App Menu Problem with WMFS

I recently started trying WMFS and I am encountering a issue where it requires me to click a lot of times on entries inside the Applications Menu to open a terminal (urxvt) and the program never opens. The only way I can run the terminal is through the launcher by writing urxvt directly. That only happens to entries inside of the applications menu because on the root menu I can click on the shutdown command and it runs just fine with one click. Any one have a solution for this issue that keeps bothering me?
Uploaded with
WMFS Config
# This is the default wmfs config file, copy it to
# ~/.config/wmfs/wmfsrc and edit it.
# Include file to split configuration
# @include "~/.config/wmfs/menu-wmfsrc"
use_xft = true
font = "terminus-9"
raisefocus = true
focus_follow_mouse = true
focus_follow_movement = true
opacity = 255
# focus_pointer_click: click on unfocused client area:
# true -- default, set focus
# false -- click go to client; including dockapps
focus_pointer_click = true
bg = "#191919"
fg = "#D4D4D4"
border = true
#height = "-1"
light_shade = 0.10
dark_shade = -0.10
# Order of infobar elements:
# t = Tag list
# l = Layout button
# s = Selbar
elements_order = "tls"
# Enable/disable systray
active = true
# Screen of systray
screen = 0
# Spacing between tray icons
spacing = 3
# Remove this section to disable the selbar.
bg = "#191919"
fg = "#D4D4ff"
# Cut title length
# max_length = 25
[mouse] button = "3" func = "clientlist" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "4" func = "client_next" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "5" func = "client_prev" [/mouse]
fg = "#191919"
bg = "#7E89A2"
# Border around the layout button.
border = true
# Value menu or switch.
system = "menu"
# Keep layout geo for free layout
keep_layout_geo = false
# Enable split mode with client_resize_<direction>
cfactor_enable_split = true
# Symbol displayed for the selected layout in the list
selected_layout_symbol = "*"
# Width of layout button
# layout_button_width = x
# Tiling layouts.
[layout] type = "tile_right" symbol = "RIGHT" [/layout]
[layout] type = "tile_left" symbol = "LEFT" [/layout]
[layout] type = "tile_top" symbol = "TOP" [/layout]
[layout] type = "tile_bottom" symbol = "BOTTOM" [/layout]
[layout] type = "tile_grid" symbol = "GRID_H" [/layout]
[layout] type = "tile_grid_vertical" symbol = "GRID_V" [/layout]
[layout] type = "mirror_vertical" symbol = "MIRROR_V" [/layout]
[layout] type = "mirror_horizontal" symbol = "MIRROR_H" [/layout]
# Other layouts.
[layout] type = "max" symbol = "MAX" [/layout]
[layout] type = "free" symbol = "FREE" [/layout]
name = "new tag"
mwfact = 0.5
nmaster = 1
layout = "tile"
resizehint = false
infobar_position = "top"
split = false
# whether client_next on the last tag will send you on the first
# and client_prev on the first tag will send you on the last one
tag_round = false
# Going twice on the same tag will bring you back on the previous one
tag_auto_prev = true
occupied_bg = "#003366"
occupied_fg = "#D4D4D4"
sel_fg = "#191919"
sel_bg = "#7E89A2"
urgent_bg = "#DD1111"
urgent_fg = "#000000"
# If true, number of the tag will be used for name
name_count = false
#default_name = "new tag" # deprecated, use [default_tag] instead
#default_layout = "tile_right" # deprecated, use [default_tag] instead
expose_name = "EXPOSE"
expose_layout = "tile_left"
# Border around the tag buttons.
border = true
# Hide empty tags in tag list
autohide = false
# Mouse buttons action on tag.
mouse_button_tag_sel = "1"
mouse_button_tag_transfert = "2"
mouse_button_tag_add = "3"
mouse_button_tag_next = "4"
mouse_button_tag_prev = "5"
name = "www"
screen = 0
mwfact = 0.65
nmaster = 1
layout = "tile_right"
resizehint = false
infobar_position = "top"
above_fc = false
split = false
#[mouse] [/mouse] Possible multi mouse section
[tag] name = "code" [/tag]
[tag] name = "graph" [/tag]
[tag] name = "etc" [/tag]
# Command you can execute to set the background.
background_command = "sh ~/.config/wmfs/"
[mouse] button = "4" func = "tag_next" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "5" func = "tag_prev" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "3" func = "menu" cmd = "rootmenu" [/mouse]
client_round = true
client_auto_center = false
border_height = 3
border_shadow = true
border_normal = "#191919"
border_focus = "#003366"
place_at_mouse = false
resize_corner_normal = "#191919"
resize_corner_focus = "#003366"
set_new_win_master = true
client_tile_raise = false
new_client_get_mouse = false
# send all client that have no tag rule in this default tag
#default_open_tag = 4
# same as above but for the screen
#default_open_screen = 1
# Space between tiled clients (px)
padding = 0
# Modifier for mouse use
modifier = "Alt"
light_shade = 0.10
dark_shade = -0.10
# *DEPRECATED* but works, see [rules] section
# Set automatic free or max client
# autofree = "xterm|MPlayer"
# automax = "Navigator"
[mouse] button = "1" func = "client_raise" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "1" func = "mouse_move" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "3" func = "client_raise" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "3" func = "mouse_resize" [/mouse]
# Remove this section to delete the titlebar.
stipple = false
height = 12
fg_normal = "#7E89A2"
fg_focus = "#9F9AB3"
[mouse] button = "1" func = "client_raise" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "1" func = "mouse_move" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "3" func = "client_raise" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "3" func = "mouse_resize" [/mouse]
