solid" color="0xffffff" opacity="0" />
          <border enabled="false"/>
          <corners type="Square"/>
          <y_axis >
            <scale   mode="Normal"    />
            <title enabled="false" />
            <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
              <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
            <major_grid enabled="False"/>
<minor_grid enabled="False"/>
            <scale  mode="Normal"    />
            <title enabled="false"/>
            <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
              <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
            <major_grid enabled="True" interlaced="false">
                <line color="Black" />
<minor_grid enabled="True">
      <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="false" >
          <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
            <format><![CDATA[{%Name}{enabled:False} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0,decimalSeparator:.,thousandsSeparator:\,}]]></format>
            <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
              <position anchor="Float" valign="Top" padding="10" />
          <label_settings enabled="true" mode="Outside" multi_line_align="Center">
            <background enabled="false"/>
            <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                            <line enabled="true" thickness="1" opacity="1" />
          <marker_settings enabled="True" >
            <marker type="Circle" />
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?>
    <animation enabled="false"/>
    <no_data show_waiting_animation="False">
        <font family="Verdana" bold="yes" size="10"/>
        <format>%HH:%mm:%ss %dd/%MM/%yyyy</format>
  <margin left="0" top="" right="0" bottom="0" />
    <chart plot_type="CategorizedVertical" name="chart_1614502819445708">
        <title enabled="False" />
          <fill type="Solid" color="0xffffff" opacity="0" />
          <border enabled="false"/>
          <corners type="Square"/>
          <y_axis >
            <scale   mode="Normal"    />
            <title enabled="false" />
            <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
              <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
            <major_grid enabled="False"/>
<minor_grid enabled="False"/>
            <scale  mode="Normal" type="DateTime"    />
            <title enabled="false"/>
            <labels enabled="true" position="Outside">
              <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
            <major_grid enabled="True" interlaced="false">
                <line color="Black" />
<minor_grid enabled="True">
      <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="false" >
          <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
            <format><![CDATA[{%Name}{enabled:False} - {%Value}{numDecimals:0,decimalSeparator:.,thousandsSeparator:\,}]]></format>
            <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
              <position anchor="Float" valign="Top" padding="10" />
          <label_settings enabled="true" mode="Outside" multi_line_align="Center">
            <background enabled="false"/>
            <font family="Tahoma" size="10" color="0x" />
                            <line enabled="true" thickness="1" opacity="1" />
          <marker_settings enabled="True" >
            <marker type="Circle" />
</anychart>and change the SQL series to:
select link, to_char(value, 'HH24:MI:SS DD/MM/YYYY') as value, label from
select null as link,  sysdate -2  as value, 0 as label from dual
select null , sysdate -2+1/24 , 1 from dual
select null , sysdate -2+2/24 , 2 from dual
select null , sysdate -2+5/48, 1 from dual
select null , sysdate -2+3/24, 0 from dual)But the chart changes from a line chart to a bar chart with each value being equally spaced.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong or point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.

This will be a little bit lengthy answer, but I guess it will be easier to understand what I meant to say.
I created a table that contains values you used as a data source (just to make my life easier):
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
Session altered.
SQL> select * from test;
VALUE                    LABEL
12.10.2010 09:03:45          0
12.10.2010 10:03:45          1
12.10.2010 11:03:45          2
12.10.2010 11:33:45          1
12.10.2010 12:03:45          0
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'hh24:mi';
Session altered.From now on, we'll see only hours and minutes.
Step 1: current and previous values - difference in number of MINUTES
SQL> select t.value,
  2         lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
  3         (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
  4  from test t;
10:03 09:03           60
11:03 10:03           60
11:33 11:03           30
12:03 11:33           30Step 2: a little bit of calculation:
- TIME_SPAN: how many minutes are there between MIN and MAX date?
- MIN_DIFF: what is the minimum time difference (minutes)?
- SLICES: how many time slices do we want on the x-axis?
SQL> select
  2    min(x.value) min_val,
  3    max(x.value) max_val,
  4    min(x.minutes_diff) min_diff,
  5    (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 time_span,
  6    (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 / min(x.minutes_diff) slices
  7  from (select t.value,
  8               lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
  9               (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
10        from test t
11       ) x;
09:03 12:03         30        180          6There's 180 minutes between 09:03 and 12:03; minimum time difference in our TEST table is 30 minutes, so - we want to have 6 time slices on the x-axis (180 / 30).
Step 3: row generator technique: let's create time values that are missing:
SQL> select y.min_val + (level - 1) * y.min_diff / (24 * 60) val
  2  from (select
  3          min(x.value) min_val,
  4          max(x.value) max_val,
  5          min(x.minutes_diff) min_diff,
  6          (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 time_span,
  7          (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 / min(x.minutes_diff) slices
  8        from (select t.value,
  9                     lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
10                     (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
11              from test t
12             ) x
13       ) y
14  connect by level <= y.slices + 1;
7 rows selected.OK, now we have 30 minutes between every time value.
Step 4: join newly generated time values with the original table. Use OUTER JOIN; missing labels will be 0 (zero):
SQL> select
  2    null link,
  3    to_char(z.val, 'hh24:mi') new_value,
  4    nvl(t1.label, 0) new_label
  5  from (select y.min_val + (level - 1) * y.min_diff / (24 * 60) val
  6        from (select
  7                min(x.value) min_val,
  8                max(x.value) max_val,
  9                min(x.minutes_diff) min_diff,
10                (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 time_span,
11                (max(x.value) - min(x.value)) * 24 * 60 / min(x.minutes_diff) slices
12              from (select t.value,
13                           lag(t.value) over (order by t.value) previous_value,
14                           (t.value - lag(t.value) over (order by t.value)) * 24 * 60 minutes_diff
15                    from test t
16                   ) x
17             ) y
18        connect by level <= y.slices + 1
19       ) z,
20       test t1
21  where t1.value (+) = z.val
22  order by z.val;
  09:03          0
  09:33          0
  10:03          1
  10:33          0
  11:03          2
  11:33          1
  12:03          0
7 rows selected.Cool, so we have them all. Now, go to Apex and create a chart using a query from step #4.
I tested it - it displays something which means that it should work for you too (unfortunately, this forum doesn't accept attachments so that you could see it). Now, I can't tell whether that's what you need or not, but - if the idea itself is OK, it can be adjusted (I hope so).

