App-V 4.6 Powershell script deleteting all shortcuts

°not sure if this is more of a powershell issue or app-v issue, feel free to move my topic to the right forum°
Now we have a nice script in production that is supposed to delete all obsolote App-v shortcuts, once  a pc starts.
this does very well based on the following function: function Remove-InvalidAppVFTAS()
and  $rlist = get-childitem -path $FTARegRoot |?{($_.PSChildName  -like ".*") -and ($ -contains "SoftgridSource")}
and so on....
BUT if the app-v client is not reachable for example it will still consider as the items are obsolete and delete everything.
Now I would like to achive , that shortcuts are only deleted if the app-v apps are obsolete.
according to the following:
 if ($activeapps -notcontains($appv))
                if(test-path $lnk.fullname)
the script will delete the shortcuts if the paramater is on inactive, but ofcourse if the app-v client is unreachable, the app is set to inactive, then in an unecessary manner our shortcuts are deleted.

Sorry, I misread this! By the way, does this happen often and what is the cause of the client-server connection going down?
You could have your script also read from the App-V logs for any instances of an error. For more info on the logs, take a look here:

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    The help data can be used inside a function body or in a script. A script is not much different than a function, actually you can think of it as a function *without* a name, the name is the script name. You can a function like:
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        Counts the Grateful Dead shows in my archives
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    $maximum = 150;
    $sleeptime = 2;
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "Please wait..." -NoNewline;
    while (($appInstance.Status -eq ([Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppInstanceStatus]::Installing)) -and ($counter -lt $maximum))
        Write-Host "." -NoNewline;
        sleep $sleeptime;
        $appInstance = Get-SPAppInstance -Web "" | where-object {$_.Title -eq $AppName}
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        Write-Host "The App was successfully installed.";
        $appUrl = $appInstance.AppWebFullUrl;
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "The App is available at '$appUrl'.";

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    Just posted this to the wiki:

    Hi petro_jemes,
    Just a little claritification, you need to add the value to the variable "[string]$ou", and also change the language in the variable "$emailbody" in the function "Get-ADUserPasswordExpirationDate".
    I hope this helps.

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    # Is dev version?
    $dev = $false
    # Configuration
    $termStore = "Managed Metadata Service"
    $group = "G1"
    $subjectMatterTermSetName = "Subject Matter"
    # Check if SharePoint Snapin is loaded
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         Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy") | Out-Null
    function GetTermStore($site, $termStore, $group, $termSet) {    
        $session = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession($site)
        $termStore = $session.TermStores[$termStore]
        $group = $termStore.Groups[$group]
        $termSet = $group.TermSets[$termSet]
        return $termSet
    if($dev) {
        Write-Host "Running DEV version..."
        $webUrl = "http://Site1"   
        $libraryName = "L1"
        $subjectMatter = "C1"
    } else {
        $webUrl = Read-Host "Enter Site URL" 
        $libraryName = Read-Host "Enter Document Library name"
    $subjectMatter = Read-Host "Enter Subject Matter"
    try {
        $web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
        $site = $web.Site
        $library = $web.Lists[$libraryName]
        $items = $library.GetItems()
        $subjectMatterTermSet = GetTermStore $site $termStore $group $subjectMatterTermSetName
        $subjectMatterTerm = $subjectMatterTermSet.GetTerms($subjectMatter,$true) | select -First 1
        foreach($item in $items) {
            if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item["Subject Matter"])) {     
                #Write-Host "Filename: $filename / Keywords: $keywords / Subject Matter: $subjectMatter / Document Type: $documentType"        
                Write-Host "Updating $($item["ows_FileLeafRef"])..."           
                # Set Subject Matter column
                $subjectMatterField = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField]$item.Fields["Subject Matter"]
                # Update Item
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Host "Something went wrong. Error: $ErrorMessage" -ForegroundColor Red