# Available "free", "max", "tile" flags or button.
flags = "free,max,tile"
[mouse] button = "1" func = "client_kill" [/mouse]
[mouse] button = "3" func = "menu" cmd = "clientmenu" [/mouse]
[line] coord = {1, 1, 4, 1} [/line]
[line] coord = {1, 1, 1, 4} [/line]
[line] coord = {1, 4, 4, 4} [/line]
# Example of rule for MPlayer
instance = "xv" # First part of WM_CLASS
class = "MPlayer" # Seconf part of WM_CLASS, not needed if first part is correct
# role = "" # WM_WINDOW_ROLE
screen = 0 # Screen to use
tag = 2 # Tag number of apps
free = true # Set automatic free client
max = false # Set automatic maximized client
follow_client = false # follow the client
ignore_tags = false # ignore tag (free mode)
# Default menu, binded on the root window, button 3.
name = "rootmenu"
# place_at_mouse = false
# x = 40 y = 50
# Available "center", "left", "right" menu align. Default: "center".
align = "left"
fg_focus = "#191919" bg_focus = "#7E89A2"
fg_normal = "#9F9AB3" bg_normal = "#191919"
[item] name = "Applications" submenu = "appmenu" [/item]
[item] name = "Shutdown" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt -e sudo shutdown -h now" [/item]
[item] name = "Restart" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt -e sudo shutdown -r now" [/item]
name = "appmenu"
align = "left"
fg_focus = "#191919" bg_focus = "#7E89A2"
fg_normal = "#9F9AB3" bg_normal = "#191919"
[item] name = "Browser" func = "spawn" cmd = "chromium" [/item]
[item] name = "Terminal" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt" [/item]
[item] name = "File Manager" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt -e mc" [/item]
[item] name = "Volume Control" func = "spawn" cmd = "urxvt -e alsamixer" [/item]
name = "clientmenu"
fg_focus = "#D4D4D4" bg_focus = "#003366"
fg_normal = "#D4D4D4" bg_normal = "#191919"
# Check items: possible 'check_max' or 'check_free'.
[item] name = "Close" func = "client_kill" [/item]
[item] name = "Maximize" func = "toggle_max" check = "check_max" [/item]
[item] name = "Free" func = "toggle_free" check = "check_free" [/item]
# Limit size of the launcher window (px)
width_limit = 300
name = "launcher_exec"
prompt = "Exec: "
command = "exec"
# Reload the configuration of wmfs.
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Control"} key = "r" func = "reload" [/key]
# Open a terminal.
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "Return" func = "spawn" cmd = "xterm" [/key]
# Kill the selected client.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "q" func = "client_kill" [/key]
# Quit wmfs.
[key] mod = {"Control", "Alt", "Shift"} key = "q" func = "quit" [/key]
# Swap current client with the next.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "t" func = "client_swap_next" [/key]
# Swap current client with the previous.
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "t" func = "client_swap_prev" [/key]
# Set the selected client as Master
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "m" func = "client_set_master" [/key]
# Toggle maximum the selected client
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "m" func = "toggle_max" [/key]
# Toggle free the selected client.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "f" func = "toggle_free" [/key]
# Toggle the position of the infobar.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "b" func = "toggle_infobar_position" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "b" func = "toggle_infobar_display" [/key]
# Toggle the resizehint of the current tag/screen
[key] mod = {"Shift", "Control"} key = "r" func = "toggle_resizehint" [/key]
# Toggle the tag_autohide mode
[key] mod = {"Shift", "Control"} key = "t" func = "toggle_tagautohide" [/key]
# Select the next client.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "Tab" func = "client_next" [/key]
# Select the previous client.
[key] mod = {"Alt","Shift"} key = "Tab" func = "client_prev" [/key]
# Select the next tag.
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "Right" func = "tag_next" [/key]
# Select the previous tag.
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "Left" func = "tag_prev" [/key]
# Select the next visible tag.
[key] mod = {"Control","Alt"} key = "Right" func = "tag_next_visible" [/key]
# Select the previous visible tag.
[key] mod = {"Control","Alt"} key = "Left" func = "tag_prev_visible" [/key]
# Set the next layout.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "space" func = "layout_next" [/key]
# Set the previous layout.
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "space" func = "layout_prev" [/key]
# Increase nmaster.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "d" func = "set_nmaster" cmd = "+1" [/key]
# Decease nmaster.
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "d" func = "set_nmaster" cmd = "-1" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "p" func = "launcher" cmd = "launcher_exec" [/key]
# Set the tag x.
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F1" func = "tag" cmd = "1" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F2" func = "tag" cmd = "2" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F3" func = "tag" cmd = "3" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F4" func = "tag" cmd = "4" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F5" func = "tag" cmd = "5" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F6" func = "tag" cmd = "6" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F7" func = "tag" cmd = "7" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F8" func = "tag" cmd = "8" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "F9" func = "tag" cmd = "9" [/key]
