APO Capacity Plng BAdi

We are wanting to use some custom logic at the time the system executes Cap Reqt calculation & later the Cap availability checks. We are dealing with regular Time-continuous resources which are planned as Finite.
Want to know of a BAdi that I could use in that area. Has anyone used enhancement for Cap Req or Cap avlbl chks?

Hi Saurabh,
I'm looking for a BAdi/method within the Planned Order creation mode (RRP_SRC_EXIT) that would enable me to re-calculate the Cap Requirements. Any planned order needs the following for completing -
1. PDS explosion (determines the components & the machine/source)
2. Numbers of hours required (Capacity Requirements)
3. Capacity avlbty check (Compare Cap Req with available Cap)
I'm looking to modify the Cap Reqt @ the time of creation of the Planned Order & then trigger Cap Avlbty check based on the newly calculated Cap Req
Any help would be a big plus for me

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    Dear all,
    I have a problem which I hope can be resolved by one of you ...
    In APO, it is possible to add downtimes for resources using transaction /SAPAPO/RES01 ... After adding this, we can click on "capacity profile" and then we see the time capacity of a resource with all downtimes per shift (with capacity variant) ... I would like to use this time capacity in a program, so it would be interesting to have this information on DDIC-level ... I am looking for some days now, but I don't find which tables to read or which BAPI / function to use ?
    Does anyone know how I can find this data ?
    Thanks in advance for the assistance !

    Hi Kurt,
               You can use the below tables/views in which Resource and Capacity Profile related data is stored.
    /SAPAPO/RES_INTQ - Resource Capacity Intervals
    /SAPAPO/RES_INTV - Resource Capacity Intervals
    /SAPAPO/RESCAP - Capacity Profile: Resource Time Capacity
    /SAPAPO/RESDIM - Dimensions and Capacity of a Resource
    /SAPAPO/RESDOWN - Resource Downtime
    /SAPAPO/RESDOWNT - Resource Downtime
    /SAPAPO/RESKEY - Reset Key for Resource to UID
    /SAPAPO/V_RESVER- Resource Capacity Variants
    /SAPAPO/VRESINTQ - Resource Interval of Available Capacity Quantity Model
    /SAPAPO/VRESINTR - Resource Interval of Available Capacity Rate Model
    BAPIs available to read:
    BAPI_RSSRVAPS_GETCAPAPRO - Read Resource Capacities Profile
    BAPI_RSSRVAPS_REQUESTCAPAPRO - Query: Selection of Capacities for Resource and Result Transfer
    BAPI_RSSRVAPS_GETLIST - Selection of Resources
    I hope this will help you to get the data which you want to read.


    Hi experts,
    I am trying to use BAdI /SAPAPO/SDP_SELECTOR but I can not get any method of it to stop at a breakpoint.
    What I want to implement: By opening a planning book and loading a specific selection profile, some fields in selection shuffler have to be grayed out or become invisible at all. I thought this BAdI could be used for this, but after many attempts I have to give up and ask experts for advise.
    Kind regards

    Hi Aban - the method INIT_OBJECT_LIST is called when you load a planning book either by first entering SDP94 or changing planning book while in SDP94. This method allows you to manipoulate what fields will apear as selections depending on the object selected - you can grey out the left side by making a field required but not the values on the right side of the selection. None of the methods are called when creating changing or saving selection profiles - the other methods are called for F4 or after selection is chosen to filter the selected data or to add fields to the selected data ALV. If you want to grey out the values in a selection then you may want to create an enhancement implementation to do so. It sounds like there may be other options to limit what users are doing such as authorization or filtering the selection using the above BADI. Also you may be able to set up profiles users can select that have prepopulated values then train or require users to choose those profiles and add additional criteria.

