Apple acknowledges Macbook shutdown problem

Repost, originally posted at:
My MacBook doesn't have this problem, but I came across this kbase entry:
Summary: If your MacBook is shutting down intermittently, please contact AppleCare for service.
Article ID: 304308
Date Created: September 01, 2006
Date Modified: September 05, 2006
MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

I am from the Philippines.
Yes, Apple acknowledges the problem but it does not make consolation for its customers. How?
No.1: they are requiring 2 weeks before returing you the unit after service. - IT disrupt WORK and entirely damage the customer's life. It's not what I wanted when I bought the unit.
No.2: They do not offer a temporary replacement to fill in.
No.3: They do not give anything but the WORD sorry... WELL, ITS NOT OK and I cannot forgive. I hope you get my point and understand my sentiments.
I CANNOT say thank you apple.

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    I am from the Philippines.
    Yes, Apple acknowledges the problem but it does not make consolation for its customers. How?
    No.1: they are requiring 2 weeks before returing you the unit after service. - IT disrupt WORK and entirely damage the customer's life. It's not what I wanted when I bought the unit.
    No.2: They do not offer a temporary replacement to fill in.
    No.3: They do not give anything but the WORD sorry... WELL, ITS NOT OK and I cannot forgive. I hope you get my point and understand my sentiments.
    I CANNOT say thank you apple.

  • Macbook shutdown problems

    Just got my macbook and have been using it for about a week. It has been working just fine until recently where for some reason the jarring noise at start up won't actually sound, and when I attempt to shut down the just shows the background and my cursor, but doesn't actually shutdown. I have to hold down the power button to actually turn it off.
    any help is awesome
    peace out

    Hey VooDoo -
    Welcome to the forum and sorry that you're having problems.
    Are you giving your MacBook time to shutdown. Sometimes it may take longer because of items running at the time.
    Some common methods of shutting down are hitting the Apple in the upper lft and selecting Shutdown from the dropdown menu. Another is to press the Start button (not for a long time like you mentioned for a forced shutdown but more like when you turn your MacBook on) and a menu comes up to select from. The enter/return key selects the highlighted item (shutdown) so, the action is Startbutton - Enter (i like this way)
    If the problem lasts beyond waiting longer or improving/revising your method, I'd take it up with Apple because you may have a hardware problem.
    Hope this helps.

  • MacBook shutdown problem

    My friends MacBook will not shutdown if he closes the lid. He first tells the computer to shutdown, then if he closes the lid it will keep running till it exhausts the battery. Is there some perferance for this?

    I'm not a Genius but in both my jobs I perform some of the same functions of the Genius. (I teach IT and I work part time for an Apple reseller.) My take here on the board is different from lots of peoples' because I can see so many sides of the issue. I've been an angry customer (white spots on my 15" alBook display and 2 dead logic boards on an iBook). I've been the stumped techy who gave the user some canned advice hoping it would work whilst filing the problem away in my "Hope this one gets a definitive answer soon box." And I've been the retailer who seriously suspects the computer user has abused his machine. And I've seen that Apple generally gets it right in the end, even though it sometimes takes longer than I'd like.
    I came across this shut down problem here on the discussion group sometime last week through a post where the user complained that his MacBook spontaneously started up while in his bag and he found it burning hot hours later. I didn't post anything because I had nothing constructive to say but to be completely honest about it, my first assumption was user error.
    Then suddenly I was reading lots of 'my computer doesn't shut down right' and 'my computer doesn't stay shut down' posts. Now my attention was grabbed and naturally the first thing I did try shutting mine down. No problem. I asked my boss and the head tech (they both bought MacBooks) and both of them could shut down okay. So now I'm no longer thinking it is user error but I'm stumped as to what's going on. Then I read the post that put it all in place. The user indicated that her computer's shutdown was messed up if she shut the lid. Now I had something to test...mine shut down. Darn! But I took that information to the shop with me and Ken was able to reproduce it very reliably on his MacBook. But the boss couldn't at all and I can't reliably. But other than this, Ken's computer is fine and so is mine.
    So from my point of view we have to give the Genius the benefit of the doubt. I was a believer last week - I was certain a problem existed but I didn't know what was going on. By the end of the week I knew how it could be caused and was pretty certain I'd found two reliable work arounds. But we don't have any clue as to the root cause. As of Monday there was no word from Apple on the matter. The fastest I've ever gotten a repair box from Apple is 2 business days and with the holiday l-o-n-g weekend I wouldn't get antsy until Thursday.
    Are you right to be upset? Heck yes, you paid some serious money expecting to get a good computer. But it is a complex piece of equipment and no matter how hard and reliably you test issues turn up once it reaches the consumer. If we had no reliable work around I'd be upset but at present I put this issue in the annoying but can live with it for now box. Now if I had a MacBook that mooed it would be an entire different herd of cattle!

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    Update, I just received my second MacBook today.
    First one is week 20 but I really can't remember the surface on the wrist rest whether it smooth or rough, but it think it's smooth.
    And my second MacBook, week 25, got it today.
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    no moo, whine, display artifact at this time.
    And the reason I returned the first one is because of the Hinge, it create some noise and not so smooth.

