Hi all,
sorry to bring up this topic up again.
I was trying to do what was discussed in the following thread, but it just couldn't work for me.
APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL 0- cecksum parameter
The link in my email did not have the checksum parameter though i have run it over the APEX_UTIL.prepare_url function
I verify this using the toad debugger.
and I use the following sql to test as well
      select apex_util.prepare_url('f?p=137:99::5:NO:5:P5_REQUESTSEQ:2010100246',null,3) from dualit only return that string back without any checksum parameter.
Am I doing this wrongly?
Appreciate any input.

Hi Jari,
Should i have session id because the link will be used by other people whom is the recipient of the email?
I was following the steps in the other thread I mentioned.
       So if the link you want them to use is f?p=100:1:::NO:RP:P1_X,P1_Y:abc,def and your new public page is 2, send them this link instead:f?p=100:2::1:NO:RP:P1_X,P1_Y:abc,def.Without the SSP, the redirection and joining existing session are working. So I guess order of the parameter in the URL is correct.

Similar Messages

  • Trouble getting  apex_util.prepare_url to produce checksum

    Session State Protection is enabled in both apps & Page attribute "Page access protection" is set to "Arguments Must have Checksum"
    Does not give checksum...
    I even went into SSP and had it enabled for all page items and pages and still doesn't make a difference.
    Select 'x', APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL ('f?p='||:APP_ID || ':1::' || :APP_SESSION || '::::P1_EMPNO:' ) employee_link from dual;
    Different app Same Query... Provices checksum
    Select 'x', APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL ('f?p='||:APP_ID || ':1::' || :APP_SESSION || '::::P1_EMPNO:' ) employee_link from dual;
    Any Ideas?

    OK.. seems to me that:
    Justin Patterson wrote:
    Does not give checksum...
    SSP Screenshot
    This has no page 1, therefore no checksum would be generated ;).
    Different app Same Query... Provices checksum
    SSP Screenshot
    This has page 1, therefore checksum is generated.
    Also, the app_session is in the wrong place.

  • APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL cannot produce checksum

    Hi, Guys:
    I tried to use APEX to generate checksum for url, but it does not work, no checksum is generated. I was confused. Culd anyone tell me what is the problem? here is my code:
        l_url varchar2(2000);
        :P1_TF_CHECKSUM:= APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL('f?p='||:APP_ID||':12:'||:APP_SESSION||'::NO::P12_ACE_ID:xyz', p_checksum_type => 'SESSION');
    END;You can find my application on apex.oracle.com:
    workspace: LIAPEXTEST
    acc:[email protected]
    app_ID: 44976

    My understanding is that the checksum will only be generated if there is some sort of session state protection enabled, on the items you are trying to set through the URL. (Probably if the page has some sort of protection as well)
    For example, the text item you have on page 1 has the security setting: "Checksum required - session level".
    So I copied your page process, and attempted to set that page item in the process - now you will see the checksum generated.
    On the original process (currently disabled), for which you are setting an item that doesn't exist, and thus has no session state protection, therefore no checksum is needed.

  • APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL does not work across workspaces?

    We are running ApEx 4.1.1 on Oracle 11g.
    I am trying to call an application in another workspace and am using APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL in a hidden item and then a button with REDIRECT TO URL using javascript:popUp2 which uses the hidden item (the returned value of the PREPARE_URL. The code works fine if I am in the same workspace and a checksum is returned:
    I can press the button and app 9002 opens in a new window.
    When I try the same code in an application in another workspace, no checksum is returned:
    and I get the error:
    Error     Session state protection violation: This may be caused by manual alteration of a URL containing a checksum or by using a link with an incorrect or missing checksum.
    I have also tried it without the workspace '&c=STU_WS' and explicitly passing the parameters, but no checksum is returned.
    APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL(p_url => 'f?p=9002:2:&SESSION.::NO::P2_CALLING_APP_ID,P2_CALLING_APP_NAME:&APP_ID.,&G_APP_NAME.',p_checksum_type => 'SESSION')
    If I do not try to pass any parameters, no checksum is produced, but the button successfully opens app 9002 in a new window:
    Again, the above code successfully opens app 9002 in a new window. In fact, when not passing parameters to app 9002, I would not seem to need to use PREPARE_URL.
    BUT. I do need to pass the calling app id and the calling app name to app 9002, because 9002 looks up information about the calling app. Since, I must pass parameters, I must use PREPARE_URL, and it does not seem to work when you call it for an app in a different workspace.
    Given all of the above, I have found a kludge. I call PREPARE_URL using the APP_ID of the current app and then replace that APP_ID with 9002.
    And the button opens app 9002 just fine.
    Is there anyway to get PREPARE_URL to work with apps in another workspace? What am I missing? Is there a better way than the kludge I came up with?
    A little more information: my app 9002 is a help & info for ApEx DBAs and Developers. It is my attempt at code reuse. Calls to 9002 are in a master template. I can continually update and change the help in 9002 without having to update the apps that call it.
    Thanks for your help,

