Apple iD frustrations. (disabled, only use in us?)

alright so i have my apple id right. so i go to download updates and then it asks me for the password to an email i have never associated with apple. so i type it in and it said apple id is disabled. well i only have 1 apple id. then i get a new password blah blah then i go to download my updates again and it says apple id can only be used in the US. what? no thats not right. anyways then it says apple id disabled and i cant install any updates because of this. i have abslutely no clue what to do

I have already done this I still get a pop up to log in with my friends apple id

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    Simple Version:  AREA | How many cores does 3ds Max support?
    Microsoft's Explanation:  Processor Groups (Windows)
    Clearly, this is an Adobe Problem... If any engineers are reading this PLEASE review the below and incorporate it into your next build of Creative Cloud!!!
    Again, I bought a VERY expensive machine based on your white paper that recommended Dual Xeon Workstations.  Please, Please Give us the product you PROMISED!!!

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    Thank you

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    Some of your computers may have been (or still may be) using multiple authorisations.
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    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization

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