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    Make sure you quit all your applications before shutting down.
    And try resetting the SMC.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

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    Slight blue discoloring around the edges of the macbook and around the mousepad/mouse button
    Gets very hot
    "Mooing" noise
    Lcd bezel is not lined up correctly
    Those are the top 4 i could think of, what do you all think? thanks!

    They wont do anything about the heat as that is something that happens to all macbooks.
    They might switch your fan out for a different model to eliminate the moo and they'll probably replace your discoloured plastic. If you mention the lcd bezel they would probably do that when they fix the other issues, if you dont tell them its a problem they might not do anything to it.
    I wouldnt worry too much about not having a receipt. i should think an official apple store would take it in, even if they just sent it off to a repair center. Theres no way they can argue that its out of warranty considering the macbook hasnt been out anywhere near a year.

  • Random shutdown problem on G5 dual 2.3 GHz w/OS 10.4.7

    I’m using a dual 2.3 GHz G5, and it’s been working flawlessly since I bought it about a year ago. Until yesterday, I was running OS 10.4.5. Yesterday I upgraded to 10.4.7, and as soon as I booted up after the install, I started having a maddening problem with my computer randomly shutting down. (Not sleeping, but a complete power down.)
    At first, the shutdown would happen immediately after powering up; my computer wouldn’t even make it to the blue progress bar. I zapped the PRAM and tried something I found online about unplugging the computer for 15 seconds, then plugging it back in. It now boots up, and I can log in, but the computer still shuts down randomly.
    There seems to be no pattern to the shutdowns. I tried taxing the processor by opening and resampling huge Photoshop files while lots of other apps were open, and things were fine. Then it would conk out while I was composing an email.
    I’ve heard of this random shutdown problem affecting Macbooks, but I have yet to find anything about G5 towers and OS 10.4.7. Does anyone have any info/advice?
    Many thanks.
    G5 dual 2.3 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2.5 GB RAM, 250 GB HD
    G5 dual 2.3 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2.5 GB RAM, 250 GB HD

    Thanks for the advice. I did check the system.log in Console and found the following altert:
    Now, since my computer is just over a year old, and since this problem happened immediately after applying the 10.4.7 OS update, I found it hard to believe that my hardware could be responsible. After 2 days of troubleshooting, I was stumped; after a 2-hour service call, so was Apple tech support. I ended up doing an archive and install back down to 10.4.5, and all is well.
    I tested this issue on other machines running 10.4.7 and had no problems. It seems that the following specific combination of elements triggered the problem:
    • PowerMac G5 dual 2.3 GHz (dual 1.8 machines did not exhibit the same problem)
    • OS 10.4.7
    • Logging in with Open Directory/Active Directory mobile profiles
    • iTunes 7
    Bottom line: if you’re using a dual 2.3 GHz PowerMac with mobile OD/AD profiles, do not update to 10.4.7, and steer clear of iTunes 7, at least until there is a patch update available.
    (And Apple wants to be taken seriously in the enterprise market?)
    G5 dual 2.3 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2.5 GB RAM, 250 GB HD

  • Are the replacement Heatsinks fixing people's Random Shutdown problems?

    Is the replacement heatsink (the shorter one) still the method of choice from Apple for fixing Random Shutdown problems?
    Is it working for people who've had it done recently?

    Does this max out the CPU?
    Yes. People who advocate this are testing to see if it's possible to induce a "random" shut down.
    Why would anyone want to do that?
    Good question. I've seen two reasons put forward: (a) It's better to make it happen now yourself rather let it strike out of the blue at some later date (and if running this test doesn't induce RSDs you can feel confident that your computer is probably immune); (b) If you take your MacBook to an Apple Store it could be useful for demonstrating to an Apple "genius" that your computer has the problem, especially if your shutdowns are infrequent.
    (personally, I don't agree with (a))
    MacBook (OS 10.4.8)     iMac G4 (OS 10.3.9)

  • Macbook Shutdown Solved

    for me, the problem began RIGHT AFTER the SMC Firware Update was installed.
    man oh man, I wish i could uninstall it!!! i never cared about the temperature issues, and now i've got really loud fan noise all the time and the computer shuts down randomly.
    well, almost randomly: it seems to do it only after i wake it from sleep. maybe after an initial startup, too. what makes it go away is when i HOLD DOWN the POWER button for a long time when starting it up from a random shutdown. then i get a LOUD beep, and it starts and runs fine (till it sleeps again) but the fan noise is ridiculous.
    please let me uninstall it, apple....
    macBook 2.0ghz 512Meg memory   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    macBook 2.0ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • Macbook Battery Problem

