App Store problem about apple id.

As i bought the new MacBook Pro before some months i haven't had an apple id so i used y friend's apple id to update the pre-installed applications like iPhoto and iMovie and now when i've got my own apple id to use and when i try to update those applications I get an option  to add the friend's id's password which i dont know. I'm really angry about this Apple should see forward to make changes about this procedure or anyone who knows should give me his knowledge.

Ansh Sahni wrote:
... i used y friend's apple id to update the pre-installed applications like iPhoto and iMovie ...
those Apps are forever tied to that ID...
You can Contact the Mac App Store and request assistance...
Or, you can Delete those Apps and Purchase them using your Apple ID.

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    Hi Ronzhel,
    You will have to update your Apple ID correctly in your iPhone, Check the below LINK,
    LET ME KNOW....

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    Help is immensely appreciated.

    There are a few things you need to do.
    Remove "App Zapper" according to the developer's instructions. Never install it, or anything like it, again.
    Deleting system components is never the solution to any problem.
    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data, then reinstall the OS.* You don't need to erase the startup volume, and you won't need the backup unless something goes wrong. If the system was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you may need the Apple ID and password you used.
    If you use FileVault 2, then before running the Installer you must launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the FileVault boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) It will be nested below another icon with the same name. Click the Unlock button in the toolbar and enter your login password when prompted. Then quit Disk Utility to be returned to the main screen.
    If you installed the Java runtime distributed by Apple and still need it, you'll have to reinstall it. The same goes for Xcode.
    *The linked support article refers to OS X 10.9 ("Mavericks"), but the procedure is the same for OS X 10.7 ("Lion") and later.
    You installed a hacked app, originally from the Mac App Store. It contains the receipt for a different app, downloaded using an account that you don't control. You need to identify and remove the hacked app.
    Important: The app you need to remove is not necessarily the one named in the App Store alert. For example, the App Store may prompt you to update "Angry Birds" or "Twitter," but the hacked app may be something else entirely. Don't make any assumptions about which app you're looking for. To find it, you must carry out a systematic search with Spotlight.
    1. Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    2. In the Finder, press command-F to open a search window, or select
    File ▹ Find
    from the menu bar. In the search window, select
    Search: This Mac
    from the row of tokens below the toolbar. Below that is a popup menu of search criteria, initially showing Kind. From that menu, select
    A sheet will drop down. In that sheet, select
    Raw Query
    as the criterion, then click OK or press return.
    Now there will be a text box to the right of the menu of search criteria. That's where you enter the raw search query. Click in that box and paste the text you copied earlier by pressing command-V.
    4. The search window will now show all the App Store products that are installed. Compare those search results with the list of your purchases from the App Store. To see the complete list, you may need to unhide hidden purchases. If any apps were download from the App Store using other Apple ID accounts that you control, sign in to the store under each of those ID's and check the purchases.
    At least one of the apps in the Spotlight search results is not among your purchases in the App Store. Move each such item to the Trash, after quitting it if it's running. You may be prompted for your administrator password. Empty the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch the App Store. Test.
    If you find these instructions confusing, ask for an alternative method.

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    Thank you for understanding.

    I think you need the app store support. Go there and use one of the methods to contact them about your issue and they should be able to help you out.
    This forum isn't checked by Apple employees but is for users to help each other out.

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    the problem is maybe in my Apple account so I need your help, is there any way to remove this update?

    You may have installed a hacked app, originally from the Mac App Store. It contains the receipt for a different app, downloaded using an account that you don't control. You need to identify and remove the hacked app.
    Important: The app you need to remove is not necessarily the one named in the App Store alert. For example, the App Store could prompt you to update "Angry Birds" or "Twitter," but the hacked app could be "Final Cut Pro." Don't make any assumptions about which app you're looking for. To find it, you must carry out a systematic search with Spotlight.
    1. Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    2. In the Finder, press command-F to open a search window, or select
              File ▹ Find
    from the menu bar. In the search window, select
              Search: This Mac
    from the row of tokens below the toolbar. Below that is a popup menu of search criteria, initially showing Kind. From that menu, select
    A sheet will drop down. In that sheet, select
              Raw Query
    as the criterion, then click OK or press return.
    Now there will be a text box to the right of the menu of search criteria. That's where you enter the raw search query. Click in that box and paste the text you copied earlier by pressing command-V.
    3. The search window will now show all the App Store products that are installed. Compare those search results with the list of your purchases from the App Store. To see the complete list, you may need to unhide hidden purchases. If any apps were download from the App Store using other Apple ID accounts that you control, sign in to the store under each of those ID's and check the purchases.
    4. At least one of the apps in the Spotlight search results is not among your purchases in the App Store. Move each such item to the Trash, after quitting it if it's running. You may be prompted for your administrator password. Empty the Trash.
    5. Quit and relaunch the App Store. Test.
    If you find these instructions confusing, ask for an alternative method.

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    settings -> iTunes & App Store
    click on apple ID listed there
    select Sign Out
    sign in with the proper account
    from then on, when the store ask for your password it should be with the correct ID

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    iWork is Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
    Buy all three from the M.A.S. and it is all yours, cheaper and installable on all Macs that share the same Apple I.D.. However I have heard, but can't confirm, that that doesn't quite have everything the DVD version had.