  • APO Capacity Reservation Characteristic is not valid

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    2) Setup forecast at material, location & customer level in DP planning area
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    In next step clicking on capacity reservation & selecting characteristic, it gives error saying reservation characteristic is not valid & does not allow us to maintain reservations for the characteristic
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    Best Regards

    Hello Manimaran
    Thanks for reply.
    The consumption group is maintained correctly with the correct planning area. The planning area is correctly initialised & we are checking the resource against the same version only.
    As mentioned, the forecast was correctly released from DP to order series with required descriptive characteristics.
    The issue is occuring while selecting the characteristic. As soon as we select characteristic from pop up, the error appears.
    mentioning  reservation characteristic is invalid.
    In the popup there are two columns (characteristic & descriptive characteristic), However onlky the characteristics column is shown which is picked from the capacity reservation group (i.e. if we remove the characteristic from capacity reservation group, it gets removed from popup as well). I guess the error is occuring due to the column descriptive characteristic which is missing.
    Please advice. Thanks in advance
    Best Regards

  • Badi for setting default values in the transaction in APO.

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    The  BADI name: SMOD_APOCF005 .
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    The  BADI name: SMOD_APOCF005 .
    T.code at APO : /sapapo/mat1
    Once we enter in that T.Code with some Product and Location data.
    There under PP/DS tab.
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  • BAdI /SAPAPO/DM_PO_MNTN - CT_ORDKEY is not populated with the order data for PO Memo

    Dear All,
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    Please Help.

    If you don't do what I told you, I can not do anything more....
    Your code should look like this:
    loop at it_item into ls_item.
    ls_cust-refobject = 'POITEM'.
    ls_cust-fieldname = 'CATALOGID'.
    ls_cust-REFFIELD1 = 'PO_ITEM'. <b>and not 'POITEM'</b>
    ls_cust-REFVAL1 = ls_item-number_int. <b>and not a fixed value</b>
    ls_cust-container = ls_item-catalogid.
    append ls_cust to ct_bapi_customer_fields.
    For R/3 mapping table BBP_CUFMAP:
    KEY_TYPE = Z

  • Sending New Requirement date to APO before saving the sales order in ECC

    Hi Experts,
    i have a requirement where while creation of sales order, when user enters the requirement date,i have to calculate the new requirement date ( adding transit time and other time ) and send it to APO , to bring the ATP result based on this new calculated date.
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    Hi Bharat,
    Normally the new calculated requirement/delivery date will be updated in APO through the CIF.
    However you can influence the transfer with enhancement CIFSLS03 (influence sales-order-specific data directly before it is sent to SAP APO available on ECC side).
    Please see the below description.
    Regards, Marius
    In this enhancement, you can transfer customer-order-specific data to SAP
    The associated component EXIT_SAPLCSLS_002 provides you with tables that are
    required for the transfer. In particular, these are:
    Requirements table ET_SL_REQ
    Item table ET_SL_DOC
    Field catalog ET_ATPFIELD
    You can use this exit to create or change documents in the ERP system as well
    as for the initial data transfer.
    The data is transferred to SAP APO after this exit is called.
    If you use program /SAPAPO/CIF_DELTAREPORT3, you have to add the
    corresponding logic to function module EXIT_SAPLCID3_001. For more information,
    see the documentation for
    enhancement CIFCID3.

  • Difference between r/3 planning( lead time scheduling) and APO planning

    Hello APO Gurus,
    Please let me know the difference between the R/3 capacity planning by using lead time scheduling and APO capacity planning for a work centre.
    Both in both cases you can use the lead time from routing OPERATION.
    Please let me know where the planning differs.
    Ravindra Deokule

    Check out
    particularly the section "Which functions of the operations relevant to scheduling are supported?"
    It will give you a flavour of what can lead to difference in planning.

  • Influencing the CIF

    I want to use BADI SMOD_APOCF005, method EXIT_/SAPAPO/SAPLCIF_PROD_001 to influence the mater CIF behavor.
    Is this exit just apply in APO? or should I do something in R3?
    thanks a lot

         I am not sure about your exact requirement but I think you want to change some material master fields while CIF to APO.
    This BAdi is useful when you want to change the master fields in APO.This will not reflect in ECC anywhere in material master.
    I would suggest to use CIFMAT01 CIF user exit in ECC to change the master data fields while CIF to APO.You can use this BAdi also not an issue,this will change the material master in APO only.
    If you need any further help please let me know.

