API call to get FULL URL

I can't seem to find an API call to simply return the full url of the current page.
I just want to do the simplest (at least I think it should be simple) thing: Call a stored procedure (from a portlet) passing the current full url to the procedure. Nothing fancy.
Is there such a thing? Hopefully, I have just overlooked it...

I've used two different methods to get the url of the page a portlet is currently on depending on the type of portlet it is.
In a portal component's Additional PL/SQL Code section, use p_page_url. Example:
END;In a custom PL/SQL portlet, use p_portlet_record.page_url. Example:

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    You can ge the docUrl using doc info services DOC_INFO or DOC_INFO_BY_NAME.
    dataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "DOC_INFO");
    dataBinder.putLocal("dID", docId);
    ServiceResponse response = idcClient.sendRequest (idcContext, dataBinder);
    DataBinder respBinder = response.getResponseAsBinder();
    System.out.println("DocUrl"+ respBinder.getLocal("DocUrl"));

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    I've used two different methods to get the url of the page a portlet is currently on depending on the type of portlet it is.
    In a portal component's Additional PL/SQL Code section, use p_page_url. Example:
    END;In a custom PL/SQL portlet, use p_portlet_record.page_url. Example:

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    I've used two different methods to get the url of the page a portlet is currently on depending on the type of portlet it is.
    In a portal component's Additional PL/SQL Code section, use p_page_url. Example:
    END;In a custom PL/SQL portlet, use p_portlet_record.page_url. Example:

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    Thank you

    The hash part is entirely client side. You cannot get it on the server side. You need to pass it as request parameter or as part of real URL.

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    I have chnaged my code to
    ReportRequest req = new ReportRequest();
    req.setAttributeTemplate("Letter v1.0.rtf");
    req.setReportAbsolutePath("/Shared Folders/Test/Letters");
    // issue the reques
    ReportResponse reportResp = (ReportResponse) call.invoke(
    new Object[] {req, "weblogic", "oracle123"} );
    System.out.println("Return ReportResponse: ContentType = " + reportResp.getReportContentType());
    It throws
    PublicReportService::generateReport failed: due to oracle.xdo.servlet.CreateException: Report definition not found:/Shared Folders/Test/Letters
    In the BIP I have uploaded templated and mapped to dataset /Shared Folders/Test/Letters/Letter v1.0.rtf
    Please advice me what must be the setReportAbsolutePath and setAttributeTemplate?

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    Sample Code:
    Protected Sub RetrieveDocumentDetails(ByVal intFolderID As Integer)
    Dim customDataSet As New DataSet Dim newTable As New DataTable("TestTable") Dim newRow As DataRow
    'Initialize Custom DataSet newTable.Columns.Add("CardName", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DateCreated", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DateModified", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DocOwner", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DocumentUrl", GetType(String)) 'newTable.Columns.Add("DocDescription", GetType(String))
    'Instantiate Plumtree Remote Session Dim IPTRemoteSession As IRemoteSession IPTRemoteSession = RemoteSessionFactory.GetExplicitLoginContext(New System.Uri("http://cgi-clay01.clayton.com:8111/ptapi/QueryInterfaceAPI.asmx"), "Administrator", "")
    'Query the Plumtree Document Manager passing in the Folder ID Dim PTDocumentManager As IDocumentManager = IPTRemoteSession.GetDocumentManager() Dim PTDocumentQuery As IDocumentQuery = PTDocumentManager.CreateQuery(intFolderID) Dim PTQueryResults As IObjectQuery = PTDocumentQuery.Execute() Dim i As Integer
    'Loop throught the Document Query Results and load into the Custom Dataset For i = 0 To PTQueryResults.GetRowCount - 1 Dim PTDocument As IObjectQueryRow = PTQueryResults.GetRow(i)
    newRow = newTable.NewRow() newRow("CardName") = PTDocument.GetName() newRow("DateCreated") = PTDocument.GetCreated() newRow("DateModified") = PTDocument.GetLastModified() newRow("DocOwner") = PTDocument.GetOwner() newRow("DocumentUrl") = PTDocument.GetStringValue(DocumentProperty.URL) '(I NEED THE FULL URL HERE) 'newRow("DocDescription") = PTDocument.GetDescription()
    newTable.Rows.Add(newRow) Next customDataSet.Tables.Add(newTable) customDataSet.AcceptChanges()
    'Bind Custom Dataset to Datagrid DataGrid1.DataSource = customDataSet DataGrid1.DataBind()
    End Sub

    You can insert layout breaks to change the number of columns throughout your document. This screenshot is from a newsletter I did in Pages 1/iWork '05, but this function is unchanged.
    You should change your profile information that appears at the bottom of your posts. Mac OS 9 hasn't been a current OS for over 10 years & there is no way to run Pages on it. If you're not sure what version of Mac OS you're using, click the  in the upper left of your menu bar & choose About This Mac.

  • How to get full URL when LoaderInfo.isURLInaccessible == true?