# Transfert selected client to x.
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F1" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="1" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F2" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="2" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F3" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="3" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F4" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="4" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F5" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="5" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F6" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="6" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F7" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="7" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F8" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="8" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Shift"} key = "F9" func = "tag_transfert" cmd ="9" [/key]
# Toggle additional tags (x) on the current tag
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F1" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="1" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F2" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="2" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F3" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="3" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F4" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="4" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F5" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="5" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F6" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="6" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F7" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="7" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F8" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="8" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt", "Super"} key = "F9" func = "tag_toggle_additional" cmd ="9" [/key]
# change screen
[key] mod = {"Super"} key = "Tab" func = "screen_next" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "Tab" func = "screen_prev" [/key]
# swap client in the next/prev screen
[key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "a" func = "client_screen_next" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "z" func = "client_screen_prev" [/key]
# Toggle tag explose
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "e" func = "toggle_tag_expose" [/key]
# Toggle split mode
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "s" func = "split_toggle" [/key]
# Focus next client with direction
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "h" func = "client_focus_left" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "l" func = "client_focus_right" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "k" func = "client_focus_top" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "j" func = "client_focus_bottom" [/key]
# Swap next client with direction
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "h" func = "client_swap_left" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "l" func = "client_swap_right" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "k" func = "client_swap_top" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Control"} key = "j" func = "client_swap_bottom" [/key]
# Move next splitted client with direction
[key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "h" func = "split_move_left" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "l" func = "split_move_right" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "k" func = "split_move_top" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "j" func = "split_move_bottom" [/key]
# Resize selected tiled client with direction
[key] mod = {"Super"} key = "h" func = "client_resize_left" cmd = "20" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Super"} key = "l" func = "client_resize_right" cmd = "20" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Super"} key = "k" func = "client_resize_top" cmd = "20" [/key]
[key] mod = {"Super"} key = "j" func = "client_resize_bottom" cmd = "20" [/key]
[key] mod = { "Super", "Control"} key = "h" func = "client_resize_right" cmd = "-20" [/key]
[key] mod = { "Super", "Control"} key = "l" func = "client_resize_left" cmd = "-20" [/key]
[key] mod = { "Super", "Control"} key = "k" func = "client_resize_bottom" cmd = "-20" [/key]
[key] mod = { "Super", "Control"} key = "j" func = "client_resize_top" cmd = "-20" [/key]
# unlisted fonctions that can be used in [key] func = ""
# client_ignore_tag # Toggle the client in ignore_tag (display the client on all tags)
# tag_prev_sel # go back to the previous selected tag
# tag_transfert_{next, prev}
# tag_urgent # go to the urgent tag
# tag_swap_{next, prev} # swap tag with the previous/next one
# tag_last # go to the last tag
# tag_stay_last # toggle the current tag as the last one
# toggle_abovefc
# screen_prev_sel # go to the previous screen selected
# set_layout # set layout. need to be called with cmd = "<layout_name>"
# ignore_next_client_rules # ignore the rule the next time a rule is called
Last edited by xavierp94 (2011-11-05 04:36:12)