    lewisc3 wrote:
    We are running ApEx 4.1.1 on Oracle 11g.
    I am trying to call an application in another workspace and am using APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL in a hidden item and then a button with REDIRECT TO URL using javascript:popUp2 which uses the hidden item (the returned value of the PREPARE_URL. The code works fine if I am in the same workspace and a checksum is returned:
    I can press the button and app 9002 opens in a new window.
    When I try the same code in an application in another workspace, no checksum is returned:
    and I get the error:
    Error     Session state protection violation: This may be caused by manual alteration of a URL containing a checksum or by using a link with an incorrect or missing checksum.
    I have also tried it without the workspace '&c=STU_WS' and explicitly passing the parameters, but no checksum is returned.
    APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL(p_url => 'f?p=9002:2:&SESSION.::NO::P2_CALLING_APP_ID,P2_CALLING_APP_NAME:&APP_ID.,&G_APP_NAME.',p_checksum_type => 'SESSION')
    If I do not try to pass any parameters, no checksum is produced, but the button successfully opens app 9002 in a new window:
    APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL('f?p=9002:4:&SESSION.::NO::&c=STU_WS','SESSION');This is wrong because you are passing string SESSION for url_charset parameter, that's why id is not adding any checksum
    See this http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23903_01/doc/doc.41/e21676/apex_util.htm#AEAPI160
    Again, the above code successfully opens app 9002 in a new window. In fact, when not passing parameters to app 9002, I would not seem to need to use PREPARE_URL.
    BUT. I do need to pass the calling app id and the calling app name to app 9002, because 9002 looks up information about the calling app. Since, I must pass parameters, I must use PREPARE_URL, and it does not seem to work when you call it for an app in a different workspace.
    Given all of the above, I have found a kludge. I call PREPARE_URL using the APP_ID of the current app and then replace that APP_ID with 9002.
    And the button opens app 9002 just fine.
    Is there anyway to get PREPARE_URL to work with apps in another workspace? What am I missing? Is there a better way than the kludge I came up with?
    A little more information: my app 9002 is a help & info for ApEx DBAs and Developers. It is my attempt at code reuse. Calls to 9002 are in a master template. I can continually update and change the help in 9002 without having to update the apps that call it.
    Review all above API calls and make sure you pass right parameters

  • Apex_util.prepare_url from PL/SQL (outside APEX)