    Hi all, this is my first post, but something weird happened to my macbook that I have to share with you.
    Ok, my Macbook Core Duo 2.0GHz (1st generation) have had no problem during its first and half year. Then I left the notebook sitting at home for one month as I was away on business. Came back, the machine won't start, used AC adaptor and showed the battery not charging, "x" and everything. My warranty expired, so I bought a new battery. Once I got that, it worked fine for almost 7 months.
    Another business trip left my macbook for 1 month, I came back, the battery is dead again!!! So I went to apple support and bought another new battery. This time I installed it at home, and it doesn't charge what-so-ever. I tried everything from SMU reset, PMU reset, P-RAM reset. NOTHING WORKED.
    So I took a friend's macbook battery to try, and it worked! I can charge that battery with my macbook, and my battery won't charge on his macbook. So scientifically I thought its the battery defect. I went to Apple Care and they say they will replace it for me, but think that it should be my macbook's problem. Must be the Logic Board, I explained why I disagree, and that the battery came with only one LED blinking when I got home to charge, the current was already too low to charge.
    Anyways, I was able to buy a second-hand battery really cheap but with limited life-span and use it until my replacement battery returns. Everything seem fine and I can charge it up to 100% although it will only last me 50-mins, still not bad, right?
    I was reluctant to completely drain this battery now since I am afraid it will drop to zero and won't recharge like the other ones.
    I am using Boot Camp, and Vista as well as OS X. Suddenly today, two days after I bought the 2nd hand battery, I was using Vista to show my friend the battery problem is fixed. But suddenly out of nowhere the battery dropped from 95% charged to 0% in seconds. It shuts down automatically, and the battery was flashing one LED indicating it's dying.
    I started back in Mac OS X and found the charger able to recharge, but it fixed at 0% for 20 minutes. I thought I am screwed and went out for a smoke. I came back to see the battery charging back to 5% and then slowly to 10%, and 20%, suddenly it went back to 85% in seconds, and then 100%. I try to unplug it and it seemed fine. I left it on without the adapter for 20 minutes, the battery drain normally, to 70% (it's fine considering the battery was 2nd hand) My friend thought I should try to switch back to Vista to see if the same thing will occur. So I did, and before the Vista screen came up, the macbook blacked out. I checked the battery indicator and it's flashing one LED again!!!
    So I switched back to Mac side and re-do the charging, this time it took longer to get back to +90%, I thought this is normal, 'cause I did use the battery longer on the Mac side before switching to Vista for the test.
    I thought to myself, why Vista drained my battery, and then I remember the first battery that died on me was about the time I switched the PC side to Vista. Prior to that, the PC side was using XP. The second time it died it was in Vista as well. I also remember I wanted to reduce the size of my PC partition, so I trimmed off unnecessary features like hibernation by (Powercfg -h off). It saved 2G in size but it may be causing some problem to the charging circuit for the Mac-hardware??? Don't know for sure.
    So I erased my Vista partition, and re-installed XP. Since then I tried both sides without adaptor, usually for 10-minutes or less, and no sudden dropped to 0% occurred since.
    Everything else is working fine with my macbook, except the power features. Right now at least I can charge the battery, but I am always worried about when or IF the battery will dropped off and kill itself.
    I am waiting for the replacement battery to return from APPLE, and hopefully when it returns, my Macbook will be able to recognize the DEFAULT low-charge of a new battery. I'm still not sure if my macbook is defective, and if it did killed the first battery replacement they gave me a few days ago. If it did kill a decent battery, will it kill this new replacement as well??
    I know for a fact that the reason why the machine won't charge the battery is because the current of the battery has become too low for the machine to be able to charge it. If the current becomes lower, the "X" will occur suggesting that the machine doesn't even recognize it's a battery. But what I want to know is what caused the battery to drop to such a low current if I turned off the macbook during storage.
    Sorry for the length of this post, but I have to be clear on all the details if I want help, I suppose. Right now my question is (1) Why is this occuring?? (2) Am I right in assuming that by removing Vista with XP, the problem will not repeat?? (3) Is it likely for any new or 2nd hand functioning battery to drop to the state of the other battery any time soon?? (4) Am I doing proper care for my Macbook, and what should I do in the future to avoid the same problem from occuring??

    Thanks again, here's my battery profile: (keep in mind this is the 2nd hand battery I am profiling) BTW, something happened when I was doing this message, I left the notebook on for about 20 minutes, it dropped from +90% to 48%, macbook prompted me that the battery is running low. I plugged the adaptor and it went back to +95% within minutes...
    Good thing is, I haven't seen the sudden drop to 0% ever since I removed Vista, and also I am able to charge my battery everytime I try now, no more "NOT CHARGING" or "X" indication.
    Any clues??? Thanks in advance.
    Battery Information:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: DP-ASMB013-34cf-** <Edited by Moderator>
    Manufacturer: DP
    Device name: ASMB013
    Pack Lot Code: 0001
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 0102
    Hardware Revision: 0300
    Cell Revision: 0100
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 1533
    Fully charged: No
    Charging: Yes
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 1597
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 349
    Condition: Good
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 466
    Voltage (mV): 12597
    System Power Settings:
    AC Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 60
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 60
    Automatic Restart On Power Loss: No
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On Clamshell Open: Yes
    Wake On LAN: Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
    Battery Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 2
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On Clamshell Open: Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
    Reduce Brightness: Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
    UPS Installed: No
    AC Charger Information:
    Connected: Yes
    Charging: Yes

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