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    hugorodri wrote:
    Hi everybody! after installing snow leopard, as a way to get to lion, I dont have the disk utility apps...
    Before you go to Lion, just a reminder.  I know you recently moved up to Snow Leopard.  Be sure that everything you were running in Leopard, and now in SL, will work for you in Lion.  
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    Best regards,
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    Go to Solution.
    check.png ‏18 KB

    thanks for your thoughts!
    - I use WinXP SP3, German settings
    - I use LV2009SP1 for that project, toolkits are installed with that version (other LabVIEW versions are installed too, from LV8.5.1 to LV2010SP1)
    - LabVIEW is installed in the "standard" path on drive C: (as can be seen on the attached pic of message #1)
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    - the type definition is part of the toolkit, it's installed/located in the standard folder of that toolkit, and I never changed/touched any path or file name
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Flex 3 App having problems with Vista/Flash10

    Hello Forum Folks,
    I have a small little wizard/form app in Flex 3.0 that runs wonderfully in Flash 9 on a Windows XP box.  However, when I try to run it on a Vista/Flash 10 box, the VBox that contains the wizard is a blank screen.  I get the blank screen only when I return to the wizard from being in it previously (while staying inside the Flex app).  I can see that the wizard code is pulling data from my server with no problem when the blank screen occurs.  However, the browser (I'm using Firefox 3.0.1) states that it is still downloading data from my server.  Using HttpFox I can see that all requests to server are answered with an HTTP 200 (OK) response, so I don't think it's the server/client communication....
    Anyone run into this before?  Any idea on how to force the VBox to display or refresh?  I've tried invalidateDisplayList - but no positive results.
    Thanks in advance,

    Not really a solution but a work-around for the problem:  When I revisist the wizard, I made the handle holding the wizard equal to null, then created a new wizard  and re-attached it as a child:
    this.wizardHandle = null;
    this.wizardHandle = new WizardApp();
    This kept the blank screen from appearing... which is good, but doesn't fix the underlying problem... whatever that happen to be.  So if anyone still has a guess I would be glad to hear it.

  • Spry vertical menu problem with IE

    We implemented the spry vertical menu for showing the
    categories of a products catalog. It has almost 1800 categories
    organizad at about 5 levels, some categories have about 30
    subcategories. These categories are extrated from a database.
    It works in mozilla but in IE present this problem:
    - The response time is slow when you change from one category
    to ahother. And the effiecience decrease.
    See in

    I tried in Firefox 3 and IE7 and they both seemed fairly slow
    for any action to take place. But IE7 did seem pretty slugish.
    It seems that you're already determined what the issue is,
    you have waaaaaay too many menu items. Seems to me that that number
    of items don't belong in a menu. There are even menus that are too
    long to appear entirely on the page, so they can't be easily
    accessed without accidentally hiding the menus again, which I did
    several times. IN particular:
    Cartuchos > Technologica
    If you cannot change to a different format to show all of the
    items, then perhaps you can split up the menu so that you don't
    have too many at one time. I checked the code of your page and it
    seems that you've got a lot of other scripting going on there
    besides Spry, so is the issue with Spry or with everything else
    you're trying to do with that menu. If you can try to recreate the
    page with only the menu items on it (and not pulled in dynamically
    on the fly), and then add back to your page a bit a time, you might
    be able to find out what is really causing the delays.

  • App Store problem with 2g iTouch 8Gig

    I just got the 8gig 2g itouch and when I try to use the app store from it I get a message that says I can only buy from the US store. This unit came from Canada and is supposed to have a 10 month warranty. If I use itunes from my PC I can download and sync any app, music, photo and the like with no problems. Is there a way to change the way the app store sees my unit and knows I am in the US? In general settings my region format is US under the international heading. Any help will be appreciated!

    So, your unit was purchased in Canada, and all syncing and play is problem free. You are from the U.S. The main problem is, then, is the identity of the iPod.
    If I might ask, what's the problem if the unit works fine? Is there an issue with the warranty?



    An older SIM card can cause problems in newer phones. You might want to upgrade your SIM card and see if that cures the problem.
    Experience and persistence are second to none just ask user one.
    Love me or hate me, its still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question...

  • Toshiba 46TL968G HowTo add apps and Problem with flash in Webbrowser

    Hi all,
    I have 2 problems regarding Toshiba 46TL968G.
    1) is that possible to install apps on this TV? I searched online that TOSHIBA ePortal could be used to add Apps, but I cannot find it in 46TL968G. Is it supported by this model?
     - If yes, how can I access.
     - If no, how can I install Apps. The Apps found in TOSHIBA Places are fixed and not really helpful. I prefer to install more.
    2) Does the web browser support adobe flash? When I open youtube media, it shows "please install adobe flash". I cannot see any media on web browser. It is interesting that Youtube works fine in TOSHIBA Places.

    That doesn't appear to be a US model, and this is the forums for Toshiba USA. You may want to contact Toshiba in your region.
    - Peter

  • Spry Menu problem with using a transparent background image

    Hi-  I'm new to CS5 and Dreamweaver. I just finished the beginning webpage tutorial and I have started to work on a personal project. The Problem: when I use a transparent png image as a backgroun-image for my spry menu it shows up fine in live view, but doesn't work in browser view (safari), in fact the menu reverts to it's original grey and blue boredom. Does anyone have a solution for me? Does this mean it will be grey and blue when it goes live? Thanks, Ruth333333

    Please supply a link to your site.

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