Apple no da soluciones se lava las manos.

Apple cobra en españa 160,80 € por reparar un Iphone 3GS y decide no repararlo y no devuelve ni el dinero ni el telefono, asi les dan las cuentas de resultados, quedandose con el dinero de la gente.Asi que cuidado a la hora de aceptar pagos en apple por que no devulven el dinero dicen que hables con tu banco que ellos no lo tienen, pero si son los que lo cobran.

En primer lugar, usted está hablando con otros usuarios aquí, no de Apple. Los criminales que tomaron el dinero y el teléfono son los culpables.
¿De dónde le llevará su teléfono. Fue una verdadera tienda de Apple?

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    My experience is that the dropping connection looks like a firmware 6.x issue, whereas losing home sharing already occurred in firmware 5.x Actually, I felt that the losing home sharing problem was at least partially solved in firmware 6.x
    I also know that the home sharing issue is quite complicated and may be not related to the Apple TV at all (but more to the network / sleeping computer / iTunes).

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    moshi magic mouse: +-+White/2461037.p?id=1218328981519&skuId=2461037&st=apple%20magic%20mouse&cp=1& lp=4

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    Thermaltake TTeSPORTS Level 10m Mouse - White: Computers & Accessories

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    Google translate:
    you do not understand that there are people to whom it leaves them the option to send the response to the alternate email? my not miss auda me and I need urgently!
    From a Kappy  post
    The Three Best Alternatives for Security Questions and Rescue Mail
       1. Use Apple's Express Lane.
              Go to ; click 'See all products and services' at the
              bottom of the page. In the next page click 'More Products and Services, then
              'Apple ID'. In the next page select 'Other Apple ID Topics' then 'Forgotten Apple
              ID security questions' and click 'Continue'. Please be patient waiting for the return
              phone call. It will come in time depending on how heavily the servers are being hit.
         2.  Call Apple Support in your country: Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support or
              Apple ID- Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security. Ask to speak to
              Account Security.
         3.  Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions.
    How to Manage your Apple ID: Manage My Apple ID

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    Basta ya de tomar el pelo a los consumidores.

    I went into an apple store today and the salesman said that I only need to buy 1 express or 1 extreme and it can handle my whole apartment.
    Yes, either the newer 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn) or the AirPort Express Base Station (AXn) should do a better job providing a wireless network. Both have the same transmitter power and are greater than that of your older 802.11b/g AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS).
    I could buy the new express, connect the DSL to it in the living room, and I will have much faster internet speeds throughout my apartment, including my bedroom where my mac mini is...with just the 1 express, instead of the old extreme and old express I have now.
    No, not exactly. Your Internet speed is controlled by two basic factors: 1) Your ISP, and 2) The current Internet traffic conditions. Regardless, the Internet speed, provided by most ISPs, is typically much slower than your local network speed. However, it's the combination of these two that we perceive as Internet speed.
    The newer 802.11 AirPorts are capable of a bandwidth of 300+ Mbps. Your current AirPort is only capable of 54 Mbps. This would mean wireless clients on the local network would experience a noticeable speed increase when communicating with each other and to the router. Also since the newer AirPort operate at a higher transmitter power, they should be more capable of providing a stronger signal (thus speed) over longer distances.
    They also said it's really easy to set up instead of the complicated process I'm going through now. Is this true also?
    This part is definitely true as you won't have to mess with configuring multiple base stations in a WDS, like you are currently doing.

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    Hola, Ramón.
    Efectivamente, tú te referiste explícita y correctamente al Ducado de Gran Fenwick, que es el país de la película que mencionas. Mi lapsus probablemente se debió a que otras personas escribieron Ruritania, y que Ruritania entró a mi memoria muchísimo antes que Fenwick, dejando de paso una huella mayor, ya que también leí el libro. Hay, sí, una diferencia: Fenwick declaró la guerra a los EE.UU. y, dentro de todos los disparates de esa buena comedia, con éxito (al menos inicial; no recuerdo en qué terminaba la historia). ¿Será que, por estar nosotros en Fenwick, podremos ganar la batalla a Apple?
    Más en serio, te pediría hacer la prueba de suscribirte a algún foro con pedido de notificación por correo electrónico, y ver si, al hacerlo, la página para agregar un tema te aparece truncada y sin el botón para publicar el mensaje, como nos ocurre a Diego, Xacir y a mí ... y a JC. Mientras más antecedentes podamos aportar, más cerca estaremos de que se solucione el problema.
    Por último, me consta que JC sí se preocupa. Desgraciadamente, con esta situación indefinida que se produjo a medidos del año pasado, tiene las manos atadas y por tanto no está dispuesto a gastar parte importante de su tiempo en introducir cambios en los foros en español.

