App expiration date

Hello Forums.
Im a little unsure about the signing of apps for release. So question....
if i have an individual license...
and i create app and export it on my own iphone will that app stop working after one year if i dont renew that license.
Also if I create an app and put it in the store and forget about developing in one year so my license is not renewed will that app still work?
if i obtain an enterprise license and launce an app in house and one year later i forget about developing and the license is not renewed will that app still work?
I also think i should mention that in no way am i trying to "cheat" the system or obtain un just gain but i need to make a few informed decisions.
Thanks for the help

>and i create app and export it on my own iphone will that app stop working after one year if i dont renew that license.
Right....the related testing profile won't outlast your account.
>Also if I create an app and put it in the store and forget about developing in one year so my license is not renewed will that app still work?
Apps in the store go dark. Apps in a user's possession are not affected.
>if i obtain an enterprise license and launce an app in house and one year later i forget about developing and the license is not renewed will that app still work?
Apps on your employee's devices will go dark if not reprovisioned inside your Enterprise active account status timeline.
>I also think i should mention that in no way am i trying to "cheat" the system or obtain un just gain but i need to make a few informed decisions.
I think I should mention that people profess that every day with the intention of trying to fool anyone foolish enough to fall for that line...
You know that the restrictions are....please don't think you can find a way around them.
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    $results.Text=Get-ADUser -Filter "sAMAccountName -eq '$($EntryBox.text)'" -Properties DisplayName, sAMAccountName, mail, extensionattribute5, PasswordLastSet, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, buMemberOf, telephoneNumber, msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable, whenCreated, whenChanged, enabled, AccountExpirationDate | select givenName, surname, DisplayName, sAMAccountName, mail, extensionattribute5, PasswordLastSet, PasswordExpired, PasswordNeverExpires, buMemberOf, telephoneNumber, msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable, whenCreated, whenChanged, enabled, AccountExpirationDate | Out-String
    for info:
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    $entrybox.text is the text box the helpdesk staff use to input the user ID or display name of the account they are querying
    $results.focus simply tells the script to put the results in the results.text window
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    Here's an example you can build from:
    $maxPasswordAge = 120
    Get-ADUser USER -Properties PasswordLastSet |
    Select SamAccountName,
    @{N='PasswordLifeRemaining';E={$maxPasswordAge - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days}},
    @{N='PasswordExpirationDate';E={(Get-Date $_.PasswordLastSet).AddDays($maxPasswordAge)}}
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,085+ strong and growing)

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    2. Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Enterprise Edition on Linux
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    You have the answer in yours hands:
    Search for "60 days" in the forum
    How can I enfore Password Expiry Without Lockout?
    for instance.
    For the servername, it's the name of your server and the port is depending of your platform (have a look to $ORACLE_HOME_INFRA/install/portlist.ini) and
    chech the value for: Oracle Internet Directory port

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    If you synced it many times, you have to have a backup. It's just a question of how old that backup is now. When did you last sync?
    First of all launch iTunes on your computer and go to Edit>Preferences>Devices. Do you see any backups for you iPad in that window? If so, how new is the newest backup? That will be the backup that you will want to use. But remember that if you use that backup and it is one month old, you can only restore from that date back in time. Anything that you did on the iPad in the past month will not be in that backup.
    Turn on the new iPad Minin and start activating OTA via WiFi. You will get to a certain point in the process where you will be given the choice to Set up as new, Restore from iCloud - or Restore from iTunes. You will want to select Restore from iTunes.
    That is the short and sweet version. There are step by step instructions in this article. This applies to the mini as well as the iPad 4 or the iPad 3 for that matter.

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    Apple does not transfer content bought with one Apple ID to another Apple ID. Apple will not merge two Apple IDs.
    If most of your content was bought with the Yahoo! Apple ID but you now want the Gmail address for your Apple ID, the trick will be to change the address used for the Yahoo ID with the Gmail address. However, to do that you must first free the Gmail address from that other Apple ID. Use the instructions from Apple to substitute another address that is not used as an Apple ID for your Gmail address in the Apple ID with the Gmail address. Then, when the Gmail address is no longer used in an Apple ID, you can use the same instructions to substitute the Gmail address for the Yahoo address in the Apple ID with the Yahoo address.
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    Yo can't. apps are locked to the account thatpurchased them and in-app purchases can only be mad with the account that originally purchased the app.
    You will have to recover use of the first account
    How do I change or recover a forgotten Apple ID Password?
    If you've forgotten your Apple ID Password or want to change it, go to My Apple ID and follow the instructions. SeeChanging your Apple ID password if you'd like more information.
    If necessary:
    Forgotten Security Questions/Answers
    You need to contact Apple by:
    1 - Use the Express lane and start here:
    then click More Products and Services>Apple ID>Other Apple ID Topics>Forgotten Apple ID security questions.
    Apple - Support -form iTunes Store - Contact Us
    2 - Call Apple in your country by getting the number from here:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    3 - Use your rescue email address if you set one up
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    For general  information see:
    Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions
    If you have not uses any of the $10 you redeemed to the new account, you can likely get that refunded by contacting iTunes
    Contact iTunes

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