    Hello there,
    I have to create a job that sends emails with a link to a page with SSP actived and that requires authentification.
    I've read those threads from Dan and Omar and I wonder if this is still possible in APEX 4.2.1?
    Re: apex_util.prepare_url outside of ApEx
    Create APEX session context from outside APEX (plsql)
    My procedure generate the link with the checksum, but when I try to access the page I got an error :
    •is_internal_error: true
    •error_backtrace: ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
      object      line  object
      handle    number  name
    0x69e9c2e8       548  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
    0x69e9c2e8       599  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
    0x69e9c2e8       903  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
    0x6e5ff258      6025  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW
    0x73cbd318       249  procedure APEX_040200.F
    0x6bdb2dd0        31  anonymous blockHere is my proc (code found in Omar's thread).
    Maybe I'm missing something.
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure testInitApexFromOutside
          ( i_app_id     in number
          , i_page_id      in number
          , i_apex_user    in varchar2
          ) is
        v_cgivar_name  owa.vc_arr;
        v_cgivar_val   owa.vc_arr;
        v_workspace_id NUMBER;
        v_app_id       number;
        -- set up cgi environment
        v_cgivar_name(1) := 'REQUEST_PROTOCOL';
        v_cgivar_val(1)  := 'HTTP';
          ( num_params => v_cgivar_name.count
          , param_name => v_cgivar_name
          , param_val  => v_cgivar_val
        -- load apex IDs by application name
        SELECT workspace_id,
        INTO v_workspace_id,
        FROM apex_applications
        WHERE application_id=i_app_id;
        -- set up apex workspace
        -- set up apex session vars
         apex_application.g_instance     := wwv_flow_custom_auth.get_next_session_id;
        apex_application.g_flow_id      := v_app_id;
        apex_application.g_flow_step_id := i_page_id;
        -- "login"
          ( p_user       => i_apex_user
          , p_session_id => apex_application.g_instance
          ( p_uname      => i_apex_user
          , p_session_id => apex_application.g_instance
          , p_flow_page  => apex_application.g_flow_id
                         || ':'
                         || apex_application.g_flow_step_id
          -- set array of protected page IDs for session state protection
         apex_application.g_protected_page_ids(1) := '1500';    -- this establishes page 1500 as an SSP-protected page
    end testInitApexFromOutside;And the result:
    Thanks for your help,

    See Re: Link in report ?

  • Apex_util.prepare_url within a select statement

    APEX Version:
    Need help with embedding APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL in select statement. Unable to reference column name as a bind variable...or it allows as in code below, but no values are included in the URL. Using PREPARE_URL so checksum is created.
    URL created:*
    Note: href >> replaced with >> hrf
       q           varchar2(32767);      -- query
       w           varchar2(4000) ;      -- where clause
       we          varchar2(1) := 'N';  -- identifies if where clause exists
       q :=  'select "RID", '||
             '       "EMPLOYEE_NO", '||
             '       InitCap(first_name)||
             '||''' '''||
             '||InitCap(last_name) as "Name", '||
             '       "HIRE_DATE", '||
             '       "JOB_TITLE", '||
             '       CASE '||
             '          WHEN CORRECTION_IND = 'X' '||
             '             THEN ''<a hrf="' ||
    apex_util.prepare_url('f?p='||:APP_ID||':90:'||:APP_SESSION||'::'||:DEBUG||'::P90_RID:'||:RID) ||
             '">Correction</a>'' '  ||
             '          ELSE    NULL '||  
             '       END CORRECTED '||
             '  from "#OWNER#"."EMPLOYEE_TABLE" ';
             w := w || ' AND first_name LIKE UPPER(:P28_FIRST_NAME||'||'''%''' ||')' ;
             we := 'Y';
       end if;
       if :P28_LAST_NAME IS NOT NULL
             w := w || ' AND last_name LIKE UPPER(:P28_LAST_NAME||'||'''%''' ||')' ;
             we := 'Y';
       end if;
       if we = 'Y'
          then q := q || w;
       end if;
    return q;
    end;Edited by: JSandoval on May 25, 2011 1:03 PM

    I think that the problem is that the function apex_util.prepare_url is executed building the "q" variable, not during query execution. (you have to try to quote it ...)
    I often use the "Query from function".
    There a couple of things that helps me:
    - I always put in the page an item PXX_SHOW_SQL(checkbox) visible only to administrator (a user setting in my application...).
    Before the "return q" put a htp.p(q) if this Item is not null. So you can see the actual SQL (often helps reformattig the output with SqlDeveloper)
    - I'm became crasy tring to quote complex query ... Now I write the query code in a TABLE
    Example AUXSQL(APP_ID number,APP_PAGE number, PRG number, sql VARCHAR2(4000))
    More "PRG" if more than 4000 chars. (I start in this way, but someone use CBLOB ...)
    I find this very usefully!!
    Stefano Corradi