  • Use of BADI for SNP capacity levelling

    I am using APO V5.1.
    I'm interested in using the Business Add in (BADI) for SNP capacity levelling.
    Can anyone tell me which BADI this is, and the possible functionality it can provide?
    Thanks for any information on this...

    To give you a couple of examples of what we use the BADi for:
    1) Based on a product characteristic, the levelling will only level certain products. E.g. you could set a characteristic to mark products for internal use versus export use and then level the internal requirements first.
    2) The levelling will only level planned production for highlighted orders in the data view.
    Hope that helps for ideas

  • User Exit or BADI for Blocking process orders from R/3 to APO?

    Dear Experts,
    I am looking for a user exit or badi to block the process orders from R/3 to APO. As per standard it is not transferring orders which are clsd(closed status). Means that it is not updating live cache but its reading from R3.
    We are facing some problems in cif queues which are not correctly maintained in R3 side. We dont want to touch those orders bcoz its very old data which is not required for planning.
    There will be huge data which needs to be deleted while transferring through cif.
    Please give any user exit (outbound intial transfer) from R/3.
    Or any sugg. I apprecite your inputs...

    Hi Cris,
    You can use user exit APOCF004 - Inbound Processing: Production Order/Planned Order in APO to prevent orders coming to APO by deleting orders which are not intended to goto APO from internal tables IT_ORD and IT_OUT.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Ramesh M

  • BADI / User Exit for APO Order transaction /SAPAPO/SNPTLB

    Hi Experts,
    We have a proxy interface and currently we are using FUNCTION EXIT_SAPMSNPUSER_006 for the APO Order transaction: /SAPAPO/SNPTLB.
    This exist is triggering before the Order is being saved in APO and at times it is throwing an error 'Order key already exists in live cache' in the APO system.
    Is there any other BADI or User exit available to Save the order in APO before the interface gets processed?, if so, plese guide me.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Lakshmi,
    I am having the same issue with the message "Order key already exists in live cache" in our system. 
    We are using the user-exit EXIT_SAPMSNPUSER_005 for UoM conversion.  But we are not making any explicit proxy calls
    to /SAPAPO/SNPTLB.  Does the system automatically call this transaction with this user-exit?
    Did you get a resolution for the issue.  I would really appreciate if you can let me know how you have addressed this.

  • BADI/User Exit for APO Transaction: /SAPAPO/SNPTLB

    Hi Experts,
    We have a proxy interface and currently we are using  FUNCTION EXIT_SAPMSNPUSER_006 for the APO Order transaction: /SAPAPO/SNPTLB.
    This exist is triggering before the Order is being saved in APO and at times it is throwing an error 'Order key already exists in live cache' in the APO system.
    Is there any other BADI or User exit available to Save the order in APO before the interface gets processed?, if so, plese guide me. 
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Lakshmi,
    I am having the same issue with the message "Order key already exists in live cache" in our system. 
    We are using the user-exit EXIT_SAPMSNPUSER_005 for UoM conversion.  But we are not making any explicit proxy calls
    to /SAPAPO/SNPTLB.  Does the system automatically call this transaction with this user-exit?
    Did you get a resolution for the issue.  I would really appreciate if you can let me know how you have addressed this.

  • User Exit or BADI in APO to change sales order relevant data while CIF

    Hi Everyone,
    I require User exit or BADI at APO side to change customer field kunnr of sales order after it enters APO through CIF.
    My requirement is to replace KUNNR field with KDGRP field of sales order.
    The data will pass through CIF in APO.
    Is there any user exit or BADI for the same?
    Sample code will be of great help.

    Hi ,
    Resolved myself.
    customer exit APOCF010

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