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    If it's a sideloaded LOB application, you can do this using a brokered component:
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
    NOTE: If I ask for code, please provide something that I can drop directly into a project and run (including XAML), or an actual application project. I'm trying to help a lot of people, so I don't have time to figure out weird snippets with undefined
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    The script is not working for me. I changed the url according to my site. See the below error
    New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s):
    "UserProfileApplicationNotAvailableException_Logging ::
    UserProfileApplicationProxy.ApplicationProperties ProfilePropertyCache does
    not have 3f3a5705-0691-4fe8-8643-cccd65363dc9"
    At C:\Scripts\userprofileemails.ps1:11 char:19
    + $profileManager = New-Object
    Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileMan ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [New-Object], MethodInvoca
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConstructorInvokedThrowException,Microsoft.Power
    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At C:\Scripts\userprofileemails.ps1:12 char:1
    + $profiles = $profileManager.GetEnumerator()
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
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    Single solution Retract & Remove
    Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity <Solution name.wsp>
    ex: Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity Solution.wsp
    Remove-SPSolution -Identity <Solution name.wsp>
    ex: Remove-SPSolution -Identity Solution.wsp

    Install & Uninstall solutions from folder
    file name - installwsp.ps1
    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    #Do not modify anything in the script from here onwards
    function Get-ScriptDirectory
    $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
    Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
    function Deploy-Solution{
    $SolutionName = $name
    $SolutionPath = Join-Path ($physicalPath) $SolutionName
    echo "Extracting information from $physicalPath"
    #Admin service
    $AdminServiceName = "SPAdminV4"
    $IsAdminServiceWasRunning = $true;
    if ($(Get-Service $AdminServiceName).Status -eq "Stopped")
    $IsAdminServiceWasRunning = $false;
    Start-Service $AdminServiceName
    $Solution = Get-SPSolution | ? {($_.Name -eq $SolutionName) -and ($_.Deployed -eq $true)}
    if ($Solution -ne $null)
    Uninstall-SPSolution $SolutionName -AllWebApplications -Confirm:$false
    Uninstall-SPSolution $SolutionName -Confirm:$false
    while ($Solution.JobExists)
    Start-Sleep 2
    Write-Host 'REMOVING SOLUTION ...'
    if ($(Get-SPSolution | ? {$_.Name -eq $SolutionName}).Deployed -eq $false)
    Remove-SPSolution $SolutionName -Confirm:$false
    Write-Host 'ADDING SOLUTION ...'
    Add-SPSolution $SolutionPath | Out-Null
    Write-Host 'DEPLOYING SOLUTION ...'
    $Solution = Get-SPSolution | ? {($_.Name -eq $SolutionName) -and ($_.Deployed -eq $false)}
    #use '-force' paramater to install all commands in this if statement
    if(($Solution -ne $null) -and ($Solution.ContainsWebApplicationResource))
    Install-SPSolution $SolutionName –AllwebApplications -GACDeployment -Force -Confirm:$false
    Install-SPSolution $SolutionName -GACDeployment -Force -Confirm:$false
    while ($Solution.Deployed -eq $false)
    Start-Sleep 2
    if (-not $IsAdminServiceWasRunning)
    Stop-Service $AdminServiceName
    #Get Current Physical Path
    $currentPhysicalPath = Get-ScriptDirectory
    #Iterate through all .wsp files in the current Physical Path to deploy solution
    get-childitem $currentPhysicalPath -include *.wsp -recurse | foreach ($_) {Deploy-Solution $currentPhysicalPath $}
    #Remove SharePoint Snapin
    Remove-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    Echo Finish
    Usage file name - installwsp.bat
    cd /c %~dp0
    powershell -noexit -file "installwsp.ps1" "%CD%"
    Anandhan.S Remember to 'mark or propose as answer' or 'vote as helpful' as appropriate.