  • Apex_util.download_print_document with clob file

    Has anybody had success using apex_util.download_print_document with a clob data file (instead of Report Query)? I'm trying this with an XML dataset and rtf. document that works if I try in Word BI -Plugin. If I try code below from APEX page I get an error saying there is something wrong with the document.
    p_file_name => 'test',
    p_content_disposition => 'attachment',
    p_report_data => test_clob('',''),
    p_report_layout => 'ID_LST',
    p_report_layout_type => 'rtf',
    p_document_format => 'pdf',
    p_print_server => null);
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_clob (p_username in varchar2,
    p_password in varchar2) return CLOB IS
    v_clob CLOB;
    v_clob := dbms_xslprocessor.read2clob('INTERFACES','id_lst.xml');
    END test_clob;

    FOP : [http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/html/configure_printing.html]
    Cocoon: [http://carlback.blogspot.com/2007/03/apex-cocoon-pdf-and-more.html]
    Jasperreports: [http://blog.dunull.org/?page_id=70]
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • Apex_Util.Prepare_URL  Question due to Apex Util Advisor msg

    I have the following code in an SQL statement within an IRR:
    APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL( p_url => 'f?p=' || v('APP_ID') || ':398:'||v('APP_SESSION')||'::NO:398:P398_IDOBJ:||VIMG_SEARCH.IDOBJ:', p_checksum_type => 'SESSION') FullImg,
    And it works as expected. However when i run the Apex Util Advisor I get the following:
    Attribute     Region Source (Identifies the source of the region, reference Region Source Type)
    Check     V Function used in SQL Statements
    Category     Performance
    Message     Contains V/NV/DV function call in SQL statement (can be a performance problem).
    Do I need to worry about this ? or should I change the syntaxt within the APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL parameters ?
    Thank you

    In SQL (and PL/SQL blocks within APEX) the bind variable notation should be used:
    APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL( p_url => 'f?p=' || :APP_ID || ':398:'||:APP_SESSION||'::NO:398:P398_IDOBJ:||VIMG_SEARCH.IDOBJ:', p_checksum_type => 'SESSION') FullImg,The <tt>v(...)</tt> notation is for use in database PL/SQL program units called from APEX.

  • Apex_util.download_print_document with Oracle XE?

    Can anyone tell me whether it is possible to use apex_util.download_print_document with Oracle XE?
    And can I do so without BI Publisher?
    If not, please point me to some solution that allows me to print PDF from my apps.

    FOP : [http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/html/configure_printing.html]
    Cocoon: [http://carlback.blogspot.com/2007/03/apex-cocoon-pdf-and-more.html]
    Jasperreports: [http://blog.dunull.org/?page_id=70]
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • Apex_util.prepare_url

    I have this sql, and need to add cs to the url... someone there know how I use apex_util.prepare_url() in a sql statement?
    My sql statment:
    (I have tryed to pass the code here, but it is not showed correct)

    See Re: Link in report ?

  • Slight bug with checksum

    I have noticed that on a page with checksum enabled, If I add reset pagination into the URL, I get an error.
    If I then remove reset pagination from the URL, I get to the page, but the pagination is reset!
    Surely If I can't see the page, the pagination should not be reset?

    I'm not seeing this. Can you create an example on apex.oracle.com?

  • SVG Chart with CheckSum (CS) in link

    I've got a SVG chart with links in it. If I do links without checksums it works fine. The second I add a checksum it gives me the following error:
    XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
    Location: http://myurl.com:8080/apex/f?p=107:6:2218842577149441:FLOW_SVG_CHART_R7148121064428318_en-us
    Line Number 22, Column 1690:
    I'm using Oracle XE w. APEX. Heres' what I did.
    Initially in my query I had the following for the link column:
    This worked and had no problems whatsoever.
    Now I tried to add the checksum (as required by Page 3)
    This gave me the error that I mentioned above.
    To confirm that it was the checksum I did one last test where I manually entered in a checksum (I know the checksum is wrong but I just wanted to see if it would show the table or not)
    Again this gave me the error.
    Any ideas on this?

    Is there no possibility?