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    You must sign in to the App Store with the Apple ID you used to install the app. If you don't recognize the ID, see below.
    You installed a hacked app, originally from the Mac App Store. It contains the receipt for a different app, downloaded using an account that you don't control. You need to identify and remove the hacked app.
    Important: The app you need to remove is not necessarily the one named in the App Store notice. For example, if the App Store says you need to update "Twitter," the hacked app may be "Angry Birds" or something else entirely. Don't make any assumptions about which app you're looking for. To find it, you have to carry out a systematic search.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C).
    In the Finder, press the key combination command-F to open a search window, or select
    File ▹ Find
    from the menu bar. In the search window, select
    Search: This Mac
    from the row of tokens below the toolbar. Below that is a popup menu initially showing Kind. From that menu, select  Other...
    A sheet will drop down. In that sheet, select Raw Query and click OK or press return.
    Now there will be a text box to the right of popup menu. Click in that box and paste (command-V).
    The search window will show all the App Store products you've installed. Compare those search results with the list of your purchases from the App Store. To see the complete list, you may need to unhide hidden purchases. If any apps were download from the App Store using other Apple ID accounts that you control, sign in to the store under each of those ID's and check the purchases.
    At least one of the items listed in the search window is not among your purchases in the App Store. Move each such item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator password. Empty the Trash.
    Log out and log back in. Test.

  • Mac App store update different apple ID

    So when i want to update an app from the mac app store it asks for my apple ID password, however the apple id email is an email i have never seen or used in my life, and i can not change it to my actual apple ID email that i used for all my apple products. in other words i do not know where this random email came from. anybody else with same issue? any tips are appreciated!

    You installed a hacked app, originally from the Mac App Store. It contains the receipt for a different app, downloaded using an account that you don't control. You need to identify and remove the hacked app.
    Important: The app you need to remove is not necessarily the one named in the App Store alert. For example, if the App Store says you need to update "Twitter," the hacked app may be "Angry Birds" or something else entirely. Don't make any assumptions about which app you're looking for. To find it, you have to carry out a systematic search.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    In the Finder, press command-F to open a search window, or select
    File ▹ Find
    from the menu bar. In the search window, select
    Search: This Mac
    from the row of tokens below the toolbar. Below that is a popup menu initially showing Kind. From that menu, select  Other...
    A sheet will drop down. In that sheet, select Raw Query and click OK or press return.
    Now there will be a text box to the right of popup menu. Click in that box and paste (command-V).
    The search window will show all the App Store products you've installed. Compare those search results with the list of your purchases from the App Store. To see the complete list, you may need to unhide hidden purchases. If any apps were download from the App Store using other Apple ID accounts that you control, sign in to the store under each of those ID's and check the purchases.
    At least one of the items listed in the search window is not among your purchases in the App Store. Move each such item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator password. Empty the Trash.
    Log out and log back in. Test.

  • App store shows incorrect apple id when i attempt to download updates.

    app store shows incorrect apple id when i attempt to download updates.  I have tried signing out of iTunes in the settings and re-logging in as suggested but this didn't fix the problem in the app store

    Sorry, but didn't see anything there that would help me precisely. Thanks for your input.  my apple ID is my email address which ends in .net.  My apple ID listed on the app update ends in .com.  I've confirmed in the settings/store area and it's correct there.  I'm still at a loss.

  • App store showing wrong apple ID

    So, when I try to "update all" in my App store, it shows Apple ID & asks for password, as usual. The problem is, the Apple ID that is showing, is wrong. When I go under settings to "view Apple ID", it is correct. Any advice on how to correct this? Uugh...

    abgragg01 wrote:
    ... Can it be fixed? Thx...
    There is nothing to Fix... They are Not your Apps... Get them using Your Apple ID if you want them.

  • HT4061 Anyone having App Store problems

    App Store problems?

    I'm not currently having any issues. Try to connect again in a few minutes. If that fails
    Try a Restart. 
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red "slide to power off" slider appears, and then slide the slider. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.

  • I am trying to download xfinity tv go app. I can not find it in my App Store and can not download it from the comcast website. All I get is a blank screen in the App Store. My Apple ID is associated with a Canadian address. How can I find the app?

    I am trying to download xfinity tv go app. I can not find it in my App Store and can not download it from the comcast website. All I get is a blank screen in the App Store. My Apple ID is associated with a Canadian address. How can I find the app?

    Its possible the App is not available in the Canadian store if the link doesn't work for you.

  • Mac App Store update: right Apple ID but wrong user account

    My Mac App Store updates get associated to the wrong user account but the correct Apple ID.
    I live in Germany and have an iMac and a MacBook Pro, both purchased under Snow Leopard and now running Lion 10.7.2. Just after upgrading to Lion I "purchased" a free App (BibleReader 5.0.0). This morning I logged into my wife's user account on the MacBook Pro, and the App Store icon flagged an update. I switched to my user account and was surprised to see that the update wasn't flagged there. By listing my purchases I did suceed in finding an "update" button for BibleReader, but pressing it resulted in a (German) error message whch translates as "An update is available for another account. Please log in with the account you used to purchase the App". But that is what I had just done.
    Intrigued I went back to my wife's user account. By logging onto the Mac App Store with my Apple ID from my wife's user account I did manage to update the app. Later at work I got the same error message on the iMac. But this time the only other user account on the machine belongs to Computing Services: I don't have their password and I ought not to use admin rights to gain access to their account. So I can't perform the upgrade on the iMac.
    All family iTunes / App Store purchases are via my main Apple ID. My wife's user account on the MacBook Pro only exists so that I can manually synchronise our iCloud address books (she has an iPad).
    Any ideas?

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    All the applications you purchase on the App Store are registered to your Apple ID, so you have to use your Apple ID to update them, or you have to purchase those applications again using the Apple ID they are using on that computer, so they will be able to update them

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