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    Hi there,
    Just wondering if someone can give me the PowerShell script to list ALL documents bigger than 10MB - in list attachments/libraries all over my site?
    Really appreciated.
    Thank you.

    here you can find sample to help you create yoru script :
    see this sample extract from this site
    Get-SPWeb http://sharepoint/sites/training |
                                     Select -ExpandProperty Lists |
                                     Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "SPDocumentLibrary" -and
                                             -not $_.Hidden }
                                     Select -ExpandProperty Items |
                                     Where { $_.File.Length -gt 5000 } |
                                     Select Name, {$_.File.Length},
    + "/" + $_.Url}}
    this can help too :
    Best regards, Christopher.
    Blog |
    Please remember to click "Mark As Answer" if a post solves your problem or
    "Vote As Helpful" if it was useful.
    Why mark as answer?

  • PowerShell script to check permissions given to "NT Authority\All Authenticated Users" and..

    Hi there,
    On my SharePoint site - some places (Sites/Lists etc) have given permissions to "NT Authority\All Authenticated Users"
    We need to remove these permissions and instead give permissions to "Forest1\Domain Users" and "Forest1\Domain Users"
    PowerSHell script to do above will be appreciated.
    Thank you so much.

    In order to check whether "NT Authority\All Authenticated Users" are present in your site use this reference - Link
    Remove permission script reference - Link
    Finally grant permission script reference - link
    Kindly mark it as answer if it helps you.

  • PowerShell Scripts to register App to AD

    currently we have powershell scripts in place to create Service Principal, but of what I know, for an registered app to be seen in Azure Portal it should have an Application Object as well as a Service Principal. So my question is, if there is an existing
    powershell scripts which helps me register an application to AD (Security Principal + Application Object) which would be visible in Portal, for maintenance ahead?

    Hi PrajaktaSamant,
    Thanks for your post!
    The applications you see in the portal are projections of the Application entities in the directory. The apps created via powershell are only ServicePrincipals I believe. For a detailed explanation of the difference between the two see - By vibronet.
    You may want to refer this article about
    "The Windows Azure AD Application Model".
    Best Regards,

  • Powershell script to get a LIST OF ALL SITES ALONG WITH URL from a web application where we gave access to EVERYONE AD GROUP

    Any help on this?

    i found one on the Codeplex, this will check Nt auth group, you have to modify accordingly your need and test it in your test farm.script is for 2010 but i am positive it will work for 2013 as well.
    The Sixth script lists
    all the site collections which have "NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users" in
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