  • Generating URLs with checksums

    I would like to enable the SSP (Session State Protection) feature to ensure that f?p= URLs generated have user-level checksums when passing item/value pairs to prevent tampering with the URLs.
    This works fine when using the application interactively. But is there a way to programatically generate the checksum for a specific user so that the link can be emailed using htmldb_mail.send? In other words, I would like to email a link to a user containing item/value pairs in the URL and to restrict only this user to access the link (the user-level checksum will take care of this).
    Any ideas? Thanks.

    I got the answer to my question.
    PREPARE_URL Function
    Given a ready-to-render f?p relative URL, this function adds a Session State Protection checksum argument (&cs=) if one is required. Not exactly sure what the "if one is required" part means.
    Does that mean that if the page or items requested do not have the appropriate SSP attribute set (checksum required), the output from this function will be the same as the input? In other words, it wouldn't hurt to filter any f?p= URL through this function before sending the link out in the email "just to be sure"?
    Another stupid question...
    What is to prevent any user having an Oracle id on the database from calling the same function to generate the checksum'ed URL and access the page?

  • Apex function apex_util.get_blob with unexpected behavior

    Hi Experts.
    I've been building an Apex search application and hit a snag while testing the apex_util.get_blob download url.  It appears the Download url is only valid in the session that it was generated. Meaning this.  The url in Step 2 below now returns an "500 - Internal Server Error".  But when it was first generated (i.e. select Download link in Apex app, the right click and select Copy Link Location) the same url below worked.  Is there a way to fix this?
    Here are my steps:
    1) Upload a store a document using the Download syntax : DOWNLOAD:GPAP_PROJECT_FILES:FILE_BLOB:ID::FILE_MIMETYPE:FILENAME:UPDATED:FILE_CHARSET:Inline:Download.
    2) with either FF or IE, when I select to cfopy the lijnk, e.g.
    3) Result:  If I paste this url into another browser window from the "same" session as the file, it works fine.  But if I start a new browser instance/session, and paste the same url a "500 - Internal Server Error" results.  Should this be possible, and if so, can you please share any suggestions?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hi Mike,
    Did you consider creating a public procedure to download your file?
    Here is a good blog that tells how to do this:
    You basically just create a procedure that generates the blog, and then you give it a grant to public.
    Just remember to do a security check inside the procedure.

  • Call print apex_util.get_print_document() with page item values

    Hi all
    I ran into an issue that very frustrated as it sounds so simple.
    I'm in Apex 3.1.
    My database has table TAB_CLASSES, TAB_STUDENT
    My application has page 1 with P1_SID is student_ID
    I had an simple report query name Class_query, show all classes that a student attends
    select * from TAB_CLASSES where SID = :P1_SID;
    I also select option "include application and session information"
    I had report template Class_template
    In my application, I have a process tried to generate report list classes for all students.
    l_report blob;
    for x in (select * from TAB_STUDENT)
    :P1_SID := x.SID;
    l_report := apex_util.get_print_document (
    p_application_id => :APP_ID,
    p_report_query_name => 'Class_query',
    p_report_layout_name => 'Class_template',
    p_report_layout_type => 'rtf',
    p_document_format => 'pdf'
    insert all the l_report into database with SID as a part of l_report name (*) 
    end loop;
    After this, I got multiple of l_report blob in database, number of report is exactly number of student in the TAB_STUDENT table. The problem is that every report looks the same, and it got the information of only first student
    I guessed it did not pass the item value (P1_SID) every time it call the get_print_document, but it still shows in the report name (*)
    Please help me. Thanks for any idea.
    Edited by: teiviag on Mar 10, 2010 7:16 AM

    This post had the same problem with me
    [ http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=663186&start=0&tstart=0|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=663186&start=0&tstart=0]
    Thanks for the post of Marc, about how variables are binding and calling by process, I changed my app design to have a sp to print and store the pdf file. Then in my app, I just called the sp and passed the P1_SID. It worked.
    Edited by: teiviag on Mar 10, 2010 10:49 AM
    Edited by: teiviag on Mar 10, 2010 10:50 AM
    Edited by: teiviag on Mar 10, 2010 10:50 AM

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