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        {name: "ward2", meeting: "2/1/2009", seminar: "9/24/2009"},
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    1-JAN-07 1
    1-JAN-07 2
    1-JAN-07 3
    2-JAN-07 1
    2-JAN-07 2
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    You can try using this charting tool for generating scatter charts:
    Denes Kubicek

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    I don't get what you are saying.
    Is this all the same document?
    What version of Pages?
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    Hi Ranendra,
    For basic understanding of Dashboards and Models you can use standard Templates or samples which ll come along with dashboard designer(Formly Xcelsius) installation.
    For path   File-->Templates(or Samples).
    Under Templates you ll have different categories and for each you ll find the dashboard Templates.
    Venkat P

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         "DATE1" DATE,
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    || UPPER(:p184_ename)
    || ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = :p8_clef_var' ;
    RETURN (x);
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    x VARCHAR2 (4000);
    || UPPER(:p184_ename)
    || ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = 4544 ' ;
    RETURN (x);
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    My question is how to get the chart displaying properly ??
    Thank you for your kind answers.

    Using your request, with the classic report I get results (data), but I get the same message with the Flash chart : "No data found" ! I don't know how to investigate this. i tried many things but nothing works.
    PS I tried this :
       X   VARCHAR2 (4000);
          || UPPER (:p184_ename) ||
          ' WHERE CLEF_VAR = '
          || :p8_clef_var ||
          ' AND DATE1 BETWEEN TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_DEBUT||''', ''DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'') AND TO_DATE ('''
    ||:P8_DATE_FIN||''', ''DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'')'
    RETURN (X);
    END; But it does not work either. I could find that the SLQ syntax generated is good becaus I put it into an item which display the return done by the pls/sql.
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    Does anybody already tried my "need" here ? i find strange thant I should not be the firs one trying to get a report an tables which name would be "dynamic".
    Tahnk you.
    Edited by: Christian from France on Feb 13, 2009 3:05 AM

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    Best Regards.
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    When there is no data, the chart displays the message "no data available". But using a little work around, you can display an empty chart.
    Please find the below steps given to achieve this
    1. Create a new dataset using TSQL to return 1 row of data having the category field and value field set to 0. Add the fields that are necessary for the category fields, series fields and datafields.
       A simple example would be like
       SELECT 'abc' as Category, 0 as Amount
    2. Add a new chart, set the category field to 'Category' and set the data field to Amount from above dataset created in step 1.
    3. In the new chart, right click the category axis and select axis properties, Click on the labels tab, check on
    'Hide axis labels' and then click ok
    4. Now set the Visibility property of both the charts depending on the rows returned from your main dataset
       a. click on your main chart and set its Hidden property to :
       b. click on the new blank chart added and set its Hidden proprety to (the opposite) :
       Note : Please change the dataset name in above expression "MainDataset" to the name of your chart's dataset
    5. Resize the new chart to the same size as your main chart, then position the new chart on the place as the main chart.
       (Note : You can set the position of new chart to be same by copying the location property from the main chart) 
    6. Now run and observe the result. When there are no rows returned by your main dataset, the new chart (the blank chart) should be displayed.
    I've added a working sample of this kind of a report
    Hope this helps. Please feel free to discuss if you have any questions.
    Please click "Mark as Answer" if this resolves your problem or "Vote as Helpful" if you find it helpful.