  • Trying to deploy a batch or powershell script unsuccessful

    I've deployed a .cmd file out that contains a WMI script to uninstall all instances of an application called "VirtViewer". The script looks like this:
    taskkill /F /IM remote-viewer.exe /T
    wmic product where "name like 'VirtViewer%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
    exit /B %EXIT_CODE%
    Previously, I had used MSI product codes for the uninstall, and got the same result. My original problem, is that there are currently 9 different versions of this app out there, so i am ripping them all out and replacing with 1 version. Installing over an
    old version does not overwrite the older one, it instead installs a new instance.
    Reading through the execmgr.log on the client, everything looks as it should.
    The end result, is that nothing happens. I had originally set the program to run as hidden, but then changed it to normal but still do not see it run. The application is right where i left it, untouched. If i run the script locally it works fine, but not
    when deployed. Am i missing something??
    <![LOG[Service startup.]LOG]!><time="16:09:31.647+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="248" file="execmgr.cpp:135">
    <![LOG[A user has logged on.]LOG]!><time="16:09:43.507+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="4256" file="execreqmgr.cpp:4911">
    <![LOG[Requesting content from CAS for package VNT00018 version 21]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.649+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="124" file="contentaccesshelper.cpp:246">
    <![LOG[Policy arrived for parent package VNT00018 program Uninstall Script]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.649+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2528" file="execreqmgr.cpp:6893">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 6l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.665+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2528" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[Successfully created a content request handle {B2BA42EE-5988-47F4-BF44-ADAAC975994B} for the package VNT00018 version 21]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.665+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="124" file="contentaccesshelper.cpp:331">
    <![LOG[Program Uninstall Script change to state STATE_ADVANCED_DOWNLOAD content available]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.665+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="2" thread="124" file="executionrequest.cpp:3663">
    <![LOG[Execution Request for advert VNT20014 package VNT00018 program Uninstall Script state change from NotExist to AdvancedDownload]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.665+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="124" file="executionrequest.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.665+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="124" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
    instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
    AdvertisementId = "VNT20014";
    ClientID = "GUID:E306FF26-C884-4E36-9C03-C19523A17F40";
    DateTime = "20150112211113.665000+000";
    MachineName = "VM-WIN7-MIKE";
    ProcessID = 1788;
    SiteCode = "VNT";
    ThreadID = 2528;
    ]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.665+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2528" file="event.cpp:715">
    <![LOG[Mandatory execution requested for program Uninstall Script and advertisement VNT20014]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.680+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="execreqmgr.cpp:3527">
    <![LOG[Creating mandatory request for advert VNT20014, program Uninstall Script, package VNT00018]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.680+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="execreqmgr.cpp:3653">
    <![LOG[An existing MTC token was not supplied, using ExecutionRequest's Id as MTC token and this execution request is the owner of resultant MTC task.]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.696+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="executionrequest.cpp:8942">
    <![LOG[Request a MTC task for execution request of package VNT00018, program Uninstall Script with request id: {D52026A7-5735-402B-868C-EF9791656512}]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.696+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="executionrequest.cpp:8966">
    <![LOG[Execution Request for advert VNT20014 package VNT00018 program Uninstall Script state change from WaitingDependency to Ready]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.712+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="executionrequest.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[MTC task with id {D52026A7-5735-402B-868C-EF9791656512}, changed state from 0 to 4]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.712+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="execreqmgr.cpp:6288">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.712+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[MTC signaled SWD execution request with program id: Uninstall Script, package id: VNT00018 for execution.]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.743+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="execreqmgr.cpp:6406">
    <![LOG[Sending ack to MTC for task with id: {D52026A7-5735-402B-868C-EF9791656512}]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.743+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="executionrequest.cpp:9005">
    <![LOG[Executing program VirtViewerUninstall.cmd in Admin context]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.743+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="executionrequest.cpp:3239">
    <![LOG[Execution Request for advert VNT20014 package VNT00018 program Uninstall Script state change from Ready to NotifyExecution]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.743+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="executionrequest.cpp:501">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.759+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[Checking content location C:\Windows\ccmcache\1c for use]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.774+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="executioncontext.cpp:1663">
    <![LOG[Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\ccmcache\1c]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.774+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="executioncontext.cpp:1719">
    <![LOG[Executing program as a script]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.774+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="executionengine.cpp:82">
    <![LOG[Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\ccmcache\1c\VirtViewerUninstall.cmd"]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.774+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="scriptexecution.cpp:650">
    <![LOG[Command line = "C:\Windows\ccmcache\1c\VirtViewerUninstall.cmd", Working Directory = C:\Windows\ccmcache\1c\]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.774+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="scriptexecution.cpp:352">
    <![LOG[Running "C:\Windows\ccmcache\1c\VirtViewerUninstall.cmd" with 32bitLauncher]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.774+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="scriptexecution.cpp:370">
    <![LOG[Created Process for the passed command line]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.852+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="scriptexecution.cpp:513">
    <![LOG[Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
    instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
    AdvertisementId = "VNT20014";
    ClientID = "GUID:E306FF26-C884-4E36-9C03-C19523A17F40";
    CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\ccmcache\\1c\\VirtViewerUninstall.cmd\"";
    DateTime = "20150112211113.852000+000";
    MachineName = "VM-WIN7-MIKE";
    PackageName = "VNT00018";
    ProcessID = 1788;
    ProgramName = "Uninstall Script";
    SiteCode = "VNT";
    ThreadID = 2164;
    UserContext = "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM";
    WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\ccmcache\\1c\\";
    ]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.852+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="event.cpp:715">
    <![LOG[Raised Program Started Event for Ad:VNT20014, Package:VNT00018, Program: Uninstall Script]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.852+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="executioncontext.cpp:459">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.852+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.868+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[MTC task with id {D52026A7-5735-402B-868C-EF9791656512}, changed state from 4 to 5]LOG]!><time="16:11:13.884+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2164" file="execreqmgr.cpp:6288">
    <![LOG[Program exit code 0]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.571+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="4128" file="scriptexecution.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[Looking for MIF file to get program status]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.571+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="4128" file="executionstatus.cpp:282">
    <![LOG[Script for Package:VNT00018, Program: Uninstall Script succeeded with exit code 0]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.571+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="4128" file="executionstatus.cpp:262">
    <![LOG[Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
    instance of SoftDistProgramCompletedSuccessfullyEvent
    AdvertisementId = "VNT20014";
    ClientID = "GUID:E306FF26-C884-4E36-9C03-C19523A17F40";
    DateTime = "20150112211117.571000+000";
    MachineName = "VM-WIN7-MIKE";
    PackageName = "VNT00018";
    ProcessID = 1788;
    ProgramName = "Uninstall Script";
    SiteCode = "VNT";
    ThreadID = 4128;
    UserContext = "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM";
    ]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.587+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="4128" file="event.cpp:715">
    <![LOG[Raised Program Success Event for Ad:VNT20014, Package:VNT00018, Program: Uninstall Script]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.587+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="4128" file="executioncontext.cpp:483">
    <![LOG[Execution is complete for program Uninstall Script. The exit code is 0, the execution status is Success]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.587+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="execreqmgr.cpp:4165">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 10l, value Result:TRUE ,SDKCallerId:, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.602+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="event.cpp:405">
    <![LOG[Requesting MTC to delete task with id: {D52026A7-5735-402B-868C-EF9791656512}]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.618+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="executionrequest.cpp:9036">
    <![LOG[MTC task with id: {D52026A7-5735-402B-868C-EF9791656512} deleted successfully.]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.618+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="executionrequest.cpp:9065">
    <![LOG[Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="VNT00018",ProgramID="Uninstall Script", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l]LOG]!><time="16:11:17.618+300" date="01-12-2015" component="execmgr" context="" type="1" thread="2564" file="event.cpp:405">