    Why is Flash Security so hard to figure out?
    I am trying to load an image; however, the image URL I 1st receive is actually a redirected URL. I wish to load the redirected URL, but I can't get the full redirected URL because LoaderInfo.isURLInaccessible is true even though I think I follow all the precautions detailed on the following page:
    http://www.macromediademos.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/fplayer10.1_air2_security_chang es.html
    Here is my sitaution...
    I have an image URL: i.e. "http://www.foo.com/image.jpg"
    I attempt to load the image ensuring that I set the LoaderContext's checkPolicyFile to "true"
                    var ur:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "http://www.foo.com/image.jpg");
                    var l:Loader = new Loader();
                    l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
                    var lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
                    lc.checkPolicyFile = true;
                    l.load(ur, lc);
    When the Event.COMPLETE is dispatched, I discover that the loaded image's URL is not the one I first used ( "http://www.foo.com/image.jpg") instead the URL is a redirected URL  "http://www.bar.com/image.jpg".
    Because of sandbox issues, I can not use the loaded image and be able to manipulate the image. So instead I need to reload the image using the final URL. However, I cannot determine what the redirected URL is because the LoaderInfo.isURLInaccessible == true and LoaderInfo.url =="http://www.bar.com/", not "http://www.bar.com/image.jpg".
            private function onLoad(e:Event):void {
                   var li:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(e.target);
                   trace("isURLInaccessible = " + li.isURLInaccessible); //output = "isURLInaccessible = true"         
                   trace("li.url  = " + li.url); //output = "li.url = http://www.bar.com/"
    Acording to the Adobe Blog post (see URL above), I need to ensure two things: 1) LoaderContext.checkPolicyFile= true, and 2) the crossdomain policy file gives the proper permission.
    I think I've met both o these criteria. The crossdomain file for BOTH http://www.foo.com/crossdomain.xml and http://www.bar.com/crossdomain.xml is the following:
              <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
              <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
    What am I doing wrong? How do I ensure that I can get the redirected URL and LoaderInfo.isURLInaccessible == false?

    Here's an update. (though still no solution.)
    1) I preloaded ANY image from the redirected server: i.e. http://www.bar.com/image123.jpg. (Mind you, I did nothing with this preloaded image.) When I loaded this image, checkPolicyFile == true.
    2) A few seconds later, I loaded the desired non-redirected image: http://www.foo.com/image.jpg.
    3) This time, isURLInaccessible was true and I had access to the full redirected URL: i.e. http://www.foo.com/image.jpg.
    Please note that the image from the 1st step didn't have to be the same image from the 3rd step.
    It appears that you have to check the policy file on the redirected URL before have knowledge of the redirected URL. However, how can you check the policy file on the redirected URL if you don't know the redirected URL yet?
    Ah, Adobe Flash security makes so much sense and is always so simple. /sarcasm
    So does anyone know how to properly check the policy file for redirected images with this new info?
    Seemingly according to the security page written by Adobe which I linked to my 1st post, it should be as simple as setting the checkPolicyFile property of the LoaderContext. I've tried that and that doesn't work. So either Adobe's page is incorrect (perhaps) or is not clear (most likely).
    Unless anyone can come up with a simpiler way to do this, I'll probably do the following which theoretically should work:
    1) load the non-redirected image
    2) when image loads, determine if the loaded URL == the URL originally used to load the image
    3) If it is determined that the loaded URL is a redirected URL, then check if isURLInaccessible  == true.
    4) if isURLInaccessible  == true, then somehow load the policy file from the incomplete URL (I will need to figure out how to do this.)
    5) Once the policy file loads, then go back to step #1. When the process reaches step #4, then isURLInaccessible should be false at which case, process to step #6
    6) Load the redirected image URL
    The above seems like a lot steps to load an image. Can someone confirm if the above is necessary or if there is a simpler way to load the redirected image's policy file?

  • SP Designer Workflow: How to Get Full URL Path to List Item and inserted same list ITem URL in another list

    I have requirement in Sp Designer 2010,Get List item URL and insert in another list as one column value.When open another list and click on same item  column entry url will show the parent item information.
    Here i have create work flow and insert item URL in another list but cant find appropriate item url information.I can easily make  item url link through String builder in mail body with using current id and predefine link,but
    when try to insert the same type of item link in another list where i cant find string builder for create custom url link,only get valur of Path,URL,Absolute URL and Relative server URL,all these links or not provide me exact
    item link dispaly information.
    So I opened SharePoint Designer and start creating the workflow associated to the list.
    As there is some Field from source related to current item URL I start using it
    Encoded Absolute URL – this one should be the one to use
    Server Relative URL
    URL Path
    Unfortunately, none of these options were providing the correct link. Indeed, these options are providing an incorrect path:
    Encoded Absolute URL
    Server Relative URL
    URL Path
    As you can see, the item URL is composed by an ID while it should be http://wfe1/Lists/bpf/dispform.aspx?id=1
    Hasan Jamal Siddiqui(MCTS,MCPD,ITIL@V3),Share Point Application Developer,TCS

    Unfortunately, [%Current Item:URL%] doesn't seem to be available from a "Site Workflow" associated to a List.   I'm finding less advantages to doing a "Site Workflow" when I don't necessarily need to.  One problem is the workflow is initiating
    twice.   I'm thinking I should have just created the workflow as a a "List Workflow."  
    I am going to try "Association Columns" -- that may work.  Anyone have other suggestions?