  • IPhone 6 con iOS 8 le dura 5 horas la batería, es normal?

    sin notificaciones ni localizacion

    Pensé que era mi movil que presentaba estos inconvenientes. La verdad que la batería no dura nada, hice una prueba utilizando whstapp desde las 8:00 horas y trabscurrido una hora estaba en 59 %, en una hora consumió mas del 40% de la baeria. cabe destacar que tengo desactivado fondos animados , reduccion de mivimiento, localización y un sin fin de cosas para aumentar el rendimiento. iOS8 ha dejado mi iphone 5s con una autonomia que da verguenza y con iOS 8.0.2 sigue igual. Leí que iOS 8.1 está en fase de prueba, hay algún desarrollador aqui que pudiese comentar si hay cambios respecto a este tema en esa nueva version? ahhhh lo otro se calienta demasiado y ni siquiera es verano aqui, 18 grados como mucho, el mejor uso es para calentarse las manos por el frio.
    Espero que apple lancé YA una actualización.

  • Restablecer preguntas de seguridad

    No recuerdas las respuestas a las preguntas de seguridad de mi ID de Apple? Cómo puedo restablecer las preguntas, para poder comprar en Apple store me las piden y las olvidé y necesito comprar unas aplicaciones

    Some Solutions for Resetting Forgotten Security... | Apple Support Communities
    Algunas soluciones para restablecer Olvidados de seguridad ... | Comunidades de soporte de Apple
    Algunas soluciones para la Restauración de las cuestiones de seguridad Olvidados
    Por Kappy  
    Tampa, FL y Vancouver, BC
    Nivel 10 (231.050 puntos)
    Versión 7 101315 Vistas Última modificación: 04 de enero 2014 20:25
    Alternativas para Ayuda Preguntas Restablecimiento de Seguridad y Rescate correo
    1. de Apple ID-Todo sobre cuestiones de seguridad de Apple ID .
         2. email rescate y cómo restablecer las preguntas de seguridad de Apple ID
    3. de Apple ID-ponerse en contacto con Apple para obtener ayuda con la seguridad de la cuenta de Apple ID .
    4. Llenar y presentar este formulario . Seleccione el tema, Seguridad de la cuenta.
    5. Llame a Servicio al Cliente de Apple: Cómo ponerse en contacto con Apple para el apoyo en su
    país y una sk para hablar con la cuenta de seguridad.
    Cómo administrar tu ID de Apple: Maneje mi ID de Apple
    buenos noches

  • Cómo limpiar raton multi touch

    Feliz Año 2015 a todos.
    Os escribo para preguntaros como limpiais ustedes el ratón del x1 carbon, ya que, con la grasita propia de las manos queda sucio y no sé con que producto lo puedo limpiar.
    Gracias por la ayuda
    Ir a solución.

    Hola, yo lo limpio con un trapo suave apenas humedecido de una solucion de agua jabonosa que hago con jabon de manos, muy poco jabon y el trapo no empapado de agua, solo humedo, no utilizes detergentes o productos abrasivos para no estropear el plastico/metal ni la capa protectora, realiza la limpieza muy suavemente.
    Saludos Cordiales,
    Alez Curquejo
    Comunidad en Español English Community Deutsche Community РусскоязычноеСообщество
    Es importante indicar que los foros complementan los recursos de los usuarios pero no reemplazan al Servicio Técnico Oficial de Lenovo, para ello puedes contactar en Página de Soporte Oficial de Lenovo

  • I'm getting really annoyed with the Mac.

