Apple, talk to us PLEASE ! (WiFi probs)

Hi everyone, its getting ridiculous that for over a month now Apple is not providing any info on the WiFi problems. This is what I wrote to the feedback them:
Dear Apple,
Surely you are fully aware of the WiFi problems. Read the forums. I and everybody that I know with an iPad has VERY SERIOUS ISSUES with WiFi, to the point that it has become unusable. The iPad is on the market for over a month now and have totally ignored us, not a single info on whether you are working on it, if and when we can expect an update or a fix, just plain NOTHING, only ignorance. This is not proper customer service ! Pls do something and let us know.
Many thanks.

Referring to my original response, I believe it's incorrect to say that when you post to this forum "you are not addressing Apple," as Tamara contends.
The problem with this is simple - that unlike actually talking to an Apple employee when you call Customer Support or visit an Apple Store, here you not only have no way to know whether your post is noticed by an Apple staffer and then handled appropriately, but you also have no way to conduct a dialog with Apple at any level, which is invariably an essential component in attempting to resolve an issue of this kind, because there are so many variables and such significance in even the smallest detail.
An additional problem in using these Discussions to attempt to identify a cause and engineer a solution is that much of what gets posted is contradictory and even at times unrelated.
As such, Apple clearly intend for this to be a user-to-user environment, and for all users here to understand that to be the purpose. The fact Apple can, (and to my knowledge in the past at least, has) used threads here to glean information and refer it on to engineering teams is of great potential benefit to them, but not a function of this forum which can really impact on users here.
Hence, while strictly speaking Tamara may not be entirely right in her comment, in effect she is correct because we can't know what gets noticed and what is done with the information, thus it doesn't directly help any of us here who are trying to get problems, faults or other issues resolved.
And posting to the forums serves a purpose in addition to contacting Apple at a support telephone number. If there are a sufficient number of posts about a particular problem, I think it would create an incentive to find a fix more quickly....
I'd hope you are right, but it would be a mistake to believe there weren't other incentives to resolve problems, and not just the larger ones such as this. One has to look at exactly how the problems can be resolved however, because as I say, without the opportunity for direct dialog with individual users, or to examine reportedly faulty units, there's little possible amongst the plethora of threads and confusion of details other than to identify a problem exists. Apple need direct contact with users and access to faulty equipment, neither of which can be accomplished via Apple Discussions.

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