    I just tried using powershell to accomplish the same task, and got the same result. Script ran fine, but nothing resulted. 0 errors in the execmgr.log on the client.
    Program options:
    Command Line: Powershell.exe -executionpolicy Bypass -file .\VirtUninstall.ps1
    the powershell script looks like this:
    $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "VirtViewer*"}
    exit /B
    Again, the script runs great when launched locally, but not wehen deployed

  • Powershell Script - Convert Managed Metadata column Value to string

    I have written a small PowerShell Script to pull records from a SP List and put them in a csv file. Here is the script:
    $MyWeb = Get-SPWeb "http://dev-apps:8800/applications/PA"
    $MyList = $MyWeb.Lists["Alist"]
    $exportlist = @()
    $Mylist.Items | foreach {
    $obj = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    “PName” = $_["Port Name"]
    "AName" = $_["Agent Name"]
    "Address 1" = $_["Address 1"]
    "Address 2" = $_["Address 1"]
    "Address 3" = $_["Address 3"]
    "Address 4" = $_["Address 4"]
    $exportlist += $obj
    $exportlist | Export-Csv -path 'C:\Filename.csv'
    The script is running all right, the output file is also created, data is also correct for all columns but 1. This PName is a
    Managed metadata type column and the output values I am getting for this column are like this:
    viz. the ["Actual Value"|"its GUID"] (seems so). I do not want this GUID to be included in the result csv. Is there a way to remove it.
    P.S. Choice column values are being fetched just file.