    Don't mean to offend geniune Mac fans here, but I'm just getting really annoyed with the Mac.
    I purchased my Mac mini (late 2012) in May of 2013 - so it's about 4 months old. I don't have a lot of software on it, mainly the Adobe Creative Suite, and development tools (Xcode, and web development software).
    The mini has this annoyance where, every so often it just freezes. It usually happens during when the screensaver is running, or when the monitor goes into standby and I try to wake it up. First the screensaver runs for 15 minutes. Sometimes it happens (it's random) that the screensaver "stalls" and the mac freezes. If it "survives" the screensaver, then after 15 minutes my monitor goes into standby mode. Sometimes when I wake up the monitor, I get the login window, I log in, and then I find that the Mac just froze.
    A few days ago I've updated to 10.8.5. Now these freezes are happening more often. The mac freezes just whenever, regardless of screensaver or not. There was a time when I had ReadKit running, displaying an article. I went to the kitchen, when I came back the mini was frozen as ice. No other program was running (I mean program that I started).
    Other times I had Chrome open at youtube. It was not playing a video. The browser was just "parking" at youtube's home page. Same thing. I go away, come back, the mini was frozen.
    Yet just a few days ago, I had no user started application running. None. I leave the mini alone for a short while, come back, and I find the fan was running like crazy. The mac was not hot at all, but the fan went bonkers. It was loud and pumping air out for no reason.
    At these times I can't do anything. Sometimes I can move the window, or move icons on the desktop, but I cannot force quit an app, neither I can start one. So things like going to the apps folder and starting terminal or activity monitor is not possible. I cannot select menu items from the Finder (or any other application) menus, so I can't restart or shut down the mac. The only thing I can do at these times is hold the power button for a few seconds to force the mac to shut down.
    I'm coming from Windows. I built and upgraded my PC a few times in the past 7-8 years with newer and faster MOBOs, processors, memory, etc. I never had a bad component; I never had a blue screen; I never had my PC hang; I have never encountered any issues that would make my PC hang or froze or otherwise. I never had to troubleshoot software or hardware problems because they were/are just non existent. I'm not trying to start a war here about PCs and Macs. I'm completely natural.
    But here I am with this "thing" that supposed to be so great and trouble free. I have already reinstalled the OS once during this 4 month old mac, but now it seems I have to do it again because ever since 10.8.5 things has gotten worse. This is really N-O-T what I expected from a Mac. I am just really annoyed, frustrated and everything else.
    I was browsing these support forums and tried/looked at a couple of diagnostic steps, but none helped so far. I will attempt to reinstall the OS A-G-A-I-N over the weekend. If that doesn't help, then I will have to put this junk into the garbage can. (Well, figuratively speaking of course.)
    Mac mini late 2012
    OS X 10.8.5
    i7 2.6 GHz 8G
    Samsung S27B970 display via DisplayPort
    Apple extended wired keyboard
    Logitech LS1 laser mouse
    No other peripherials

    Hey thanks for the feedback woodmeister! No, I was not aware of the hardware diagnostics!
    So I have eagerly followed the isntructions, but I quickly found out what I have already experienced looking at other Apple "unhelpful" documentation. When I was referring in my OP that I've looked at other resources, the problem was that those "un-support" documents were out of date and the article indicated that Apple has retired them.
    Now as far as the link that you sent (and the same can be found in the Help section of OS X as well, wasn't helpful either. Why?
    In the document the bullets are as follows:
    If you have a new Mac (mid-2013 or later), use Apple Diagnostics, which is built into your Mac.
    If your Mac has OS X v10.8.3 or earlier, use Apple Hardware Test, which is built into your Mac.
    If you updated your Mac to OS X v10.8.4 or later, use the system software disc or USB flash drive that came with your Mac.
    Let's start with bullet #1. As far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong) but I'm not aware of mid-2013 Mac minis. Mine is late 2012, so I guess I don't fit into bullet #1.
    Bullet #2. I have OS X 10.8.5 so it means I don't fit into that bullet either.
    Bullet #3. Yes, I did update to 10.8.4 or later (using 10.8.5) but neither a software disc nor a USB flash drive came with the Mac mini late 2012 model.
    So what now? Another great "support" document that is confusing and/or not helpful. Nevertheless, I did give it a try. Disconnected my ethernet cable, hold down D, and rebooted. I get a "Choose Network Connection" drop down on the gray screen where I'm supposed to choose a Wi-Fi network. Why? This has not been mentioned in the docs. My Wi-Fi is disabled because I'm connecting through cable.
    So I reconnected the cable. As soon as I did that, I got the message that ... let's see... my memory is failing me... the recovery mode or reinstalling the OS will begin... or something along that line. There was NO ANY INDICATION about any hardware test or diagnostics!
    See, what I mean about frustration...?

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