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    Could y please suggest.

    Like junkyardheart, mine cleared up.  After talking with tech support for 2 to 3 hours trying all kinds of things they opened a ticket to have a technician checkout the local cell tower.  The next day tech support called me and I told them it was worse.  Then they had started looking at my past reports on "Mark the Spot" app and open several more tickets and had a crew checkout the area.
    I received a call two days later and they had two bad cell sites.  With the next day being Saturday they had the whole weekend scheduled as an outage to fix the problems.  By noon on Saturday everything was great.
    I even checked out my download speed using a few speed apps and I was pulling 2-3 Mbps down and pushing 1+ Mbps up.
    I think the update exposed a serious problem that had existed for a while.

  • Bar chart with hyperlink values in X-Axis in XIR2

    Hi folks,
    I am trying to create a bar chart which shows values for 2 measures using one dimension in the X-axis. I want an hyperlink associated with the values in the X-axis because I want to implement the ability of drilling through to another report when I click any of those values. That second report will show information filtered by the value of the dimension I clicked on.
    I was reading a bit about it and it looks like it is not possible. The workaround provided was to make a table aside the chart and implement that behaviour in the table, not in the chart.
    Anyone of you could confirm this? Any of you has another ideas?
    Thanks a million
    J. Russell

    Hi Arif,
    That is one of the work-arounds I have in mind.
    Thanks for your answer
    J. Russell
    Edited by: John Russell on Aug 26, 2009 10:59 AM

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    Hi team,
    i am using query designer 3.x, when i go into my bex brodcaster settings and schedule my report
    i can not see the option "Execution with Data Change in the infoprovider",
    i can only see 2 options
    Direct scheduling in background process
    create new scheduling
    is there any setting which i would be able to see the option "Execution with Data Change in the infoprovider"?
    kindly assist

    Hi Blusky ,
    check the below given link.
    Rohit Garg

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    I need to create a crosstab report that has date values in the cells not numbers but the report is displaying NaN. Is it possible to display a char or date value ?

    This forum is for Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, not for Microsoft Excel (.xls files).
    If you have an issue relating to SQL or PL/SQL please be clear in your requirements and what the issue is.

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    This is obviously unacceptable. So is there a way to disable this behavior or a work around?

    Unfortunately, there is not an easy way to do this with CNiKnob. One way you could work around it would be to handle the CNiKnob's OnPointValueChanged event and keep track of the previous value, then detect if the value jumps from the min to the max or vice versa and if it does, set it back.
    If you migrate to .NET in the future, the Measurement Studio Windows Forms .NET Knob control lets you easily configure this and is the default behavior when you add a Knob to your form. For more info, see the documentation for the Knob.InteractionMode property.
    - Elton

  • Off the shelf Flash chart with live update and slider?

    Does anyone know of any good off the shelf Flash line chart
    that has
    1. Live AJAX-type update of data (without reloading entire
    Flash chart)
    2. Horizontal axis slider to be able to zoom in (like the
    time slider on Google Finance)
    I have been using
    chart chart but find that its live update is clunky.
    Is doing a custom chart our best bet?
    Thanks! Chirag

    it was a bug, corrected in patch 4.0.1 (bug 9868860), see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/application-express/401-patch-166923.html#BABJCAFA.
    It's why it don't works with APEX 4.0.0.

  • Sorting by last 12 months in a Chart with data from the last 24 months

    Hi Guru's
    I am trying to create a Trend chart which will show the trend percentage vs previous year.
    In the X -axis I have Month wich is currently sorted by Jan, Feb, Mar etc ...Dec.
    The problem is that I want to show the last 12 months instead, but since I need data for the last 24 months to do so, I am having problems with the chart to show correct sorting.
    If this month is Oct 2011, I would want the chart to show the follwoing in the x axis:
    Oct10, Nov10, Dec10, Jan11,Feb11, Mar11, Arp11, May11, Jun11, Jul11, Aug11, Sep11.
    The problem is that in order for me to create the diff between previous year/month, the chart will either show last 24 months or 12 months thus causing the previous years values to disapear.
    So far I have managed to create a variable that will tell the age of the values in a month. The Chart is filtered and will now only contain data for the last 24 months. I have a variable which calculates the diff for each month agains previuos years values.
    So far so god, but how can I solve so that values are are included in the chart and sorted by the last 12 months?

    I discovered the solution, appereantly it was as easy as using the IN operator:
    =[Year] Where ([vAgeMonths] <= 12) In ([Time].[Short month])
    Now I am able to sort this by year and then month. Sometimes it helps tinkering a bit and a sollution will reveal it self.

Maybe you are looking for