    Try this (you'll need to add in your other properties)
    $items = New-Object psobject
    $items | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AName" -value "" ;
    $items | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "PName" -value "" ;
    $items | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Address1" -value "" ;
    $items | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Address2" -value "" ;
    $items | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Address3" -value "";
    $exportlist = @();
    $Mylist.Items | foreach {
    $pname = $_["PName"] -as [Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyFieldValue];
    $obj = $items | Select-Object *;
    $obj.AName = $_["AName"];
    $obj.PName = $pname.Label;
    $obj.Address1 = $_["Address 1"];
    $obj.Address2 = $_["Address 2"];
    $obj.Address3 = $_["Address 3"];
    $exportlist += $obj
    $exportlist | Export-Csv -path 'C:\AData.csv'
    Regards, Matthew
    My Blog
    Matthew Yarlett's profile
    See my webpart on the TechNet Gallery that allows administrative users to upload, crop and format user profile photos. Check it out here:
    Upload and Crop User Profile Photos

  • Deploy powershell script - Uninstall Forefront

    Im trying to build a powershell script that uninstall Forefront Client and later install SCEP and it also copy the local exclusions from Forefront to insert in SCEP (registry).
    All works fine when Im running the script locally, but when Im deploying it from Altiris DS it halts on Microsoft Forefront Client Security Antimalware Service". Every time, I also have tried to sort them differently but it wont work.
    All I see in the event viewer is a warning:
    "Application 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\Client\Antimalware\MSASCui.exe' (pid 1964) cannot be restarted - Application SID does not match Conductor SID.."
    And then later an error:
    Description:Cannot complete the System Center Endpoint Protection installation. An error has prevented the System Center Endpoint Protection setup wizard from completing successfully. Please restart your computer and try again. Error code:0x80070643. Fatal
    error during installation.
    This is the deployment from Altiris:
    powershell.exe -noexit "& 'C:\Temp\ForefrontSCEP.ps1'"
    Does anyone has any clue?
    **** The script ****
    # Backup Forefront registry data
    Reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront" C:\Temp\SCEPClient_New\exclbackup.reg
    # Create new registry item
    new-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\" -Name "Microsoft Antimalware"
    new-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\" -Name Exclusions
    # Copy Forefront registry exclusion data to newly created regkey
    Copy-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\1.0\AM\Exclusions" -Destination "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\" -Recurs
    # "Uninstall Forefront och MOM"
    # "Uninstall Microsoft MOM"
    $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
        $_.Name -match "Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Agent"
    # "Uninstall Forefront Assessment"
    $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
        $_.Name -match "Microsoft Forefront Client Security State Assessment Service"
    # "Uninstall Forefront Antimalware"
    $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
        $_.Name -match "Microsoft Forefront Client Security Antimalware Service"
    # Install SCEP with policy
    Start-Process -FilePath C:\Temp\SCEPClient_New\scepinstall.exe -ArgumentList "/s /q /policy C:\Temp\SCEPClient_New\ServerSCEP.xml" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    I finally solved, in two ways.
    For the powershell part:
    I changed the name match against a filter function. So now I can deploy the powershell script just fine.
    $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
        $_.Name -match "Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Agent"
    $application = Get-WMIObject Win32_Product -filter "Name='Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Agent'"
    2nd solution:
    I also created a batch file which worked at my first try. Gotta love the old fashion way :)
    I post it here as well, maybe somebody can get use of it.
    Uninstall Forefront - Install SCEP - Copy local exclusions
    REM Backup Forefront exclusions
    regedit /e C:\Temp\ForefrontExclBackup.reg "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront"
    REM Create SCEP registry keys
    reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware"
    REM Create SCEP registry keys
    reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Exclusions"
    REM Copy Foreront exclusions to SCEP
    reg copy "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\1.0\AM\Exclusions" "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Exclusions" /s /f
    REM Uninstall Microsoft Forefront Client Security State Assessment Service
    MsiExec.exe /X{E8B56B39-A826-11DB-8C83-0011430C73A4} /qn
    REM Uninstall Microsoft Forefront Client Security Antimalware Service
    MsiExec.exe /X{436028CD-6476-4224-9274-8F0320F30FD1} /qn
    REM Uninstall Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Agent
    MsiExec.exe /X{F692770D-0E27-4D3F-8386-F04C6F434040} /qn
    REM Install SCEP and policys
    C:\Temp\SCEPInstall.exe /policy C:\Temp\ServerSCEP.xml /s

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