  • GET FULL URL without the file

    I need to get the
    without coding it in so I can use it on multiple sites without
    re-coding. Basically it is an email systems where I want to include
    an email header and footer. In order for this to work the images
    need to have full paths to the images on the server. I have tried
    <cfset mypath = "
    This returns
    wich is good except the file name at the end.
    So I guess my question is - How do you take off the filename?
    I want this to work on different pages without re-coding.
    How do I take out just the filename ( anything after the last

    That works,
    But while I was waiting for an answer I came up with
    <cfset myPath = replace(GetDirectoryFromPath("
    Both seem to work

  • How to get baseURL to make Adobe connect API call?

    I have to use Adobe connect API, for this i have created account on adobe, but not able to make API call due to base URL like COMPANYNAME.adobeconnect.com
    Woluld you please help to get this url or where to get this?

    You say you have an account set up? The URL should be the same URL as was used to access the server to create your account. If you don't know what that is, your Connect admin should be able to help you identify it.
    If you don't have a Connect account, you can purchase one through adobe.com, https://service.acrobat.com/cfusion/bots/purchase/index.cfm, or you can contact a reseller, http://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect/strategic-partners.html.

  • How to get the url of a document in content management?

    I have used API  'SKWF_PHIO_CONTENT_URL_GET to get the url of a file in CRM content management. But when I tried to open this url in explorer got error message "SSF error: Decoding not possible". Could any one please help me to resolve this problem.

    Thanks for replying - unfortunately, there is not much
    support on these forums.
    I wish there was some way to emulate the mouse from
    Javascript to click the play, pause, and slider buttons... but one
    would't even know, programmatically, the location on screen of the
    play, pause, and slider buttons.
    Originally posted by:
    You'll notice that questions like this don't get answered on
    forum. The Flash player has a philosophy that skews the power
    over almost everything about it to the content providers,
    and precious little control, if at all, to the client player.
    It's a crappy situation - I use Flashblock in Firefox and
    only view the
    content *I* want to see.
    It works for me, particularly since I'm using an older
    (slower )
    computer that really gets bogged down by aggressive Flash

  • HTTP REST API call to CPSC 10.x from an external system

    I would like to know the below items.
    Is it possible to connect with the CPSC 10.x from an external system via HTTP REST API call to process a request and complete a task?
    Is it possible to create a new ticket / request in CPSC for a specific service via the HTTP REST API call?
    One of the use case is to know how many requests are pending in a queue via a HTTP REST API call? How to pass a queue name in the HTTP REST API call to get the result? These kind of custom piece is not available in the integration guide.
    Is there any specific REST API guide available which Cisco provides for the REST capability in CPSC?
    Any help is highly appreciated!

    When a task is invoked from a service catalog request to an external system, the request remains open and the task is pending until the external system issues a call to complete the task.  The API for completing the task is SOAP-based.  Check out the Cisco Prime Service Catalog Integration Guide.  Within the doc, go to the section about "Web Service Listener Adapter" for the WSDL.
    You can order a service within Prime Service Catalog with a SOAP call, which is also documented in this same document.  Starting with Prime Service Catalog 10.1, you will have a way to order a service via a REST API.
    Existing REST APIs are also documented in the integration guide.

  • Rest calls are getting 406 error with beta refresh

    We are seeing that our REST API calls are getting http 406 error. We have not made any changes on the REST Service. In Console, i see following messages that might be related to this issue.
    8/31/12 9:33:23.259 PM TAOMobile: -JSONValue failed. Error trace is: (
    "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=11 \"Unexpected end of string\" UserInfo=0xc0ab830 {NSLocalizedDescription=Unexpected end of string}"
    8/31/12 9:33:23.265 PM TAOMobile: -JSONValue failed. Error trace is: (
    "Error Domain=org.brautaset.JSON.ErrorDomain Code=11 \"Unexpected end of string\" UserInfo=0xaec1590 {NSLocalizedDescription=Unexpected end of string}"
    Here is how we make the call.
    RestServiceAdapter restServiceAdapter = Model.createRestServiceAdapter();
    restServiceAdapter.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
    String response = "";
    // It's a GET request, so there's no payload
    response = restServiceAdapter.send("");
    System.out.println("Response from the server: " + response);

    Added this after looking at one of the forum entry.
    restServiceAdapter.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
    And issue is resolved. Documentation update in sample code would help others.
    Edited by: Chandresh on Sep 4, 2012 2:36 PM

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